The Teflon Queen PT 4

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by Silk White

  The Teflon Queen 4


  A Novel by Silk White

  ISBN: 9780990869429

  Editor: Kesha Buckhana

  Cover design: Davida Baldwin


  Copyright ©2015 by Silk White


  Published 2015 by


  7311 W. Glass Lane

  Laveen, AZ 85339

  twitter @good2gobooks

  All rights reserved, therefore no part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission expert in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For more information, contact the publisher. This novel is a work of fiction. All the characters, organizations, establishments, and events portrayed in this novel are either product of the author’s imagination or are fiction.

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  ThirdLane Marketing: Brian James

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  Table of Contents

  Books by this Author



  Chapter 1: Mr. Death

  Chapter 2: Take it or Leave It

  Chapter 3: Surprise, Surprise

  Chapter 4: Mr. Death

  Chapter 5: Ready or Not

  Chapter 6: No Turning Back

  Chapter 7: Walking Blind

  Chapter 8: What Have I Gotten Myself Into?

  Chapter 9: I Refuse to Quit

  Chapter 10: Surprise, Surprise

  Chapter 11: What’s the Plan?

  Chapter 12: I’m Sorry

  Chapter 13: The White House

  Chapter 14: Protection

  Chapter 15: Death in the Air

  Chapter 16: Do or Die

  Chapter 17: The Escape Plan

  Chapter 18: I Apologize

  Chapter 19: Rehabilitation

  Chapter 20: Do you Accept?

  Chapter 21: The Master Plan

  Chapter 22: Mission Impossible

  Chapter 23: Stay Alive

  Chapter 24: Outgunned

  Chapter 25: So You Call Yourself the Queen

  Chapter 26: Time to go to Work

  Chapter 27: Glad to be Home

  Chapter 28: End all be All

  Chapter 29: Survive

  Chapter 30: Backup

  Chapter 31: Staying Alive

  New Releases

  Books by This Author

  Married To Da Streets

  Never Be The Same


  Tears of a Hustler

  Tears of a Hustler 2

  Tears of a Hustler 3

  Tears of a Hustler 4

  Tears of a Hustler 5

  Tears of a Hustler 6

  Teflon Queen

  Teflon Queen 2

  Teflon Queen 3

  Teflon Queen 4

  Time Is Money (An Anthony Stone Novel)

  48 Hours to Die (An Anthony Stone Novel)


  To all of you who are reading this, thank you for stepping inside the bookstore, stopping by the library, or downloading a copy of Time Is Money. I hope you have enjoyed this read from top to bottom. My goal is to get better and better with each story. I want to thank everyone for all their love and support. It is definitely appreciated! Now without further ado Ladies and Gentleman, I give you The Teflon Queen 4. Enjoy!


  Eight Years Later

  Ashley sat behind the wheel of an all-black Dodge Charger. She’d been tailing a limousine for the past hour. Her target was a middle-aged man that resided in the back of the limousine. Her mission was to terminate the man, retrieve the suitcase he possessed, and return it to her boss. For the past four years, Ashley had been working for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and had become one of their best agents. She used all the skills that Angela had taught her years ago and perfected them, she now used those same skills to capture and kill terrorist. Ashley’s target was a man that went by the name, Muhammad Ockbar. He was one of the most deadly terrorist to ever walk the earth. His sole purpose for living was to destroy America and become filthy rich in the process. Ashley couldn’t even count on her fingers and toes combined how many Americans that Muhammad had killed in the past six months.

  “Muhammad’s hotel is coming up on your right a few blocks away on your left,” a voice chirped inside Ashley’s ear piece.

  “Copy,” she replied. It was close to show time and the butterflies in her stomach were doing summersaults. Ashley stepped out of the Charger dressed in a black tight fitting dress that left little to the imagination. Her face was freshly done in a nice coat of makeup and a long straight haired black wig gave her a more exotic look. Ashley stepped out the car, handed the valley her keys and entered the hotel.

  “You are going to have about a four-minute window to get this done,” the voice in her ear piece informed her.

  “I’ll only need two Troy,” Ashley said as she took hurried steps and stuck her hand in the elevator just as the doors were about to close. “Sorry,” she smiled as she piled on the elevator along with Muhammad and his team of security. “Can you press twelve for me, please?”

  The bodyguard pressed twelve eyeing Ashley suspiciously.

  He figured her to be a high priced prostitute, but just to be on the safe side his hand quickly dropped down to his waistline.

  The ride on the elevator was a quiet one. Ashley glanced over at Muhammad and noticed a briefcase handcuffed to his wrist. Whatever was inside that briefcase was worth his right hand. The elevator reached the twelfth floor and immediately Ashley stepped off and headed down the hall, followed by Muhammad and his team.

  Ashley could feel all eyes on her with each step she took. She entered her room that was right next door to Muhammad’s room by design. Once inside the room Ashley quickly walked over to the bed that had a duffle bag sitting on top. She reached inside and removed a stick of C-4 and stuck in on the wall, she then walked back over to the duffle bag, removed a P89, and screwed a silencer on the barrel.

  “Two minutes, Muhammad’s second team of security just pulled up in front of the hotel,” Troy’s voice sounded off in her ear piece.

  Ashley quickly grabbed the remote from out of the duffle bag, pressed the red button, and the C-4 immediately exploded blowing a huge hole in the wall. Once the explosion was over, Ashley quickly walked through the wall and into Muhammad’s room. The first thing she saw was Muhammad’s security coughing from all the smoke. Ashley raised her gun, fired three shots in rapid succession and three security guards were down. The last guard grabbed Ashley from behind in a bear hug. Ashley smoothly fired a shot into his shoe causing him to release his grip, she then quickly spun around and pumped three shots into the man’s chest and watched him crumble down to the floor. Ashley then turned her attention to Muhammad. He held the briefcase close to his chest as if it were a new born baby.

  “You’re making a big mistake!” He barked.

  Without warning, Ashley put a bullet between Muhammad’s eyes, then turned and shot his right hand off and removed the briefcase. She quickly made a bee line for the door. “What am I’m looking like?” She asked taking hurried steps towards the elevator.

  “A team of eight are coming your way, four on the elevator, four in the staircase pick your poison,” Troy replied.

  “Think, think, think,” Ashley said to herself. She had to make a split decision and time wasn’t on her side. The bell sounded notifying that the elevator had arrived. Just as the four men stepped off the elevator, Ashley smoothly slid in staircase unseen. Knowing more than likely she would wind up
having to get busy, Ashley removed her heels and proceeded down the stairs barefoot.

  As Ashley made her way down the stairs, she could hear the sound of multiple footsteps coming up the steps. She quickly held her P89 behind her thigh. The first man had a rough face with a huge nasty looking beard covering his face. Ashley walked past the first guy but noticed the second guy eyeing the briefcase she was carrying. Without hesitation, Ashley swung the briefcase with all her might breaking the man’s nose instantly. She then spun around and shot the first gunman in the throat. The third gunman froze as a deer caught in the headlights. Seconds later, his brains popped out the back of his skull and painted the wall red. Ashley aimed her gun at the last gunman and pulled the trigger.


  The gunman slapped the empty gun out of Ashley’s hand, locked his hand around her throat, and forcefully rushed her back to the wall. Ashley raised her foot and kicked the gunman’s knee cap in the opposite direction. The sound of his bone snapping sounded off loudly throughout the staircase. Ashley grabbed the back of the gunman’s head and delivered a crushing knee to his face. She then held the gunman’s head in a firm grip and twisted it with force in the opposite direction until she heard it snap. Ashley picked the briefcase up off the floor and proceeded down to the lobby of the hotel.

  “Are you okay?” Troy asked.

  “On my way out now,” Ashley replied as she reached the lobby. She quickly blended in with the crowd and took hurried steps towards the exit. As soon as Ashley, stepped foot out of the hotel, a black van pulled up and she quickly hopped in the back. She wasn’t even all the way inside the van before it pulled off into traffic.

  “Good work back there,” Troy said with a smile.

  “Don’t mention it,” Ashley returned his smile, then handed him the briefcase.

  Troy quickly pulled out a device and placed it on top of the briefcase just to make sure that whatever was inside wouldn’t explode. Once he was sure it wouldn’t explode, he proceeded to crack the code to the suitcase.

  Troy opened the briefcase and the first thing he noticed was a black bag made out of cloth. He smiled as he opened the bag and found that it was filled with diamonds. Also inside the briefcase, was some sort of a blueprint. After further observation, Troy realized that the blueprint was to a building out in New York City. Troy looked over at Ashley and smiled. “I think you just stopped a major bombing,”

  Ashley smiled. Things like this made the job worth all the risk. Ever since meeting Angela years ago, Ashley had been obsessed with the assassin’s lifestyle. It was said around headquarters that Ashley was the best agent they had ever seen and that was all thanks to Angela and her training.

  “You’re sure to get a medal for this one,” Troy raised his hand for a high five. Troy had been Ashley’s partner ever since she joined the force.

  “Of course I couldn’t of had done this without you,” Ashley said honestly. “But this is just a small piece to the puzzle. Now that we’ve gotten Abdul’s son out of the picture he’s sure to retaliate.

  Abdul Ockbar was known as the world’s most vicious and most wanted terrorist since Osama Bin Laden. He was known for bombing other countries, extortion, and he had an army of trained killers that were willing to die for Abdul, their country, and the cause.

  “Maybe this may bring that scumbag out of hiding,” Troy said.

  Ashley reached headquarters and headed straight to her lieutenant’s office. Lieutenant Banks sat behind his desk with an angry look on his face which wasn’t out of the ordinary. Even when he was happy, he still had a scowl on his face. “Hope you have some good news for me,” his voice boomed.

  Ashley smiled and sat the bag of diamonds down on his desk along with the blueprint to the New York building. “Muhammad is dead; next up his father Abdul.”

  “You killed Muhammad?” Lieutenant Banks asked cracking a smile for once. “It’s about time causing I’m sick of these terrorists fucks always trying to blow something up,” he shook his head. “Maybe this may bring Abdul out of hiding,” he said with a raised brow.

  “Hopefully,” Ashley replied.

  “Good work Ashley,” Lieutenant Banks stood and shook Ashley’s hand. “Go home and get you some rest and I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Thank you sir,” Ashley said and then made her exit.

  Once Lieutenant Banks was sure that Ashley was gone, he picked up his phone and dialed a number. It rung four times before a man with a scratchy voice answer. “Hello?”

  “Hey Abdul; it’s Banks.”

  “I know who it is the question is what do you want?” Abdul said in an irritated tone.

  “I’m afraid I have some bad news for you,” Lieutenant Banks paused for a second. He had been doing business with the world’s biggest terrorist for the past three years and had no complaints. “Your son Muhammad was murdered today.”

  Abdul was silent for a second. “And what about my diamonds?”

  “I got the diamonds back, but that building you were planning to take down in New York you’re going to have to cancel that the blueprint was discovered.”

  “You assured me that I wouldn’t have any problems from your people,” Abdul barked. “What the fuck am I paying you for?”

  “Sorry about that, there was just a slight mix up on my end and I can assure you something like this won’t happen again,” Lieutenant Banks promised. His biggest fear was getting cut off. He’d never made as much money as he was now until he started doing business with Abdul.

  “Who killed my son?” Abdul asked in a deadly tone.

  “Special Agent Ashley Brown, but no need to worry I’ll take care of her tonight.” Lieutenant Banks said.

  “I have a few men in your area right now,” Abdul said. “My men will take care of this problem just lead them in the right direction.”

  “No disrespect but are your men any good?” Lieutenant Banks asked. “Agent Ashley is no joke.”

  “My men are well trained and are more than capable to take out one female,” said Abdul. “You just make sure something like this never happens again or else!”

  “You got my word something like this will never happen again.”

  “One of my men will call you in the next five minutes for Agent Brown’s address and whereabouts,” Abdul said and ended the call not allowing Lieutenant Banks a chance to respond.

  Chapter 1

  Mr. Death

  Ashley eased her way down into the bathtub. The water was smoking hot but it was just how Ashley liked it. She lived in a small town house in the middle of nowhere, she chose to be isolated, and away from others, something she had learned from her mentor Angela. Ashley didn’t want to have to deal with neighbors. She enjoyed the quietness and her privacy.

  Ashley and her team had been after Muhammad for months and to finally take him out was a breath of fresh air. She knew that this was just the beginning and expected some form of retaliation to come once the word about Muhammad’s death got out there. Ashley sipped on a glass of red wine and grabbed the letter that she had received from Angela off the toilet seat. Ashley and Angela made sure they stayed in contact. They wrote each other letters at least once a week. Ashley sipped from her glass and began reading the letter.

  Hey Ashley how’s it going out there? I’ve been good just watching CNN. I’ve been hearing about these bomb threats going on and I just wanted to say please be careful out there. I never wanted this for you, but you are grown and all I can do is try and give you advice. I received the money you sent me; I told you that you don’t have to keep sending me money I’m all right. Be careful and keep your eyes open out there and if you ever need me I’ll be there for you. Love always your big sis the Teflon Queen.

  After reading the letter, all Ashley could do was smile. She couldn’t express the amount of love that she had for Angela and how much she appreciated her for saving her life years ago. Sometimes she wondered where she would be or what she would be doing if it weren’t for Angela. Ashley took
another sip of wine when she heard her cell phone ring. She looked at the screen and saw Troy’s name flashing across the screen. “Hey Troy what’s up?” She answered.

  “Work, work, and more work,” Troy said with stress all in his tone. He loved being a special agent but sometimes he felt like the job was beginning to take over his life. “Just got word that Abdul is sending one of his best hit men to the states to retrieve the diamonds that we stole today.”

  “Lieutenant Banks know about this?”

  “Yes he’s having the diamonds moved to a safe location now,” Troy said.

  “Who’s the hit man?”

  “Some guy named Mr. Death,” Troy replied. “He’s a Japanese hit man slash ninja and from what I hear he’s supposed to be the real deal.”

  “I think I heard of him before,” Ashley replied. She had heard stories about how violent and deadly the assassin was. If he was on his way to the states trouble was sure to follow. “Do me a favor get me all the information you can on this Mr. Death guy and get back to me tomorrow,” Ashley went to say something else when all of a sudden the lights in the entire house went out. “My lights just went out.”

  “Did the bulb blow?” Troy asked.

  Ashley paused and listened. The sound of someone fumbling around with the locks on the front door could be heard followed by the sound of glass shattering. “I’ve got company. I gotta go.”

  “I’m on my way!” Troy said ending the call.


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