The Daath Chronicles- The Complete Series

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The Daath Chronicles- The Complete Series Page 15

by Eliza Tilton

  Raven pulled the cape tighter. “I … don’t … need … your help.”

  I ignored her and went upstairs. There were only three rooms, and I was sure Jericho’s was the furthest from the stairs. Here we go. I opened the door across from our room and walked into a small room. Raven had a bed, with a little nightstand and a rack with clothes hanging on it. You never would’ve known I was in a girl’s room. Not one dress or girly decoration. I grabbed an outfit and hurried back downstairs.

  “Here, put these on,” I said, handing her the pile

  She gawked at the clothes. “How dare … you … go through my things!”

  “I have two sisters. Stop being stubborn and change before you get sick.”

  Her hair plastered to her face and her normally bronze skin had gone pale. “I can’t … change with you here.”

  I turned my back to her and put two logs in the fire. “I won’t look. I promise.” I grabbed the fire making tin and took out the steel striker, flint and amadou tinder. I placed the dried fungus on top of the flint and struck it.

  She didn’t reply, but I could hear her changing. I rapidly struck the flint, focused on creating a spark and not turning around. The fire lit, and I fanned the flame until the fire swarmed over the logs.

  “I’m done.”

  I turned around and stood. Her body still shivered, and she hugged herself. I grabbed a blanket, lying across the sofa, and draped it around her.

  “Thank … you.”

  “Come here.” I guided her to the couch and sat next to her. Slowly, I pulled her into my chest and wrapped my arms around her.

  “What are you doing?” she fussed.

  “I’m going to make sure you’re warm, and then I’ll leave you alone.” Her dark eyes questioned me. “Be calm,” I said softly.

  She pouted, but gave in. I rubbed her arms and we sat in silence. The fire cracked and popped and the flames jumped with each sound. She leaned against my chest, letting me fully embrace her. Her breathing returned to a normal pace.

  For what seemed like hours, I held her in my arms. The fire had died to barely a flicker. She’d fallen asleep, and I was content to hold her until morning, but I told her I’d leave and I needed her to trust me.

  Sliding out from underneath her, I moved the blanket to create a pillow, and then tucked the rest around her. Her damp hair hung around her face. I bent down and swept it back behind her ear.

  You are so beautiful. I grazed her cheek with my finger. I wish you could understand how sorry I am. I never meant to hurt you.

  I kissed the top of her forehead and left.

  Chapter Forty-One


  Welcome, tonight is a night of fun and pleasure,” I said, clapping my hands. “Eat, drink and enjoy all that there is to offer. “And now to start off the festivities, let’s bring in our entertainment!”

  At my introduction, into the ballroom stepped a group of female dancers, adorned in elaborate feathered masks and matching headdresses. On their fingers were small gold cymbals that clicked with each flick of their wrist and twist of their hip. In the corner of the hall, the string quartet quickened their tempo. All of the costumed guests cleared out a space in the center of the room, allowing the dancers to perform their number without interference.

  I leaned back on my throne. The ball was off to a splendid start. The nobles I’d invited seemed to be enjoying the revelry. I expected no less from the eager humans. Their entire blindfolded journey created a sense of mystery, which they all thought riveting, but I could not let them know how we navigated the eastern shores.

  For the first time in centuries, Daath had been revealed, and to think the fools actual believed I meant to trade. It was a shame most wouldn’t live through the night.

  The dancers finished their number and mingled into the crowd, enticing guests to join them. A trumpet sounded by the ballroom doors.

  Willis stood, trumpet by his side, looking stiff as usual. “May I introduce to you,” he shouted, “the fair maiden, Jeslyn!”

  Chapter Forty-Two


  The doors swung open. People dressed in the most elaborate gowns and costumes stared at me. For a moment, I froze, paralyzed by the splendor. Willis cleared his throat, nudging me to enter the large room.

  In my silver shoes, I stepped on the sparkling marble and walked through the parted guests. At the end of the line, I saw Lucino. My heart fluttered. His pants and shirt were the color of midnight, and a long scarlet cape draped his back. He wore an ivory mask that covered almost every part of his face, except his mouth, eyes and left cheek. His sapphire eyes blazed from the two holes. No man could ever look as regal, as daring.

  I could hear the low whispers of women and men inquiring about me. I kept my hands clasped in front of me, and every step or two I would glance down at my sky-blue ball gown. The soft material sparkled, like a large shimmering gem.

  When I reached Lucino, he took my gloved hand and twirled me around until we were both facing the guests.

  “Ladies and gentleman,” he said. “Please welcome, my darling betrothed!”

  A round of applause ensued, and I curtsied. Lucino snapped his fingers and the ball continued. We walked up two small steps to the thrones. I sat down in the one next to him.

  In my dreams, I imagined a moment like this, and yet it didn’t feel right. Lucino had promised we would go home, after the wedding. Yes, I had agreed to marry him, out of nothing more than selfishness.

  My family wanted me here, and I couldn’t go home knowing both my brothers were gone. Lucino could take care of me, and as soon as we were wed, I would convince my family to live here. Away from the pain and loss of Lakewood. Here my family could start over. A new life with new memories.

  And Lucino was a good man who treated me with kindness, looked upon me with passion. Each day I’d spent in his presence had only increased my affection for him. I was falling for him and Daath.

  Derrick passed through my mind often, but he was gone, and I couldn’t think of him or the feelings we shared. I had to move on and forget.

  Lucino touched my hand, and I flinched.

  “Everything all right, my lady?”

  “Yes,” I said, my shaky voice betraying me.

  “Come.” He stood, holding my hand in his, and guided me to the ballroom floor.

  The guests cleared a circle for us. He placed one hand on my lower back and held mine with the other, staring at me as if he’d never seen a girl before. I didn’t know how to dance like a noble.

  I prayed it was similar to the more common routines I knew.

  He led me around the room, one graceful step after another. His posture perfect and his feet never missed a step, though mine did.

  “Relax, my darling,” he whispered, his blue orbs beaming at me from the slits in his mask. “You can dance. Let the music take you.”

  Nodding, I listened to the different instruments all in harmony. A grey mist swirled in Lucino’s eyes. I lost myself in them, feeling nothing but the way we moved. His hand pressed hard against my back, drawing me nearer and causing my heart to leap higher than the ceiling. The sound of a cello mixed with a harp created a passionate duet. The deep bass and airy melody made me think of magical nights when the mist hovered over the lake and nothing shone but the stars. As the tempo increased, Lucino swung me around his body. His eyes bore through me, making me feel giddy, and the closer I came to his face the more I hoped he’d kiss me.

  After the dance, we sat back down and the guests began approaching Lucino, offering their thanks and hinting at a future gathering. Lucino politely spoke with each one, but from his straying gaze, I could tell he was growing bored.

  Lucy entered the ballroom. Seeing her outfit made me feel childlike in mine; my breasts could never fill out a corset like hers. She walked through the crowd, grinning and laughing with guests
as she passed. Her golden corset contained little sparkles of ruby, and black silk trailed behind her every step. Her bright eyes hid behind a black lace mask, still brightly aglow.

  She sauntered to Lucino’s throne, grabbing a wine goblet from a passing servant. “Our other guests have arrived,” she said, and emptied her goblet in three long sips.

  Lucino grinned. “Very good, bring them to the parlor. I shall meet them there.”

  Lucy bowed and disappeared into the crowd.

  Lucino leaned over to me. “My dear, I have some guests I must attend to. After the next dance, retire to your room. I’ll come see you later.”

  When Lucino first told me of the ball, I never imagined it would be this grand. I didn’t want to leave. “Can’t I stay?”

  “It’s not proper for you to be alone among the guests.”

  “Very well.”

  He kissed my hand and glided away.

  The guests danced a new number. Excitement filled me. I knew I couldn’t leave just yet.

  Chapter Forty-Three


  Inside the parlor stood a small group of men, black capes hung low over their heads, covering their faces.

  “Ah, welcome, my brethren,” I said. “I trust the journey was enjoyable?”

  One of the figures stepped forward and, in a raspy tone, replied, “As enjoyable as can be expected.”

  “Falcur, it is good to see you. It’s been far too long.” I placed a fist across my chest in greeting.

  Falcur mimicked the gesture. “Yes, it has.”

  “I don’t see why we should waste any time.” I asked. “Are you all prepared?”

  Murmurs and nods swept through the room. “Good, as of now our guests are being served the drink I’ve concocted. It should take only a short while before the hallucinations begin. I added more serum to the wine that will make them more agreeable. It should be no problem grabbing the targets.” I clapped my hands and a secret panel opened. “These are your husks.”

  Three of my personal guard brought in a group of gagged men. “I cannot have you scaring away all the nobles with your current forms.” Falcur moved to one of the males cowed on the floor. “Let us begin.”

  I watched as each of my kind placed a hand on one human and chanted. Black mists swirled in front of the humans creating a vortex. Their pathetic eyes screamed with terror as their aura left their bodies, draining them to the point of death.

  Not only did a human’s aura heighten our powers, but when completely drained, we could copy their form. The drain would kill them, but it made our mission much easier. Pretending to play human had become a game between my kind and only the most powerful Reptilian males had the desirable roles.

  Falcur’s face morphed from the familiar sharp-angled creature to the pale skinned human laying before him. When the transfer completed, I told the guards to bring the remains to Romulus. The old wizard always found use for dead humans.

  “We are very close to the end brothers,” I said. “After tonight, we will have control of six more lands. Leaving only four left.”

  “Very good,” Falcur replied. “We have done our research as well and have brought with us some distractions. It will be easier to capture the males if they are persuaded off on their own.”

  He spoke a few arcane words. In the parlor appeared women wearing outfits that covered only the most private of areas. One glanced at me and I caught a glimpse of her eyes changing red.

  “A succubus … very well indeed.”

  Falcur petted the succubus next to him. “We will take care of your female guests and these mischievous ladies will take the nobles to the designated areas.”

  “Are they bound tightly?” I remembered the last time a brethren summoned one of these demons in Mirth. The creature had charmed him into walking into a pool of acid.

  Falcur laughed. “Do not fret over these minor demons. They are all under my control until their task is complete and I dismiss them.

  Show us this grand ball of yours.”

  Chapter Forty-Four


  I observed the party in wonderment, admiring the decorated masks and winged garments and forgetting my sorrow.

  Women dressed in flowing gowns and extravagant headpieces, each one more unique than the other. I frowned when nature called me away to the washroom.

  One of the servants pointed to a door at the far end of the ballroom. I thanked him and lifted the front of my gown as I walked past, careful not to step on the delicate fabric. I pushed open the solid wood door and walked into the candlelit room.

  Two women stood giggling and drinking from golden goblets. One wore the outfit of a barmaid with a white wig. The shorter of the two wore a frilly black dress and matching cat mask.

  The woman dressed in black bounced over to me and smiled, her lips stained deep red. “Oh, look at how pretty!” she said.

  I gave her a courteous smile. “Thank you.”

  The barmaid came around to my side and pointed a finger at me. “You are so lucky. I wish I was marrying Lucino. He is so dreamy.” The woman fluttered her eyes and took a large gulp from the goblet she was carrying. She smirked. “I bet you’re perfect too. Quaint, polite, well-mannered and probably still a virgin.”

  Her friend gasped. “Susie!”

  Susie smirked again. “Well, it’s probably true, just look at her. I bet you’ve never even had a sip of wine.”

  I ignored her hateful disdain and stepped around her.

  “Why don’t you have some wine?” Susie barred my way with the goblet.

  “No, thank you.” I didn’t know what was wrong with this woman but she seemed unwell.

  “One sip won’t kill you.”

  “I’d rather not.” Fear was in my voice and Susie walked closer, forcing me into the corner.

  “You should have some; it’s what all the nobles do. You don’t want to stick out, do you?”

  I dashed for the door and flung it open, but Susie moved quicker and slammed it shut.


  “Be quiet, Martha.”

  “But you’re going to get us in trouble,” Martha whined.

  Susie waved Martha away. “You worry too much. We’re just having a friendly conversation.” She forcefully handed me the goblet. “Have a drink with us. Let’s toast to our new friendship.”

  My eyes watered and my heart hammered, but I wouldn’t be bullied. I stood straighter, holding my head high. “Thank you, but I really must get back. Lucino will be worried if I’m gone for too long.” And I shoved past her.

  Susie’s eyes widened and she grabbed my arm. “You’re not going anywhere, whore.”

  I slapped her across the face with my free hand. “I am not a whore, you common wench!”

  She grabbed my hair, and I screamed.

  “I hate girls like you. You think you can do whatever you please because of the way you look, it sickens me.” Susie tugged my hair until it paralyzed me, then squeezed open my mouth, pouring the wine all over.

  Tears escaped my eyes as the wine burned my throat.

  “Men love proper girls like you, so innocent, but you’re just as wicked and evil as the rest of us, you just don’t look it.”

  “Susie, stop,” Martha whined. “Leave her alone, she hasn’t done anything.”

  Susie let go of my face and backed away. “I hope you enjoy the rest of the night, my lady. Martha, let’s leave. I’m bored of this place.”

  Martha gave me an apologetic look and scampered after Susie.

  I fell against the wall trembling. I looked at the beautiful blue gown stained in red and my heart broke. I hugged my knees into my chest and cried into them. I don’t want to be here anymore. I want to go home. Sobs burst through my chest, filling me with irrepressible pain. My mouth was sticky and I began to feel hot and lightheaded. There was a
small table a few feet away with a wash bin on it. After several long minutes, I found the strength to move to it.

  I cupped my hands and splashed my face. The cool water in the bowl refreshed me. Warmth spread through my body and I wet my face again, but it did nothing to cool the flame burning inside. Every breath was heavy and strained and parts of my body tingled. The room shrunk around me.

  “I have to get out of here.” I pushed the door open and walked back into the ball. With small steps, I carefully made my way through the mob of guests. Everyone laughed and danced around me, but I couldn’t relate. My body felt strange. Fear enshrouded my mind. I needed to get to my room, quickly.

  More dancers entered the ballroom. One glanced my way and the woman’s eyes were blood red. Dismissing the image as a side effect, I kept moving. Where are the ballroom doors? Every step I took ended in the same cluster of people.

  Another woman with the same frightful eyes glanced at me. I turned in the opposite direction and ran, hoping I could locate one of Lucino’s servants. There! I could see the doors.

  “Why the rush?” A shirtless man with dark beady eyes gripped my arm, stopping my escape.

  “I …”

  “Why don’t you stay with me, enjoy the party?”

  I tried to twist out of his grasp. “I really must go.”

  The stranger smiled coldly, and for a brief moment, his face distorted into a monster.

  “Please, let go!”

  He continued to glare, flooding me with fear.

  “Excuse me, sir, but this fair lady is with me,” Lucino said, firmly removing the man’s hand.

  The man bowed. “My apologies.” He dismissed himself.

  My breaths came in short spasms, and I held my head, trying to steady myself.


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