The Post-Apocalyptic Society: A Nelson and Hyde Vendetta

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The Post-Apocalyptic Society: A Nelson and Hyde Vendetta Page 23

by Stephanie Kato

  “That’s because human beings haven’t messed it up yet,” Reb commented.

  Giles rolled onto his side. “We have a lot of good memories out here. This landscape saved our lives. Even though the conditions were harsh, it was easier to survive on the prairie than in the ruins of Oklahoma City. It seems like we lost everything after the nation collapsed, including our home, family, and civilization. Even our identities were destroyed. The life we planned together was gone before it even started.”

  “I guess the experience brought us closer together. Living on the rural landscape forced us to cooperate with each other,” Reb said, then she picked up a sandwich.

  “Definitely. We had to become totally self-sufficient. You and I hunted together, setup camp, scavenged for supplies, bathed in the river, fixed our truck, made bonfires, went fishing, and everything else. Taking care of your leg was difficult because I didn’t have any medical experience though,” Giles replied.

  Reb chuckled. “We even fled from a few tornadoes. That was really scary.”

  Giles sat up and ate a few grapes. “Maintaining hope wasn’t easy. I held you in our tent at night and tried to stay positive. We talked about our dreams and goals. Both of us still had a lot of plans. We wanted to finish law school, build an agency, and watch the United States rise again.”

  “Your predictions were accurate. I was the pessimist who thought our nation was finished. However, you were wrong about one thing: You honestly believed mankind would live together in peace. Can’t win them all,” Reb explained.

  “How do you know it can’t happen someday?” Giles inquired.

  Reb thought carefully. “I just don’t think it’s in the cards for us. We’re never going to have a normal life. That dream fizzled with the 21st Century. I think we’re more like star-crossed lovers. The world will always be against us. In a way, that might not be a bad thing though. People always remember tragic love stories. We don’t have any children that will give us a legacy - so our story will have to do it. I hope it can inspire other people to push forward and conquer the odds. The two us have a wonderful relationship and have achieved great success, but we’ll always be doomed to suffer from the Post-Apocalyptic fallout.”

  “You’re probably right. Just remember that you’ll never have to suffer alone,” Giles said, and he took her hand.

  Reb felt at ease as she sat next to her husband in this pastoral land. “Like you said, we should enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts.”

  The Steampunk couple kissed each other and resumed their picnic.

  Steampunk Noir

  Chapter 1

  Throughout history, mankind always craved power. Human beings waged war on each other for hundreds of years, both on the battlefield and behind closed doors. After the 21st Century ended, the world was plunged into a Post-Apocalyptic era where a new breed of human beings rose to power. Those individuals became known as Steampunks because they were a retro-futuristic culture who were influenced by the Victorian era and used steam power as a main resource. Their greatest power lies in their body modifications and their resilience. The Steampunks used alchemy to modify various metals and grafted them into their own living, human skeletons. Many Steampunks grafted pieces of metal onto their skin as fashion statements. Metal was also grafted into their clothing for extra protection. Human and metal grafting supplied the Steampunks with physical enhancements such as accelerated speed, endurance, strength, and agility. After the Steampunks became the world’s dominant culture, the rest of mankind rapidly lost their power.

  However, another group of retro-futuristic people emerged in this dystopia. A band of mobsters found a home in Las Vegas. It was a tourist magnet and one of the largest cities in the United States. The retro-futuristic mafia built cargo zones and hangars in the desert where they operated a huge black market. They sold large quantities of modified weapons to terrorists in an effort to combat the Steampunks. Some of their weapons on the black market included highly explosive and flammable gunpowder, toxic dart guns, and rifles that fired powerful bolts of green electricity. The mobsters saved a special type of weaponry for their own members. They used submachine guns that were loaded with grafted bullets. The bullets could easily penetrate walls and Steampunk clothing. They also valued giant combustion engines that were powered by diesel fuel. The combustion engines served as power sources for large vehicles and explosives.

  Gable Nelson was an iconic casino tycoon in Las Vegas. He owned a huge corporate empire and the mafia wanted to gain control of his power. They developed a plan and waited for the right moment to execute it. Ultimately, the mafia wanted to seize Las Vegas from the Steampunks.

  One morning, Reb and Giles drove to Las Vegas in her Jeep while their robotic prairie dog, Bubba, rode in the backseat. Bubba watched the scenery as they drove through the desert. The couple thought the road trip might clear their minds.

  Reb felt restless sitting in the passenger seat. “I see prickly-looking plants.”

  “Prickly plants? I don’t suppose you’re talking about cactus, are you?” Giles said, as he drove on the highway.

  “No, these plants are shrubs that look kind of like porcupines,” Reb commented.

  Giles engaged in the game. “Well, I see mounts of dirt.”

  Reb leaned back in her seat. “It’s pretty bad if we’re getting excited about dirt piles.”

  “Just be patient. We’re almost there. Las Vegas isn’t very far away at this point,” Giles mentioned.

  Along the way, they saw multiple billboards with Reb’s picture on them. The first billboard showed Reb in one of her traditional Steampunk outfits with a coachman’s hat, a vest, leather gloves, goggles, her baton, and several metal trimmings. The message said: Steampunk is Conquest!

  The second billboard showed Reb in a nautical outfit holding an iron trident. It declared: Reclaim the Sea! A third billboard stated: Don’t Mess with the Gunslingers! It had a photo of Reb wearing a cowboy hat and wielding two pistols that appeared to be from the Wild West era. The fourth billboard said: We Are Nuclear Power! This one showed Reb wearing a gas mask and holding a crowbar. The final billboard had a picture of Reb wearing an aviation outfit and it stated: Reign Supreme in the Sky!

  “I find these billboards confusing, but it’s not a big deal. Advertisers gave me a lot of money to model for them,” Reb stated.

  Giles smirked. “The billboards are designed to scare away terrorists from Las Vegas. Believe it or not, you’re a very frightening woman. You’ve toppled the leaders of several terrorist organizations with only a baton. That really says something.”

  “Thank goodness for propaganda. I guess it goes in our favor,” Reb replied.

  Eventually, they reached the city limits of Las Vegas.


  In San Francisco, Percy and Savannah watched one of Percy’s large robots working at a construction site. The robot was a massive humanoid creation that was capable of lifting extremely heavy and large objects. Both of them watched carefully as the robot easily picked up a long beam and carried to a pile of metal objects. The robot gently set the beam on top of the pile and then it worked on other tasks.

  Percy laughed. “It finally works! This is exactly what I wanted!”

  Savannah felt embarrassed to wear a yellow hardhat. “I’m very proud of you, but why do we have to wear these silly hats?”

  “This is a construction zone. We both have to wear hardhats for protection,” Percy responded.

  Savannah was not impressed. “Our skulls are full of metal. Why does it matter?”

  “I don’t want that robot to drop anything on my head without reinforcement. Anyway, we should celebrate. My robots are ready for mass production. They’re going to make me an even wealthier man,” Percy gloated.

  Savannah stroked his arm while she cooed, “I always thought you were brilliant enough to make this work. You’re the one who was always critical of the project.”

  Before the pair could say anything else, someone thre
w a beer bottle. The bottle smashed on the ground between them and caught their attention. Percy and Savannah noticed a group of protestors who were being pushed away by the robot construction workers.

  “Those robots are going to steal our jobs! Don’t you have a conscience?” One of the protestors complained.

  Another protestor yelled, “It’s about saving money! You care more about profit than human beings!”

  Percy quickly led Savannah away from the construction site. “Some people can’t handle progress.”

  “They’re not Steampunks. I don’t expect them to understand our work ethic. Industrial progress is a very important part of Steampunk culture,” Savanna grumbled as they briskly walked away.


  Meanwhile, Gable was working in his main office while talked via speakerphone with his wife Priscilla. Both of them were very busy at their respective workplaces.

  “You’re being dramatic. It can’t be that horrible,” Gable said, as he typed on the computer’s keyboard.

  Priscilla disagreed with him. “Are you kidding me? One of those storms blew through Georgia and ruined my crops! How can I fix this problem?”

  “Unfortunately, farming is usually at the weather’s mercy. Be glad that you have other peach plantations,” Gable said in a soothing tone.

  Priscilla wrote some information on a notepad. “Yeah, but the plantation in Georgia is my largest crop. My family also passed it down from one generation to the next. That plantation has a long history and it’s the source of my family’s old money.”

  “I understand the sentiment. You’ll be able to grow more crops after the weather gets better. Granted, you don’t really need the money. You’re a remarkably wealthy woman, even without the peach sales,” Gable explained.

  Priscilla argued, “I don’t care about the profit. Women like me are very independent and career driven. I need to make my own earnings.”

  Gable understood her point. “Of course. That’s part of your natural beauty. I prefer strong and resilient women. It also sets a good example for our children.”

  Priscilla felt somewhat flattered. “Thanks for trying to make me feel better. I can always count on you.”

  “It probably doesn’t help very much. I know those peaches are very important to you,” Gable admitted.

  “Well, I have to uphold my reputation. Anyway, we can talk later. Thanks again, Gable,” Priscilla responded.

  Gable continued working and said, “I’ll see you when we both get home.”

  The Steampunk couple ended the conversation and each continued with their workday.


  During the evening, Percy and Savannah opened a bottle of champagne - they were clad in nightwear. Percy poured some of the bubbly fluid into two champagne glasses. He handed one of the glasses to Savannah and they toasted his achievements.

  “Let us overcome adversity and build a better future,” Percy declared.

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Savannah replied, then they clinked the champagne glasses together.

  They quickly drank the champagne and relaxed. He put away the glasses and then the couple embraced. They fondly kissed each other and climbed into bed. Percy removed Savannah’s nightgown and tossed it on the floor. He stroked both of her thighs and massaged one of her breasts with his mouth. Percy kissed his way up Savannah’s neck, while she ran her hands along his rounded shoulders. She slowly removed his pajama bottoms and then Percy picked up the champagne bottle from the dresser.

  “Do you think we need this?” he asked.

  Savannah became intrigued. “Sure.”

  She lie down while he delicately poured the champagne on her abdomen and thighs. Percy ran his mouth along her abdomen, giving Savannah an arousing sensation. The alcohol tasted sweet against her skin and he thoroughly enjoyed it. Percy ran his tongue along the skin of her thighs, prompting more arousal for Savannah. She sat up and gave him a kiss on the lips.

  “Did you like that?” Percy quietly asked.

  Savannah took the bottle from him. “I enjoyed it very much. You should try it too.”

  They switched places and Savannah poured the alcohol on his chest and abdomen. Percy was already aroused by the time the champagne splashed on his bare skin. Savannah placed the bottle on the dresser, then she sensually ran her mouth along his torso. She sucked the alcohol from his skin, giving him a pleasurable experience. When she was finished, Percy took hold Savannah’s body and lay her on the bed. They kissed each other and he straddled on top of her. She clutched his strong back while he nibbled on her neck. He passionately kissed her on the lips while their hips moved against each other. Savannah clasped his bottom while he sniffed her skin.

  “Maybe we are getting drunk on each other’s hormones,” Percy remarked.

  “Who cares? It feels amazing,” Savannah replied.

  They shared an evening of intimacy and looked forward to a promising year.

  Chapter 2

  The following morning, Reb and Giles rode the elevator to Reb’s brother’s office.

  Giles clutched a briefcase in his right hand. “We have a lot of information to cover today. Finances, staffing, taxes, and whatnot.”

  “I want to make sure he’s staying out of trouble with the media too. My family doesn’t need bad publicity,” Reb muttered.

  The elevator reached the corporate floor and then the door opened. They walked into the hallway and walked past the busy workers. Reb knocked on Gable’s door when they reached his office. The casino tycoon opened the door and warmly greeted them.

  “You guys are right on time. Come inside and get comfortable,” Gable said, as he motioned to the inside of his office.

  The couple entered his office and promptly sat down in two leather chairs.

  Giles noticed the cushy texture. “You upgraded these chairs. I guess you got bored with the previous ones.”

  Gable sat down in front of his desk and responded, “Dude, I can afford new chairs. My casino franchise is thriving. I don’t understand why you guys are so thrifty with money.”

  Reb turned on her laptop computer. “Bro, you would be broke if we didn’t keep an eye on your finances. People like you are good at making money, but even better at spending it.”

  “It ruins the enthusiasm when you say that,” Gable commented.

  Giles took some paperwork out of his briefcase. “Don’t take it the wrong way. It’s still good to see you.”

  “Thanks. Anyway, let’s get the business started. I know you guys need a lot of details from me,” Gable said, getting comfortable in his chair.

  Reb looked at the data on her computer. “Let’s start with some accounting. I checked out a lot of your data and it seems like your collective franchise is building a profit.”

  Gable thought the information sounded promising. “See? I knew everything was great.”

  “Yeah, but you have more competition now. One of your competitors bought an older casino and remodeled it with a Dieselpunk theme. Consumers are going to find a lot of novelty in that casino. It means you’re going to lose some customers,” Giles warned.

  Reb continued to look at the data. “I also know a brand new casino is going to open very soon. It’s going to add more competition.”

  Gable wasn’t fazed by these details. “Big deal. I’m always going to face competition. What else do you need to know?”

  “Tell us about your staff. Have you hired more employees lately? Are they satisfied with you as an employer? Did you have to let go of any people?” Giles asked, trying to be thorough.

  Gable got up and took some documents out of a file cabinet. “You can retrieve quite a bit of information from human resources, but I also have files in this cabinet. Take a look at it. I hired a number of employees because my franchise is growing. However, I always fire the troublesome employees.”

  Reb quickly flipped through some of the papers. “From what I can tell, the staff doesn’t complain about you very often.”

  “I try
to make my employees happy,” Gable admitted.

  Giles took some of the documents from Reb. “We also need to know if you’re filing taxes. You don’t want to cross the IRS.”

  “Talk to my accounting department. They handle my taxes. Don’t worry, I have no intention of getting arrested for tax evasion,” Gable replied.

  “Personally, I want to make sure you’re keeping a clean image in the media. You’re the partygoer in this family,” Reb warned.

  Gable rolled his eyes. “Let me explain it to you. I stay away from affairs with other women, drugs, bar fights, and other illegal activities. Does that make you feel better?”

  “Somewhat. I’m going to dig around the web. If you did something stupid, I’ll find it,” Reb grumbled.

  Gable looked directly at Giles. “Your wife doesn’t trust me.”

  “Right. She’s only your sister off the clock,” Giles mused.

  Reb searched for information online and she said, “Gable, you were good at causing trouble back in the old days. It’s hard to kick those habits. I remember you getting in trouble with alcohol, wild parties, gambling, and nude photos with women. Yet Mom and Dad still labeled me as the problem child.”

  Gable corrected her, “That was before I got married to Priscilla. I settled down a lot after she became the focus of my life. By the way, I seem to remember when Mom and Dad caught you having sex with Giles in his car several years ago.”

  “It’s true,” Giles admitted.

  “Hush! The two of us were just teenagers at the time!” Reb snapped.

  Gable held up his hands. “Let’s call a truce for the remainder of the day. I’ll have my departments fax the necessary paperwork to your workplace. Everything you need to know is documented.”

  Giles gathered his papers and stuffed them back in his briefcase. “Sounds good to me. We’ll be in touch. Keep up the good work and stay out of trouble. The press likes heroes, but they also enjoy destroying people’s reputations. It only takes one mistake to ruin everything.”


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