Dead Shot

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Dead Shot Page 14

by Erik Schubach

  Ten minutes later the fighting was over at McKenzie's location and the gunships were landing and soldiers poured out of them. I led them in and watched as men rushed up to the overhang. The rage and horror and fear all struck me like a hammer when the lead man, Raptor Seven's mic picked up his voice as he skidded to a stop and recoiled a bit. The tears came unbidden to me again as he murmured, “Mary mother of God!” And I knew my life was over at that moment. I just knew it.

  Chapter 17 – Anabella West

  That day a year ago can be put down as the worst day of my entire life. I couldn't ever do that again and I quit my job just after. I led Emily to her seat at the ceremony in DC. “Please call me Nana, Katie.” I nodded my head sadly. These award ceremonies seemed so pointless to me. It was sad that almost every person awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor did so posthumously. What good did it do if they were already dead. I shrugged to myself, maybe to help the families mourn and give soldiers an ideal to live up to?

  I smiled at the woman, she was stronger than me. I knew why McKenzie loved her so much. I smiled when I found out that Kenzie's personal hero, Congresswoman Anabella West was awarding the medals today. It was fitting, like her life had gone full circle. She shared with me once that she felt as if her life had just started when Anabella had inspired her to join the military. I'd like to think that McKenzie did her proud.

  I looked around the crowd, there were almost as many reporters and politicians as there were reporters. Figures, the politicians wanting to capitalize on so much heartache. Nana held onto my arm as military representatives took the stage. She looked beautiful in her finest dress, and I felt uncomfortable in my Sunday's finest. The endless speeches were threatening to put me into a coma. My mind wandered a bit and I realized that after this, I'd need to go take a long horseback ride to clear my thoughts. Kenzie girl had got me addicted to riding back when we were dating.

  Then finally a tiny redheaded woman who had to be as short as me took the stage. She looked almost regal and moved with a graceful surety. Her hair was streaked with the beginning signs of gray, which gave her even more presence. The crowd applauded and this woman, which McKenzie had raved about, looked a hundred feet tall to me as the most musical voice I had ever heard spoke with authority.

  I was shocked really, usually the people I know that are deaf or hard of hearing have a flatter, and rounded tone to their voices. But hers rang true like silver bells as her hands gracefully signed what she was saying.

  “There are few people who hear the calling to protect the people and ideals that they love in the military of our great nation. That have the strength and fortitude to stand against those who would do harm to their people, their family, their loved ones, and their country. And these people, our soldiers, are called upon every day to stand against tyranny, to protect the ideals of our nation and our people. They do so unflinchingly. To them I send my pride, my appreciation, and my love.”

  “I feel small when measured against their accomplishments, knowing that they give everything and sometimes come home to people who do not appreciate their sacrifice. To take on the darkness so that we can live in the light. But this is something that we can do to honor them, the best of the best. The people who gave everything so that we might enjoy our freedoms.” I blinked... Was she crying?

  She smiled and looked around and continued, “Today we honor these soldiers. It is with a mix of joy, pride, sorrow, and melancholy that we award the Congressional Medal of Honor to the men and women who performed personal acts of valor, above and beyond the call of duty.”

  The applause was almost deafening. Crap. I wiped a tear away that was threatening to fall then looked at Nana and we shared a sad smile. Then Anabella began, “Lieutenant Harold L. Adams. Accepting for him is his mother, Jenell Adams.” A middle aged African American woman stepped up to accept the case as Anabella described his act of valor. Then she shook the woman's hand and gave her a hug and passed her down the line to the military representatives who each shook her hand. She stood at the end of the stage.

  There were a total of four medals being given in this ceremony. After the second person, Master Sergeant Jose H. Marino's parents accepted his medal and we heard of his valor, I grabbed Nana's hand and held my breath as Anabella then said, “Specialist McKenzie A. Meyers.”

  We stood and started screaming and applauding as McKenzie stepped up to Anabella West, her personal hero. And stood on her good leg and the advanced prosthetic leg donated by Phearson Prosthetics and Robotics, as Anabella pinned the medal to my girl's dress uniform.

  Kenzie took her hand in both her good hand and her prosthetic left hand and shook her hand. Kenz looked like she was going to blush herself to death. Anabella held her there for a moment and tilted her head then she reached her hand up to trace the ragged scar across Kenzie's face with amazement on her own face. “I know you... from the airplane, all those years ago.”

  My girl was just nodding and I could see her fighting back tears. Then Anabella's face bloomed into a huge smile as she said, “Well McKenzie, you're my hero and I couldn't be prouder.” Then before the dam burst on her tears, Kenz moved along. Snapping salutes to each of the military representatives then shaking their hands as Anabella recounted my girl's acts of valor.

  I had nothing but eyes for her as she locked my gaze from the stage while my heart threatened to beat out of my chest, I was so proud of my wife. I tuned out the rest of the ceremony as my mind drifted back to that terrible day.

  I could still hear the words of a soldier on the scene. “Mary mother of God!” I had believed that my life had ended at that moment. It confirmed what I saw with my own eyes, the woman I loved was dead. But then my head snapped up as he was yelling, “Medic! I need a medic over here now!”

  Another soldier with a shoulder cam caught up with him and there on the screen was a horrific scene. Four soldiers lay dead or dying under that overhang. And there, breathing raggedly with wild eyes almost bereft of sanity was McKenzie. She had her belt wrapped tightly around her heavily bloodstained leg and a bloodstained handkerchief with embroidered lilacs was around her arm just above the elbow and she was straining backwards, biting the end of the cloth to maintain pressure on it.

  The man looked around and I saw the two enemy combatants lying on the ground. One had a Ka-bar knife sticking out of his chest and the other had the t-handle of a punching knife sticking out of his temple.

  I was hyperventilating. McKenzie was alive! I took a moment to realize she had used my knife, then I was diving on my mic and snapping orders, relaying information, studying overflight and strike information. I kept tabs on the extraction mission and followed the surviving Bugbats the entire way to medical triage with our renewed satellite coverage. I shot a death glare at Kendrick, daring him to say anything.

  They stabilized her the best they could at the field hospital and transferred her to the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany.

  I wasn't able to see her until they had her stabilized in Germany then transferred over to DC, to the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda. They couldn't save her arm or leg, she had lost circulation in them for too long before the medics got to her. But they said the tourniquets she applied to herself saved her life. That's my girl.

  I almost snorted when I finally was allowed to see her. She was all drugged up and glassy eyed. Her first concern wasn't about the loss of her limbs, her only fear was losing me as she slurred out, “Do you still want me Valkyrie One?”

  I kissed her soundly and ignored her “Ow!” as I cupped her bandaged face. She deserved to hurt for thinking I'd ever leave her.

  I released her then kissed her more gently and chastised her, “Wild horses couldn't keep me away from your side sugar.”

  I cried by her side as she dozed off saying, “Good, cuz I love you Katie.”

  I just held her hand as I sat there, repeating in a whisper, “I love you too soldier girl. I love you too.”

  Her physica
l therapy was and is exhausting for her. Tim Pherason, the owner of Phearson Prosthetics and Robotics had insisted on fitting Kenzie with the most advanced, third generation, servo and microprocessor controlled prosthetics. We found out that his father is the handyman at Valentine's. As mah girl is so fond of saying, there's that small world thing at work again.

  Her discharge paperwork came in while she was still confined to bed at Walter Reed. She had stared at the orders for a long time, unspeaking after she shook the hand of the clerk that delivered them. She finally turned her gaze up at me, looking lost. “What do I do now? I'm... a civilian?”

  I chuckled at her. “Anything you want now sugar. Anything you want. And I hope you do it with me.”

  She grinned at me with such a loving look, I could see it in her eyes, and Kenzie says that the eyes never lie. “There is no place I would rather be, love.”

  The doctors were happy to inform us that Johnson would make a full recovery. Dante would eventually and was given a medical discharge. She choked up that she missed Ortega's funeral, with full military honors. But his mother flew to DC with Johnson's wife to speak with her. They let her know that their son and husband thought highly of her and they were thankful and wished her to recover soon.

  She was in a bad place for a week after that. Wondering why they were thanking her for getting their men killed or shot. I tried to explain it, but it seemed to enrage her. The doctors said it was normal and that they recommended counseling. I was able to talk her into it. That counseling has helped her with her acceptance of everything that happened, and even helped some with her more violent nightmares the past few months.

  Her CO in Africa sent her personal effects and we were surprised to find her ka-bar and punching knife in the box. Someone had retrieved them for her. We had regular visits scheduled for the PT and counseling at the local VA.

  It took a few days before she would allow me to see her without long sleeved pajamas and pants in bed. I finally convinced her that she was the most beautiful woman in the world to me and her injuries didn't matter to me. In truth, I didn't really see them.

  I stripped her slowly, leaving a trail of kisses in the wake of my fingers as they brushed her skin as I peeled the clothing away. She wouldn't make eye contact. I reached for her arm and she pushed my hands away gently then reached down and removed her leg, exposing the stump just below her knee. Then she undid the strap on her arm and shrugged out of it.

  I smirked at her and pushed her slowly back onto the bed as I slinked toward her like a jungle cat on the prowl. I may have growled, I'm not sure, as I licked and nipped at her six pack abs. Then I looked up into her tear filled eyes and said, “Mine.” God I love her muscles, they do so many naughty things to me and warm me up in some delightful places, and they were all mine!

  I was knocked out of my lust filled memories when the crowd erupted into applauds snapping me back to the present. I glanced around and clapped, not wanting to look stupid. Oh, the ceremony was over. I blushed then looked through the milling crowd as a tall brunette strode toward me. Damn, that uniform got my motor running too.

  We met at the lips. I giggled out into her lips, “Hey soldier girl.”

  She pulled back, then gave me a quick peck and grinned as she said, “Hey love.” Then she turned and hugged her grandmother. “Hi Nana.”

  We chatted for a moment then Emily excused herself, “I'll see you ladies at the hotel later. I have to go catch up with an old friend.” We watched as she made her way through the crowd, then blinked in shock when she and Anabella West hugged.

  Kenzie snorted and just said, “Huh... isn't that just the damnedest thing?” Then she shrugged and locked eyes with me. She started tickle prodding me toward the exit. “Now my dear wife, it has been entirely too long since I properly ravaged that succulent body of yours.”

  I let my southern accent out to play between giggles, I know how it drives her wild. “But sugah, it was just this morning.”

  She put on that genuine confident Kenzie smirk that just makes me melt, and said, “As I said... entirely too long.”

  I melted more at the look she gave me and hustled toward the rental car saluting at her playfully and saying, “Ma'am, yes ma'am!”


  I woke up to my Katie snoring with her head on my chest. It sounded more like a chipmunk purring than actual snoring. I could watch her like this forever. I reached over with my one hand and ran my fingers through her luscious red hair. I caught her little smiling smirk as she cuddled in betraying her sleeping act. I grinned at her as she peeked out one eye. She grinned then closed her eye again and cuddled in even more if possible.

  I absently stroked her hair. “Come on love, the horses aren't going to feed themselves.”

  She shook her head with her eyes still shut. “Nuh uh. Five more minutes sugar.”

  I rolled my eyes playfully as I wrapped my stump with my good hand and shrugged into the harness to attach my arm. I shook my head as I slid her off my chest and onto the pillow. “Time waits for no woman.” I reached to the side of the bed and retrieved my leg. I fastened it in place and checked to make sure the onboard batteries had a full charge. I flexed it and my hand. Then I rolled out of bed onto the floor and started my sit-ups.

  She raised her head to watch, I almost lost it when she licked her lower lip hungrily. She propped herself on an elbow to watch better. “I'll have breakfast ready when you get back from your run. THEN we can go do our chores soldier girl.”

  I grinned, we sounded like an old married couple. I flipped over then did my push-ups which were much more difficult for me to do now, but I wouldn't use my injuries as an excuse. I made a show of getting into my sweats with a US Army emblem on them. Covering up my naked flesh.

  She said, “Boooooooo.” Then rolled out of bed and stretched like a cat, showing me all her curves and tasty flesh. “Fine, now that the show is over, shoo. I need a cold shower now and then I'll start breakfast.”

  I grinned as I put my shoes on then I stood and we kissed hotly as she passed by into the bathroom. I grinned at the heat she ignited inside me even now that I feel I'm just half a woman. But she doesn't see me that way, I can see it in her eyes, there is nothing but love and desire there. The eyes never lie.

  I stepped out of the room and made my way to the front door. I grabbed my father's red cap and put it on then stepped out of his house. Well, my house now, mine and Katie's. I'm starting to see it as ours now, after we moved in when they released me from the hospital a year and a half ago.

  I took a deep breath of fresh air. It was odd not living in blistering heat anymore. I felt more alive, more full of energy in the cool air of the Pacific Northwest. I see this as a home again. No... home is Katie. Wherever she is is where I can hang my hat.

  I put in my earbuds and cued up some edgier rock/pop fusion, my little Katie had gotten me addicted to the stuff while she watched over my team for all those years. Then I started to run down the long gravel drive toward the road, I was feeling good so decided I'd do six miles.

  It took me a couple months after I was cleared nine months back to learn to run efficiently on this hunk of alloy and plastic I call my bionic leg. But it feels natural enough with my stride. I was so out of shape I could barely make it a half mile on my first attempt. But I stuck with it and I feel as good now as when I was enlisted.

  I closed my eyes and let the wind blow through my hair. I was alive. I had Katie. I had everything then. I picked up the pace as I chastised myself with a grin. “Come on Kenzie, stop your slacking!” I followed Squibbs Creek to Lake Sammamish and ran along the Parkway for a while. The area was becoming more familiar every day, it was beautiful here, I can see why dad chose to live in the area when he moved up from Vancouver.

  I let my mind wander back to the award ceremony in DC a few months back. Just another piece of fabric and metal to remind me of my stupidity in getting people I cared about injured or killed. But I had the opportunity to finally meet Anabella
West again. She had hardly changed and her presence has grown more formidable. She remembered me! I can't believe she remembered, and she said I was her hero. That is worth more to me than all the medals in the world.

  I was in such a good mood when I arrived back home, the smell of bacon and eggs drifted on the air as I opened the side door and stepped into the kitchen. Katie was already dressed in her work clothes, heavy denim jeans and one of my flannel shirts that she wore with the bottoms tied at her belly and the sleeves rolled up so it didn't drape on her like a tent.

  I grabbed her at the waist and hoisted her, and spun her around once before setting her down and stepping in so our bodies were touching. I could feel her warmth through our clothes, and I looked at her in wonder and lowered my head to capture her soft lips with mine. Then I just ginned as she giggled. “What's gotten into you?”

  I shrugged and slid into a chair at the table without losing eye contact with her. “I dunno, just in a good mood.”

  She scrunched her nose, kicked into Southern Belle mode, and I melted a little as she said flirtily, “Well ah definitely approve sugah!” Then we dished up and ate. The minx kept taking seductive bites simply to torture me. Damn.

  I said huskily, “I won't be responsible for what happens here on the kitchen table if you don't stop that love.”

  She grabbed the table top and made a show of testing it for strength as she cocked an eyebrow and said with a grin, “Hmmm the kitchen table huh? That's one place we haven't christened yet.”

  My jaw dropped in surprise and I threw a little piece of bacon at her. “Katie!”

  She grinned back and started eating the bacon projectile. “What? Just statin' facts.”

  We finished up and she started cleaning up as she shooed me off to get cleaned up and into my work clothes. I showered quickly then got into my denim jeans and a heavy flannel shirt, put on my shit kickers and grabbed the three gloves from the dresser.


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