Master of Desire

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Master of Desire Page 21

by Multiple

  “I’m glad we could do this tonight,” Jun said, curled up against Reina as she tickled her chin with her long fingers. Someone got a manicure recently. Still a raging lesbian. Her nails were buffed down to an inoffensive length. “It’s been such a trying week.” Was she insinuating she needed something in particular? “Nee, Reina-san…” Jun scooted closer, her chin resting on Reina’s shoulder. Someone wants me. That warm body rubbing against hers… how could she reject it? Had dinner digested yet? Clearly it was time to pack up and get out of there. “I really need you tonight.” The palms of Jun’s hands splayed across Reina’s chest, fingers clenching her blouse and tugging at her buttons. “I’ll do anything you want.”

  The implications of that made Reina need a cigarette. She pulled one out of her pocket and lit it using one hand. Jun caught Reina’s wrist and took the lighter from her. Black plastic flickered in the low light. “Anything, huh? That’s a dangerous thing to say.” Reina relaxed into the booth and blew out some smoke.

  “I trust you. I trust that I can say that and you know exactly what I mean. You like it too.”

  “Hmm.” True. Reina liked giving Jun what she wanted. While she flips it on me and makes it sound like it was my idea. Nobody could say Jun didn’t know how to play the game. “Maybe I want something a little unorthodox, even for us.” She gently tugged on Jun’s blouse, pulling the back of it out of her skirt.

  “Ooh, tell me. Spare no detail.”

  Reina nudged her nose into Jun’s ear, whispering, “I want to be a man tonight.”

  The beauty in her arm stiffened. “How so?”

  Cigarette now useless, Reina pounded it into an ashtray and used her newly free hand to stroke Jun beneath her chin. “I want to have straight sex with you. What is there to understand?”

  She thought Jun would protest, or at least express further confusion. But she merely contemplated her empty wine glass and curled her glossy lips into a smile. “I haven’t had a man in a long, long time.”

  “I’ll be the best one you’ve ever had. Worth the wait.”

  “I’m sure you are.” Jun purred at the caress she received. “Any particular reason you want to do it like that?”

  “Because you’re so feminine tonight.” Reina took her lover’s hand and curled it into her lap, letting Jun feel the phallus there. “Can’t you feel how hard I am?”

  “I certainly can.” Jun’s hand pushed into her lover’s lap, digging the base of the phallus into Reina’s groin.

  She beamed, ruthlessly. “I’ll really make you feel like a woman tonight. Do you want to submit to me?”

  Shivers as palpable as Jun’s heartbeat passed on to Reina. I’ve got her. It didn’t take much with Jun, but she was killing it. She’s all mine tonight. Flashes of what Reina would do to her, from ripping off these pretty clothes to making her scream in a high voice, played in her mind. “Yes,” was all Jun said.

  They skipped dessert.

  Rain pattered on the sidewalk when they emerged outside, Reina’s arm looped around Jun’s waist so the world knew she was her – no, his – date. A few people glanced at them, but did not give them the dirty glares or confused faces Reina often got when she expressed herself to women in public. Because I am a man. The more Reina believed it, the more the public went along with it.

  Jun commented on their lack of umbrellas and hailed a taxi even though the hotel was only a twenty minute walk away. It would be one way to get wet. Reina watched the drizzle sway in a breeze as a taxi pulled up and Jun crawled into the backseat, her skirt riding up and giving Reina a free show. Smirking, she crawled in after Jun and shut the door.

  “Nippon Royal Hotel,” Jun said, settling into the leather seat. She adjusted her earrings as she conveyed her authoritative voice. When she’s dressed like this, it’s sexy. A woman in charge, and she didn’t compromise. That’s my mistress all right.

  The driver, a younger man with no lines on his face nor gray in his hair, nodded and pulled out into the street at the first chance.

  Traffic on a Saturday night was inevitable, especially with pedestrians running out into the streets to beat the rain. The taxi lurched at an insufferable pace, running up the meter and testing Reina’s nerves. Let her pay for that too. Reina would pay her back soon enough. She was going to give Jun what she wanted the moment they got to the hotel room. She’s going to submit to me. The thought brought that smirk back.

  “What’s the smile for?” Jun asked, taking off her earrings and putting them in her bag.

  The front of Jun’s blouse was wet, making it stick to her chest and outline her breasts. Reina’s attentions were further distracted as Jun took off her necklace as well. “How beautiful you look,” Reina said, voice deep.

  “You flatter me.”

  The lights in the backseat flipped off once they were clear of the first block. Details disappeared, but Reina could still see Jun’s face glowing with the help of the car lights behind them. Reina took her hand and pulled her forward. “There’s something I’ve always wanted to do with a woman in one of these things,” she whispered into Jun’s ear. “Except I couldn’t because the driver always thought I was a woman as well.”


  Reina kissed her cheek. “Submit to me.”

  Jun did, melting into Reina’s arms as they kissed.

  Finally. Reina enjoyed showing off her female companions. Especially to men. Yet she was always afraid of their judgment and how it could come back to haunt her. Not tonight. Tonight she was a man, and this driver thought she was a man. Reina could stick her tongue down Jun’s throat and the driver would ignore them; she could feel up that wet blouse and the driver would hardly blink. Straight people make out back here all the time. Tonight Reina was a heterosexual man, and this woman, stroking the phallus through Reina’s trousers, was hers.

  A twenty minute walk turned into a twenty minute car ride, thanks to lights and traffic. Reina didn’t care. That was twenty minutes of foreplay, rubbing her hand against Jun’s backside and licking the roof of her mouth. I wonder if she’s thinking of herself as straight too. Probably not. Maybe bisexual. A naughty lesbian doing the naughty with a naughty man. Men fantasize about fucking lesbians, right? Here was one for Reina and her cock. I’m going to fuck her. And she was going to beg for it.

  The car pulled up to the hotel much too soon. Reina and Jun were forced to recollect themselves in order to get out and stand on the sidewalk, the driver coming up to Reina to accept the payment. He thinks I’m paying. She wanted to fall into stitches when Jun cleared her throat and presented the stack of bills to the young man. When she insisted on paying exact change, she turned away to find better light to count her coins. While her back was to them, the driver leaned in toward Reina and said, “Excuse me, sir, but your girlfriend is really beautiful.”

  “She’s not just my girlfriend,” Reina said in her self-satisfied way. “I’m her master.”

  The moment Jun parted with her money Reina took her by the waist and led her into the hotel. All these rich people think we’re a straight couple. There were others like them in the lobby, flirting with each other and making big plans. We have plans too.

  They didn’t enter the elevators everyone else did. Jun stayed in her family’s suite, which was accessed by a private elevator. She swiped an ID card by the panel and got inside with Reina. Once the doors closed and they began the long ascent upward, Jun put her card away and said, “I’m having a wonderful time already tonight, Reina-san.”

  Reina caught a glimpse of a blinking red light in the corner of the elevator. “Already, huh? You make it sound like this night is just getting started.”

  “It is.”

  Why did that hotel have to be so big? Why was Jun’s suite almost all the way to the top floor? Reina couldn’t wait for that. She wanted Jun now.

  “You look uptight. Something wrong?”

  Reina bit her lip. “Wishing I could keep the tonsil hockey party going. But I wouldn’t want you to be caught
with your skirt up on your family’s camera.” Jun’s family owned this hotel. They were always watching.

  One devilish grin later, Jun slinked into the front corner of the elevator and signaled for Reina to join her.

  “What are you doing?”

  The top button to Jun’s blouse popped open. “This is a blind spot. Fun hotel secret.”

  Reina didn’t need to be told twice. She descended upon Jun like a hawk swooping in for the kill.

  The closer they got to their room, the more privacy they attained; the more privacy they attained, the more aroused Reina became. So close. Jun melted beneath her, inviting Reina to paw her body and kiss her with abandon. Shoes clanked against the elevator floor as Jun lifted her rear onto the handlebar and wrapped one leg around Reina’s waist, her soft, bare skin the smoothest Reina had felt in a long time.

  “I can’t wait for you to fuck me,” Jun said between harried kisses. Her hips opened up farther, receiving Reina’s body between them. I can feel her against me. Against the phallus in Reina’s trousers. Jun helped herself to dry humping, moans pushing from her throat, and the only reason Reina didn’t drop her zipper there was because the elevator dinged its arrival.

  Drunk with hype for one another, they stumbled down the hall, Jun cursing her shaking fingers as she struggled to get her keycard out of her purse. I will break that door down. Reina looked up and down the hallway, wondering if there were any cameras. I swear to God.

  Not that it mattered, for the moment Jun opened the door and kicked off her shoes in the entryway she announced she was going to the bathroom.

  Reina leaned against the bureau. “Going to put in your diaphragm?” she tried to say with an even voice.

  Jun looked over her shoulder before disappearing into the other room. “Maybe. Hold tight, tiger.”

  Although she chortled, Reina wondered if Jun really did carry a diaphragm with her – and if she would use it to sate her partner’s ego and fantasies. I have a condom… Somewhere. She patted her pockets for her wallet and the discreet carrying case inside. Just her luck, she was fresh out. At least it’s not real. No, but that night Reina was going to pretend it was. Although she practiced excellent sex-toy maintenance… well, bareback was fun too. Reina was smiling when Jun came back out.

  “Matte,” she bade, pushing her foot against Reina’s leg to keep her from lunging forward. Jun unbuttoned the top of her blouse, showing off her white bra beneath. She hates those things. So did Reina, although Jun had a 70D reason to wear a bra. “Do you like it?” she asked, coming closer to Reina so she could see the fabric pressing against her lover’s mounds. You’re killing me. Reina’s fingers curled against the dresser in want of ripping those cups down. “It’s new. Well, I bought it a while ago, but I haven’t worn it until today.”

  Reina bit her tongue before blurting, “I thought you hated bras.” Let me at ‘em.

  “I don’t find bras very comfortable, no, but I had to put on a nipple guard if I wanted to wear this blouse.”


  Jun rolled her eyes. “Propriety. Not that you would know.”

  Reina ignored that. “I’m not wearing a bra.”

  “Why would you?” Jun touched her lover’s chin. With Reina slouching against the dresser, Jun, standing tall, seemed to tower over her. I always forget she’s taller than me. She was used to seeing Jun beneath her, making herself smaller, submitting. “You’re a man.”

  Those magic words murdered any self-restraint left between them.

  I’m a man. Never before had Reina believed it with so much conviction. She pushed Jun onto the dresser under the assumption that this was rough, straight sex. I’m already hard for her. How could she not be, when Jun looked at her with eyes begging for what Reina offered?

  This is what she wants.

  Jun’s hands shot into Reina’s hair as they crashed together, lips melding and breaths trapped in their throats. Now Reina could touch her lover as she desired – she ripped Jun’s blouse open and grabbed her breasts, moaning in relief to feel their mass in her hands.

  “Reina-san…” Jun’s head thumped against the wall, the rest of her body slowly slipping off the dresser as Reina sucked the white of her chest. “Reina-sa…”

  She waited to hear it. She wanted to hear. Submit to me. Reina bit Jun’s flesh, making her cry, writhe, and grasp both of her lover’s shoulders. Submit to me like we women are supposed to. She faltered, remembering for that cold second that she was a woman deep inside. A woman who did not submit.

  “Say it.” Reina grabbed the soft flesh beneath Jun’s jaw and forced eye contact. “Say it.”

  Those sighs were the signs of acquiescence in a woman sliding down so far her feet touched the ground again. “Reina-sama.” Her voice gave Reina power, even in its squeaking whisper of that reverent title. Master Reina. Yes, it had a delightful ring to it.

  Reina pulled Jun off the dresser and coerced her onto the ground, her mind racing, her blood pumping, and her body begging to assert itself. I will. She pulled Jun’s head up toward her crotch, pulling her hair and listening to her gasp in that mangled marriage of pleasure and pain.

  “Say it,” she said again, falling against the wall next to the dresser. Her feet pushed her up, head bumping into a portrait of some ex-bigshot in Jun’s company. Fuck these assholes. Jun liked to talk big about her family the Isoyas, even if she didn’t realize it. I’ve got one right here for them. Their future chairwoman, on her knees and fighting to unzip Reina’s trousers. “Say you’re my mistress.”

  She pinched Jun at the root of her hair. High hisses of torment and desire filled the air. “I am!” Reina’s phallus came out of her trousers, hard and rigid in Jun’s manicured hand. “I’m your mistress, Reina-sama.”

  Hear that assholes. Her head hit the bottom of a frame, possibly a picture of Jun’s father. Here’s your little girl. “Then act like it.” She wished Jun’s hair were longer, so she could pull it into her hands and tug it like a leash. Instead she was stuck with this dyke haircut on this wannabe dyke. I’m a man making a lesbian do this. Reina swore to the Heavens and her family’s grave that she felt her cock go into Jun’s mouth. All of it, from the shaft to head, was hers.

  Perhaps it was knowing that Jun had done this before – with other, far inferior men – that made Reina think she was the best at it. Jun may as well have been a professional with a long and exhausting track record. It made Reina happy as she knocked the picture behind her off its center. Knowing that Jun loved it, let alone got something emotional out of it…

  “Look at how pretty you are.” Reina pushed the bangs out of Jun’s face, stroking her forehead and massaging her scalp. Jun’s hand held the base of Reina’s phallus while her mouth and throat worked the length of it. “Do you like servicing me? Do you like giving your body to me? I’ll take away all your stress. My pretty little mistress.”

  Muffled sounds of euphoria hit Reina’s ears. She’s a freak. In all her years bedding women, Reina never met one with kink like this one. Lucky for her, it was mutual.

  And the more Jun showered her with this attention, the more Reina needed to take her.

  “That’s enough.” She yanked Jun’s head back, pulling her up again onto the dresser. Her skirt gave way to her hips and thighs; her lingerie moved with modest prompting. Reina wrapped her lover’s legs around her – no, his – waist, pulled down the front of her bra, and penetrated her.

  The cry Jun emitted was wild, and then Reina was inside her, pushing her phallus deep into Jun’s wet omanko. Friction met her movements as Jun’s body tried to match the undulations coming into it. The scent of her perfume, once lacing her throat, her wrists, and her blouse, was now overpowered by the intoxicating scent of sex.

  “Is this what you wanted?” Reina thrust into her lover, making her groan with every collision into her omanko. The warmth and wetness of Jun’s body enveloped her phallus, clinging to it, welcoming it every time it pulled out and slammed into her again. “Mistress

  “Yes!” Jun’s legs hung limp in the air, arms looping around Reina’s neck. This was a woman indulging every nasty facet of her fantasies. “Reina-sama…”

  That’s me. Hearing Jun defer to her so mightily in the midst of intercourse would never get old.

  Yet she could do better. She could torment Jun more. Reina pulled out and hauled Jun off the dresser, taking her to the pristine bed only a few meters away.

  Jun fell onto her hands, ass bent over the edge of the bed with her skirt still riding up. Reina grabbed the top of her lover’s lingerie and yanked it down to the ground, leaving it to tangle at Jun’s feet. She then pried her lover’s legs apart again and prepared to take her like that on the bed, aware that Jun shuddered in anticipation, smile on her face.

  “Don’t you want me to do it?” Reina breathed into Jun’s ear, stroking her hair and cupping her hand beneath that rounded jaw. She let her phallus hover outside Jun’s omanko, taunting her. “Do you want me to stop? Say the word and I’ll stop.”

  “No, don’t stop.” Jun twisted her head until she could gaze into Reina’s rabid countenance. “Fuck me, Master.”

  She slid into her with little issue, pulling one of Jun’s legs up onto the bed so she could take her at an auspicious angle.

  Sweat dripped down Reina’s forehead as she wrapped her arms around Jun’s torso, grabbing her breasts and kissing the back of her neck with a vampire’s bite. “Reina…” So far away was Jun’s voice, choking on her pleasure as Reina showed her lover’s omanko no pity. She’s so wet and ready for me. Reina overpowered her, pushing them both onto the bed until only her own hips could move. I can reach so far into her. The head of her phallus reached places inside Jun she had never felt before.

  “I’m gonna come, Master….” Jun’s face twitched with every thrust.


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