Norin's Wild Thing (Triads in Blue Book 3)

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Norin's Wild Thing (Triads in Blue Book 3) Page 1

by Alyssa Hope

  Norin’s Wild Thing


  Alyssa Hope

  Text copyright 2017

  Alyssa Hope

  All Rights Reserved

  Is it necessary to say that any resemblance between aliens (blue or otherwise) and any living people (real or otherwise) is purely coincidental?

  All beings engaged in sexual acts are over the legal age of consent in their own particular universes.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1.

  Chapter 2.

  Chapter 3.

  Chapter 4.

  Chapter 5.

  Chapter 6.

  Chapter 7.

  Chapter 1.

  ‘Beloved. I am looking forward to being home soon, and we will be together for always. Have you found our third? I am feeling the beginning of the final morph stage, so our third must be near to you. I hope so. Yours always, Norin.’

  He sent the message and sat back, letting the strange feelings wash over him. He and Lora had bonded early in life, and had been waiting patiently for their third for a long time. Only then would they pass from this semi-androgynous stage to being fully adult, fully able to please each other. And their third, of course. If he was starting to morph, Lora would be too, as would their third, who could be in Lora’s arms already. He wished he could be there with them, but he wasn’t, so he would wait.

  In the meantime, he had a ship to run and a mission to complete. They had responded to an emergency beacon at a remote mining colony belonging to the humans to find the remains of a natural disaster, and too many bodies to count. They had given the dead their final passage rites, as was their way, and collected what information they could to pass on to the colonist’s home planet.

  Surprisingly, in the midst of the wreckage, one badly injured human had been found, barely alive, and they had brought it back to the ship to try and nurse it back to health. If it lived, the logical thing to do would be to return to the nearest planet where a colony of the same species lived and leave it with its own people. Until they knew if it would live, they waited. They prided themselves on being a patient people.

  ‘Captain? The young alien is conscious, but refuses to eat, and is hysterical. Can you attend Medical?’

  He attended, and his world turned upside down. He knew as soon as he saw the young thing that he had found their third, and he could not contain his joy. He reached for it with happy purrs, knowing his skin was pulsing in shades of blue and green that would give his state away to everyone around him, but he didn’t care. He just wanted to take it in his arms and hold it safe, bring it to his breast and let it nurse, and then maybe do some other things ... once it was healed, of course. But once it nursed from him, its triad lover, it would heal quickly.

  His beloved made a high pitched screaming noise and curled up in the far corner of the bed, looking terrified and clutching its genitals defensively.

  ‘You see the problem’, his Medical Officer thought to him. ‘It responds that way to everyone. We have to tranquilize it to treat its wounds, and every time it wakes up it does itself damage trying to keep away from us. They are supposed to be a sentient species, but I am beginning to have my doubts. This is like treating a wild thing.’

  Norin surveyed the wild thing doubtfully. It was unheard of to bond with a non-sentient creature. There were a few successful bondings with those of this species, though, so maybe there was some secret to connecting with it. Unless it had a brain injury?

  His MO assured him that although the injuries had been severe, none of them had caused brain damage, and it was healing, although slowly. Apparently the wild thing had been in a building separate from the mines when the earthquakes had struck, which was why it had survived at all. Some of the injuries, his MO offered quietly, were older, and the look of them suggested that it had been beaten on more than one occasion.

  Why would it have been locked up and beaten? It didn’t look particularly dangerous. He didn’t understand these humans. It looked like a beautiful thing, one that should have been treasured. One that he and Lora were going to treasure.

  ‘Give it food and water, and leave it alone for now. Maybe it will eat and rest if it has some privacy.’ Norin hesitated, then confessed, ‘It is our third, Lora’s and mine. I will find some way of taking care of it. I will have to do some research.’

  His MO nodded, and suppressed a smile. The time of bonding could be difficult, and this one was obviously going to be more interesting than usual.

  Norin directed his Second Officer to set a course for home. This young being would not be handed over to the humans. He returned to his cabin and looked around. He would bring the young one, now fully his responsibility, here to his private quarters, of course. What would it want, or expect? His quarters were bare of luxury, as he spent little time in them. Their wild one needed more soft things, he thought. Blankets, pillows, maybe pictures on the walls? Pictures of what? Pictures of Lora’s trees, of course. He programmed that into the computer. How else could he make it feel safer? Research was in order.

  ‘Human species have two genders, which are resolved in the womb. There are several stages before sexual maturity, which can be determined by the growth of hair in the genital area.’ So far, so good. He had seen hair before the wild thing had covered itself.

  ‘The male of the species is larger, has more hair over the rest of its body, including its face, and is more aggressive. The female is smaller, more nervous, and prone to making high-pitched noises when excited or scared.’ Hah. They had a female then. Was that good or bad? Probably good if the females were less dominant. Two of the three in their triad being sexually dominant was enough. He smiled, thinking of the pleasure that he and Lora had already found together, testing each other out.

  ‘The adults live in unstable pair bonds. The females bear the young, and sometimes, but not always, raise them.’ Well, that wasn’t good. He hoped their wild thing could learn to live with a very stable triad bond, one that would last for all their lives and include the young they hoped to have. Maybe it would be able to learn better parenting skills once it had stability in its own life?

  Unstable pair bonds. Gods, what a terrible way to live. No wonder the thing was so high strung. Did it think that they intended to get it with child and then discard it? He bristled at the thought. That would not be honorable, and he was offended that it would even think that. Then he realized that it was his morphing hormones at work, and calmed himself down.

  First things first. He had to get it healthy, and then learn to communicate with it. It obviously wasn’t highly evolved enough to communicate telepathically, but there must be a way. It didn’t even seem to understand purring, which was a universal sound of affection that calmed all young ones. Maybe this one had suffered brain injury? No, his MO had said it hadn’t. It was simply hurt and scared. And he was over-thinking this because the wild thing was their third.

  ‘Beloved. You will be delighted to know that I have found our third! It is a small member of the human species, we think a female (they have two separate genders, as you will see) and was badly injured but is recovering. I am bringing it home to us, and we will bond. Happiness. Yours always, Norin.’

  He checked on its required diet, even though he knew that his MO would already have done this, and was reassured that it ate mostly the same things that they did. There was not a good supply of high quality fresh food on the ship, but there wouldn’t have been on the mining colony either, so obviously it could survive for at least a short time with what preserved food they had. Once they were home, it would have nothing but the best, of course, especially when it was bearing.
r />   That thought sent shivers of ecstasy down his spine. Not only because of thoughts that it could soon be bearing, but also because of the things the three of them would be doing to get it that way. His penis, which had begun to emerge after he and Lora had bonded, was getting larger with the final morph, and his hole was beginning to ache to be filled. His breasts were more sensitive already, and he knew that he had to persuade their wild thing to nurse, to begin its bonding with Lora and him, even if it wasn’t healthy enough to return that favor yet.

  He went back to his research.

  ‘The males are dominant and court the females with gifts and acts of bravery, including killing large animals. The females are submissive, and expect to be courted, judging their prospective mates by the quality of their offerings.’

  That wasn’t particularly helpful. Did their little female expect him to drag in dead animals? Surely not. On his home world, where all the basic needs of life were easily met, that kind of offering was redundant, especially since triad partners were recognized and loved from their first meetings, and all those in a family group took care of all the others. Did their wild thing expect children’s games, to be chased for a while until they caught it? Did it not understand that the three of them were already together, and there was no chasing or catching necessary?

  ‘Beloved. I wish you were here. Our third is a strange little wild thing, and I love it already but do not understand how to make it happy. Yours always, Norin’

  The response to the spate of messages was simple, and he could almost hear Lora laughing. This was why they were so good together. He analysed and processed, Lora felt and accepted intuitively. This was why he was captain of this ship while Lora stewarded the forests that were so plentiful on their part of the planet. Would their wild thing like the trees, and come to love them as Lora did? Would their young?

  ‘Beloved. Everything will be alright. Just love our sweet third, as I love you. Yours always, Lora.’

  He purred. Lora was right. Everything was going to be fine.

  Chapter 2.

  ‘Captain? Can you attend medical right away, please? Our guest needs you.’

  Their wild thing was backed up into a corner, holding a syringe as though it was a weapon. It didn’t look dangerous, it looked terrified. Norin sighed.

  ‘Leave us alone. I will calm it, and then move it to my quarters. Everything will be fine.’

  Maybe if he thought that often enough he would believe it. His MO and the assistant left them, and Norin sat down on the edge of the bed and began to purr quietly. He made himself as small as a large creature could be, sitting sideways to their small wild thing and not looking at it, just sitting there purring.

  He tried not to think about the dark marks on its skin that marred its beauty. Why would it have been beaten? He was glad that whoever had done that was already dead, as he was feeling an irrational desire to kill them.

  The cuts were healing, although not as quickly as he would have liked, and his MO assured him that the broken bones were knitting together successfully. The body was healing, but what about the spirit? He cleared his mind and purred, and waited.

  It seemed to relax a bit, and he sent it calming thoughts, the kind he would have sent to a small child. He tried not to share the thought that one day they would have a child of their own, because he didn’t want to scare it again and he thought that might. And, privately, he hoped that their child would not be this high-strung.

  Calm thoughts. Calm, happy, Lora and him always there, it would always be safe and loved. He settled his own mind and concentrated on that, and was startled when he got something back from it.


  There was more to it than the one word though, and he got the feeling that their little wild thing had never been safe, was not even sure what that really meant.

  ‘Safe. Always safe now.’

  Their wild thing put the syringe down, and curled up on the infirmary bed, at the farthest end from Norin, but at least on the bed. Norin got a brief glimpse of a nice-sized penis in a nest of light brown curls that matched the hair on its head. That pleased him immensely. Their wild thing was well into its own morphing, then, and would soon be ready to complete the mating with Lora and him. He purred louder, and his color pulsed brighter blue.

  ‘I am Norin. Do you have a name, little one?’

  ‘Norin? Who is Lora?’

  It sounded puzzled. Interesting. Their little wild one was picking up something from Lora, as a third should, although the distances were still immense. And Lora was reaching out to the little one, which was reassuring, although to be expected of his beloved Lora. He was so much better at this kind of thing than Norin was. Calming thoughts, keep sending the calming thoughts.

  ‘Lora is our third, our partner. What is your name, sweet one, what should we call you?’

  He wasn’t sure how to describe triads to a wild thing whose species couldn’t even manage pair bondings.

  Their wild thing seemed to debate answering, but finally conceded.


  ‘Charlie. That is a good name, little one. Everything is going to be alright. Will you trust me?’

  Their Charlie seemed to be exhausted by this foray into telepathic communication. If it was new to it, perhaps that was understandable. He would have to try and learn some of the little one’s language, just to make it feel more comfortable. If he knew Lora, his partner was already doing that as well.

  Norin edged along the bed towards it, and Charlie tensed but didn’t try to move away. Calming thoughts, soft purring, treating it like a wild thing, but a very treasured wild thing. When he got close enough, he slowly put one arm around their Charlie’s shoulders and waited to see what would happen. Charlie was still for a moment, but let itself be held, stiffly, as though it was waiting for something else to happen. Norin stroked its back softly, and the little thing finally curled into his chest and made some strange hiccupping noises, as though it was trying not to cry.

  All he could do was murmur in his mind, as he would to a child.

  ‘It is alright, everything will be alright.’

  Norin thought about all the dead ones back at the mining colony, and wondered which of those had been their Charlie’s family.

  ‘Your family? We gave them proper rites ...’

  Charlie’s sudden anger startled him.

  ‘No family, masters. Glad they’re dead.’

  Gods, this beautiful sweet thing had been a slave? This species was indeed very primitive. How was it even possible in this age? He eased Charlie onto his lap and rocked it gently in his arms, and was relieved when it finally slept, indeed exhausted. Their wild thing obviously needed to heal in more ways than one.

  He tried to link with Lora, as hard as that would be across the miles, but was surprised to find him right there as though he was next to him. Not so surprising maybe, with two of their three here together.

  ‘I heard that, beloved. It will be safe with us, and we will love it and it will heal. Let your anger go, they are all dead. Just love it.’

  Yes, love it. They would do that. He thanked the gods again for Lora, and for their wild one in his arms. It had been destined that he find their sweet third here in the middle of a disaster, and it would understand that and love them back. It would all be good.

  Chapter 3.

  When Norin was sure that Charlie was asleep he picked it up and carried it carefully to his private quarters. He sent a message to his Second Officer, letting him know that he was turning the ship over to him, barring an emergency. He did not want to be disturbed.

  He tucked their little wild thing into his bed covers, and then curled up around it, trying to imagine what safety would look like to a small scared human. After some thought, he guided their Charlie’s mouth to one of his nipples, offering his breast, hoping that maybe in its sleep the little wild thing would be relaxed enough to feed. To his relief, Charlie latched on and started sucking, tentatively as first and then
with more enthusiasm. Mutual nursing was a big part of the triad ritual, and would help Charlie bond as well as heal.

  Norin pulled one of the new soft blankets over both of them and gently stroked their Charlie’s back, soothing it. He fell asleep as well, purring quietly, thankful that everything was going to be alright.

  He woke up to find Charlie crouched in the far corner of his sleeping room, with a knife in hand. One of Norin’s best ceremonial knives. Their wild thing had good taste.

  Norin waited, not sure what their Charlie expected from him, or what had brought this on. He got a rush of jumbled angry images from the young thing, of Norin forcing Charlie’s head to his breast, and then the erection that Norin had inevitably had from the nursing. Forcing? Was that how the wild thing had perceived the offering? And what about Norin’s erection had offended it?

  Norin began to feel offended himself. He had a very nice penis, and the erect one that the young one had felt when it was nursing was going to be an important part of their bonding and mating process. A very important part. Just the thought of that process made him go hard again, which seemed to scare the young one even more. Their Charlie curled its lip into a snarl and held the knife in front of it as though it intended to attack Norin.

  ‘Lora?’ This was baffling.

  ‘It thinks you intend to rape it, beloved. To force yourself on it sexually.’

  Norin stared at Charlie in disbelief. Such things happened?

  ‘I think that such things did happen to it while it was a slave, beloved. We will go slowly with it. Treat it as you would a small child, and let it heal.’

  Norin felt a wave of anger coming over him. Rape was virtually unknown among their people, and that their own third, a young thing now under his care, would think that of him, and that their sweet wild thing had been so abused ... His color went dark as his anger grew, and then he realized that he was scaring their Charlie even more.


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