Venus Connection

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by Kate Steele

  An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication

  Venus Connection

  ISBN # 1-4199-0527-9


  Venus Connection Copyright© 2006 Kate Steele

  Edited by Heather Osborn.

  Cover art by Lissa Waitley & Syneca

  Electronic book Publication: May 2006

  This book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.


  The following material contains graphic sexual content meant for mature readers. This story has been rated E–rotic by a minimum of three independent reviewers.

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing offers three levels of Romantica™ reading entertainment: S (S-ensuous), E (E-rotic), and X (X-treme).

  S-ensuous love scenes are explicit and leave nothing to the imagination.

  E-rotic love scenes are explicit, leave nothing to the imagination, and are high in volume per the overall word count. In addition, some E-rated titles might contain fantasy material that some readers find objectionable, such as bondage, submission, same sex encounters, forced seductions, and so forth. E-rated titles are the most graphic titles we carry; it is common, for instance, for an author to use words such as “fucking”, “cock”, “pussy”, and such within their work of literature.

  X-treme titles differ from E-rated titles only in plot premise and storyline execution. Unlike E-rated titles, stories designated with the letter X tend to contain controversial subject matter not for the faint of heart.

  Venus Connection

  Kate Steele

  Chapter One

  Layne Weston sat on an enormous boulder watching the ocean rush toward her. Waves crashed against the rocks. Spray came winging up in an icy curtain that flung crystal droplets over her. She closed her eyes and smiled, letting the sounds of the turbulent surf and the fresh breeze, tangy with salt, soothe the ache that filled her.

  Why those two beautiful men chose this section of the beach to make out on, she could only wonder. She sighed with regret that the rumors were true. Gabriel Montgomery and Dillon Satterfield were lovers. Ever since she’d laid eyes on them at their business, Montfield Gallery, she’d been unable to stop the fantasies that involved one or the other—and sometimes both of them.

  Melancholy suffused her. It wasn’t as though she’d actually expected their notice. Shy little Layne with a hunk like either of them? Gabriel, who was so aptly named with his angelic honey-blond hair and golden-brown eyes, and Dillon, the epitome of dark sensuality whose sapphire eyes held sinful secrets and whose hair was as dark as a moonless night? Not likely. It was just that, once again, she saw another happy couple and knew that the likelihood of the same happening to her was very doubtful.

  Layne sighed again and tried to let the ocean’s cold and endless motion soothe her body’s heated demands. No matter how she tried, she couldn’t get that passionate, tender scene out of her head.

  She’d taken the usually secluded path to her favorite part of the beach. It was rocky along this section of the coast and not popular with the tourists who preferred the smooth beaches. That suited her just fine. She liked the privacy and quiet. As she’d slowly meandered down the path and made the turn that was obscured by the first of the rock formations along the way, she’d stopped abruptly as total shock jolted through her body.

  Not twelve feet away, Dillon sat on one of the rocks and, before her unbelieving eyes, urged Gabriel between his spread thighs. He wrapped his arms around him, and pulled him into the most passionate embrace Layne had ever seen. Their mouths ate at each other, their tongues obviously playing a feature role. Gabriel moaned when Dillon’s hands slid down and cupped the taut cheeks of his ass, kneading the twin mounds while pulling him closer.

  The kiss seemed to last an eternity while the embrace wavered and flowed between fiery passion and gentle, loving tenderness. Layne felt tears prick her eyes at the unrestrained, uninhibited beauty of it. To see such love and passion so openly expressed was almost more than her heart could bear. She turned away and found an alternate path to her favorite brooding spot.

  Another wave crashed forward, the salty droplets mixing with the single tear that slid down her cheek.

  “That’s a good way to get yourself drowned.”

  Layne shrieked with surprise. Lost in her gloomy reverie, she’d not noticed the approach of another person. Looking up, she felt a quiver rush through her body at the sight of Dillon Satterfield. He looked down at her, his eyes dark with disapproval.

  “The tide’s coming in, Layne. Unless you’re looking for a watery end, I suggest you come with me.”

  He held out his hand. At Layne’s hesitation he wiggled his fingers imperiously. She could feel the silent order and his stubborn impatience. Biting her lip, she reached out and placed her hand in his. A quicksilver flash of heat shot through her at the contact, but she wasn’t given time to analyze the feeling. Dillon pulled her up and guided her over the rocks and up the path to the top of the hill.

  Reaching the top, she pulled at his hand, but he kept hers prisoner, giving her no choice but to follow him until he abruptly stopped and turned. Layne bumped into him, a blush suffusing her face as he reached out to steady her, pulling her against his hard-muscled chest. She looked up and her heart stopped.

  Dillon’s eyes were filled with a muted fire that nearly melted every bone in her body. “How…how did you know my name?” she whispered.

  A sensual smile curved his sculpted lips. “We noticed you the day you moved into town. Gabriel and I made it a point to find out about you,” Dillon replied candidly. His voice was a silken caress that made her shiver.


  “Because we want you.”

  Layne’s eyes widened but before she could speak, Dillon slid a hand under her chin, holding her in place as he slowly lowered his lips to hers and kissed her. Immobile with shock, Layne stood still as her eyes closed and the kiss swept her away. Strong arms came around her, pulling her close as the kiss deepened, slowly morphing from sweetly tender to wildly exhilarating as Dillon’s tongue eased between her parted lips.

  A whimper slid from her throat as he explored the hot recesses of her mouth, and it was only when she felt his cock, hard and heavy, growing between them, that sanity returned. She stiffened and pulled away, relieved when Dillon let her go. Her green eyes turned smoky and dark as the turbulence of her emotions swam through them.

  “But you…you and Gabriel… I saw you.”

  “I know,” Dillon admitted. “We wanted you to know that when you come to us, there will be no restraints on our intimacy.” He reached out and brushed a finger over her cheek. “Don’t be afraid, Layne. There will be pleasure the likes of which you’ve never known.”

  His eyes held a dark, sultry promise that shook Layne to her core. Stinging tears of humiliation filled her eyes. “Why are you doing this? I…” Unable to finish for the emotions that were raging inside her, Layne spun on her heel and ran.


  The echo of Dillon’s call haunted her as she escaped.

  * * * * *

  “I scared her.”

  “Damn it! I knew I should have been the one to go after her. Sometimes you can be so intense, you scare even me.”

  Dillon looked up at Gabriel, his eyes darkening with hurt. Seeing it, Gabriel flopped down on the sofa beside him and slid his arms around his
lover. “Baby, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it,” he whispered repentantly, gently kissing Dillon. “It’s just that she seems to be everything we’ve been waiting for.”

  Dillon sighed and wrapped his arms around Gabriel, kissing him in return. “I know. I was too impatient to wait. I shouldn’t have just blurted it out like that. I should have given us the chance to court her without making her afraid of us. Now that she’s stopped coming to the gallery… How are we going to win her if we don’t even see her?”

  When Layne first came to their small seaside town, she had come into the gallery quite often, until Dillon and Gabriel, in their efforts to get to know her, began personally escorting her through the place. Then she began coming only when their assistant, Francis, was on duty. Desperate, they’d finally asked Francis to let them know when she came in, and the unexpected appearance of one, or both of them, soon had her stopping her visits all together.

  “That’s a definite problem,” Gabriel answered with a smile. “You know, I like that expression. Court. It implies such a sense of decorum and honor.”

  “Well, we’re certainly not trying to dishonor her,” Dillon replied, frowning.

  “I know. Let’s just calm down and figure out a way to fix this.” Gabriel sat back on the sofa, his golden eyes thoughtful. “Courting is not such a bad idea. I mean, what does a man do when he wants to win a woman? He sends her flowers and special little gifts, talks with her and compliments her. Why shouldn’t we do that?”

  “No reason we couldn’t. The only drawback to that plan is convincing her to accept the gifts and spend time with us. Plus the fact that it’s going to be so hard waiting when all I can think about is how much I want her in our bed. Damn, Gabriel, she tasted so sweet.”

  Gabriel grinned. “There’s that impatience again. Don’t worry, babe,” he said sliding a hand into Dillon’s lap to massage the hard bulge throbbing in his jeans. “I’ll keep you from building up too big a head of steam.”

  “Mmm, you’re always so considerate,” Dillon growled, catching his hand and bringing it to his mouth where he sucked at Gabriel’s long, tapered fingers.

  Gabriel’s golden eyes darkened with arousal, heat rising in their honey-colored depths. He grunted and squirmed as his cock lengthened, striving to make a place for itself within the tight confines of his jeans.

  Dillon smiled and rose from the sofa, urging Gabriel to follow. “I told you those jeans were too tight. No room to grow.”

  “Doesn’t matter, I know I won’t be in them long once a certain horndog sees I have a problem.”

  “Baby, that’s no problem. That’s a gift. Come on, let’s get you unwrapped.”

  Dillon led the way to the bedroom and, true to his word, slowly, lovingly unwrapped Gabriel, showing him just how much he was treasured. “Did you ever notice how passion is equated with heat, fire and flame?” he asked as his hands moved from one button to the next on Gabriel’s shirt. He slid his hands inside the parted fabric and let them drift across the hard-muscled chest that was revealed.

  Laying one hand flat against Gabriel’s skin, he leaned in, his mouth close to Gabriel’s ear, and murmured, “The heart beats faster, the blood rushes through veins, the temperature rises,” he nibbled the lobe under his roving lips, “and in an effort to cool itself, the body sweats. With heat and sweat, comes the aroma of need.”

  Gabriel was standing quiescent under Dillon’s exploring hands, his eyes closed, breath lightly panting in and out through parted lips as he listened to Dillon’s mesmerizing words. When Dillon unfastened the button of his jeans and eased the zipper down, Gabriel groaned with relief at the easing of the pressure on his swelling cock.

  Pulling the tails of Gabriel’s shirt free, Dillon pushed it off his shoulders and down, to let it fall to the floor. “You know those smells, Gabriel,” he whispered, his tongue caressing the whorls of Gabriel’s ear. “The pungent, spicy tang of male or the sweet, musky aroma of a pussy moistening itself in preparation to receive a hard cock that wants nothing more than to burrow as deeply as possible into a tight, wet place.” His hand found Gabriel’s cock and squeezed. “A place that will grip it and milk it until it spills its seed.”

  Gabriel was moaning, his hips moving with the slow rhythm of Dillon’s hand as it stroked his cock. “That’s it, baby, give me your heat,” Dillon growled and released him, pushing his jeans down. He knelt on the floor and guided Gabriel’s thick pole to his mouth. His tongue licked over the swollen head, reaping the harvest of clear liquid that dripped from its tip. “Mmm, so sweet,” he murmured then engulfed the thick, hard length, forcing an agonized groan of pleasure from Gabriel as he sucked and licked, devouring the scent and taste of Gabriel’s passion.

  “Stop. Dillon, stop, you’re going to make me come,” Gabriel groaned, his hands fisting in Dillon’s hair and gently pulling.

  Dillon released him and stood. Gabriel took his face between his hands and brought his mouth to Dillon’s, licking his reddened lips, sucking the plump bottom lip into his mouth and nibbling before slowly releasing it. “You’re so good at turning up the heat,” he whispered and began undressing Dillon.

  When they finally found their way onto the bed, they were both gloriously naked and rampantly erect. Hands, lips and tongues explored, feeding the growing fire, a fire that never ceased to burn, but remained banked and waiting to be fed. Dillon took the lead, his need to dominate riding him, his need to feel connected driving him.

  He relished every moan, every twitch of his lover’s body, giving pleasure and feeding the building arousal until his own cock burned with need, ached to be taken, to be buried in the depths of Gabriel’s body. Rising up, he positioned himself between Gabriel’s thighs and reached for the bottle of lube set out on the bedside table.

  “You are so damned hot,” Dillon murmured, pouring the lube in the palm of his hand and dipping his fingers in it. He found the taut ring of Gabriel’s hole and began carefully opening him, slowly stretching the delicate tissues, lubricating the silky-smooth channel while Gabriel panted and groaned.

  “More, baby, more,” Gabriel gasped and groaned as Dillon accommodated him with another finger, stretching him wider.

  “You make me burn. I’m on fire, Gabriel,” Dillon whispered, removing his fingers from Gabriel and slathering his own straining cock before placing it at the waiting hole. “Burn with me,” he ordered softly and pushed.

  By deliberate increments he sank into the waiting inferno, his cock melting into the velvet heat that surrounded it until he was fully seated. Dillon leaned forward, sapphire eyes meeting golden as he lowered his mouth to Gabriel’s, his lips making contact. His tongue leisurely slid in to tease and explore, while his hips initiated a gentle undulation that caressed the clasping channel that held him.

  Gabriel was moaning into his mouth and Dillon fed on the sounds and the feel of his passion until it drove him beyond the need for a slow, tender mating. He rose up, easing Gabriel’s legs over his shoulders, lifted his ass to a more accessible angle then thrust hard and deep.

  “Yessss!” Gabriel hissed, struggling under him to push back into the pounding strokes of Dillon’s cock.

  The pungent scent of raging testosterone filled their nostrils as it poured from bodies heated by passion and physical strain. Dillon set a steady pace, endlessly thrusting, fucking his mate, building their need, driving the pleasure higher and higher until they stood balanced on a precipice so high that the pleasure was bordering on pain, and there was no choice left but to jump.

  Feeling his orgasm wash over him like an unstoppable tide, Dillon wrapped his fingers around Gabriel’s cock and pumped. “Come with me,” he gasped, and groaned in triumph and pleasure as his semen inundated Gabriel’s clinging, pulsing chute while Gabriel’s cock pulsed in his hand, unloading streams of creamy seed between them.

  Dillon released Gabriel’s cock and lowered himself, their heated bodies resting together, joined by semen, sweat and love.

  “Can you breathe?” D
illon mumbled against his shoulder.

  “Not sure. I may be dead,” Gabriel answered, then laughed.

  His laughter caused Dillon to bounce against him which made Dillon laugh, a move that caused his cock to slide free from Gabriel. He groaned at the sensation and rolled over on his back where he yawned and closed his eyes.

  Gabriel was sure he’d gone to sleep when unexpectedly Dillon voiced a question. “Are we being unfair to Layne?”

  Gabriel rose up on one elbow, leaning over Dillon, a frown on his face. “What do you mean?”

  “Asking her to accept both of us. This isn’t an everyday relationship we’re offering, and she’s not exactly a free spirit.”

  Gabriel remained silent a moment then replied. “Remember what you said about how we weren’t trying to dishonor her?”


  “If we both care for her, both come to love her as we love each other, then what could be unfair about that? What’s really bothering you, babe?” Gabriel felt Dillon’s body tense, then relax.

  “I never could get anything by you,” he jested weakly. He looked deep into Gabriel eyes. “I don’t want to fuck this up. I don’t want to lose you by reaching for too much.”

  “Dillon, you’re not going to lose me. I love you. If I thought for one moment that bringing Layne into our lives would mess that up? I’d run as far and as fast as I could from her. I’d never let anyone or anything come between us,” Gabriel replied vehemently. “If you have doubts, we don’t have to do this. I’m happy with things the way they are.”

  “And yet we both admit we want something more, I sometimes wonder if that means we don’t love each other as much as we’d like to think we do.”

  “I don’t think that’s it at all. I think that, just like any other couple, there are certain things that are lacking. No one can completely fulfill another person’s needs or expectations. By bringing Layne into our lives, we’re trying to come closer to that complete fulfillment. Not only for ourselves, but for Layne as well. If she accepts us.


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