Venus Connection

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Venus Connection Page 4

by Kate Steele

  “Laynie, are you all right?” Dillon opened the door a scant few inches. “You’ve been in there for thirty-five minutes. Thought I’d better check to make sure you hadn’t drowned.”

  “No, I’m okay. I’ll be out in a little while,” she replied, stifling a yawn.

  “All right, sweetheart, but don’t stay in too much longer. The cooling water won’t be good for you.”

  “I won’t.”

  Dillon closed the door and Layne hauled herself up, flipping the toggle to let the water drain. Feeling somewhat more agile, she climbed out of the tub and used the shower stall to quickly wash her hair then soaped herself down and rinsed. After using the blow dryer to dry her hair, she suddenly realized she had nothing to wear.

  Winding a towel around herself, she opened the bathroom door and peeked out. No one was in sight. “Dillon? Gabriel?” she called.

  “Right here, babe, whatcha need?” Gabriel asked, coming out of what must have been the bedroom. He froze at the sight of her.

  “Did you call, Layne?” Dillon asked, sauntering out of the kitchen with a carrot stick in hand. He too stopped and stared.

  Time stood frozen for a moment, the three of them caught in a spell of intimacy. Layne felt herself growing warm under their steady regard. “What?” she asked, fidgeting with the towel to make sure everything was covered.

  “This is the first time I’ve seen you with your hair down,” Gabriel said softly.

  “You look so pretty, sweetheart,” Dillon added, his voice deep and husky.

  Layne bit her lip against the sudden tears that stung her eyes. “Guys, I…I don’t have anything to wear,” she blurted out, at a loss at how to deal with the emotions welling up inside her.

  “What you’ve got on now looks pretty good to me,” Dillon piped up, breaking the spell.

  Layne gave him a moue and a quelling frown, but he only smiled.

  “I think I have an idea,” Gabriel said. “Come with me.”

  He led the way into the master bedroom and began rummaging in the bottom drawer of his dresser, coming up with a bundle of silky, royal blue fabric. He and Dillon looked at each other and grinned. “The Pajamas,” they both pronounced importantly.

  “All right, what’s going on?” Layne asked, looking suspiciously from one to the other.

  They both chuckled. “In an effort to civilize us, Gabriel’s mother buys us pajamas,” Dillon explained.

  “Which we don’t wear,” Gabriel added.

  Layne flushed at the implication. They slept in the nude. Her gaze traveled briefly to the king-size bed, then quickly returned to the bundle Gabriel held.

  “Why don’t you try these on?” Gabriel said with a smile.

  Without a word, Layne took the pajamas and gratefully retreated to the bathroom. The bedroom had begun to shrink until all she could see was the bed looming larger and larger in her sight. Her pussy had begun to ache, she could actually feel herself getting wet, her labia swelling with anticipation, her body signaling its readiness to be filled. Knowing that there were two prime male specimens who would be more than happy to accommodate her was a dizzying thought.

  She looked at her sweaty underclothes with disdain, then shrugged and pulled on the pajama top. It was very roomy and although the silk hugged the curve of her breasts, she wasn’t too concerned. At least they still stand up on their own, she thought, and pulled on the pajama pants and tied them tight at her waist. After rolling up the legs and sleeves, she joined Gabriel and Dillon in the living room.

  “Are you hungry?” Gabriel asked, putting an arm around her shoulders.

  “A little. I’m more tired than anything. I think I’d really just like to lie down. Could you take me home now?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  Layne gave him a bewildered, wide-eyed look. “Why not?”

  “’Cause you’re sore and tired and Dillon and I want to take care of you.”

  “You don’t have to do that,” she whispered, touched by their concern.

  “We know that,” Gabriel replied, swinging her up in his arms. “But we want to.”

  “You guys don’t need to keep hauling me around,” Layne said breathlessly as her arms went around Gabriel’s neck.

  “I know that too, but it’s more fun this way,” he answered with a chuckle.

  He walked her down the short hallway, past the doorway to his and Dillon’s bedroom to a smaller guest room. Dillon followed them in and pulled the covers down on the bed.

  “I wanted to put you in our bed,” he said as Gabriel set her down. “But Gabriel says that’s being too pushy, so you get to sleep here, all alone in this big bed, with no one to keep you company or keep you warm,” he teased, pulling the covers over her and sitting down.

  Layne chuckled. “Gabriel’s always so considerate.”

  “Isn’t he just,” Dillon agreed with a disgruntled frown that drew another laugh from her.

  Gabriel shook his head and leaning over, kissed her gently on the lips. “If you need anything just yell.”

  Dillon followed suit, kissing her then adding, “Especially if you need a willing and warm bed companion.”

  “You’ll be the first to know,” Layne said softly, her eyes fluttering closed as she snuggled into the soft comfort of the bed.

  From a great distance she felt the movement of the bed and heard the soft murmur of voices as they drifted away.

  * * * * *

  Layne woke in pain. Excruciating, agonizing pain that shot up her leg and brought her upright with a muffled scream. “Oh god, oh god, oh god,” she gasped, her hands wrapping around the straining muscle of her calf.

  The bedroom door, left partially open, swung back as Dillon and Gabriel, both totally naked, rushed into the room. Shouts of “What is it?” and “What’s wrong?” filled the room.

  “Charley horse!” she managed through gritted teeth, then cried out as her other calf muscle seized. She flopped back on the bed, writhing in pain.

  The two of them immediately rushed forward, sitting on either side of her. Without hesitation they each took hold of one of her feet and forced her ankle to bend until her feet were at right angles to her legs, forcing the muscle to extend. Then they immediately began massaging the hard, straining muscles of her calves.

  “Try to relax, baby,” Dillon crooned. “I know it hurts, just let it go. We’ve got you, just relax, baby, just relax.”

  “That’s right, Laynie,” Gabriel added softly. “Your muscles are loosening up. Can you feel it, sweetheart? The pain’s going away. It’s getting better now.”

  Layne’s gasping breaths slowed, a small whimper of relief passing her lips as she slowly relaxed, letting their soothing voices flow over her. The firm massage was working its magic. Her calf muscles were loosening from their taut strain.

  A few minutes later Dillon leaned over her. “Better?” he asked, and she nodded. “Let’s get up and walk around a little,” he encouraged and urged her up.

  Groaning, Layne sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed, struggling to stand until Dillon helped her up. “Everything hurts,” she moaned, tottering unsteadily while leaning on Dillon.

  Gabriel came around to her other side. “Your skin is cool. Are you cold?”

  “A little.”

  “What you need is a massage and two bed partners to keep you warm so your muscles don’t stiffen up again,” Dillon prescribed.

  “At this point I’m ready for anything that’ll make me feel better,” Layne blurted out, the pain of her overworked muscles removing any objections she might normally come up with.

  She walked slowly with Dillon as he led her to the other bedroom, and it was only then, with the pain easing, that she realized Gabriel and Dillon were both totally naked. Completely embarrassed, yet openly curious, she strove to keep her eyes averted, but couldn’t help stealing small glances.

  “You’ll soon be feeling much better, I promise,” Dillon assured her, unaware of his effect on her. “Babe, w
ill you get the towels and the massage oil?” he asked Gabriel, who went to their walk-in closet for the requested items.

  Dillon gave Layne an amused look. “You’re ready for anything?” he asked expectantly.

  “I guess,” she replied, her manner suddenly unsure.

  “This massage is best carried out while in the nude.”

  Her eyes got round. “Oh, well, um, I…”

  “Layne, all kidding aside, do you trust me? Do you trust Gabriel?” Dillon asked.

  At that moment Layne knew that their entire future hinged on her answer. Did she trust them? She looked at Dillon standing before her and turned her head slightly to find Gabriel paused in the doorway of the closet. Both were still, waiting for her answer.

  Layne dropped her gaze and let her memory guide her through every bit of her contact with them. Throughout it all, they had been kind, generous, supportive, understanding, loving and above all, honest. Neither of them had tried to hide what they were offering her. Both of them together, all or nothing.

  It was that fact, most of all, that was the heart of the matter. There was no doubt in her mind that they were both good men with good hearts. It also didn’t hurt that they were both so masculine and sexy that it made her heart pound just to look at them. But what they would share would be an unconventional relationship. Two men and one woman. The three of them sharing their lives, their bodies, their everything with each other.

  She’d never considered that possibility, had a hard time believing that there would ever be one man in her life, let alone two. Two men who had no compunction about sharing her between them, and who would also not only be making love to her, but to each other as well.

  She considered the idea. Did it bother her that Dillon and Gabriel made love with each other? She searched her emotions for hints of disgust or rejection, but found only acceptance and even anticipation. She admitted to herself that she found the idea exciting.

  She looked up at Dillon and began opening the buttons on the pajama top she wore. “Just one thing?” she asked.


  “It would make it a little easier on me if you and Gabriel would maybe put on something. A little something? I don’t think I’d be quite so nervous as long as all of us aren’t naked.”

  Dillon gave her an understanding smile, a small quirk of the lips that caused Layne’s heart to jump. “Whatever you need, sweetheart.”

  Gabriel emerged completely from the closet and stopped on his way to the bed, giving her a gentle kiss. “Thank you.”

  Layne gave him a shy smile and tried not to stare at the taut globes of his ass as he spread a large terrycloth bath sheet on the bed, then went to meet Dillon, who was holding out a pair of athletic shorts that matched the ones he had already donned. Turning her back to them, Layne took a deep breath and let the pajama top drop to the floor, then shimmied out of the bottoms and scrambled onto the bed, settling herself facedown.

  Her body was taut as a bowstring, her stomach tied in knots, and she shivered as she waited for them. There was a long moment’s silence. She could feel their gazes upon her and she visibly shook, unable to stop the goose bumps that marched over her naked skin. Soft music filled the room as one of them turned on the stereo.

  On either side of her, the bed dipped and she gasped.

  “Relax, Laynie, it’s all right.”

  Gabriel’s warm, melodic voice flowed over her and she tried to take deep, calming breaths but found them coming out more as anxiety-ridden pants.

  Dillon chuckled. “You’ll be all right in minute, sweetheart,” he reassured her. “Babe, you start on her shoulders, I’ll start on her legs and we’ll meet in the middle.” The muscles in Layne’s buttocks jumped as she convulsively tightened them and her murmured “Oh god” had Dillon chuckling again, but he mercifully refrained from making any comment.

  For something that started out so fraught with tension, the massage turned out to be the most soothing, sensual and relaxing thing she’d ever felt. The terrycloth sheet under her body warmed. Her nostrils were filled with the combined scents of Gabriel and Dillon emanating from the pillow under her cheek. The touch of their hands was gentle yet firm, easing her stiff, sore muscles while heating the skin that lay under their fingertips. Layne’s exhaustion from the walk was also a factor, and it wasn’t long before she was sound asleep.

  Gabriel and Dillon lost themselves in the slow rhythm of the music and the satiny feel of Layne’s skin, sleek with massage oil and its own firm elasticity. The first to notice, Dillon commented softly, “She’s asleep.”

  Gabriel acknowledged his words with a smile. “I thought so. She’s gone totally boneless.”

  “I was wondering if she was going to be able to relax. She was all but jumping out of her skin for a while.”

  “Just more proof that we need to go slowly with her.”

  Dillon shifted slightly, his hands reaching the coveted goal of her bottom. He massaged the taut round globes, delighting in the firm feel of them in his hands. “I know, babe, but remember what Sylvie said? Layne’s a Pisces, sexually daring and willing to experiment. Under that shy, quiet exterior, there’s an adventuress.”

  “As long as she feels secure with her partner or partners.”

  “I thought Sylvie said I was the cautious one.”

  “No, you’re the stubborn one. Ya know, bullheaded,” Gabriel teased.

  They both continued the massage, slow and easy, while keeping their voices pitched low.

  “You know what I’ve been thinking?” Gabriel continued.

  “Probably the same thing I have,” Dillon replied, giving his lover a sensual smile.

  “Both of us at once.”

  “You think she’ll be willing?”

  “Depends. At this point we don’t even know if Layne is interested in anal at all.”


  “Speaking of which,” Gabriel said with a raised brow, “you’re getting awfully friendly with her backside.”

  Dillon laughed softly, looking down at Layne. “You’re just jealous. She is beautiful though, isn’t she?”

  “Yeah, inside and out,” Gabriel agreed, stifling a yawn.

  “I’ll get a towel to wipe this oil off. You stretch out, babe, you’re tired.”

  Another yawn followed the first. “So, are we going to keep her with us for the rest of the night?”

  “Yeah, no hanky-panky, just keep her warm so her muscles don’t stiffen up on her again.”


  Dillon shook his head and retrieved a hand towel from the bathroom. He woke Gabriel just enough to get him to wipe his hands on it, then he gently wiped Layne down from shoulder to heel. She stirred under his touch and turned toward Gabriel, snuggling against him. Dillon smiled at the warm wave of satisfaction that spread through him at the sight of Gabriel and Layne sleeping together. It looked so right, and felt even more so. It felt even better when he turned out the lights and climbed in bed, pulling the covers over the three of them. He turned on his side, spooned Layne from behind and heaving a contented sigh, went to sleep.

  Chapter Three

  Layne woke slowly, her eyes fluttering open. Across the room she could see light filtering in through the closed drapes. She couldn’t recall ever feeling so languidly relaxed and drowsy.

  She remembered last night. Exactly what had happened and where she was now. And with whom. A subdued quiver of excitement tightened her stomach, and she smiled. She was genuinely happy and still half disbelieving that she was in bed with Gabriel and Dillon.

  She was lying on her side, spooned against a hard, male body while another one snuggled against her backside. She wasn’t sure who was where. She’d gone to sleep before they’d joined her in bed and she knew there’d been some movement in the night. Seeing tousled dark hair on the pillow in front of her, she concluded it was Gabriel behind her. His breath ruffled her hair and teased the skin of her shoulder. A small snore at first startled her, then caused her to silentl
y giggle. Her body shook as she tried to stay quiet.

  “What’s so funny?” Dillon asked, his voice husky with sleep.

  “Shh! Gabriel’s snoring.”

  “I do not snore,” came another sleepy voice from behind her.

  Dillon turned to face them. “You do too…er…sometimes,” he hedged in the face of Gabriel’s bleary-eyed glare.

  “Well, so do you.”

  “So does Layne,” Dillon countered.

  “I do not!” Layne exclaimed indignantly.

  “Do too.”

  “I have to agree with Dillon on that, honey. But it’s a very soft and ladylike snore,” Gabriel soothed.

  “Gee, thanks,” Layne pouted, rolling to her back. She was confronted by the sight of two rumpled, yet sexy-as-hell men.

  She looked at them, suddenly at a loss for words, struck by an unreasoning desire to touch them. The only question was where to begin and with whom. Dillon took the decision out of her hands by putting himself in them. Against her thigh she could feel him growing hard. She looked at him, her eyes wide.

  “I can’t help it,” he whispered.

  He leaned down and kissed her while taking her unresisting hand and pressing it against the growing bulge in his shorts. Far from wanting to resist, Layne grasped him as best she could, rubbing the thick column. Dillon groaned into her mouth, his tongue easing in to explore.

  Cool air swept over her skin. Gabriel’s hand cupped her breast, his mouth lowering to cover the other one. He drew her nipple in, sucking gently. Layne arched under him, whimpering softly. Without thinking, her other hand groped for Gabriel and found him, hot and hard.

  As soon as she touched him, Gabriel groaned. The sound alerted Dillon, who released Layne’s mouth. Dillon took her hand from Gabriel and guided it inside his shorts so that she could better hold him. He did the same with her other hand. It slid eagerly inside, her fingers wrapping around Dillon’s solid length, gently stroking.

  He leaned over her. “That feels so good, Laynie. Let me make you feel good too. Open for me, sweetheart.”

  Already wet, aching and eager, she complied. Dillon rested his hand on her belly and caressed her skin with languid strokes. Layne’s belly tightened convulsively with her excited shivers. Instead of diving between her thighs, he slowly teased her. His fingertips glided over the crease between her torso and thigh and Layne tensed, arching up into his touch.


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