Electric series- Raven Investigations BoxSet

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Electric series- Raven Investigations BoxSet Page 83

by Stacey Brutger

  She had no choice.

  The safety of her pack had to come first.

  She hoped she hadn’t just sent two allies to their doom.

  Durant grabbed her elbow and guided her up the stairs, aiming a reassuring smile at her. “They’ll be fine. You have a way of making people want to behave honorably. It wouldn’t surprise me if they came back as partners, both of them wearing badges.”

  She gaped up at him, completely baffled that he thought she had that much influence on anyone. She must have said it out loud, because he laughed as if she’d said something funny. He pushed open the door to his second-level apartment, then stepped aside for her to enter.

  Curiosity got the best of her, and she let the matter drop for a much more interesting topic.

  Durant’s lair.

  Raven had never visited, hadn’t even been aware that he used anything besides the office downstairs. It never occurred to her to question where Durant spent his time when he wasn’t working. Designed for his tiger, the space was wide open, the bedroom consisting of a massive mattress that rested on the floor. A whole forest of plants decorated the back corner, hiding an in-floor pool and creating the illusion of a hidden oasis.

  Though he no longer lived there, the place remained fully stocked and in excellent condition.

  The space still smelled like him—warm leather and musk—and she inhaled deeply. Durant watched from across the room, his gaze heated, the pleasure of having her in his home turning his eyes golden. She blushed under the attention and quickly turned away before she got distracted.

  If she concentrated hard enough, she’d swear she was able to detect the spicy scent she associated with vampires and realized that he must have given his apartment to Cassie, the little waif he’d taken under his wing.

  Durant was generous to a fault to those that he considered family and a ruthless asshole to everyone else.

  When she turned, she spotted Jackson and London working together in the kitchen, and winced at the thought of another sandwich. But ten minutes after they gathered their ingredients, delicious aromas began to fill the room, the spices making her mouth water. By the time the food was ready, everyone was gathered around the counter, shoveling hot spaghetti into their mouths, no one bothering to even sit.

  Finally, after emptying the fifth pan of food, everyone was blessedly full, each lost in their own thoughts. Even Rylan dined, a smiling Cassie having delivered a pitcher of warm blood for him before she was called back down to break up a brawl.

  The soldiers kept to themselves, and Raven was glad. The longer they shared the same company with her pack, the more uneasy she became, but she couldn’t put her finger on what bothered her.

  She hadn’t changed her mind about wanting to help them. If she didn’t take action, war would rip through the paranormal community again, and she feared that they wouldn’t survive a second time. While no one would agree with her, paranormal species had one thing in common—they were all social creatures. If they scattered to the wind, their societies would crumble.

  Raven focused her attention inward. Instead of tissue and bones, a sea of churning power swirled restlessly under her skin, eddying and surging around her like the ocean. She mentally reached out, trailing her fingers in it—and sucked in a startled breath.

  The combination of power and beast slammed into her until her body felt too small. Her skin tightened painfully, and the darkness inside her began to escape in little wisps of black smoke. Raven scanned the room, and could have sworn that the shadows moved. Tiny sparks of light flickered in and out of existence, sluggishly drawn toward her as if attracted to the power. Heaviness swelled around her, until she’d swear the floor groaned under her weight.

  Energy prickled painfully along her flesh—a familiar energy, one she often felt when the others shifted. Raven gulped, not sure what she’d done to trigger the change, much less how to stop it. Taggert was at her side in seconds and grabbed her arm, dragging her away from the others, supporting her awkward, ungainly progress.

  Of course he would notice her predicament.

  She wanted to bury herself in his arms, grateful for once for his constant attention.

  He tugged her into the bathroom, then closed the door with a loud snick. He crowded closer, pushing her up against the large double vanity, then grabbed her hips, and set her on the counter. Despite his added shifter strength, he could barely lift her as she felt the change continue to darken the room around her.

  The power continued to surge, the air turning stuffy and hot, until breathing became difficult. “How do we stop it?”

  “It’s connected to your emotions.” Taggert boldly stepped between her legs, pulling her flush against him. “You can stop the change by thinking about something else.”

  Without giving her a change to think about it, he ducked his head and kissed her blind.

  It was the first time Taggert had ever initiated a kiss.

  One hand gripped her hip, the other one wrapped around her hair, drawing her head back. The taste of him was drugging, the heat of him seeping under her skin, distracting her from everything but him. Only then did he pull back. When she tried to follow and kiss him again, he held her in place, held her away from him, and some of her sanity returned.

  Not willing to let her go, Taggert tucked her against his chest. The racing of his heart under her ear was soothing.

  “Touch usually helps,” he murmured into her hair.

  The energy around her faded, the need averted by a different hunger. “What triggered the change?”

  “Strong emotions can summon your beast.” Taggert untangled his fingers from her hair, running them through the strands to soothe her. “What were you thinking about when the change started?”

  “Danger.” Raven snuggled closer to him, relaxing into his touch, and she slipped her arms around his waist. “I’m worried about this trip.”

  Taggert paused his stroking, then grabbed her shoulders and pulled away. “We should tell the others. If there’s danger—”

  “I don’t think there is any option that doesn’t involve danger.” She ran her hands up his sides, marveling at the texture of the muscles under his shirt, allowing her hands to snake around his waist again. “But this way, we might be able to save a lot of lives on both sides.”

  Taggert looked like he was ready to argue, but he knew she was right.

  “No matter what happens at this meeting, promise me you won’t shift,” she urged.

  A muscle ticked in his jaw, and she knew he was going to be stubborn.

  “Look at it this way…they’re focused on me. If anything goes wrong, you’ll need to keep your cool and rescue me.”

  To distract him, she trailed her hand across his chest and down his stomach, reluctantly stopping at the edge of his jeans.

  He sucked in his stomach, silently inviting her to explore further, his arousal clearly outlined. To keep herself from reaching for him, she slipped her fingers into the loopholes of his jeans, then lifted her face to his. “Promise me.”

  “Anything.” He dipped his head, hunger darkening his face, when a sharp knock sounded on the door.

  He huffed out a heavy breath and groaned, resting his head on her shoulder, pitching his voice to be heard through the door. “Your timing sucks.”

  Durant gave an evil chuckle and opened the door slightly, having no trouble hearing them through the wood. “Time to go.”

  Taggert straightened, then grabbed her hips, reluctantly lowering her to the ground, her body dragging against his every inch of the way. He was always so attuned to her needs, it made Raven feel very feminine and delicate. She used to roll her eyes at overprotective boyfriends, but he made her feel like a queen.

  “Thank you.” Raven reached up and brushed her lips against his cheek, pleased to see a flush of pleasure on his face.

  When they exited the bathroom, Laura was jerking on her jacket, annoyance and disgust shading her eyes. “You couldn’t keep it in your pants fo
r a night? Or are you really like animals and go at it anywhere? With everybody listening? Are you sure no one else wants to take a turn?”

  The silence in the room was deafening. The men, even Laura’s fellow soldiers, stiffened. Thanks to their advanced hearing, everyone knew exactly what had happened in the bathroom, but they were polite enough not to mention anything.

  Laura’s insinuation tainted the sweet exchange, making it seem dirty.

  Laura sneered at her, reveling in the way the tension ratcheted up a notch and slid into uncomfortable.

  Raven gave the bitch a pleasant smile. “I’m sorry you haven’t had sex in so long that you’ve forgotten what it involves.”

  Rylan stepped toward her, offering her his arm, giving her a toothy smile that showed his fangs. “You give the word, my queen, and I’ll skin the flea-bitten bitch and pin her hide to the wall.”

  Vampires and shifters were natural enemies.

  Laura glared and lifted her chin defiantly, but a sickly stench of fear soured the air.

  “Thank you for the kind offer, but that won’t be necessary. If I wanted her dead, I’m sure I could manage it on my own.” Raven lifted her free hand, gratified when sparks of current danced between her fingers. The static in the room increased, the air crackled, and her hair began to move as if by an invisible wind.

  “I mean, it’s not like I even need to be in the same room. It wouldn’t even be a challenge. No, let her go. Maybe one of these days she’ll figure out that it’s rude to insult her host and eavesdrop on conversations that don’t concern her. Eventually she may even figure out how sex works and what equipment is used.”

  Taggert came to her other side and sweetly kissed her cheek. “I’ll bring the car around front.”

  Laura watched the affection, her mouth curling with disgust, but Tuck grabbed her arm and shook her before she could say more.


  As Raven’s men followed her down the stairs, she could hear the soldiers arguing behind them.

  “It’s disgusting how she sleeps with every one of them, and they don’t even protest. If that’s what it takes to live in a pack, no thank you.”

  When Durant spun around on the stairs, Raven twisted back and grabbed the back of his jeans. “We need them.”

  He glanced down at her, his eyes a burnt gold, his anger eating him alive. “For now.”

  Raven nodded in complete agreement.

  As soon as they were outside, Raven paused, watching the shadows while others headed toward the vehicle.

  They weren’t alone.

  She only spotted Randolph when the shadows around him shifted. For once, she was glad to see her creepy stalker. He was getting better at hiding from her, his form almost indistinguishable from the darkness. She knew she should be concerned that one day she wouldn’t spot him until too late, but this time, she was grateful for his presence.

  She tipped her head toward the vehicles in silent invitation, then brought her finger up to her lips for a brief second. He seemed to understand, disappearing back into the gloom between one moment and the next.

  He would follow.

  His curiosity wouldn’t allow him to miss the opportunity for a fight.

  They took two vehicles to the meeting place. None of the guys opted to ride with the soldiers, leaving the pack vehicle crammed tight, the air clogged with testosterone and aggression.

  London drove with his sole focus on the truck in front of them, the space between the two vehicles narrowing down to only a breath of air, so close she would be surprised if the bumpers didn’t brush at times. London’s hands were wrapped so tightly around the steering wheel, she knew he was having a hard time not ramming into the other truck and forcing them off the road.

  When Raven leaned forward to touch him, Rylan wrapped his arms around her until she couldn’t even wiggle in his lap.

  “Don’t distract the bear while he’s driving,” he whispered in her ear. “Don’t remind him of his anger or he might ‘accidently’ kill those idiots.”

  Raven snorted, thinking he was joking, then choked on her laughter when she looked back at his solemn face.

  He was dead serious.

  The vampire won the bet to sit in the front seat, no one really fighting him. While they accepted him into the pack, the shifters still had to struggle to keep their beasts in check when he was nearby.

  Which meant she got to share his seat by sitting in his lap. He played with the tips of her hair, fascinated by the silver stripe and gilded tips. His insatiable hunger didn’t appear to control him anymore, and he seemed to take pleasure in touching her at every opportunity, as if she was a miracle brought to life just for him. She would find it amusing if she didn’t find it so darn sweet.

  Durant, Jackson, and Taggert were crammed into the back seat, the normally roomy area reducing them to a can of sardines, every breath squeezing them tighter together. The ride took an hour before the truck in front of them finally pulled over. They were perched on cliff, a scenic overlook high on the mountaintop. The road wasn’t very well traveled, the woods beyond a dense forest that seemed to go on forever.

  “A great place for an ambush.” London muttered.

  Raven couldn’t help but agree.

  Theirs were the only two vehicles.

  Raven scanned the area, not surprised when she didn’t spot Randolph. He was good—an assassin who had never been caught. If he was in the woods watching, she didn’t even sense him.

  They pulled up behind the soldiers and exited the vehicles. London, Durant, and Taggert exited on the driver’s side while Jackson escaped out the passenger door. Raven couldn’t help but blush when she climbed out of the car, Rylan’s hands innocently slipping as he ‘tried’ to help. She laughed as she pulled away from him, smacking away his wandering hands.

  To her surprise, the other guys were all smiling, none of them the least bit jealous. Despite her determination to put the incident out of her mind, Laura’s caustic comments had sprouted a tiny seed of doubt.

  Jackson caught her chin, lifting her face up to his. “You’re beautiful when you laugh. Don’t let their hate give you doubt. We’re not jealous. We all asked for your attention. As much as you believe otherwise, we chose you as much as you chose us. You’re not forcing us into a relationship we don’t want. Fuck, queenie, we’ve been waiting for you our whole lives. You’re a dream we thought would never come true.”

  Raven lifted her hand to his chest, right over his mark, brushing her fingers against the symbol of her ownership, and the scent of fresh cut grass curled around her. “I fought like hell to claim you, and I don’t regret a second of it.”

  The smile he gave her was blinding, making his rugged face look sexy as hell, the tension gradually easing out of his shoulders. Raven reluctantly dropped her hand, then turned to face the soldiers waiting by their truck, unable to help the sigh of disquiet that escaped her.

  “I don’t like this setup.” London joined them as they began walking toward the others. The vista overlooking the cliff was breathtaking, the valley below them stretching out for miles, the steep drop disappearing hundreds of feet below.

  Taggert nudged her shoulder, then nodded to the mountainside. From this angle, they could see any threat coming for miles. A road wound up the side of the mountain, a dust trail showed three black SUVs heading their way. At the speed they were driving, they would arrive within minutes.

  “It shouldn’t be long now.” Tuck came to her side, his eyes brighter than they had been for a while. Taggert eased away, joining the rest of the men to secure the area.

  “You’re sure the commander will listen?” The man was their last hope to avoid war. But she still needed to figure out a way to convince him that they could help each other.



  “He was active during the last paranormal conflict. He more than anyone knows what’s at stake.” Tuck appeared more relaxed, probably because his mission was almost over. “Come, let’
s head toward the rendezvous point.”

  The meeting place was across the road in a small clearing. A fire ring stood in the center, the area used by teens to party if the number of abandoned beer bottles was any indication. The trucks they spotted earlier pulled up, and an older gentleman in his late fifties stepped out. Though dressed casually, he was pure military. His hair was still regulation, his shoulders back as he stood at attention.

  “You must be the woman they told me can stop all this nonsense.” His voice was gruff, and she liked him immediately. He was no-nonsense, got right down to business, and wouldn’t take shit from anyone. He had two men with him, but they hung back, talking quietly with Laura, Tuck, and George.

  “Yes, sir.” Raven gave him a half smile. “I think we can help each other out.”

  From the corner of her eye, Raven saw movement and turned.

  Just in time to see Laura pull out a flare gun and point it directly at the fire pit.

  “Down!” Her men obeyed without hesitation, her words almost drowned out when the flare launched. Raven leapt toward the commander, tackling him just as the flare exploded behind her. Her skin slotted together, hardening into tiny scales, but not fast enough. Shrapnel tore into her back, the scales the only thing that stopped most of the metal from passing clear through her.

  She and the commander were closest to the pit and took the brunt of the blast.

  She managed to shove the human to the ground, but the blast caught her body and flung her into the air. She smacked against a tree so hard the thick trunk creaked in protest. Despite the protective scales, the jarring impact hurt like a bitch, her ribs cracked, and her insides felt like a mangled mess.

  She thudded to the ground hard, tasting dirt, her lungs refusing to work. Her ears rang sharply, blood filling her mouth as she fought to push herself upright.

  Men dressed in black gear threaded through the trees, filling the glen. The fire pit was gone, replaced by a pit of black dirt. A few of the commander’s men were down, their bodies shredded, their eyes lifeless. Tuck and George were wounded and down, struggling to stand, but alive. Raven frantically searched for her pack.


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