Hidden Monster

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Hidden Monster Page 22

by Amanda Strong

  Nightmares plagued my sleep that night and finally, after what felt like hours of restless stirring, I opened my eyes. I peeked at the clock on my dresser. Three fifteen. Rubbing my fingers across my face, I froze. I sniffed at the air; it was cold with a hint of mint… a musky mint.

  I’m not alone.

  Lying on my back, I debated my options. I could scream. I could try to make a run for it. Something nagged at me and then it hit; I should be terrified right now. If someone was in my room, shouldn’t I be scared? Instead, I felt nothing but curiosity. I knew that scent. It’s the same person who watched me the night before.

  He could have chased me then instead of fleeing, or even attacked me now in my sleep. He’s not malicious, at least I hoped. So that left another option—maybe he could tell me what I was. After all, he was one too, right?

  Even though I’d reasoned away my fears, my hands shook as I pushed the covers back and sat up. In that split second, I could’ve sworn something shifted in one corner of my bedroom. Staring at that space, I saw nothing but my dresser.

  Great, now what? I inhaled slowly. Yep, he’s totally here… So, what, he’s invisible?

  I tossed my covers aside and this time, I saw something jump, almost like someone wore my bedroom as camouflage and when they moved, it shifted to disguise my visitor, but not fast enough. That split second was long enough for me to make out a form, crouched down in the corner. I wasn’t feeling so confident anymore.

  I swallowed hard and cleared my throat. “I know you’re here, so you might as well stop trying to hide.” I wished my voice hadn’t quivered, but it had.

  I heard a gasp across the room. Apparently, he didn’t know he’d been discovered. He chuckled as I deciphered the figure standing up and then just like that, my visitor appeared.

  Now, I gasped. “Kory?” I instinctively grabbed my blanket back to cover myself.

  Dressed in jeans and a dark green T-shirt, he was taller and broader than the last time I’d seen him, but that was over two years ago. He gazed back at me, his black hair slicked back, looking wet. Then I noticed what fell down at his sides—long wings. As if feeling my prying eyes, his wings flickered.

  “I knew you were special, but I had no idea how sharp your senses were,” he said.

  I gaped at him, trying to formulate my first question. He remained planted in front of me, his hands clasped together. Then he cocked an eyebrow at me.

  “So, now what? Are you going to scream for Mommy and Daddy?”

  My back went rigid. Even if I wanted to, I wasn’t about to let him know that. How dare he act all cocky when he was the one who broke into my bedroom? I have every right to be freaked out right now! What’s he doing in here anyway? Watching me sleep? I shuddered.

  “No,” I spat, “now you tell me what the heck you’re doing in my room!”

  Kory grinned. “I’m sorry; do you want me to leave?”

  I bit my lip, debating, I really wanted him gone, but I wanted answers more.

  He took my hesitation as an answer and flew toward my window.

  Crap! “Wait!” I called out, decision made. “Don’t go.”

  He chuckled and faced me. “This so much fun, Samantha. Or do you prefer Sammy?”

  “I don’t care what you call me; I just want to know what’s happening to me. What are we? Some kind of fairy?”

  Kory cringed. “I hate that freaking word.”

  “What… fairy?”

  “Yes! Do I look like Tinker Bell to you?”

  I bit my tongue, the temptation to say yes overwhelming. But this isn’t Blake or Mack. I didn’t know how Kory would react.

  “Okay, so if we aren’t fairies, what are we then?” I asked.

  “All right, Sammy. I’ll make you a deal. I answer your questions and then you answer mine.”

  I couldn’t imagine what he could want to ask me, since I knew nothing of this strange new world, but said, “Fine.”

  “We are Dragon Fae.”

  “Fae? Isn’t that just another word for fairy?” I asked, remembering what I’d read on the computer.

  “Oh, aren’t you the little expert?” Kory said sarcastically. “No dragon wants to be called a fairy, except maybe Blake.”

  Blake? What does he have to do with this? I didn’t ask, worried Kory might clam up since he didn’t seem to care for Blake.

  “What do you mean dragon?” I asked, hoping to keep Kory talking.

  “Mm… I was sure you at least made that connection. Man, maybe you need more help than I thought.” Kory sighed and then proceeded to sit at the end of my bed. I eyed him warily.

  “Haven’t you noticed our wings look like dragonflies?” he asked.

  Maybe I wasn’t so far off after all. “Okay, so what does that mean, that we’re some kind of dragonfly mutants or something?”

  He grinned. “In a nutshell, pretty much.” He pointed at his chest. “I’m a dragon,” he pointed at me, “you’re a damsel.”

  I stared at him. It sounded so absurd. “So when you say dragon, you don’t mean big, old, flying reptile, right?” I just had to make sure.

  “What? No. That’s just the name for male Dragon Fae. It’s easier to just say dragon. And since damsel is the name of a female dragonfly, that’s what Tonbo decided to call the girls.”

  “So you’re saying we’re literally part bug now?” As much as I hated to admit it, part of what he said made sense. “How’s any of this even possible?”

  He brown eyes grew dark as he scowled. “I’ll let your boyfriend explain that to you. He should’ve been the one telling you all this in the first place, not me.”

  “What are you talking about? I don’t have a boyfriend.” My mouth tasted sour from the acid creeping up my throat. I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear his answer.

  Kory crossed his arms. “Damn Blake for being such a coward. He’s a stupid fool for believing Tonbo in the first place.”

  He glared at me. “Then he has the gall to do this.”

  My tongue felt sluggish as I formed the words, my ears ringing. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  His voice was low, his eyes like steel. “Put the pieces together, Samantha. You were given shots in the cabin, and now you’re a damsel. Don’t you see it?”

  My fingers and toes felt numb.

  “That’s why I’m like this… all those injections… that person changed me,” I murmured. I’d been right, it had all stemmed from my abduction, but my mind refused to see how Blake was connected to it all.

  He snorted. “Blake and I got our shots at the cancer clinic; that’s what cured us of cancer. We didn’t know then we were different. We sort of figured that out later. Blake’s like us, Samantha. He’s a dragon.”

  I could only gape back at him. It can’t be true! Can it?

  “Don’t you think it’s odd that Blake shows up right after you’d been changed?” he asked.

  I shook my head, refusing to believe Kory’s words. “No, it couldn’t have been him. He was in California while I was in…” My words faded as Anna’s words filled my mind. ‘Did I tell you he got to go camping for like three weeks before we moved here? Three weeks? My mom freaks when I miss like two days of school, so unfair.’

  Camping? Blake could have been anywhere during that time, including here. My stomach sickened. No… I don’t believe it. It doesn’t feel right. Then it hit me. Because I love him. I don’t want it be real. I yearn for the monster who created me. Just like he promised I would.

  My hand flew to my mouth as I gasped.

  Kory nodded. “Finally seeing it, aren’t you?”

  “Why?” I whispered. “Why would he do this to me?”

  “Ah, now that’s my question for you. Blake despises who we are. That’s why we don’t exactly get along. He thinks we should be ashamed of what we’ve become, hide it from the world. I, on the other hand, see only our limitless potential. It cured me of cancer. The blend of dragonfly DNA with humans has revolutionized life
as we know it. We are invincible. We can’t get sick, and we live for a very long time. Why stifle that?”

  I stared at him, hardly comprehending his words. All I could see was Blake’s crooked smile and aqua eyes, all I could feel were his arms around me while we’d danced. My fingers touched my lips, remembering how close we’d come to kissing on the bridge. And all along, he knew what I was, what he’d made me become. It’s all been lies. I’m just some kind of freaky game to him! My eyes welled, and I steeled myself inwardly. No tears, not now. Get answers from Kory and then get him out of here.

  “What’s Tonbo Island?” I asked firmly, trying to keep my voice steady, the lump in my throat making it difficult.

  Kory cocked his head to the side, considering me for a moment, than with a long sigh, he ran his hands down his thighs. To my surprise, he offered me a smile, his eyes softening.

  “You know, Samantha, I feel sort of bad for you. You didn’t deserve any of this. This isn’t your war. Sorry you got caught in the middle of it.”

  For some reason, his words stung and the threat of tears overwhelmed me. “What war? Who’s Tonbo?”

  “Okay. You deserve the truth. Tonbo’s our creator, the mad scientist behind it all, if you will. Tonbo Island is his. That’s where most of the Dragon Fae live, those who can’t morph back. You see, some of his earlier creations weren’t as advanced as we are. They’re stuck as dragons or damsels. As you can imagine, they make quite the spectacle.”

  “Why don’t they just become invisible like you were?”

  “The camo? Yeah, that came much later too. Speaking of which, stop flying around without it.”

  I thought of the lake and him watching me. “So that was you at the reservoir.”

  “Yeah. I decided to let you see me for a bit, before I camo’ed out. I wanted you to know you weren’t alone.”

  Oh, how sweet, I wanted to say sarcastically. Somehow, I didn’t quite think that was his real motive. “I don’t know how to do the camo. I don’t know how to do any of this. I can’t even control when I become a… damsel. It just happens sometimes.”

  Kory’s gaze held steady as I watched his wings disappear. Then without shifting his position, they reappeared.

  “It’s not hard,” he said.

  “Sure, you make it look so easy,” I muttered.

  “Just relax. Think about how it feels to flex those muscles. You’re fighting it. Give in to it. I know you feel the pull to change. It’s who you are now. You need to let yourself transform.”

  I wasn’t sure why I was going along with what he was suggesting. I didn’t trust him. Sighing, I closed my eyes. With an inhale, I focused on the muscles between my shoulder blades. I felt the tingle, and then a strange craving filled my stomach. I’d felt it before, when I wanted to get to water. I let myself fall into it, letting it wash over me. I exhaled and opened my eyes.

  Kory grinned back at me. My wings draped down my back, touching my bed, and my cotton nightgown remained. “I don’t understand,” I whispered, touching the side of my head. “My hair’s short.”

  Kory arched an eyebrow at me. “That’s what scissors do.”

  “No, it’s usually long and I’m wearing this blue gown.”

  “Oh yeah, I sort of wondered about that the other night. You must have gotten a new blend. Usually, you can’t alter your appearance, like clothes and hair and stuff.”

  Another conversation played into my mind, the words of the monster. ‘Trust me, this is for your own good. And this one is a special blend. I made it myself.’

  “He did this,” I mumbled.

  “Who, Blake? Yeah, I told you he did.”

  I flinched and then redirected to Kory. I couldn’t think about Blake. I just couldn’t.

  “If you’re really looking out for me, why didn’t you just talk to me the other night?”

  “I wasn’t sure how much was true or not. I had to see for myself. Sorry, I should have then.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I haven’t seen Blake for a long time, but it’s no secret you’re his pet. He’s been checking on you for years, ever since the clinic.”

  “But he lived in California—” My ears were ringing, my stomach feeling ill.

  “Ha! Do you know how long it takes to fly here? Like two hours. Coming here was no big deal. He watched you, Samantha—everything you did. Everyone knew about it at the island. Blake wouldn’t be with any damsel, not even Kate. Poor thing. He changed her and then wanted nothing to do with her.”

  I felt nauseous, swallowing the bile at the back of my throat. This can’t all be true! And yet, pieces to a puzzle were fitting together a little too easily. Anna’s words about Blake camping almost every weekend were all just covers to come see me. And Kate, a girl who wanted more from Blake than just friendship.

  “Then one day, there are rumors all over the island that the one girl Blake coveted was missing and then weeks later, dragons report seeing her flying in the woods.”

  I racked my brains. When did I do that? Oh, that first night. I’d thought I’d been dreaming… I met Blake the next morning.

  “I had to come see if it was all true,” Kory said. “Blake conveniently forgot he despised changing people long enough to change you, the one thing he wanted. Bloody hypocrite.”

  I hadn’t realized I’d moved until I shoved Kory to the floor. Something inside me had snapped; I wanted him off my bed, far away from me.

  “Shut up! Just shut up!” I commanded in a hiss, flying into his chest.

  He shot up into the air and grabbed my arms.

  “Listen Samantha, I’m not the bad guy here. I’m sorry you fell for Blake, I really am. But you need to know the truth. If Blake won’t tell you, then I will.”

  “Why do me any favors? You hate Blake. You probably hate me too,” I said through clenched teeth. I tried to wrestle my hands out from his, but it was no use.

  “Because whether any of us like it, we have a lot bigger problem then why Blake changed his puppet—”

  “Don’t call me that! I’m not his pet or puppet, and he doesn’t own me!” I breathed out, wanting to yell, but not wanting to wake my parents. I shoved my weight against him, trying to push him toward my window.

  He held his ground, pulling me closer to him. His breath tickled my face, his brown eyes bearing down on me. “Okay fine. All that matters to me is understanding why he did it.”

  I shook my head at him. “What? Why do you care? This whole thing is a little too X-Men-ish for me.”

  Kory’s grip relaxed, and his grin reached his eyes. “Exactly. And even Magneto and Professor Xavier have to work together sometimes.”

  I wanted to remind him that Magneto was the psychotic bad guy but instead asked, “What do you mean?”

  Kory grunted. “As much as it pains me to admit, I need Blake’s help.”

  I squinted back at him, pulling my arms back. “Let go of me.”

  “Are you done trying to fight?”

  “I don’t know, I’m thinking about screaming.”

  “And let your parents see the real you? Good idea, better yet, let’s scream together.”

  “What happened to the nice Kory I remember?” I asked, realizing with all the noise we’d been making in my room, I was surprised my dad wasn’t banging the door in already.

  “That kid’s long gone. And whether you like it or not, the old you is gone too. Quit fighting who you really are.”

  “Are you done, Dr. Phil?” I hated his face so close to mine.

  He let my arms go and shoved me back. “Quite. I’ve been here long enough anyway.”

  He stepped up to the window, his wings expanding out.

  Shoot! I think he is leaving this time!

  “Wait, Kory,” I begged. “I still have more questions!”

  He shot me a sly grin. “If you want me to stay, just say the word, Sammy.” He opened his arms to me. “I can stay all night if you’d like.”

  I rolled my eyes at him, ignori
ng his innuendo. “You never told me why you need Blake’s help.”

  I didn’t like how his eyes suddenly swept up and down my body. He cocked his head to the side. “You know, I think I’m finally seeing why Blake likes you so much. You’re a confusing hot mess.”

  I glared at him. “Pretty sure you’re the confusing one out of the two of us.”

  Kory chuckled and then took a step closer to my window. He pressed his hand against the windowpane. “We’ve got a serious bug problem, Samantha.” The playfulness in his voice was gone.

  He faced me. “Blake doesn’t believe me, but he will. I’ve tracked it here.”

  My skin crawled. “It? What do you mean, like a dragon, like one of us?”

  Kory grunted. “Sort of. Let’s just say not all of us are nice. We’re hunters by nature.”

  “What do we hunt? Wait, don’t tell me I’m going to start sucking people’s blood!” I was only halfway joking.

  “No, we only do that during full moons.”


  Kory chuckled. “You so need help. We’re not vampires. They don’t exist.”

  I threw my hands up at him. “Thanks for clearing that up. Last I checked, dragonfly people didn’t either.”

  He leaned closer. “Like I said, we’re hunters. We live for the thrill of the chase. You can’t tell me you haven’t felt it yet, the need for speed, to search, catch a scent in the air, and be in the water.” His eyes danced back at me. “Most of us spend our time stalking our prey.”

  I swallowed. “Scents,” I mumbled. The way his eyes raked my face, I desperately wanted to step back. Stay strong—don’t show fear.

  “We emit a smell, I guess you could say, our own unique marker. Yours, my dear, is,” he inhaled deeply, his face drawing closer, “intoxicating. You’re attracting a lot of attention. So be careful.”

  “You smell like mint and cologne,” I blurted.

  His eyes met mine and then he stepped back, laughing. “Could be worse.”

  I was relieved he was no longer close. “So if you don’t suck blood, what’s all the hunting for? What do you do with your prey when you catch it?”

  “That depends on who caught you. Most of the civilized ones just catch and release, sort of like fishing. Actually, a lot of us fish, gives the thrill with no harm. Since dragonflies are born and live in the water for a long time before taking flight, we are drawn to it too.”

  “I know, I’ve felt it,” I admitted. “So what happens if a bad one gets you?”

  He grunted. “Whatever they want. There are a lot of murders and rapes never explained that are unsolved. Probably our kinds’ fault.”

  “Maybe Blake’s right. We shouldn’t exist.”

  “It’s because of Blake that we’re like this. If we weren’t hiding in shame of who we are, we wouldn’t have suppressed anger. We could teach and guide those who are different. Look at you. No one’s showed you anything, no one’s teaching you, and you’re stumbling along about to get yourself killed.”

  I hated that I agreed with Kory. I did need help. Why didn’t Blake say anything? He knew what I am. Why didn’t he help me? Then I remembered the rest of it. Because it’s all a game to him. It’s the one big hunting thrill, and I’m just his prey.

  This time I couldn’t stop the tears that filled my eyes. They fell freely down my cheeks. Kory broke eye contact and shook his head.

  “Listen, Samantha, like I said, you didn’t deserve any of this. It’s not your fault Blake picked you. I shouldn’t have vented my frustrations out on you. But you need to know that there’s a hunter here—a bug. He’s ancient, as old as Tonbo, and he’s vicious.”

  I sniffed. Embarrassed by my tears, I swiped them away. What Kory said scared me. The idea of someone who could fly, track smells, and hunt while invisible to the naked eye was terrifying!

  “Why’s he here?”

  Kory opened my window and peered into the night. “I think he’s tracking someone. I’m not sure who yet,” he turned to me, “so be careful.”

  Without another word, he vanished and I barely made out his camouflaged form shoot through the window. I inhaled. The mint was gone; he was gone. Crud, he didn’t show me how to do the camo.

  I walked back to my bed, my wings twitching on my back. The weight of everything crushed down on me. Blake? It’s Blake? I couldn’t seem to get enough air in; the room wouldn’t stop spinning. I’d trusted Blake. I’d told him everything. He’d been my hope, what’d pulled me out of my depression, and what made me want to get up in the morning. How could that all be a lie?

  How am I going to live without him? My heart squeezed, the crushing pain unbearable. I clambered onto my bed and curled up, hugging my knees tightly. My wings fought the sheets. Crap, I don’t even know how to get rid of these things.

  I tried to relax, to wish them away, but then racking sobs took over. I bit into my pillow as I screamed. Tonight, I will cry, I decided, as I gave in to the pain, but tomorrow, I’m getting answers.


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