Shared for Love: Kagan Wolves, Book 2

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Shared for Love: Kagan Wolves, Book 2 Page 7

by Nancy Corrigan

  He’ll pay for every damn sin. Three more nights. Then, I’ll be alpha.

  And as soon as he accepted their pack’s spirit, he’d mate Hannah in the way of a true Jager male, exactly as his father had claimed his mate and his grandfather before him.

  Soul to soul. Heart to heart.


  Hannah’s image flashed before him. Lust and longing gripped him. He welcomed both. If he focused on the excitement of making her his, he wouldn’t feel the loss of Noah.

  He snorted. And if I keep telling myself that, I’ll believe it, right?

  He shook his head and climbed out of his car. Michael’s scent drifted to him, tearing a low growl from Ethan’s wolf. He tensed but forced the animosity he held for the older male deep. Three more nights. That was all he had left to play the part of the loyal dominant.

  A controlled inhale and exhale calmed the last of his anger. He made his way to the elaborate front door. The carvings on the wood, combined with the stained glass framing it, matched the expensive brick home with its perfectly detailed landscaping, a beautiful display of flowers and shrubs Noah had designed.

  Ethan scanned the large home’s exterior and wondered, not for the first time, what life might have been like if he’d grown up in the alpha family’s house, and not the small two-bedroom trailer of the shifter couple who’d pretended to be his parents.

  Luck had made the deception possible. His foster mother had been in labor. In order to save an innocent life, she birthed fraternal twins that night, not simply the single child she’d carried. Had she refused to accept Ethan as her child, Michael’s wolf likely would’ve driven him to kill Ethan or, at the very least, banish him from the pack so as to eliminate the threat to his position.

  She came to regret saving Ethan. Once Owen, her biological son, learned the truth, he’d left the pack.

  Ethan fought his frustration. Blood tie or not, he loved Owen. If Ethan knew where his brother had gone, he’d bring Owen home himself.

  The door opened, yanking Ethan back to the present. A good thing too. He didn’t want to recall another situation where he’d lost someone he loved, not on top of the fight he’d had with Noah.

  Michael’s wide frame filled the opening. Although not as tall as many shifters, the Tanner alpha was muscular. He was strong, no doubt about it. The fight to take him out wouldn’t be easy. Not impossible. Speed and confidence would defeat him, both qualities Ethan held. He didn’t question his ability to topple the male. Never had. It was his ability to keep the position without a mate that had stopped him.

  No longer. Anticipation zinged through him. He flashed a grin at the male. “Michael.”

  Michael raised a brow. “You’re in a good mood.”

  Ethan bit the inside of his cheek to dim his amusement. “Why wouldn’t I be? I just finished negotiating a deal that will land our pack millions.”

  He’d need the money to fund the improvements in their community once he took over. Michael had considered updates to their school and library, among other basic services, unnecessary.

  Michael studied him a moment more. “You’re talking about the sale of our lumber mill?”

  And eliminate the livelihood of his pack mates? Ethan shook his head. “No. I contracted their services instead. They’ll be processing wood for another company.”

  “If humans run it, I want no part of it. We don’t need their kind involved in our lives. I’d rather sell off the equipment and clear our warehouse.” Michael’s brow creased as if struggling with his words. “Liquidate our assets. That’s the term, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. That’s the term.” Ethan clenched his jaw. Michael had foolishly sold off a large tract of land a couple of months back for a fraction of what the acreage was worth. He’d been thrilled with the deal, while Ethan had seethed. The only good thing that came out of the situation was Michael’s agreement to discuss any financial transactions involving pack holdings with Ethan before signing any contracts.

  “And yes, humans run it, but I’ve arranged for them to hire a liaison from the area to act as their manager. I’ll make sure only shifters are considered, and if they violate any of the terms I’ve added, we can get out of it.”

  Michael nodded. “Good. Well thought out, as always. I’m grateful for your loyal service. It’s the reason I invited you over. I have an offer for you.”

  A wave of trepidation gripped him, but he couldn’t allow the weakness to show. He inclined his head. “Thank you. I must say I’m intrigued to find out what it involves.”

  Michael waved him inside. “Come in, then. It’s best this is done in private.”

  Ethan followed Michael into the living room. As normal as any Ethan had seen, leather furniture and electronics filled the cream-colored room, while a box of toys and a dollhouse occupied one corner. He took a seat on the sofa. Michael wandered to the fireplace where pictures of his children sat, those living anyway. The lack of memorial or acknowledgment of his deceased kids didn’t surprise Ethan. In Michael’s eyes, only the strong deserved his favor.

  Michael studied Maria’s photo. “Our pack is weak, Ethan. Every year we’re losing members to unexpected tragedies, but few worthy children are born to take their places.”

  Unexpected tragedies, my ass. Ethan shifted his gaze to where his splayed hands rested on his thighs. He willed himself to remain calm. The snarls reverberating in his head didn’t help matters. His wolf knew as well as he did, the unfortunate deaths weren’t accidents or random acts of violence. Michael’s systematic approach to cleansing the pack had crippled them.

  Ethan dragged his attention back to Michael. “Perhaps you might consider my suggestion to have the pack’s protectors investigate the deaths of our weaker shifters. I can’t help but wonder if one of our own isn’t targeting them.”

  “So you’d hypothesized, but I can’t imagine such an occurrence would be happening here. Surely the spirit wolf would sense the…” Michael met his gaze. Sick amusement hovered in his hazel depths. “The level of depravity that would surround the individual committing the crimes. Our pack spirit hasn’t directed me to any suspects.”

  Ethan laced his fingers to resist the urge to curl them into fists. “Then I’m not sure what other advice to offer.”

  “I don’t need any, not from you.”

  The rough bite to Michael’s voice forced Ethan to lower his gaze. It proved harder than ever to do. Three nights. That’s all, then you’ll die at my hands.

  “I mentioned it because I’ve been thinking a lot lately about our pack’s spirit. It’s not happy. It hasn’t been in over thirty years.” Michael exhaled loudly. “No matter what I do, it’s not good enough.”

  Ethan’s shoulders tensed. Not once had Michael even remotely suggested Ethan’s maturity had been the cause of the spirit wolf’s anger. He’d always assumed Michael never made the connection. Maybe he’d been wrong and the shit was about to hit the fan. He took a slow breath and raised his gaze.

  “When you announced our pack was reverting to the old ways, you’d mentioned the spirit wolf’s displeasure. What did it show you to make you certain of its anger?” Because it couldn’t speak to the alpha any more than the wolves they housed could.

  “It wanted me to step down. Pass its spirit to another dominant. Give up all my power.” Michael’s voice took on a deep grumble. “It actually wanted me to willingly walk away from the role I’d held for over two decades.” He snorted. “Like hell. I refused to admit defeat, so I tried to figure out why the spirit wolf wanted a new host. Surely I was doing something wrong.”

  If Michael hadn’t decided to cleanse their pack of those he deemed unworthy, Ethan might’ve felt sympathy for Michael. The spirit wolf merely wanted to be returned to its rightful bloodline, but Michael had chosen to institute practices that demeaned and punished anyone who didn’t show signs of physical strength. That had be
en a conscious decision and not one Ethan could forgive.

  “And reverting to the old ways wasn’t what it wanted?” Ethan asked.

  Michael shrugged. “It’s hard enough to understand the animal tied to our soul. I’ve found the spirit wolf to be impossible to read. In fact, I’ve stopped seeking its guidance.”

  “I would think that would make the spirit angry.”

  “As if I care.” Michael crossed his arms over his chest. “This is my pack. I will run it my way and won’t give it up until the female I’m mated to produces a suitable son for me to pass the spirit onto.”

  Ethan glanced from Michael’s glinting eyes to the dark gray hairs darkening his knuckles. As much as Ethan wanted to argue with Michael, setting him off would only result in a fight. With the aggression emanating from Ethan’s wolf, he couldn’t guarantee he’d be able to resist killing Michael, and it was too soon to end his life.

  “What are your plans for strengthening our pack, then?”

  “We have to build our numbers. I’ve been trying to come up with ways to encourage our members to breed.” Michael motioned to the row of pictures. Maria and her younger sisters, four-year-old twin girls, were all that remained of his family. The others had died or been killed. “I’m doing my part, but obviously the spirit wolf isn’t ready to gift me with a strong son.”

  “I thought the mating runs were supposed to increase the number of our couples.”

  “Yes, but it doesn’t seem to be very effective. Few members participate in our social, and when they do, they run off and fuck, not mate.”

  Participants in the mating run were encouraged to listen to their instincts and hear what the spirit wolf wanted. The belief was that doing so would lead them to the best possible mate. Members of both sexes approached each other at the start of the full moon’s ceremony and let nature take over.

  Matings didn’t always happen, but sex usually did. It was often raw and primal too. Between two consenting partners, a chase through the woods resulted in some pleasurable encounters. At least, that was what Ethan had heard.

  Unfortunately, sometimes things got out of hand. Rapes and forced matings did happen. It was why many packs had banned the practice, along with many of the old ways that often restricted and demeaned their women. Not the Tanner pack. They embraced it. That knowledge angered Ethan. It’d be the first thing he changed.

  Michael scowled. “I’ve considered making the mating run mandatory, but then I’d have to include Maria in it. My mate has threatened to kill herself if I do, and I won’t allow that. She’s mine. I care for her.”

  Ethan stared at Michael, unbelieving of the details his alpha shared.

  Michael chuckled. “Have I shocked you by telling you of my personal troubles?”

  “Yes.” Ethan swallowed hard. Anxiety gripped him over the reason behind the candidness. “Actually you have.”

  “Few of our dominants care about our pack’s welfare, but you do. You’d give them every cent you earned if I allowed it, wouldn’t you?”

  Ethan already did. At least as much as he’d been able to get away with. Everything else went into a fund for after he became alpha. “If it was best for the pack, yes.”

  “Best for the pack.” Michael settled his focused glare on Ethan. “And what is it that you think is best for our pack mates?”

  Nope. Ethan wouldn’t fall for the lure. The pointed question led to a trap. Most likely, their entire conversation did, but he wouldn’t jump into it. “I’m not alpha. That’s not for me to decide.”

  “No, you’re not, but I’ve always wondered why you never challenged me. You’re strong. A dominant.” He tilted his head and narrowed his eyes. “What’s stopped you from taking the foolish path other males in our pack have? Surely you’ve considered it.”

  Ethan inwardly cursed. So much for avoiding Michael’s trap. “I don’t want to be alpha, never have.”

  “Nor do you want a mate.”

  His heart skipped a beat. “No, I do not.”

  Michael crossed his arms and studied him. “Why?”

  He fell back on his usual answer. “Mates are too much effort. Females require attention, love, conversations. They’re only good for sex. When I get the urge to screw one, I pay for it.”

  And he did. Sort of. He had a couple of hookers he visited who were known for their silence. He paid them extremely well to talk to him and keep his secret, of course. In the face of Michael’s disbelief, Ethan couldn’t help but wonder if one of them hadn’t betrayed him. He had ignored them for the past six months.

  “My mate doesn’t believe you. She thinks you and Maria are in love.” Michael rubbed his chin. “I’ve come to the conclusion she’s right.”

  He tensed. “I don’t—”

  Michael held up a hand. “Don’t bother denying it. She already did. I don’t believe my daughter either.” He dropped his arm and leveled a hard glare at him. “You’re both well past maturity without any interest in taking a mate. You’re close too. Friends.”

  He spat the last word.

  Ethan glanced from Michael’s balled fists to his glinting eyes. Ethan’s wolf slammed into his chest. It had reached its limit. The animal wanted to rip out his opponent’s throat.

  I have to wait. Kill him too soon and Ethan’s pack mates would get hurt fighting amongst themselves while they sought to realign the pack hierarchy. It was the outcome Nic had tried to avoid. Hannah had shared the private insight and the struggle her brother had accepting his fate. Ethan had left her that night feeling closer to her than if they would’ve made love.

  He raised his chin. “If you’ve already made up your mind, I’m not sure what you want me to say other than I have no plans to mate Maria.”

  “But you see, I want her mated.”

  Ethan’s gut twisted. The reason behind Michael’s invitation to visit him hadn’t been one Ethan suspected. He licked his lips. “Aren’t you worried I might then feel the urge to take you out?”

  Michael chuckled. “You misunderstand me. I want Maria mated, just not to you.”

  Ethan stared at his alpha a moment more but couldn’t read anything from him other than the fact he was up to something. “I see.”

  “She won’t consider anyone until you’re off the market. At least that’s what my mate tells me.”

  He sat up. “If you’re suggesting I take a mate so she will, I can’t without my wolf’s approval. You know that, and it hasn’t met any female it wants either.”

  A sympathetic look passed over Michael’s face. “I understand. I felt the same when looking for a suitable partner. There are so many weak women out there. They’re barely worth our protection, let alone a piece of our souls, which, I might add, is an asinine requirement by our gods in order to reproduce.”

  Ethan bit his tongue to stop his growl. A small nod was the only fake response he could muster.

  “But I’m asking you to lower your standards”—Michael caught Ethan’s gaze—“for Maria’s sake.”

  “For Maria’s sake? How so?”

  Michael lowered his voice. “I have heard rumblings that there’s a market for dominant females, mated or unmated, and these buyers have set their sights on West Virginia.”

  “A market.” Ethan leaned forward. “What kind of market?”

  “Sex slaves. There’s a group of shifters willing to pay large sums of money for them, and”—Michael grinned—“they especially like the strong ones since they fight back. Breaking their spirit is half the fun.”

  The sneer Michael wore suggested he knew it from experience. Ethan breathed slowly. Deeply. He would not lose control. Everything rested upon it. Finally, his heart rate returned to normal.

  “And you’re concerned Maria might fall victim to them?” Ethan prompted.

  “Yes, and I certainly wouldn’t want my precious, loyal daughter to suffer that
fate. It’s safer if she moves away. Don’t you agree?”

  Because she would be sold off if Ethan mated her. He didn’t doubt Michael’s threat, unspoken or not. Ethan inclined his head slightly. “But where exactly do you expect me to find a mate? There are no females in our pack that interest me or my wolf.”

  “You’ll have to lower your standards and convince your wolf to pick one. I want you to participate in the next mating run. Your instincts will kick in once the ceremony begins. It’ll be enough to sway your wolf.”

  “I can’t guarantee that. My wolf is stubborn. It won’t settle for anything less than an equal.”

  “You mean Maria.”

  Ethan glared at Michael, unsure what the best response would be. Michael made it for him. He chuckled. “Well, you can’t have her. I won’t allow it, but I do want you content. A submissive might do the trick, one you can treat as a slave. Your wolf might enjoy that.”

  Hate gripped him. He not only wanted Michael’s death, he wanted him to suffer before he took his last breath. Ethan breathed through the violent thoughts. “I doubt it.”

  “You won’t know unless you try. Spend some time getting to know our females. If that doesn’t work, show up at the mating run. The scent of their arousal might do the trick.” Michael walked closer, stopping at the edge of the sofa. “But remember my warning, Ethan. Choose your mate wisely. If you don’t, she might find herself targeted by that horrid trafficking ring. I’d hate to see you widowed days after being mated like poor Noah. He’s worthless now. If he wasn’t so good with flowers, I’d suggest he kill himself. At least in another life, he might learn from his mistake and be able to protect the female he mates.”

  Michael’s heartless words pushed Ethan too far. He glared at Michael. “And what’s to stop me from challenging you beforehand?”

  The wicked smile on Michael’s face chilled Ethan. “Do so, and Owen dies with me. I’ve already given orders to have him killed if you attempt to take me out.”

  Ethan stood, muscles tensed. Apparently, they were done playing games. “Where is he?”


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