The Daath Chronicles- The Complete Series

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The Daath Chronicles- The Complete Series Page 79

by Eliza Tilton

  Chapter Nineteen


  Hot anger boiled in my chest, exploding through my fists. I pummeled my clone, destroying what I created with each blow. He rolled to the side and elbowed me in the ribs, dislodging me.

  “You will not win. I am the better of us!” Blood leaked out of his mouth.

  “You bested me once. It won’t happen again.”

  Lucy landed behind me, her lightning rod afire.

  My clone laughed. “You need your sister to help you win?”

  “Of course not. She’ll kill you herself.”

  The clone rose to his feet, rasping for breath. While his gaze was focused on Lucy, I uppercut his jaw, distracting him enough for her to shoot a bolt of blue energy into his chest. He convulsed, foam pouring from his lips, and slumped to the ground.

  I ran over and flipped him on to his stomach. “I need rope!”

  Lucy ripped off a line of rope from the hanging lanterns. “Here.”

  I tied my clone’s arms behind his back.

  “I should have killed him,” Lucy grumbled. “That won’t keep him down for long.”

  “Yes, but I only need him debilitated until Romulus destroys the phylactery.”

  I pulled my clone up and heaved him across one shoulder. “Where’s the stone?”

  “Jeslyn is taking it to Romulus. Derrick’s with her.”

  My golden sword lay in the grass to the right of us. I picked it up, thankful to have the blade back in my hands. “Get the horses and let’s go.”

  We arrived at the beach to find Derrick fighting four guards. He swung his broadsword in a large arc, his movements slowing with each thrust.

  Lucy dove into the fray, stabbing one of the guards on Derrick’s flank. I checked the knots, making sure the clone was secure, tossed him into the sand, then joined the fight.

  “Stand down,” I ordered the men.

  The guard blinked, but did not relent in his attack. The simulacrum must have charmed them all. I slashed the guard’s leg, forcing him to stop. He cried and grabbed his leg while I moved to the next one. If I could spare my own men, I would.

  “Hold!” I ordered Lucy and Derrick. “They’re under a spell.”

  The glassy-eyed guards held their weapons, panting, sweat dripping off their face.

  “I am your lord, and prince.” With the remaining guards’ gazes locked on me, I activated the charm spell. “You will drop your weapons and obey your prince.”

  Swords fell into the sand.

  “Lucy!” Derrick’s scream forced me to turn around.

  My clone held Lucy, one of the dead guard’s weapons to her neck.

  Frayed rope lay on the ground next to a dagger. In my haste, I had forgotten to check him for weapons. Still, he should not haven woken so quickly!

  “You can’t kill us all,” I said, calculating my next move. If it were any other Reptilian or human behind her, there would be no doubt in my mind she could handle it herself. But this was me. I was faster and stronger than her.

  Derrick stepped forward and my clone nicked Lucy’s neck with the blade, drawing blood.

  “Ah-ah. You wouldn’t want me to kill her, would you?”

  Derrick growled. I waved a hand in his direction, telling him to wait.

  “You know,” I said calmly. “One of us has to die.”

  “Of course,” he replied. “You choose.”

  “No,” Lucy hissed. “I choose.” She shifted her body to the right and shoved her lightning rod into his stomach.

  My clone laughed. “I’ll only return.”

  “Not anymore.” Lucy smirked and I followed her gaze to where Romulus stood.

  “Now!” Romulus yelled.

  Derrick and I screamed “no” at the same time.

  Before Derrick or I could reach Lucy, she hit the button on the rod and electricity coursed through the simulacrum’s body, igniting Lucy’s waist in an electric blue blaze, until they stilled and collapsed on to the sand.

  I ripped Lucy off the clone. “You foolish girl.” I held her to my chest.

  “Move aside!” Romulus grabbed her from me, and rolled her onto her right side. He whispered a few words and touched a glowing stone to her chest.

  She gasped and tried to sit.

  “Hold still.” Romulus took out the black laser and began sealing the gaping wounds.

  I walked over to my clone. His blue eyes stared at me, all life gone. I raised my sword and cleaved off his head.

  “I think he’s dead,” Derrick said.

  “One can’t be too careful.” I turned away from the sight, and back to my sister.


  Hadda landed on the sand. My beautiful bride jumped off her and ran towards me. In an instant, I was by her side, lifting her into my arms.

  “I knew it,” she said, as she burrowed her face into the crook of my neck. “I knew something was wrong.”

  “Did he hurt you?” I dragged my hands across her back, taking her all in.

  “No.” She pulled back so we were face to face. “But you were changed. I was afraid it had all been a lie, or even worse, you reverted to your colder self.”

  I pushed the strands of hair stuck to her cheek, back behind her ear. “I promise you this: I will always be two halves, Reptilian and human, but together, you and I will become one. One great race, better than both.”

  “And our children?” Her cheeks flushed.

  “They will be the best parts of us.” I touched my lips to hers, savoring the softness, and grateful we were at last, together.

  Lucy groaned.

  Was my sister foolish enough to be standing?

  Placing Jeslyn down, I grabbed her hand and walked back to where my sister lay.

  Derrick carried her in his arms. “I’m taking her back. She needs rest.”

  Lucy laid her head on his chest, and for the first time, I saw vulnerability in the girl who had shown nothing but cold determination and distrust. Had she let her icy walls down for this boy?

  “Are Derrick and Lucy…?” Jeslyn whispered.

  Though I knew my sister could hear from here, she made no visible response.

  “I don’t know,” I replied, curious myself. If Derrick switched his focus to Lucy, then I wouldn’t have to worry about him going after Jeslyn. I still knew nothing of how the two even began this interesting relationship.

  “I want him to be happy.” Jeslyn leaned against my side.

  “I don’t know if he can be, but I think he will be fine. Any news of your brother?”

  “No, and we should probably return and release Julian.”

  “Release Julian?”

  “Yes… you sort of imprisoned him.”

  I sighed. “It seems I have missed a lot.”

  She swung around in front of me, standing on her toes to meet my eyes. “More than you know.”

  We kissed under the waning light, holding on as if the night would somehow separate us again. If it weren’t for Romulus’ grumbling about the mess at the estate, I would have kept Jeslyn on that beach, and never returned home.

  Chapter Twenty


  Mother and Calli were in the parlor, Calli playing with Fex, and Mother walking back and forth in circles. Her head lifted to me, and she ran forward.

  “Jeslyn!” Calli cried and crashed in to me just as Mother did.

  Mother wrapped her thin arms around us, hugging us both to her body. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said, my stomach clenching. “I don’t even know where to start.”

  “I do.”

  Lucino’s voice echoed behind us, deep and sorrowful. Mother held her grip on us, her gaze frozen on his clean midnight doublet and washed face. No signs of a fight.

  “My twin tried to ove
rthrow my reign.” He treaded forward, watching my mother’s response. “I apologize for any mistreatment or rudeness.” His lip curled into a smile. “I was not sure how to express my gratitude for your understanding, and show my intentions for Jeslyn are true, but I assumed a proper proposal, and permission, would suffice.”

  My heart leapt in curiosity. Mother loosened her grip, and Calli wiggled away from us. What was Lucino up to?

  He turned and opened the parlor doors.

  “Poppa!” My voice cracked at the sight of my father, his bushy, black beard spotted with gray. Tears poured from my eyes and I jumped into his arms, crying.

  “There, there, girl.” He patted my back as he held me.

  I sobbed, happy and relieved we were all together. Poppa was here!

  When my tears subsided, he let me go and held my chin within his giant hand. “You grow more beautiful each time I see you. I’m sorry I couldn’t be here sooner.”

  I nodded, and sniffled. “I understand, but when did you arrive? And how?”

  Poppa glanced to Lucino. “That is a very long story.”

  Lucino nodded. “Yes and one we can share another time… but first.” He lowered himself to one knee. “I believe this is your tradition?”

  “What are you doing?” My heart hammered.

  “Asking you properly, now that I have permission.”

  Poppa coughed and moved to Mother who watched us in silence, the only emotion shown in her glistening eyes.

  “But…” Heat rose to my cheeks. I glanced between Mother and Poppa, confused, but also excited. Lucino and I were already getting married. He didn’t need to ask me again.

  “Jeslyn Desdar.” He bowed on one knee, holding out his hand to me. I gave him mine, and wondered if he could feel my heartbeat through the distance. “You have changed me into a man who is finally worthy of you, and worthy of this place. When I look into your eyes, I see my future, one that is vibrant with life and happiness. I see our world for the first time. I know I will fight for you and I’ll love you until I can no longer stand. I promise to never give up on our vision, and I vow to be true all of my days. I will give you the life you were destined to have, and it will be cherished above anything else.”

  My heart ached. My hand trembled at the intensity of his gaze and the passion in his words. This was my Lucino. This was the man I loved.

  “Would you do me the honor of being my bride?”

  I nodded. “Yes. A thousand times, yes.”

  He smiled and kissed my hand, then held it to his lips.

  “That was amazing! I want to be married!” Calli clapped and jumped on her toes while Poppa’s face went white.

  “You have many years before that happens,” Poppa said.

  Lucino rose to his feet, still holding my hand. “I’ve had the servants prepare a meal. We have a lot of food that will go to waste if we don’t eat.”

  He squeezed my hand and I knew in that moment, everything would be fine.

  Later, sitting at the table, watching Lucino entertain not only my family, but Julian who seemed a little relieved to be out of his cell, filled me with a happiness I couldn’t contain. Gwen sat next to me, and squeezed my hand under the table, almost reassuring me that yes, everything would be more than fine.

  At some point during the meal, Derrick arrived and it was my father who jumped to his feet first. He hugged Derrick like any of his other kids, patting his back, and smiling at him. He whispered a question, and Derrick shook his head. Poppa nodded, and I could guess who the question was about: Avikar.

  The only person missing from this dinner, and my life. My family didn’t feel complete without my brother. It would be one thing if I had news, any news. Not knowing where he was or if he still lived, left a hole in me. Poppa would ask when appropriate and I couldn’t bear to tell him the truth. I hadn’t even told Mother everything, only that Avikar left here and we hadn’t heard from him since, though Lucino never stopped looking—truly, I think it bothered him that not even his deep network of spies could locate Avikar.

  When the servants had served the last of the cherry tarts and goose egg pie, we all retired to our quarters for the night. Calli had asked me to stay with her, but Gwen offered to babysit. I asked Calli to watch over Fex. Gwen knew tonight, I would not be staying in my quarters.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Jeslyn arrived at my quarters dressed in a long, silky gown sparkling with tiny iridescent flowers and a navy blue hooded cape. She had mentioned meeting me after dinner, but did not say why. The trek to Daath had been long, and my limbs and mind were exhausted.

  “You changed?” I said, letting her inside.

  She slid the hood off. Part of her hair had been braided and pulled back where the rest of it curled down her back in waves. “I did.”

  “And I am clearly underdressed.” I had on a white tunic and loose pants, the plainness of the outfit outshined by her beauty.

  “I don’t care.” She searched my eyes, holding them with a hunger I wanted to sate.

  When she stepped in front of me, I grabbed her waist, pulling her in to a kiss, before asking what she wanted to discuss.

  “I want to do the binding ceremony, tonight.”

  The statement shocked me, especially since I was still unsure of how she felt about the ritual. “There is no rush.” I grazed her cheek with my thumb. “I will not leave you again.”

  She grabbed my hands and squeezed them. “I want to, in the grotto, just us.”

  I gently squeezed her hands back. “If that’s what you want. I will go tell Romulus.”

  “He’s already there.”


  She bit her lip, and smiled. “I figured you would say yes, and told him to go.”

  “And he listened?”

  She nodded.

  I laughed and kissed her forehead. “It seems you have won over the old scientist.”

  Footsteps sounded out in the hallway. Our gazes both went to the door.

  “Let’s leave quickly,” I said, and pulled her to the secret door at the far end of my room.

  Candlelight flickered as we rushed down the stone walkway, bending around the dark, Jeslyn giggling, and me feeling like I could run for days. Jeslyn and I hadn’t been alone since I returned, and I had many questions for her. I wanted to know everything my clone did and said. Yet, holding her hand, and running out into the night, my questions could wait… binding with her was the only thing of importance.

  Taking a horse from the stables, I lifted Jeslyn on to the mare and sat behind her. She wrapped her arms around mine and leaned her head back on my shoulder.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  “And I love you.” I kissed the top of her head and slapped the reins, bringing the horse in to a gallop.

  Strange sensations filled my chest as if I was anxious before a fight. For all we knew about the ritual, I had never thought of the side effects. While I knew her aura would increase my power, what would it do to her? When I learned of the nature of human auras, and how they enhanced our own, the research had been to completely drain them, take over their minds, bind them to us forever. Romulus would alter the ritual. I did not want Jeslyn to lose any of her own attributes and personality. While Romulus couldn’t promise the outcome, he had sworn her mind would still be hers.

  Stars shined this night, the sky free of clouds. The warm air rustled through Jeslyn’s hair, lifting it. I stopped the horse outside the covered entrance, and helped Jeslyn down. She slipped her hand back into mine once she had her footing, and squeezed it.

  Tonight would change everything. There would be no going back.

  I led her into our secret place. Romulus wore a long red cloak, braziers ignited with fire, and blue runes covered the ground in circular patterns.

  Jeslyn leaned against me, holding m
y hand tighter.

  “Don’t be afraid.” I hugged her to my side, kissed her head, and reassured her she would be safe.

  We stood in front of Romulus, Jeslyn’s gaze flitting to the runes bellow our feet. He began chanting, low and in our native tongue. Her eyes widened and she gazed at him. My heart beat quicker. I loosened the button of my doublet with my free hand.

  Heat pounded against my brow and a drop of sweat slid down my neck.

  The runes glowed, and the fire in the braziers grew.

  Romulus chanted louder, and walked to the braziers, tossing a blue powder into each one. The fire blazed a vibrant purple. The air shimmered.

  Sweat dripped from the back of my neck. Jeslyn had tiny beads on her forehead. I turned her so we were facing one another.

  “Breathe with me,” I said.

  With each breath, we became in sync, breathing the same air as each other, our auras glowing around us in a magical display of deep orange like a sunset covering us in its bosom. Her gaze bore into mine, burrowing itself into my body, holding me prisoner to her will. When her chest moved to breathe, I moved with her. One body. One heart.

  Tingles spread through me, out to my limbs, dizzying me to the point I thought I might fall over. I held both her hands in mine, watching her cheeks redden, and sweat dot her nose.

  The tingles morphed into vibrations that rumbled in me, tearing me open, and rebuilding my core. I grunted as my grip on her slipped and the vibrations magnified until they drowned out my vision and hearing. I blinked, trying to hold on to the moment, and to her.

  And then nothing.

  The chanting, the purple fire, the strange vibrations .all of it stopped.

  Jeslyn sat on the ground in front of me, panting and holding her head.

  “Are you all right?” I reached for her, and my head swayed.

  “The ritual is complete,” Romulus said. “Now go into the waters. You will begin to feel like yourself in a few moments.”

  Standing, I grabbed Jeslyn’s hands and she wobbled into me. I climbed into the pool first then reached back for her. With shaking hands, she fell into my embrace.


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