The Teflon Queen PT 4

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The Teflon Queen PT 4 Page 9

by Silk White

  “Hold on!” Angela yelled over her shoulder as the snow mobile took off at a high speed. She hadn’t drove one in years but it seemed to all be coming back to her rather quickly.

  “You guys got some company!” Troy announced. Angela looked over her shoulder and spotted several soldiers on snow mobiles on their trail.

  “Shit!” Angela cursed. “Hey give me your night vision goggles!”

  Ashley quickly removed the goggles from her head, slipped them over Angela’s head, and fixed them over her eyes, making sure she could see. Angela switched the night vision goggles on and cut the headlights off on the snow mobile. She then turned off the road and headed into a thick forest, zigzagging through the trees at a high speed. Angela zoomed through the dark forest as the heat from bullets sliced through the air near her head. A few bullets hit the back of the snow mobile and caused Angela to lose control.


  The snow mobile grazed a tree, then the last thing Angela remembered was her and Ashley being tossed into the air. Her body rotated midair for a few seconds before landing hard on the ground. They both were thankful that they didn’t hit a tree or a sharp rock. Angela and Ashley’s body hit the ground and their momentum violently forced them down a deep hill. Their bodies tumbled for what felt like five minutes straight before finally coming to a stop.

  When Angela’s body finally came to a stop, she sat and looked around for Ashley. “Ashley! Ashley!”

  “I’m right here,” a voice said causing Angela to turn around. Angela spun around and her face lit up when she saw Ashley limping towards her with a smile on her face. The two hugged one another tightly. They were both just happy to be alive. Seconds later, a van came to a screeching stop in front of the two women.

  “Come on we have to go!” Troy yelled from behind the wheel. He pulled off just as Ashley and Angela hopped in the back of the van. Several bullets pinged and ricocheted off the back of the van until it disappeared into the night.

  Chapter 27

  Glad to be Home

  Angela, Ashley, and Troy stepped off the jet and were immediately met by Captain Spiller.

  “Great job!” Captain Spiller said in a stern tone. “You three are heroes!”

  “I tried to bring Lieutenant Banks back alive but I wasn’t able to work that out,” Angela spoke.

  “It’s okay I’m just happy you all made it back in one piece,” Captain Spiller said. “You three single handedly saved our country.”

  “Well sir it was a team effort and I wouldn’t have been able to do it without these three by my side,” Angela replied.

  “Job well done,” Captain Spiller said cracking a smile for the first time. He then escorted Angela over to the awaiting ambulance. Her appearance told him that she was in severe pain.

  Ashley walked over while the paramedics were putting Angela in the back of the ambulance. “You alright?”

  Angela smiled. “Did you forget I’m made out of Teflon,” the two shared a good laugh. “Thank you for saving my life back there that was real brave of you.”

  “As many times as you saved my life I figured I owed you,” Ashley held out her fist.

  Angela bumped fist with Ashley as the paramedic closed the door to the ambulance and pulled off. Angela laid on the stretcher in the ambulance and just reflected on everything she had been through. It wasn’t that long ago that she was sitting in a jail cell thinking she would never see her freedom again, now only months later here she was saving the president’s life as well as the rest of the country. Angela laid on the stretcher staring up at the ceiling, the last thing she remembered was one of the machines beeping, then one of the paramedics placing a mask over her face just as she faded out.

  * * *

  Two days later, Angela woke up in a hospital bed with several tubes and wires plugged into several different machines. She looked over to her left and spotted Ashley sitting in a chair next to her bed sound asleep. The site of Ashley next to her bed sleep brought a huge smile to Angela’s face. She could tell that Ashley genuinely had love and cared for her. Angela took a moment and just stared at Ashley taking in everything. She remembered the scary little girl that she met in the mall years ago, and to see her now sleeping in the chair brought a tear to her eye. Angela was proud of how far Ashley came, not to mention how good of an agent she had become. “Wake up sleepy head,” Angela sang.

  Ashley stirred, opened her eyes, and smiled. “You’re awake!” She said excitedly.

  “How long have I been here?”

  “Two days,” Ashley answered. “They gave you some medicine that put you out so your body could get some much needed rest.”

  Angela smiled. “Thanks again for saving my life.”

  Ashley waved her off. “You would have done it for me; besides we are heroes now.”

  “Did the media have a field day with the Abdul story?”

  Ashley shook her head. “They ran it into the ground; it’s been on every station for the last two days.”

  “Well at least Abdul is dead and this is all over,” Angela breathed a sigh of relief.

  “I think we make a good team,” Ashley said. “Thank you so much for always being there for me. When my parents died the only person I had in my corner was you, and I want to say thanks for never turning your back on me.”

  “Come here,” Angela pulled Ashley in close for a hug. “We’re family now and we’ll always be family.”

  “Pinky promise?”

  Angela smiled. “Pinky promise.”

  “Now that I know that you’re alright I can run home and take a shower,” Ashley stood to her feet.

  “You coming back?”

  “I’ll be back within two hours tops,” Ashley leaned over and kissed Angela on the forehead. “Get you some rest.”

  “Okay I guess I’ll take another nap be careful out there,” Angela said as she watched Ashley exit her room.

  Ashley stepped foot outside of the room and nodded towards the three agents that stood down the hall making sure that no one was allowed in Angela’s room, except for the nurses and doctors. “Don’t let nothing happen to my girl.”

  “Don’t worry she’s in good hands,” one of the agents said as he watched Ashley disappear in the staircase.

  Chapter 28

  End all be All

  Mr. Death pulled up in front of the hospital and killed the engine. He had paid top dollar to find out which hospital the so called Teflon Queen was residing in. He had become obsessed with tracking down and killing Angela and today would be the perfect time. He stepped out the vehicle, entered the hospital, and walked straight up to the front desk. “I need the list of names of every one of your patients and what room they’re in.”

  The blonde hair woman that sat behind the desk looked up at the man that stood in front of her as if he was insane. “I’m sorry sir but I’m not allowed to do that, it’s against the law and I could lose my job.”

  Mr. Death pulled out a machine gun in a blink of an eye and blew the woman’s brains out in front of everyone. After the shot was fired, several screams could be heard followed by the sound of people stampeding over one another trying to get out of the hospital. Mr. Death hopped over the counter and clicked a few keys on the keyboard and instantly the entire list of every patient that resided in the hospital appeared on the computer screen. Mr. Death looked closely at the screen and saw that the patients on the fifth floor were unlisted and there was no information found anywhere. That let him know that Angela was somewhere on the fifth floor.

  Mr. Death hopped back over the counter and was immediately confronted by two security guards. He quickly gunned down the two security guards and made his way over towards the elevators. As Mr. Death waited for the elevator, he saw a group of employees trying to sneak by him headed towards the exit. He aimed his machine gun in their direction and squeezed down on the trigger until there was no one left standing. Mr. Death boarded the elevator, pressed five, and watched as the doors closed, he stuck a fresh clip in
his machine gun and waited patiently for the doors to open. The elevator doors opened with a loud ding. Mr. Death saw several nurses and doctors waiting to board the elevator. Without warning Mr. Death raised the machine gun and chopped down several employees, he then stepped off the elevator and put a bullet in one of the agent’s head, then quickly took cover behind the counter as the remaining two agents returned fire. Mr. Death pulled a flash grenade from his belt line, pulled the pin, and then tossed the grenade over his shoulder. He waited for the blast before he sprung from behind the wall and quickly gunned down the two remaining agents. Mr. Death stepped over the agent’s dead body and entered the first room down the long hallway. He stepped in the room and saw two older men lying in separate beds with nervously looks on their faces. Mr. Death raised his gun and filled both men with bullet holes. He then stepped out the room and made his way towards the next room, he wasn’t leaving the hospital until the Teflon Queen was dead, and he didn’t care if he had to check every room one by one.

  Chapter 29


  Angela laid in the bed sleep when she was rudely awaking by the sound of bullets followed by loud pain filled screams. She sat straight up, snatched all the wires and tubes from her body, and slid out the bed bare foot. Angela didn’t know what was going on, but she knew she wasn’t going to stick around to find out. Angela stepped out into the hallway and could hear the gun shots only a few doors down. She ran down the hallway as fast as she could and tried to slip into another room undetected but when several bullet holes decorated the wall just above her head she knew immediately that she had failed. “Shit!” Angela cursed loudly. There she was trapped in a room, with no gun and nowhere to go. “Think, think, think,” she said looking around the room for anything she could use as a weapon. Angela’s eyes scanned the room and stopped when they made contact with a pencil lying on top of a clip board. She quickly ran over, grabbed the pencil, and held it in a firm grip, placed her back up against the wall, and waited for the drama that she knew was surely to come.

  * * *

  Ashley stepped out the staircase and stopped in mid stride. She looked around and saw several dead bodies lying all over the place, instantly she pulled her Five-seven from her holster and headed straight for the elevator when out of nowhere she heard a loud blast that shook the floor. Immediately she knew that Angela was in trouble, Ashley knew, Angela was in no condition to properly defend or protect herself. She then quickly hopped on the elevator and pressed five.

  * * *

  Mr. Death slowly made his way towards the room that he saw Angela enter. He placed a fresh clip in his gun, stood in front of the door and squeezed down on the trigger, while waving his arms back and forth. The gun rattled in his hands as he watched the bullets cut through the door and walls. When the gun was empty, Mr. Death stuck another fresh clip in the base of his gun just to unload it through the door and walls again. The wall and door resembled a slice of Swiss cheese. Mr. Death placed a fresh clip in the machine gun, and then came straight forward with a strong kick that sent the door flying off the hinges. Mr. Death cautiously entered the room, he took two steps inside when out of nowhere Angela jammed a pencil in his hand, and then grabbed his machine gun with two hands. The gun fired repeatedly as the two struggled and fought over the gun.


  Once the gun was empty, Mr. Death released his grip from the gun and delivered a sharp upper cut to Angela’s stomach. The impact from the blow caused Angela to double over in pain. Mr. Death then took a step back and kicked Angela in the face as if he was kicking a field goal. Blood spilled from Angela’s mouth and painted the wall.

  Angela quickly got herself together, stood, and took a fighting position. She took a step forward and fired a jab. Mr. Death easily slipped the jab and landed a bruising hook that rattled Angela’s rib cage. Angela took the punch well and countered with a sneaky over hand right that landed on the side of Mr. Death’s face. Angela then faked high, but went low trying to deliver a powerful kick to Mr. Death’s ribs, but he was ready for the kick and caught her leg. With her leg in his grip, Mr. Death went to twist her ankle and break it, but Angela was prepared for the maneuver. She quickly rotated her body in the same direction as the twist, her hands hit the floor, and at the same time, she sludge hammer kicked Mr. Death in the abdomen with her free foot causing him to release her leg. Angela charged Mr. Death rushing him back into the wall. With his back against the wall, Mr. Death’s blocked all the body blows that Angela attempted to deliver and fired a hard knee to Angela’s chest. She took the knee like a champ and caught his leg in the process, lifting him off his feet and slamming him down on his head. Mr. Death quickly made it back to his feet and fired off a quick one, two. The first shot violently snapped Angela’s head back, but she caught the second punch and tried to place Mr. Death’s arm in an arm bar, but like a veteran, he easily blocked the attempt.

  Mr. Death slowly walked up to Angela and hit her with an eight punch combination, followed by a spinning heel kick that bounced off the side of Angela’s head. The impact from the kick sent her crashing over top of the bed on to the other side of the floor. Angela slowly crawled back up to her feet, when she felt dizzy, and weak that last kick to the head made it seem as if everything was spinning. Mr. Death walked up and fired off a kick to the side of Angela’s leg, her ribs, and then her head all in one fluid motion. His leg never hitting the floor. Angela looked up from the floor amazed by his foot speed and accuracy. She was injured and knew there was no way her skills could match his in her current condition but still she crawled back to her feet. Angela’s ego and pride refused to let her stay down. Angela threw a weak punch that had little chances of landing. Mr. Death caught Angela’s arm and hip tossed her over his hip. He held Angela’s arm up and stomped down on it where the forearm and elbow connected.


  “Arrggggggghhh!” Angela howled like a wounded animal as she felt the bone in her arm snap like a branch.

  Mr. Death slowly walked up to Angela and stood over her. “Pay back is a bitch!” He growled, raised his leg, placed his foot on Angela throat, and applied pressure. Angela struggled to get his foot off her neck with her one good arm but it was no use. She could slowly feel the life escaping from her body in small breaths.

  Mr. Death smiled as he watched Angela’s eyes begin to roll in the back of her head. He went to apply even more pressure when Ashley appeared in the door way and put four bullets in his chest dropping him right where he stood.

  Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

  Ashley inched towards Mr. Death’s body when out of nowhere with the quickness of an alley cat he sat up and tossed a throwing knife at her face. Ashley leaned back as far as she could trying to avoid the knife but it still managed to somehow lodge into her shoulder. Mr. Death leaned back on his shoulders and popped back up on his feet and ran full speed towards Ashley; he hit her hard, lifted her off her feet, and rammed her back into the wall. The momentum caused them to both go crashing through the wall and into the next room.

  Chapter 30


  Captain Spiller pulled up to the hospital and worked his way through and the police and media. The front of the hospital looked like a zoo with people floating around the property. The cops did their best to get pedestrians to back up and not cross the police tape. Captain Spiller stood getting briefed by an officer when he heard someone call his name. He spun around and saw a man in S.W.A.T gear standing in front of him. “Can I help you?” Captain Spiller asked in an aggressive tone.

  “I’m Sergeant Baker, and I’m in control now!” He said with authority. “Me and my team are going in.”

  “Wait you can’t I have two of my agents in that hospital,”

  Captain Spiller told him.

  “Sorry but I received specific instructions from the president himself!” Sergeant Baker announced.

  “What instructions?”

  “My instructions were to terminate every last livi
ng thing in that building,” Sergeant Baker said. “It’s said to believe that there’s a terrorist in there and of course you know we don’t negotiate with terrorist.”

  “Fuck a terrorist two of my agents are in that building god damn it!” Captain Spiller barked.

  “May God be with them sir!” Sergeant Baker said then returned over to the S.W.A.T truck.

  “Son of a bitch!” Captain Spiller cursed as he watched what looked to be around twenty S.W.A.T team members enter the hospital. The part that pissed him off the most was that there was nothing he could do to stop them. “I hope Angela and Ashley are as good as they say they are.”

  Chapter 31

  Staying Alive


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