Miss Elspeth's Desire

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Miss Elspeth's Desire Page 11

by Imogene Nix

  She blinked as Grundy extended his hand. “Mistress.” He smiled broadly, and she took the hand, accepting the small shake.

  Aeddan turned away, pressing something into the vicar’s hands before he placed her hand on his arm. “You are more than welcome to join us for the wedding breakfast, Father.”

  The vicar shook his head, murmured a low “no, thank you,” then raised a hand in farewell.

  With a grin, Aeddan pulled her back down the aisle to the doorway, where the sun shone. Outside, she blinked rapidly, blinded a little after the darkness within the cathedral.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “I have arranged a luncheon at the hotel, then we will take Isabelle to Lady Manton’s residence. I thought, since we will leave the day after tomorrow, you might wish to rest before we leave. I arranged for a day of quiet preparation, if that suits you.”

  Elspeth frowned. “But Isabelle’s trunks...”

  “Have already been delivered to Lady Manton’s. She is expecting your sister.”

  She glanced at Isabelle who grinned at her. “Did you know about this?”

  Isabelle patted her hand as they reached the waiting carriage. “Yes. It was all arranged yesterday. Besides, I thought you might appreciate a day or two to get to know each other without me.”

  Elspeth blushed. Get to know... Was that some euphemism for something else? Something intimate and to do with the marriage bed? She knew a little of that. At least as much as any well brought up young woman should know.

  She accepted the touch of Aeddan’s hand as he helped her into the carriage. Isabelle arranged herself in the seat opposite as he settled beside Elspeth, picking up her hand and carrying it to his mouth. The kiss was brief, more a caress, but it still sent shivers of awareness rippling through her.

  Once Grundy took his seat, the driver clicked and the carriage surged forward. Elspeth had only a moment to think about how different this had been from the noisy celebrations of Louisa’s nuptials and leave taking. This felt almost furtive and rushed, and she worked at banishing her dissatisfaction.

  The luncheon was lavish, and Aeddan had even arranged a cake. She blushed with shame at the remembered thought of the differences between this wedding and Louisa’s. He’d been kind and thoughtful, ensuring she had all the trimmings that could be arranged in such a short time. He’d even organized for it to be served in the small, private dining room.

  The stories he told made Isabelle and her laugh, and her spirits rose. When the time came to rise she’d thrown off her concerns and allowed her husband to lead her through the door.

  “Your carriage, wife.”

  She stopped short as he spoke.

  “Oh my.” Her stomach twitched at his words. “You’ve never said that to me before.”

  He leaned in. “You’ve never been my wife before.” He spoke gravely, but there was a twinkle in his eyes.

  “How true,” she murmured.

  Aeddan helped her into the carriage and then handed Isabelle in before once more settling into the corner.

  * * * *

  Aeddan ushered Elspeth up the steps of his house while she clutched his hand tight.

  The knowledge that he hadn’t fully disclosed his identity weighed heavily on him. Tonight, he promised himself, he would reveal the rest of his secrets. Right now, he wanted to bask in the knowledge that she was his. Safe from those who would try to steal her away. He shied from any knowledge of his own emotions though.

  The time he’d spent planning with Lytton, ensuring her safety, had filled his mind in the last few days. His lordship had assured Aeddan that he had others who would clean out the vipers in the government nest while they were absent. All he had to do was take Elspeth away and keep her safe.

  Yet he doubted that Lytton could clear any infiltrators with any degree of speed. They’d be away for maybe two months—it should be enough time. But these were people who had connections with the Russians and the subversive groups, including possibly the French. Who knew what information they’d already gleaned? What plans they’d set in place for Elspeth?

  They reached the top of the steps, and he steered Elspeth right, along a corridor. The rooms at the end were his, and he tried to see it as she would. The pale walls and thick, lush carpeting were cooling and spoke of money.

  He noted the way she shook a little, and he reminded himself that she had no one to prepare her for this. Surely, any gently reared young woman would find this situation overwhelming.

  He reached for the knob and opened the door. It swung without a sound and led into her chamber. It smelt a little of beeswax and flowers. The slatted wooden shutters had been closed but the glass window panes stood open, so it was dim, but the shine of the mirrors and dressing table-set flashed from the flickering light of the lamps he’d ordered lit.

  The large wood bed was hung with creamy nets, matching the curtains covering the windows; a gentle breeze blew, and they billowed.

  “This is lovely.” She stopped and glanced around the room, the silk of her gown moving slowly before gradually stilling.

  “I’m glad it meets with your approval. Your dressing room is through here.” He opened another door, this one painted white with gold leaf knobs, and she gasped. Her gowns were already hanging in neat order, shoes lining the floor and bonnets sitting above. He retreated, and she followed. “This door leads to my room.”

  She paled just a little. “Oh yes, of course.”

  He bowed slowly, watching her. “I will leave you for now. I believe a bath has been ordered, and the maid, Anara, will be in to help you shortly. She was employed by Miss Harlington, the sister of the previous tenant, before she left for England so is schooled in the needs of a lady.”

  With those words he slipped through the entrance to his rooms, leaving her alone. As the door closed, Aeddan stood there, sucking much needed breath into his lungs. Curiously, he found himself wishing she was there right now. Not beyond the wood that separated them. Slow movements had him removing his coat and shirt, grimacing at the stickiness of the weather.

  He rang the bell, and Grundy hurried in. “A bath, I think.”

  Grundy nodded. “Yes, Major. When would you like dinner to be served and where?”

  “I think just after seven in the dining room, then send everyone off for the night. I doubt we will need anyone.”

  “Anara has already organized a bath for Her—”

  “No. Don’t say it.”

  Grundy gave him a questioning look.

  “No, I haven’t told her yet.” The vague uneasiness that had been dogging him over the last few days re-emerged.

  “You’re going to have to tell her soon, Major. Don’t want her to find out from someone else.” Grundy spoke sternly, and Aeddan nodded.

  “Tonight. I’ll tell her tonight.” He pulled his fingers though his hair, knowing Grundy was watching him. On a sigh, he admitted, “I didn’t want her to have any reason not to marry me.” It was a truth he’d avoided until now, but Grundy seemed even more unnerved by the admission than he was.


  “Grundy, just organize the bath.” He turned away. Rarely did he cut his man off, but right now he didn’t want to deal with the questions. “And inform Anara to tell my wife dinner will be at seven.”

  The bath cooled his body but not his mind, and when Grundy laid out his clothes, he was pleased to have his man fully employed, not questioning his actions. Aeddan checked the clock on the mantel: a quarter to six. He had time to head down to his library and finish his letter to his parents.

  Chapter 11

  The letter was shorter than he wanted, but to be honest, he couldn’t think of any way to explain to his parents about the woman he’d married without causing them concern.

  So he’d kept it brief.

  Dear sir,

  I am delighted to inform you that this morning I took a wife. Elspeth and I said our vows in the Cathedral of Calcutta. She is of good birth, and is the daugh
ter of a gentleman, Mr. Joseph Forster, Esq, late of Port Isaac, and Judith Forster, nee Underland-Beavis.

  It is to be hoped that I shall soon be making my way home, as I have undertaken one final mission for the Admiralty and will be escorting my wife and her sister back to England via Shanghai.

  In due course, I will instruct my wife to write to Mama.

  Your obedient son,

  Aeddan Fitzsimmons

  He glanced at the missive on the desk, wondering again how his family would react to the news.

  Aeddan frowned. It was five minutes to seven. Where is Elspeth? He stood, stretching his cramped muscles.

  Then, with a quick, “to hell with it all,” he headed into the hall. As the door shut behind him he looked up, and his breath caught in his throat. His wife was descending the stairs, her hair coiled and curled on the top of her head, with flowers pinned into the side. Her gown was a pale green wonder that molded to her form, accentuating her height and her bountiful breasts.


  She reached out her hand and he grasped it, grateful for the unseasonal heat which masked his reaction to her; the way his body hardened and his breath came faster. His skin prickled as desire rolled through him.

  “You look quite ravishing.”

  His Elspeth blushed, the fine shake of nerves evident in the fluttering of her fingers.

  “Come, let us go to the dining room.”

  They moved slowly, in rhythm. Their every movement attuned. It was as if they knew that soon they would be joined as one in the oldest dance of all. He gulped down the response that rose instinctively.

  The table was laid, ready with a cold selection. “I thought a collation might be welcome this evening.”

  She turned. “Yes, a wonderful idea. After all, lunch was such an elaborate affair.”

  He winced, momentarily unsure if his choices had been wise. “You would have preferred...”

  “Oh, it was perfect, Aeddan. You made the day lovely. Thank you.” As she spoke, she dipped her head.

  Pride bloomed. “Then it was my pleasure, Elspeth.” He led her to the chair and waited as she made herself comfortable, then took the seat beside her. “Now, what would you like to begin with?”

  She chose carefully, a mixture of meats and lighter salad vegetables. As they ate, they talked of the political situation in England, the many places he’d seen during his time with the army, and lastly of traveling. He once more found himself surprised at the breadth of her knowledge.

  Grundy cleared away as they finished their main course, and then he returned with a platter of fresh fruits and cool, refreshing wine. As he started to pour Aeddan shook his head. “No. I’ll see to that. You may go.”

  Aeddan poured a glass for both of them and watched as she sipped cautiously. “How lovely and light.”

  “French. I imported several cases last year for my personal use. I think tonight counts as a special event though, don’t you?”

  She blushed again, and they continued talking.

  Finally, he rose and she took his proffered hand. “We should retire.”

  Elspeth stared at him as he scooped up the bottle by the neck.


  At the foot of the stairs he stopped and allowed her to make her way up before him, noting the sway of her hips beneath the silk gown. He wanted to growl.

  As the night had worn on, he’d watched her. She was animated when speaking, without any of the uncertainty that had irritated him in so many of the misses he’d squired in the past. He’d chosen well.

  They moved down the corridor. At her room he stopped her. “I’ll see you soon.”

  She blinked and opened the door, then was gone from sight. He exhaled heavily, catching the faint waft of aromatic spices on the air. He went to his own room, placing the wine on the small table, together with the glasses he’d palmed earlier. He poured some and dimly noted the tiny tremor of his hand. He’d need every scrap of control for the night ahead.

  The chamber was organized as he’d instructed. The doors to the balcony stood open, and a fitful breeze stirred the lacy curtains. A bottle of aromatic oils sat on a bedside table, and scented candles placed around the room flickered invitingly. Floral tributes filled the sides, their lush, rich fragrance mixing with that of the candles. It was a space ripe for worshiping at the altar of passion and sensuality.

  Tonight would certainly be a night for her to remember. He’d planned to introduce her to pleasure, to the give and take of sexuality.

  It was counterpoint to his personal studies, with the careful crafting of the environment and her innocence, but for now, she’d need to be prepared before he could begin schooling her. If she was amenable to his plans, he thought with uncharacteristic concern.

  Quick strides took him to his dressing room and he moved with speed now, jerking his clothes free from his body, allowing the cool air to caress his skin. A cloth and basin of water waited for him, and he took the moment, wiping his body in the heady atmosphere. His erection jerked.

  Finished, Aeddan sighed as he slid on his bedroom robe and knotted it carefully. The feel of the cloth sliding over his naked flesh was sensual. The fine rasp over his sensitized skin left him with the feeling of nerves coiling as the churning need in his belly grew more insistent.

  “She’s a virgin, Aeddan. You need to be careful.” With those words, he left the dressing room, knowing that she’d be waiting beyond in her bedroom. Unable to contain himself any longer, he stepped up to the door, gave a single rap, then strode into her chamber.

  Elspeth’s bedroom was also lit by candlelight, the glow flickering in the breeze. She stood, looking at the floor, her arms wound around her body, as if nervous about him seeing her and what was to come. Her discarded gown had been replaced by the night-rail he’d ordered for her. The material of her gown was thin. He could see the shadows and dips of her body through the lacey material of her wrapper.

  “You’re beautiful, Elspeth.”

  With a jerk, she raised her head, and he noted the blush that glowed on her cheeks. Her gaze drifted down then skittered away. “Aeddan... I...”

  He smiled, understanding what she couldn’t say, and took her hand. “We’ll go slowly. I want you to enjoy tonight.”

  His own mind skittered at the sight before him. Never before had he seen so beautiful a woman. He wondered at the zing of anticipation that filled him. As their lips met, he fought his body for control.

  Their lips clung, warm and soft. He nibbled carefully, unwilling to scare her. The realization that she would need tutoring had come to him days ago. A sensualist such as himself couldn’t expect her to grasp the significance of his needs. Not yet. But soon, if he didn’t miss the way she was already reacting to his touch, she would understand. Hopefully, she’d become a willing participant too. She was a woman of fire, just what he needed, rather than some cold, unfeeling girl.

  A moan filled the air as he deepened the kiss and Elspeth’s mouth opened beneath his. Pleasure suffused him. He’d taught her this. Her response was shy as she slid her tongue into his mouth, just as he’d shown her during the week. He had to suppress the shudder that worked through him.

  On a groan, he pulled back, filling his lungs deeply, while gripping the fingers of one hand. Her scent filled his mind.

  “Come.” Aeddan tugged her in the direction of his own room, walking backward, waiting for her reaction as she entered the haven he’d created for them.

  Elspeth’s eyes widened as she stepped into the chamber. “Oh my!” Her breathy words made him smile.

  “For you… All for you.” Then he tugged her into his arms, his mouth descending once more.

  * * * *

  Any and all sensible thoughts fled from her mind. His hands settled around her waist and tugged her close while his mouth feasted on hers. She opened to his invasion, glorying in the warmth that filled her. Her body softened, giving into the languor that spread through her. Between her legs, an emptiness, she now understo
od as need, pulsed.

  He nibbled at her bottom lip before tracing her jawline. “So beautiful,” he murmured, and she shuddered at his words.

  Nerves jumped beneath his touches as each move left her breathless. She splayed her fingers on his broad shoulders, noting the hardness beneath his bedroom robe. It gaped, and she caught sight of bronzed flesh.

  With great trepidation, she let her arms slide down his chest, gripping the deep lapels with an unsteady hand. She wanted to see more of what lay beneath the cloth. “Aeddan? Take it off for me.”

  He pulled back. “Not yet.”

  “Why not?” She wanted to feel the flesh she’d glimpsed up close.

  “Because...” He stopped and sucked in a deep breath. “Not yet. Trust me.”


  “For an innocent, you’re mighty hurried, wife.”

  His words left her speechless. Am I too forward?

  She must have looked worried, because he frowned. “You haven’t any experience. If I don’t do this right, you won’t enjoy it. It will probably even hurt.”

  She’d heard of that, but the hunger to know more beat at her. How could such pleasure hurt? That made no sense. The maids had also talked of pleasure, and she was sure their experiences were mere facsimiles of what she was experiencing. “So...”

  “Trust me.” He leaned in again, touching his forehead to hers, and she inhaled deeply, but her mind spun as the very essence of him overwhelmed her.

  She gave up any modicum of control. “Fine. Then teach me. Teach me everything.”

  As if those were the words he needed to hear, he pushed her slightly so she reclined almost against the wall. The grace she had seen before stripped away as he once again set his mouth to hers.

  The kiss was deep. Seductive. It stole her senses while his hands roamed over her body, harder and firmer than before, but he didn’t scare her, even when they settled at her breasts, molding over her curves, and she arched into his touch. When he caressed her nipples her breath caught and down below her body quivered in reaction.

  This time when he pulled back, his eyes glittered. “Let’s get this off you.”


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