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The Teflon Queen PT 4

Page 8

by Silk White

  “What’s on the other side of that door?”

  “Five armed tangos,” Troy replied.

  “Copy,” Angela removed her Five-seven and inched her way towards the door. She took a deep breath then charged through the door. The first guard’s head exploded before he even know what hit him. The second guard was stuck as a deer caught in the head lights when a bullet entered his eye and exited out the back of his head. The third guard fell down face first as a small hole rested in the middle of his forehead. The fourth and fifth guard went to reach for their weapons but they weren’t quick enough. All five guards were down in three seconds flat.

  “Good shooting,” Troy said as he watched Angela murder the guard’s in cold blood through the security cameras. He had to admit she was the best he had seen so far, and was happy that she was now on his team.

  Angela let the clip fall from the base of her gun and replaced it with a fresh twenty round clip. “Thanks,” she replied as she began to drag the guard’s dead bodies over into a corner instead of leaving the bodies in plain sight. Angela grabbed the last dead guard’s legs and started to drag his body when another guard entered the den out of nowhere. She quickly dropped the dead man’s legs and whipped out her Five-seven with the quickness of a snake, aimed, and fired. The bullet hit the guard in the center of his throat. The guard gurgled on his own blood before he collapsed down to the floor, but before the guard hit the floor, he managed to get off a shot that hit Angela in the pit of her stomach. The impact from the shot forced her to take a knee. “Shit!” She cursed. It had been years since she’d been shot so the pain was at an all-time high. Her body needed to get used to pain.

  “Sorry Angela I didn’t even see that guy are you alright?” She heard Troy’s voice in her ear piece.

  “I’m good my vest stopped the bullet from going through,” Angela said climbing back up to her feet.

  “You’ve got company,” Troy announced. “The shot that the guard fired must have alerted the rest of the guard’s.

  “How many?”

  “Fifteen!” Troy replied. “You have to get out of there you have around ten seconds!”

  Angela quickly ran out of the den and hid down behind a circular water fountain that spit up water in a spray every few seconds. The fifteen guard’s walked on the other side of the water fountain and entered the den trying to find out if that was indeed a gun shot or not.

  “Okay the coast is clear move!”

  Angela ran in a low crouch into another section of the mansion. The mansion was so big it was like running through a maze.

  * * *

  A guard entered the den and spotted one of his fellow comrades lying dead on the floor in a pool of his own blood. He then looked over and spotted five dead guards laying in a pile over in the corner. The guard immediately hopped on his radio. “We have an intruder on the property it’s time to go hunting.”

  Chapter 23

  Stay Alive

  Ashley laid flat on her stomach in the snow looking through her scope when she noticed five pickup trucks filled with soldiers holding assault rifles pull up to the front of the estate. “Angela you have to get out of there!”

  “My cover has been blown! I’m going to have to shoot my way out of this!” Angela’s voice echoed through Ashley’s ear piece.

  “Shit!” Ashley whispered as she focused on the target in her crosshair. She pulled the trigger and watched the soldier’s body crumble down to the ground with a gaping hole in the middle of his forehead. The rest of soldiers looked around frantically for the shooter but came up empty. Seconds later four more soldiers dropped, followed by three more. Immediately all the soldiers rushed towards the entrance of the mansion knowing that, the sniper wouldn’t be able to shoot all of them.

  Ashley picked off as many soldier’s as she could before there were no more targets left. Out of fifty soldiers, around twenty four of them were able to slip inside the mansion. The other twenty six soldiers lay sprawled across the ground with bullet holes inside of them. “Looks like twenty five to thirty soldiers were able to get inside the mansion.”


  Chapter 24


  Angela tip toed through the mansion when she came across three soldiers. She quickly raised her Five-seven dropping the three soldiers before they even knew what hit them. Before Angela could take another step forward, another soldier popped out of one of the many bedrooms and threw her in a choke hold. Angela quickly lowered her gun and fired a shot into the soldier’s leg; she then reached behind her head and flipped him over her shoulder, hopped up and put a bullet in his head. Another soldier mysteriously appeared out of another bedroom just as several other soldiers appeared at the end of the hallway. Angela landed an open hand chop to the soldier’s throat, grabbed the hand that he held his sub machine gun in, twisted his wrist forcing him to release his grip on the fire arm. Angela caught the machine gun before it hit the floor, slipped behind the soldier, and opened fire on the rest of the soldier’s. She made sure to sure the man as a human shield. The machine gun rattled in her hand as she watched several soldier’s hit the floor. Once the coast was, clear Angela continued down the hallway when the sound of a bedroom door opening caught her attention. She spun around and found herself looking down the barrel of a shot gun.


  The impact from the shot gun blast sent Angela flying backwards through a closed bedroom door.

  “Arghhh!” Angela groaned as she rolled around on the floor in agony. The shot gun pellets didn’t penetrate Angela’s armored suit, but it left her with a few cracked ribs and bruises. It felt like she had been hit by a truck. Angela looked up and saw twenty soldier’s standing over her with assault rifles trained down on her.

  The head guard roughly snatched Angela up to her feet by her hair and tied her hands behind her back with plastic hand ties. Once Angela’s hands were tied behind her back, the head guard then stripped her of all of her clothes. Angela stood completely nude with her hands tied behind her back, when the head guard pulled out a .357 magnum and pistol whipped Angela inches away from her life.

  The guard beat Angela to a bloody pulp, and then dragged her throughout the mansion by her ankles as if she was an animal leaving a long blood trail behind.

  Chapter 25

  So You Call

  Yourself the Queen

  Abdul and Lieutenant Banks stood enjoying a drink when a gang of soldiers drug Angela inside the room.

  “So this is the so called Teflon Queen?” Abdul chuckled. He stood over Angela, raised his foot, and stomped her face down into the floor repeatedly. He didn’t like the fact that she had made it so close to him and was so close to shutting down his operation. “Get her up!” He ordered. Immediately two soldiers violently pulled Angela to her feet by her hair, then forcefully sat her down in a steal chair where two other soldier quickly duct taped her ankles together.

  “How much do you know about me?” Abdul asked. Angela looked up at him with a straight face and didn’t say a word. Her face was a bloody mess and one of her eyes were completely shut. “Did the president send you?”

  “She’s never going to talk,” Lieutenant Banks said. “She’s been trained not to talk.”

  “I have ways to make her talk,” Abdul smiled. “And I have all day.”

  Immediately the legs of the chair were swept from under Angela and she went crashing backwards down to the floor abruptly. Her face was immediately covered with a towel. Two soldiers held each side of the towel while another soldier stood over her with a water hose.

  Abdul nodded his head and the soldier let loose with the water hose. Angela gagged and coughed when the towel was blasted with water. She was squirming so much that another soldier had to hold her mid-section down. After hosing her down for twenty five seconds the soldier cut the water, waited ten seconds, then blasted the water again. Again, Angela gagged, couched, and bucked her mid-section like a wild bull.

  Abdul raised a hand and imme
diately the soldier cut off the water hose. He walked over and squatted down beside Angela, snatched the towel off her face. “You have something to tell me?”

  “Go fuck yourself!” Angela spat as the towel was forced back over her face and soldier turned the hose back on. Abdul paced back and forth while his soldiers damn near drowned Angela. He knew it was going to be hard to get Angela to talk so he figured he’d have to use a more violent method of torture.

  “That’s enough!” Abdul called out. “Sit her back up!”

  Two soldiers lifted Angela’s chair back into the upright position and watched as she gasped for air. Angela was thankful that, that was over but she knew Abdul wasn’t letting her off the hook that easy.

  “Have something you want to tell me?” Abdul asked as a soldier handed him a blow torch. “How many more are with you?”

  Angela said nothing.

  “Still not ready to talk?”

  Angela said nothing.

  Abdul turned the blow torch on and aimed it towards Angela’s stomach.

  “Arrgggghh!” Angela roared as she felt her flesh burning from the heat from the blow torch.

  “We going to see if you are really made out of Teflon,” Abdul smiled as he turned and back slapped Angela across her face. “Still don’t have nothing to tell me?”

  Angela said nothing.

  “Okay have it your way!” Abdul said as he moved the blow torch down towards Angela’s legs. Angela shut her eyes as the pain ripped through her entire body. The heat from the blow torch had her feeling as if she was in hell. “Please...please!”

  “Please what?” Abdul yelled. “Now you want to talk?” he turned and slapped Angela across her face. “What do you have to tell me?”

  “Pl... pl... please turn up the temperature, I’m freezing in here,” Angela flashed a bloody smile. She knew she was going to die so she figured why not go out with her self-respect.

  Chapter 26

  Time to go to Work

  Ashley laid flat on her stomach in the snow when she heard several different machine guns being fired all at the same time through her ear piece. “Angela you there? Angela? Angela?” She called out but got no answer. Ashley listened carefully and was able to make out a few noises that sounded like a wounded animal moaning and groaning. “I’m going in there to get her!”

  “You can’t!” Troy said quickly. “There’s too many of them!”

  “I’m not going to sit here and just let her die!” Ashley quickly pulled out an FN P-90 sub machine gun and attached a silencer to the barrel. “Can you break into the electric system from your computer?”

  “Of course I can,” Troy replied.

  “Great be on standby,” Ashley said as she ran towards the entrance in a low crouch. She entered the mansion and immediately spotted the bodies of several dead soldiers. Ashley moved throughout the mansion like a ghost until she came across two soldiers standing making small talk. She quickly raised her FN P90, put the two soldiers down, and was gone before their bodies even hit the floor. The further Ashley moved through the mansion, she could hear the sound of a woman screaming at the top of her lungs. She could only imagine what those sick fucks were doing to her. A soldier turned the corner catching Ashley off guard. She swiftly spun and jammed a knife in the middle of the man’s throat and eased him down to the floor. Ashley removed the knife from the man’s neck when two more soldiers appeared out of nowhere. Without warning Ashley tossed the knife like a dart at the first soldier, she watched as it flipped through the air finding a home in the soldier’s eye. Ashely then did a front flip roll, came up, and put a bullet in the second soldier’s head.

  “Good shooting,” she heard Troy’s voice through her ear piece. Ashley moved throughout the mansion when she saw movement from the corner of her eye. A room door opened and a big soldier appeared. Before Ashley got a chance to do anything, the big man snatched her inside the room. The big man held Ashley from behind in a bear hug type of grip and tried to squeeze the life out of her. Ashley could feel the big man’s grip sucking the life out of her. She quickly lifted her legs and pushed off the wall with all her strength sending the big man crashing back into a huge portrait that covered the wall. The big man’s head bounced off the wall forcing him to release his grip. Ashley made it to her feet first and unloaded a series of punches and elbows to the big man’s head. The big man took the punches well as he grabbed Ashley, lifted her up over his head, and then forcefully brought her down across his knee.

  “Arggghh!” Ashley howled. Before she could get up off the floor, she felt the big man’s boot in the pit of her stomach. Ashley crawled back to her feet just as the big man was throwing a powerful haymaker. Ashley caught the big man’s arm in midair, and then took him down to the floor in an arm bar. She applied pressure to the man’s arm until the sound of his bone snapping could be heard followed by a loud pain filled scream. She then crawled on top of him, grabbed his neck, and gave it a deadly twist. Ashley made it back to her feet just as two more soldiers entered the room. Ashley spun and landed a spinning back elbow to the side of the first soldier’s head. She watched as the man’s head violently bounced off the wall, before his body hit the floor she was on to the next soldier. The soldier threw a wild hook that Ashley ducked easily and came up with a knee to his gut followed by a back hand closed fist. Another soldier must have heard all the commotion from the hallway and came charging into the room. He spotted Ashley and immediately threw two hooks with bad intentions. He watched as Ashley weaved his two punches before his feet got swept from under him. He hit the floor hard and before he could sit up Ashley jammed a knife in the middle of his face. She then repeated the gesture repeatedly until she was sure that the man was dead.

  Ashley stepped out into the hallway where another soldier stood waiting for her. He landed a stiff right cross that violently snapped Ashley’s head back. He tried to follow up with another punch when Ashley slice his hand with the knife, then jammed the blade into his solar plexus. When the coast was finally clear Ashley picked up one of the soldier’s assault rifles from off the floor and continued towards the sounds of a person screaming. She made her way through the mansion, and then stopped suddenly when she could hear screams along with several other voices coming from the next room. Ashely crept alongside the wall and peeked her head around the corner. Inside the room, she saw Angela sitting strapped down to a chair while Abdul held a blow torch to her skin. Around twenty to thirty soldiers stood around enjoying the show.

  “Troy are you there?”

  “I’m here,” Troy replied in less than a second.

  “I got twenty to thirty tangos in the room along with the package,” Ashley whispered as she slid her night vision goggles down over her face. “In five seconds I need you to cut the power to the entire house.”

  “Copy,” Troy said. “And Angela still has her ear piece in her ear so she can hear you.”

  Troy’s voice reverberated in Ashley’s ear.

  “I’m coming in to get you Angela!” Ashley said just as all the lights in the house went out turning the entire place pitch black. She grabbed a grenade, pulled the pin, then reached around the open door, and dropped it in. The soldier’s shouted in alarm, followed by a tremendous explosion that caused the entire building to shake. Ashley quickly spun around the corner with a firm two handed grip on her assault rifle. All of the soldier’s that were still standing were illuminated in a green glow making it easy for Ashley to find her targets. The gun rattled in her hands as she watched several soldiers drop like flies while the rest of them scattered not wanting to get hit with one of the assassin’s bullets. The bullets from the assault rifle chopped down as many soldiers as they could until there were no more soldiers left standing.

  “Troy cut the lights back on!” Ashley said as she kneeled down behind Angela’s chair and cut her loose. She looked down at Angela’s wounds and winced. “You okay?”

  “I’m fine,” Angela replied as she snatched the Five-seven from Ashley’s h
olster. Seconds later the lights came back on. “Come on we have to find Abdul before he tries to escape.”

  “You need medical attention.”

  “I’ll be fine,” Angela spat as she headed in the last direction she saw Abdul headed. Her mind was so focused on killing Abdul that she totally forgot that she was naked. Angela and Ashley headed down to the basement area where they spotted Abdul and Lieutenant Banks trying to escape out of a back door.

  “Don’t move!” Angela shouted. Abdul went to reach for the door when a bullet exploded through the palm of his hand forcing him to drop down to a knee.

  Ashley looked around and noticed several huge metal crates lying around. She grabbed a crowbar that laid next to one of the boxes and broke into one of the boxes. Inside the box was full of explosives. “Shit these are all the explosives that he was going to send to the states,” she said to Troy as she began snapping pictures of all of the boxes.

  Abdul looked up at Angela from the floor. “Name your price.”

  “Fuck you!” Angela spat, pulled the trigger, and watched Abdul’s head violently jerk back. She then walked over to make sure that Abdul was dead when out of nowhere Lieutenant Banks reached in the inside of his blazer. Angela quickly moved her gun from Abdul to Lieutenant Banks but before she got a chance to pull the trigger she witnessed his head explode, as his lifeless body then crumbled down to the floor. She looked over at Ashley who held a smoking gun, and gave her a wink.

  “Ladies it looks like you’ve got company,” Troy announced as he saw several army trucks full of soldiers pull up in front of the mansion on his computer screen.

  “How much time do we have?” Angela said as her and Ashley rushed upstairs.

  “Three minutes tops!”


  Angela and Ashley rushed through the mansion until they made it out the back door that led to a balcony type of deck. The two women looked down, it wasn’t a long jump, but it wasn’t jumping over a puddle either. Angela and Ashley leaped off the roof, landing in a snow bank. Angela dropped, rolled, and came up unharmed; she immediately felt a chill run down her spine as her bare feet sunk down into the snow. She was trained to be able to withstand pain, but the cold weather was something totally different. She spotted two soldiers over to her right and quickly put them down face first into the snow. Angela was in a tremendous amount of pain, but her inner strength and survival skills urged her to keep pushing. Up ahead Angela spotted three snow mobiles parked next to a pickup truck. Before she could reach the snow mobiles a soldier, riding a snow mobile appeared out of nowhere heading straight for her and Ashley. Angela saw him reaching for a gun, but before he got a chance to reach it she delivered a spinning heel kick to the soldier’s head knocking him clean off the snow mobile. The move hurt Angela’s already wounded body badly, she then hopped on the snow mobile and fired it up as she felt Ashley slip on behind her and grab a hold of her waist.


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