Meet Your Mate

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Meet Your Mate Page 6

by Donna Michaels

Brielle Bennett was a contestant and suspect. His fists jammed his pockets. She, too, could've wrecked her clothes and planted the note. He'd lost sight of her when she'd entered the closet, then backed out to call to him, plenty of time for her to drop the note.

  He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. This added complication he didn't need. The case was tough enough without a sexy vixen clouding his mind.

  Then there was Matthew.

  His eyes snapped open. Forming a connection with one of his brother's potential girlfriends was inexcusable. He shook his head in disgust. If his men hadn't arrived when they had...

  Guilt flooded his body, souring his taste buds. That wouldn't happen again. It was a fluke. A freshly showered, attractive woman, wearing nothing but a flimsy robe—he was only human. What man wouldn't have reacted like that? Feeling justified, he turned from the window and straight into Brielle.

  "Oh!” Her hands flew to his chest. “I'm sorry. You seemed deep in thought and I didn't want to disturb you."

  Too late. Jack fought a scowl. Heat radiated from her fingers and shot his body to life. So much for remaining unaffected.

  "That's okay.” He stepped away from her and nearly tripped over a chair. “I was just ... ah ... thinking about this room.” The cushioned back crumpled under his fist as he steadied himself. “Would you mind having a seat, Ms. Bennett?"

  "What for?"

  Her parted lips forced his grip to tighten. “Because I have a few questions for you.” His words sounded a bit harsh, but he didn't care. This wasn't a social hour.

  "I see.” Her voice chilled the air.

  He stalked across the seating area, and then turning to face her, he hesitated. Maybe having Brielle sit wasn't such a good idea. Her robe had parted to reveal one long, sexy, smooth leg. The leg of a dancer. His groin tightened. The sudden urge to run his tongue along the slim, toned curves brought back memories of another dancer. Dangerous memories; memories that had nothing to do with this case—other than the fact Brielle's legs sparked the same desires.

  "Did you want something?"

  His throat dried. Loaded more than the Smith and Wesson holstered under his jacket, her question instigated images that held his tongue hostage.

  "Has my leg offended you?” Amusement danced in her gaze. “Because if it has, I'd be happy to take it out of here."

  He regained control of his mouth. “Very funny, Ms. Bennett.” Fake smile plastered to his face, he removed his jacket. The room had suddenly gotten very warm. “I'd like to know more about you and why you're on this show."

  She raised a brow. “I thought that was obvious. Your parents picked me."

  "No, I mean, why did you apply for the show in the first place?” He leaned against the chair across from her and waited.

  She glanced at the ever-present cameraman, then back to him and shrugged. “For the same reasons the other contestants did, I guess."

  "And what would that be?"

  She rolled her eyes. “To meet your brother."

  "You knew Matthew was going to be on here?” He watched her fidget and shift in her seat. She was about to lie.

  "Of course not. But I hoped the groom would be someone I'm compatible with."

  "And is he?"

  She snorted. “Gee, Jack, I wouldn't know. I seem to be spending more time with you than your brother."

  "Does that bother you?” Damn! The question was out before he'd had the chance to swallow it down.

  "No, it doesn't. But I'll tell you what does.” She rose to her feet.

  Why was she getting up? He wasn't done with her yet. The robe parted to reveal her long legs with each slow step. Jack swallowed. This was no time to be a man. He was investigating and she was a suspect.

  "What bothers me is that someone came in here and attacked my clothes.” She looked up at him with her big brown eyes.

  For the first time in Jack's life, his heart rolled and his legs felt unsteady. Gripping the chair, he stared at her.

  Who was this woman? A witch?

  He'd been around plenty of beautiful women in his lifetime and many had thrown themselves at him, yet he'd remained unmoved. Why was this one different?

  He released the chair. That didn't matter right now. What mattered was the case. Calling on his training, he stiffened his spine and continued his interrogation. “So you want me to believe you didn't do this to your clothes?"

  Her face grew wide with surprise. “Haven't we already been over this? Of course I didn't do this! Why in the world would you even think that?"

  "It just seems convenient that the note showed up after you entered the closet alone.” He crossed his arms and watched as disbelief and anger fought to claim her features.

  "I can't believe you said that. Look, Mr. Anderson.” She poked his chest. “You don't know me and—"

  "Exactly.” He grabbed her attacking appendage. “I don't know you, Ms. Bennett, and will not take any chances where my brother is concerned.” He waited to see if she'd cry and throw herself at him or rear back and give him a tongue-lashing. His groin jumped at the literal image that last thought brought to mind.

  "You're right.” She stepped back and freed her finger. “I don't blame you. It must be tough to do this show with someone threatening your brother.” Her mouth opened as if she wanted to say more, then she sighed and turned away, but not before he'd seen admiration in her eyes.

  Jack was speechless. He hadn't expected that reaction. Crying, clinging, yelling, he could deal with, but this? What did he do with this? Her next words dropped his jaw.

  "Why not use me?"

  "What?” Doubting his ears, he grasped her shoulder and turned her to face him. “What did you say?"

  "Use me.” Her gaze fluttered to his mouth. His pulse increased, then roared when she licked her lips and cleared her throat. “You know, as bait."

  "No.” He dropped his hands and strode to the center of the room—away from Brielle but out of his men's way.

  "Why not?"

  He inhaled and faced her. “Because..."

  "Look, Jack.” She walked toward him and frowned. “You may not trust me, but I know I didn't ruin my clothes, and I'd love to find out who did."

  She had a point, and he could use the help. He held her gaze and exhaled. “What exactly did you have in mind?"

  Excitement lit her eyes and reminded him of his own reflection before he started a new case.

  "First, I think you should set up cameras in my room—"

  "In here?” he cut her off again. “You're giving me permission to put cameras in your room?"

  "Yes. In my room, but not the bathroom, of course,” she added.

  "Of course.” Eyes narrowed, he searched her face. Was she playing a game? A serious expression met his gaze, no signs of mischief. “You do know that not only I will see your room but the whole world will too?” He pointed to the camera.

  "I know.” She walked toward the window before turning to face him. “Look, I'm not crazy about it, but I do think, since I seemed to have ruffled someone's feathers, that maybe putting cameras in here will help."

  Yeah, it'll help all right. Help elevate his already high blood pressure. The thought of watching her, in this intimate setting, made him sweat.

  "It's settled then.” She strolled past him, then stopped in the doorway. “You set up the cameras, and I'll see what I can do to flush out the culprit."

  "What? No way. I never said anything about flushing out the—” He blinked “Culprit.” Too late. She was gone. Only Jack's crew and the cameraman heard his words.

  "Don't worry, boss. If anyone can do it, she can. That woman is fine,” one of his men spoke up.

  Jack's knuckles cracked into fists. “Never mind her. Just get this room processed!” He tamped down the unknown emotion racing through his body.

  Had his job just gotten easier or worse?

  Chapter Five

  "I'm not coming out,” Brielle called to the banging on the bathroom door.

/>   "Come on. It can't be that bad.” Danni's voice crackled with humor.

  Sure, what did Danni care? She was wearing her own bathing suit. “It can, and it is.” She surveyed her reflection and frowned.

  The studio still hadn't delivered her clothes, and Bill expected them all poolside for their lunch with Matthew. She would've been more than happy to attend in her robe, but the producer insisted she wear a bathing suit. And it was just her luck—her bad luck—that Carla had an extra, brand new, bathing suit.

  She surveyed her reflection again. “If you can call a few strings with small triangles attached a bathing suit."

  "Come on, Brielle. Matthew's due any minute now."

  Brielle wanted to say, “Good, have fun.” But that wouldn't be in keeping with her undercover character. “All right, I'm coming.” She slid into her robe, tied the sash extra tight and opened the door. “But you can't make me take my robe off."

  Danni smiled. “I wouldn't, but Bill might. You know, ratings and all."

  "Oh, yes.” She looked straight into the camera. “We wouldn't want the world to miss out on another scantily clad female, since they're so rare around here."

  The teacher burst out laughing and the two of them were still chuckling as they joined the others out by the pool.

  "Brielle, I thought you went inside to change.” Bill shaded his eyes with his clipboard. “Why are you still wearing your robe?"

  "Haven't you ever heard of a cover-up, Bill? She has her suit on underneath,” Danni replied, reaching for a glass of lemonade.

  "Oh, okay. But I hope you plan on taking it off. The world's going to want to see the new girl in her bathing suit.” He motioned to the cameras.

  "I'd be happy to show them ... if I were wearing my bathing suit. As it is, I've been given one, generously I might add.” She nodded to a smirking Carla, busy applying sunscreen. “But it's two sizes too small."

  Carla's head snapped up. “Too small? How can it be too small? We're the same height."

  "Yes, but I believe, Ms. Bennett is a little ... curvier than you, Carla,” Matthew said from the doorway.

  Brielle suffered Carla's glare and sipped the lemonade Danni handed her.

  "Curves aren't everything, are they, Jack?” The centerfold smiled, then glanced toward the mansion.

  Jack? He was here? Brielle fought back a blush and looked beyond Matthew to see his brother regarding the scene with amusement. Damn. He had heard Matthew's comment.

  "Don't go getting me mixed up in this. I'm only here to observe,” he said, holding up his hands.

  "Does that mean you can't put lotion on my back?” Carla batted her eyelashes.

  "Paalease,” Danni grumbled, dropping into a nearby chaise.

  Brielle swallowed her mouthful of lemonade for the second time and settled into a chair near the umbrella table. This was going to be a long lunch.

  "Does somebody want to tell me why Brielle doesn't have her own bathing suit?” The bachelor stepped around his brother, who was busily applying lotion to a smug Carla.

  Blue eyes regarded her closely, waiting to see how she answered. But she was spared when Mandy jumped to her feet and linked arms with Matthew.

  "You aren't going to believe this. Somebody ruined all of Brielle's clothes.” Mandy looked up at him with wide eyes and snuggled closer. “I was scared. I thought maybe someone had ruined all our clothes, but your brother checked everything out and said only Brielle's had been shredded."

  "Shredded? Brielle, were you hurt?” Matthew's gaze snapped to hers. Concern washed the amusement from his face.

  "I'm fine, really. I wasn't in the room at the time. It's nothing a quick trip home wouldn't fix. But Bill said it's against the rules, so his staff is getting me a new wardrobe.” She looked heavenward. “I can hardly wait."

  "Well, I'm glad you're safe.” The artist placed his free hand on her shoulder, while Mandy still claimed his other.

  She shifted in her seat. “No worries. Everything is fine."

  "No, everything is not okay,” Danni spoke up, swinging her feet to the ground. “Whoever ruined Brielle's clothes left a yellow note in her room, too."

  "What?” Matthew pulled out of Mandy's grasp and took the chair next to Brielle. “There was a note in your room?"

  She didn't like all the attention. Her gaze skipped from the cameras to the five pairs of eyes watching her. She had no choice but to play along.

  "Yes,” she said, ignoring Carla's eye roll and Jack's grim face. “It was on my closet floor. But it's okay, your brother is having it processed."

  "What did it say?"

  "Go home."

  Matthew's gasp echoed over the patio. “I'm so sorry, Brielle. I don't know who keeps doing this, but I don't want to be responsible for any of you getting hurt. I'd understand if you wanted to leave."

  All eyes, all cameras turned to her, waiting yet again for her response. Brielle had had enough. She patted Matthew's hand. “Thank you, that's sweet, but I'm not going anywhere.” She smiled. “Except maybe in the pool."

  Standing up, she disrobed. So much for staying covered up and out of the limelight. Her pulse jumped. Bad word choice.

  Like a branding iron, Jack's gaze burned into her skin, scorching her flesh with unrelenting heat. Chin held high, she strolled to the diving board and cursed the former Ranger for adding to her discomfort. Why the hell did he have to be so damn potent? Knowing everyone was still watching, she prayed her bathing suit would stay in place and executed a simple dive.

  Cool and refreshing, the water swallowed her barely clad form, granting her a brief moment of freedom. No longer clearly visible to those above, her pumping legs propelled her across the pool and away from the crowd.

  Pure heaven. For the first time that day, she found a modicum of privacy. No eyes, no camera, just Brielle.

  Reluctant to end her bliss, she had no choice when her lungs protested their lack of oxygen. With a quick check that her suit was still in place, she broke the surface and gulped in air.

  "May I join you?"

  She turned to spy Danni, hovering near the steps. “Please do."

  "Good. I couldn't take any more of the flirting.” The girl nodded toward the others. “Between Carla coming on to Jack and Mandy practically sitting on Matthew, I thought my drink might make its way back up."

  She glanced at the now bare-chested men. Dang. When had she stepped into Patio of the Gods? Clad only in their bathing suits—Matthew's a blue Hawaiian print and Jack's black with a red side stripe—they were the epitome of hard body.

  Grinning, the pair faced her as two smiling females coated their backs with sunscreen. Although both bronzed and chiseled, it was Jack who took her breath away. No wonder his T-shirts had been stretched to their limits. She swallowed and drank in his six-pack. Even Dodger's ripples had ridges.

  "The Anderson brothers are yummy, aren't they?” Danni asked.

  Blinking, Brielle turned to the woman and nodded. Yummy didn't do Jack justice, but it did make her wonder. Did they have chocolate syrup around here?

  Danni chuckled. “We all had that same reaction when we first saw them."

  Brielle's gaze returned to the beckoning ridges, then climbed north, meeting a pair of amused and aroused blue eyes. She drew in a breath. Damn. Dodger had observed her investigation. Flushed, she dove under the water.

  No Dodger. No Jack. No attraction, she silently chanted with each kick. The wall's smooth surface met her hand. Remaining submerged, she flipped her body around and pushed off toward the middle of the pool. The exercise did her mind and body good. Surfacing with her back to the men, she wiped the water from her eyes and faced a terrified Danni.

  "What's wrong?” Brielle stiffened, her senses on high alert. A slippery form brushed the back of her knee, knocking her off balance.

  "Snake!” Danni pointed to a submerged yellow mass. “Get out of the water, Brielle. Now!"

  Snake? Her heart rocked. Whatever just touched her was too big to be a snake
, wasn't it? No. A pair of reptilian eyes broke the surface as the creature turned and swam toward her. She stilled. A Burmese python ... Albino. She'd seen this snake before.

  In Carla's room.

  How in the world did it get out? More importantly, who let it out?

  "Brielle, swim to me.” Jack's voice penetrated her thoughts as the snake drew near.

  "No. Stay still. Butterscotch won't hurt you,” Carla insisted.

  Brielle's mind raced to recall what she knew about pythons. Nonpoisonous but their bite could be severe. Pythons constricted their prey.

  "Butterscotch? You named that fifteen-foot monster, Butterscotch?” Danni's shrill voice echoed across the pool.

  "He's not fifteen feet, yet,” Carla corrected. “Butterscotch is just a baby.

  "A baby? That log is a baby?” Danni's mouth dropped open.

  "Yes, he only measures about seven feet, and he's a sweetheart."

  Not daring to breath, Brielle stood stalk still as the python brushed her stomach. When he passed without incident, she swam for all she was worth to the nearest edge of the pool.

  Meeting her there, the Anderson brothers grasped her wrists and yanked her out of the water.

  "Did he hurt you?” Jack asked, one arm around her waist, the other cupping her face.

  Knees weak, mouth dry, she couldn't speak. She didn't fear snakes. Why was she reacting like this?

  Because it's not the reptile causing this response.

  "You didn't get bitten, did you?” Matthew looked her up and down.

  Bill appeared, hugging his clipboard. “Oh, dear. Please tell me you weren't bitten."

  She swallowed. “I'm fine. Honestly.” Her eyes never left Jack's. His concern warmed the chill from her bones. She didn't know if it was real, but at that moment, she didn't care.

  "You're sure?” Jack dropped his hands and his gaze.

  Her skin shot from warm to burning. A fevered shiver wracked her body. In all the excitement, she'd forgotten about her skimpy bathing suit.

  "For goodness sakes, take pity on the poor girl. Here, Brielle.” Shoving the men aside, Danni handed her a towel.

  "Thank you.” Safely wrapped in terrycloth, she fought back the shock waves that threatened. And in case they'd been detected, she added, “I heard of swimming with the dolphins, but that was ridiculous.” Smiling, she forced her feet to walk toward the chair she'd vacated earlier.


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