Electric series- Raven Investigations BoxSet

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Electric series- Raven Investigations BoxSet Page 72

by Stacey Brutger

  And she was the one who dragged him into this mess.

  “Look, I never meant—”

  “You could’ve killed me.” He surveyed their surroundings, deftly avoiding meeting her eyes. “Why didn’t you?”

  He almost sounded vulnerable, not the impervious assassin she was used to dealing with, and she didn’t like it. “If I wanted you dead, I wouldn’t sneak behind your back. You’ll see me coming.”

  His head snapped toward her, his dead eyes churning before a slow smile formed, one of the few genuine emotions she’d ever seen, and she shivered.

  “Don’t feel obligated to stay on my account. It appears my name has landed on the Cadre’s hit list, but instead of killing me, someone has outbid the original request and acquired my contract. Someone is coming for me, and they’re not going to care who’s standing in their way.”

  He shrugged, his gaze never leaving her face, his expression hardening. “You saved my life tonight. I owe you.”

  Raven shivered, not even remotely reassured.

  Worse…it sounded like a promise.

  She had a hunch she wasn’t going to like the methods he used to pay back her favor.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Randolph was in the kitchen, calmly poking around her fridge and eating whatever caught his fancy, unconcerned about being watched like a hawk by the others. Grateful to hand off the duty, Raven followed Durant up the stairs, acid churning in her stomach when Taggert showed no signs of waking.

  The tiger deposited the wolf on the bed, and she hovered anxiously in the middle of the room, afraid to get any closer. She did this to him by pulling down hard on the power that kept him alive. It didn’t matter that she was trying to save his damn life.

  “Let me see your arm.” Durant didn’t wait for permission. His nostrils flared at the scent of her blood, but the seared welt on her arm had long ago crusted over, the ragged edges of her skin already pulling together in a gnarled scab.

  Durant tested the bruised edges of her flesh, and she resisted the urge to pull back, annoyed at the attention, but knowing he would be relentless until he got his way.

  He gently tugged down her sleeve, lingering at her side, silently demanding that she look at him. She refused, remaining focused on Taggert, alert for any signs of consciousness.

  Why won’t he wake up?

  She wasn’t aware that she spoke the question out loud until Durant answered.

  “Touch him.” She jumped when Durant whispered into her ear, then kissed her temple and strode out of the room, leaving her alone with the man she nearly killed.

  Her mind churned with uncertainty. They insisted that she keep her distance from Taggert since he didn’t have complete control of his wolf, yet Durant left her alone, practically telling her to take advantage of an unconscious man.

  Unable to help herself, she moved toward the lone figure on the bed. She reached out with shaky fingers, resting them gently against his throat. Her eyes slid shut, reassured by the steady beat of his pulse, but they snapped back open when his hand curled around her wrist.

  She waited for him to yank away, and her heart cracked…he had every right to cringe from her touch. When she would’ve pulled away, he tugged her forward, and she sprawled sideways across his chest, his arms coming around to imprison her.

  “Taggert—” She forgot the rest of what she was going to say when she met his eyes.

  Only his wolf existed.

  He scanned her face, then down her arm, releasing a vicious growl at the sight of her injury, and part of her wondered if he woke up because he smelled her blood. Knowing that she wouldn’t be able to talk with Taggert unless she distracted him, she did the only thing she knew would draw his attention away from her safety.

  She kissed him.

  The beast below her stiffened, the arms around her turned crushing, uncaring of his injuries, then he was kissing her back with a skill that left her head swimming, and a hunger for more crashed over her. Conscious the house was full of people, she pulled back before she completely forgot her surroundings.

  His grip tightened, and he nipped her with his fangs before letting her retreat.

  With a control that she envied, he remained unmoving beneath her, waiting for her to make her next move, his arms settling around her hips, as if he was unable to release her completely.

  She could easily break his hold.

  He was allowing her to take as much or as little as she wanted from him.

  Tempting her.

  She sat, her knees coming to rest on either side of his hips, his hands falling away to rest on her thighs. He watched her with patient eyes, never once showing disappointment, and she couldn’t resist indulging herself a little. “Take off your shirt.”

  He froze, his eyes widened slightly before he jackknifed up and yanked the shirt over his head. Even though moving had to sting, he didn’t even flinch as he lay back down, presenting himself as an offering.

  She gently splayed her hand over his heart, then traced the bruises marring his torso, watching him twitch under her touch, as if silently begging for her to explore him further.

  Taking him up on his silent offer, she ran her palms down his side and settled over the bullet injury. She’d been able to heal him in the past, and she was hoping she still retained the ability. “This is going to hurt.”

  Yet she hesitated.

  Taggert grabbed her wrist again, pressing her hand more firmly against him. “Do it.”

  He trusted her.


  Praying that it wasn’t misplaced, she called the magic that was so much a part of her. Fire danced over her skin, and Taggert grunted when the purple flames licked at his flesh. The skin began to bubble, and alarm sent her stomach spiking to her throat. But when she tried to jerk back, he refused to loosen his grip.

  She desperately tried to extinguish the flames, but the magic refused to obey. The back of her throat tightened, worry eating her alive, when she finally noticed the injury along his ribs had begun to close. The seared flesh smoothed out, the discoloration fading gradually, before the magic finally sputtered out.

  She nearly sobbed in relief, then jerked out of his hold and smacked his shoulder. “Don’t ever do that again! I could’ve killed you.”

  “Never. You would never hurt me.” Taggert gave her a gentle smile, sitting slowly in a way that made all his muscles stand out and draw her attention. He gently gathered her into his arms, as if she was a wild animal he expected to bite.

  She was tempted, but her nerves were still too rattled. Instead, she leaned into him, grateful for his support.

  Then she began to shake. “You don’t know that.” The words were muffled against his shoulder.

  Taggert pulled back and grabbed her chin none too gently, forcing her to meet his gaze. “Yes I do, and so do you, or you would never have tried to heal me.”

  She didn’t know, not consciously, but she couldn’t bear to see him injured and in pain without trying to make him better.

  “The others are waiting for me.” But she didn’t move, enjoying his nearness too much. Unfortunately, they had a prisoner to interrogate, and she didn’t trust her guys to be alone with him and leave him in one piece. With a sigh, she begun untangling herself.

  Only to have Taggert wrap his arms around her, toppling her backwards, and she gave an embarrassing squeak at the unexpectedly aggressive move. When she blinked up at him in shock, he loomed over her, every inch of him pressed against her. “Kiss me.”

  It was a demand.

  Taggert had been raised as a slave, the rules so embedded in him, he couldn’t act without permission. They were ingrained in him, similar to the way she hesitated to ever touch anyone freely. They made a deal—she could touch him whenever she wanted, as long as he told her what he needed.

  Her gaze dropped to his mouth, deflecting her attention from the pure lust burning in his eyes.

  She wanted him, too.

  It wasn’t mating heat,
that burn having eased since being surrounded by her men. This was more…this was pure desire, not something brought on by magic or her beast. She slipped her fingers into his hair, drawing him closer, then nibbled at his lips. A guttural groan escaped him, sending her stomach fluttering, but never once did he lean closer.

  Unable to refuse what he offered, she wrapped her legs around his hips, and then it was her turn to groan when he surged against her, the length of him pressed intimately against her.

  He froze, his arms shaking as he held himself back, and she hated it. She wanted him to lose himself to the desire burning between them. He deserved to feel without fear. She arched into him, unable to hold back a hum of pleasure, and slipped her hands down his back to grab his ass. He took that as permission, arching his hips in a way that touched all her nerve endings at once, moving in a way no human could duplicate. With his every move her breath caught, the kiss becoming more aggressive.

  Tingles danced over her skin when he switched the angle of his hips, her magic escaping to crackle in the air around them, the precipice hovering so temptingly close, but it wasn’t enough.

  She needed more.

  She tore her mouth away from his, burying her face against his neck, then bit his shoulder, sinking her teeth deep. He roared above her as he lost control, his grip turning deliciously brutal as he held her in place, the taste of his blood shattering her into a million pieces.

  When he collapsed against her, she welcomed his weight, suddenly incredibly shy about them acting like a couple of randy teenagers. If he could affect her this way while fully clothed, she couldn’t begin to imagine what he could do naked.

  Unfortunately he wasn’t going to let her hide. He turned his head and licked her neck, and she squirmed, her breath catching as aftershocks surged through her. When she opened her eyes he was gazing down at her, a small smile tugging at his mouth, like he was proud of himself. Then his smile faded. “What’s wrong?”

  Raven realized she must have been frowning. “They were worried about leaving you alone with me, but I’m not sure I understand why.”

  Taggert gave her a smug smile. “Being a slave has finally benefitted me for once.”

  She cocked her head, not understanding his humor.

  “Being a slave is all about control. One wrong step and you die.”

  Understanding dawned, but it only brought more questions. “But your wolf is new. You should have less control, right?”

  “You woke my wolf. He has always been and will always be yours to command. We are yours in every way. The only time I have trouble containing my beast is when he wants to protect you.”

  Giddiness swept through her.

  She could touch him any time she wanted.

  Without worrying.

  Raven captured his face between her hands and gave him a chaste kiss on his lips, blinking away the tears that stung her eyes. “Thank you.”

  When he looked confused, she just smiled and nudged his shoulder. “We need to go.”

  Despite taking a quick shower, Raven swore that when she entered the kitchen, everyone already knew what happened upstairs.

  Thanks to their damn shifter hearing, they probably did.

  Refusing to blush, conscious of Taggert standing behind her, she went to the counter to grab a coffee. Before she could reach for a mug, London was there, handing it to her.

  When she glanced up at his knowing gaze, warmth rushed to her face, and she scowled at him.

  He cheerfully smiled in return, his fingers brushing against hers when he handed over the mug.

  Dina was leaning casually against the stove, her eyes bright and chipper. Durant and Jackson were stiff, but not in disapproval, more like they were holding themselves back from pouncing on her.

  Before anyone could comment on her personal life, she got down to business. “Where’s Griffin?”

  “He left to run the names on the hit list through the police database.” Rylan was leaning against the wall, his pose casual, belying the way he watched her like a hawk. He seemed amused at her predicament, but his blue eyes were blacker than normal as he watched her hungrily.

  Feeling very much like a bloody meal in a room full of starving beasts, Raven mentally beat a hasty retreat. “The prisoner?”

  “Basement.” London’s voice was a rumble next to her, and she swore that he sniffed her hair right after he spoke. “We’re going to need to put in a jail if you keep bringing guys home.”

  But instead of laughing at his own joke, he looked speculative, and she didn’t doubt she would soon find a request for construction supplies on her desk.

  She gulped the scorching coffee, then set it on the table, fully intending to flee to the basement. Before she could make it to the door, the chairs around the table scraped against the floor, everyone standing at once.

  No one tried to stop her, but she felt them at her back as she made her way down the stairs. She wanted to say they tromped along behind her like a herd of elephants, but they barely made a sound.

  Digger was puttering around his lab, completely unperturbed about the unconscious man strapped to the chair in the middle of the room. The man’s clothes were in tatters, charred in spots, exposing deep red burns all over his torso. A gag covered his mouth, biting cruelly into his cheeks.

  To her surprise, Nicholas and Gavin were standing guard, while Randolph leaned casually against the wall staring daggers at the prisoner, as if contemplating the many ways he planned to kill him.

  “Did you touch him?” She couldn’t stifle her sharp question.

  Randolph just grunted, having already learned his lesson, but the other two men shook their heads.

  Digger turned to face her, pushing up his glasses as he moved. “Of course not.” He raised his hands to reveal the gloves. “Although I did take some samples. Randolph shared your warning, and your guess was correct. His skin secretes a neurotoxin that affects the nervous system and allows him to take possession of his prey.

  “It’s a natural poison commonly used by frogs and lizards to subdue their prey. It’s similar to what Voodoo priestess use to create their living zombies. His victims aren’t aware of what they’re doing, blindly obeying, their respiration and heartbeat so lowered they could be mistaken for the walking dead.”

  No they couldn’t.

  She’d fought zombies, and their rotting corpses could never be mistaken for anything remotely human.

  Raven glanced away, shaking off the memories. “Is there an antivenom?”

  “It’s possible one could be created.” Digger sounded speculative. “But it would take time.”

  Raven turned and circled the man who called himself Master, fighting not to gag at the sickly sweet smell of the venom he exuded.

  And instantly knew that he was no longer unconscious.

  “Why were you trying to kill me?”

  Giving up the pretense, the man lifted his graying head, his black, soulless eyes full of hatred as he glared at her. She didn’t bother to remove the gag. He wasn’t going to answer without incentive.

  “He’s not completely human or shifter.” Digger edged closer, but carefully kept his distance from both of them. “If I had to guess, I would say someone did a poor job of splicing genes.”

  Raven lifted her head, horror slicing deep. “So the humans succeeded in producing their super soldiers.”

  “That’s just it. They didn’t. He’s dying. His cells are being killed off faster than he can produce them.” Digger shook his head in pity. “My guess is they’re all dying. Slowly and painfully.”

  Silence eddied through the room.

  No one moved as the ramifications became clear.

  “That’s why they want me.” Bile rose in the back of her throat at the thought of being studied again. “They think I’m the missing key.”

  “Then why was he trying to kill you?” Taggert kept his distance from the man who called himself the Master, pale and shaken at what the man nearly made him do. She’d swear that sh
e could still hear echoes of his voice in her head.

  Raven could think of only one reason for the creep to want to kill her. “If they find a solution to their gene splicing, other people will be turned, and he will no longer be the top of the food chain.”

  “But he’s dying.” Dina shook her head, as if she couldn’t grasp it. “He’ll be dead.”

  “So how do we get him to talk without touching him?” London crossed his arms, his muscles bulging, clearly ready and willing to beat the shit out of the guy.

  “He’s part shifter, right?” Raven glanced at Digger for confirmation, and he nodded. “Then an alpha can make him obey.”

  “No.” Durant grabbed her arm, dragging her away from the prisoner. “You’re not going anywhere near that bastard. I say we kill him.”

  “Durant, we need answers—”

  “Fine. If you insist on doing this, I’m alpha enough to make him obey. You’re already susceptible to him. We can’t risk you falling under his control.” He released her and began rolling up his sleeves.

  The others nodded in agreement, completely ignoring the risks. Something deep inside her would shatter if Durant turned on her and she was forced to hurt him to keep the others safe.

  When his back was turned, she darted around him, and lunged forward to grab the prisoner’s arm. The others yelled and cursed. Jackson’s strong arms curled around her waist, pulling her away, but it was already too late. A thick coat of oily slime covered her fingers.

  Even now the toxins were sweeping through her system.

  She raised her arms, so she wouldn’t accidently touch anyone, watching as the Master began to smile at her in triumph despite the gag.

  Durant and Jackson looked ready to throttle her, seconds away from hauling her out of the room and out of danger. Instead, the tiger grabbed her wrist, resolutely dragging her toward the sink, turning the water as hot as it would go. “Wash it off.”


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