Ice Men of North Dakota [Dakota Heat 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Ice Men of North Dakota [Dakota Heat 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 17

by Leah Brooke

  Shivering with anticipation and nerves, she watched him reach into the drawer of the small table at his bedside to retrieve a condom.

  Unable to lie still, she got up again, stroking his thigh and watching in fascination as he rolled it on with hands that shook slightly. Digging her fingertips into the hard muscle of his thigh, she reached out to stroke him, yelping when he grabbed her wrist.

  “Damn, woman. Are you trying to drive me insane? I thought I told you to stay put.”

  Laughing, he eased her back again, making a place for himself between her thighs. “I want this pussy.” Parting her folds, he lowered his head to her slit.

  Kendra cried out at the first swipe of his tongue over her clit, fisting her hands in the bedding when he stabbed his tongue inside her pussy. “Mason!”

  Struck by the intimacy, Kendra dug her heels into the mattress on either side of him, and pushed in an instinctive need to get away from such intense pleasure. “Mason, oh, God!”

  His hands tightened on her thighs, somehow avoiding her injury, holding her to him and making it impossible to put some distance between them. Sliding a hand higher to cover her abdomen, Mason pressed it against her to hold her in place, suppressing her jolt when he focused his attention on her clit.

  “Hmm.” Lifting his head, he nipped her uninjured thigh in a show of passion that sent a thrill of alarm and erotic need through her. “You’re not getting away. I want you to come with my mouth on you.”

  His mouth, so hot and soft against her clit, sent her senses reeling, the velvety softness of his tongue providing a hot decadent friction that made her shake everywhere.

  Her clit felt huge, each caress of his tongue over it so intense that she couldn’t hold back her cries. Her thighs trembled against his shoulders, her stomach muscles quivering beneath his hand.

  “Mason. Oh, God. It feels so good. Oh, God.” Her breath came out in sharp pants as the pleasure built. The sizzling electricity spread from her clit outward, creating a heat and awareness over every inch of her skin.

  She knew what to expect now, and the anticipation of the pleasure to come made her shake even harder.

  Whimpering at the too-intense sensation, she bowed, crying out as a firm finger slid into her pussy just as the pleasure in her clit exploded.

  Once again stunned at the overwhelming rush of heat, the feeling that every nerve ending in her body exploded with pleasure, Kendra called out his name, surprised that it came out on a sob.

  Mason eased his grip on her, his hands caressing as he slid them up her sides and covered her body with his much larger one. He caressed over her jaw before sinking his fingers into her hair and tilting her face to his. “You come with such abandon. I love watching you. I love hearing you. No pretense. No games. So real.”

  Staring into her eyes, he thrust into her, his arms tightening around her protectively when she cried out as she struggled to adapt to the surge of thick heat filling her. Using his arms and body to surround her, he cocooned her in a world of warmth and pleasure.

  His body, tight with tension, shifted above hers, and to her surprise, he lifted her injured thigh, easing it around him. “So hot. So tight.”

  The wonder in his voice, and the way he thought about protecting her thigh, even in passion gave her a warm inner glow and made her want him even more.

  His cock felt like hot steel inside her, and when he began to move, she couldn’t hold back her cries at the friction.

  He moved slowly, a low groan rumbling from deep in his chest when she clamped down on him. “Yes, baby. Clench on my cock. So fucking tight.” Braced on his elbows, he kept most of his weight off of her, but his solid strength slid against her much smaller frame with every stroke.

  Gripping his shoulders, she held on as the remarkable pleasure began to build again.

  “Yes, that’s it. Hold on, baby.” Sliding a hand beneath her bottom, he lifted her into his thrusts.

  Crying out as he surged even deeper, Kendra dug her fingers into his shoulders. “Mason. So hot. So hard. So deep.” She couldn’t stop clenching on him, digging her heels into his tight butt, thrilling at the low sounds of pleasure that poured from him.

  Raw sounds that seemed to come from deep within his chest made her feel even more desired. “Yeah, baby. That’s it. It’s like fucking wet silk. Yes, wrap those legs around me.”

  A muscle clenched in his jaw, his strokes slowing as he slid his hands to her breasts. Watching her face, he rolled her nipples between his thumb and forefingers. “Yes. You like that. Your pussy’s clenching on me and making me crazy. Holding back is killing me.”

  Moaning at the pressure on her nipples, pressure that sent sharp arrows of heat to her slit, Kendra clamped down on him, thrilling at his groan and that his strokes came faster. “I don’t want you to—ah—hold back. Oh!” Writhing as he tightened his fingers, she lifted into him as the tingling heat began again.

  Knowing the sensation that would hit her at any moment, she clung to him, crying out when his thrusts came harder and faster, throwing her into a world of sublime pleasure.

  Groaning hoarsely, Mason released her nipples, bracing a hand on either side of her head and pumped into her. “Yes. Come for me. Fuck. I love those ripples around my cock.”

  Crying out, she held on to his wrists, her body tight as her orgasm peaked and washed over her. Her stomach muscles contracted as she bowed against him, her pussy milking his cock in hard spasms that made her feel even fuller.

  “Oh, God!”

  Mason threw his head back, the muscles in his neck drawn tight as he came, his cock pulsing inside her and intensifying the sensation of fullness.

  Lowering himself over her, he gathered her close, blowing out a breath. “Damn, baby.”

  Sated and more relaxed with him now, Kendra slumped, enjoying the feel of his heart racing and the brush of his warm breath against her cheek. Running her hands up his arms, she smiled to find them slick. “You worked up a sweat.”

  Lifting his head, Mason grinned, rolling to his side and running a hand over her breast. “So did you. It looks like both of us needed a shower.”

  Smiling, she ran her fingers up his shoulder, aware of his sharpened gaze. “I never got dressed from the last one.”

  The sudden sense of helplessness that washed over her seemed stronger this time than it had been with Grant earlier, and much more intense than it had been after she’d come this morning.

  Self-conscious now, she remembered what she’d been doing when he’d found her and lifted a hand to her hair. “My hair.” Grimacing, she tried to run her fingers through the tangles. “I never got a chance to comb it. I must look a mess. Let me up.” She pushed at him, but Mason merely laughed and rolled onto her, pressing her into the mattress.

  “You look fine.” Pushing her damp hair back from her forehead, he frowned. “Something wrong?”

  “No.” Kendra blew out a breath. “This is just so different for me. I’m sweaty. My hair’s a mess, and I never even got to put on my moisturizer.”

  To her shock and mortification, she found herself blinking back tears. “Please, just let me up. I’m fine. Everything’s fine. It was wonderful.”

  She didn’t know what the hell was wrong with her all of a sudden, but she wanted nothing more right now than to have a few minutes alone.

  “Hey!” Mason’s eyes widened. “What is it? Tell me and I’ll fix it.”

  Smiling, she cupped his jaw. “Nothing. I’m being stupid. Having an orgasm seems to make me a little shaky and weepy. Just ignore me.”

  “No, I’m not going to ignore you. Come on. Let’s take a shower together and you can wash my back.” He rose from the bed and lifted her against his chest, grinning and wiggling his brows. “And I can wash every inch of you.”

  * * * *

  Mason carried her into the bathroom and started the shower, his guts still knotted at the lost look on her face. Hoping that by lightening the atmosphere, he could make her smile again, he set her on her
feet and started the shower. “I’ll be right back. Get in and I’ll catch up. I want to go get your stuff from Grant’s bathroom.”

  Pleased to see the shocked delight in her eyes, he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close, recognizing her need for reassurance. “I want your stuff in here.”

  Bending, he took her mouth with his, a surge of possessiveness rising inside him and making his chest swell. It swelled even more when she opened her mouth at once, allowing him entry, her tongue sliding tentatively against his.

  She poured so much into her lovemaking, and exhibited such passion, she probably felt as if she’d lost a part of herself.

  Despite Kendra’s strength and passion, there was a delicacy about her that enthralled him. A fragility that darkened her beautiful eyes, one he knew she’d deny if he mentioned it.

  His cock stirred, and he wanted to get rid of the condom and get her things so he could get back to her. Breaking off his kiss, he ran a hand over her firm ass. “Damn, you’re sweet.”

  Grinning, he closed the shower door and turned to deal with the condom, his smile falling.

  She was so responsive, and more passionate and sweet than he’d imagined. In the throes of passion, she clung to him, and seemed incredibly touched by each caress. Her low moans and hums of womanly delight with every kiss, every caress made making love to her an erotic and emotional experience.

  Everything she did was instinctive, her pleasure and hunger so natural, and with none of the artifice that turned his stomach.

  Her eyes were always searching his as though making sure that she pleased him, which made him more determined to pleasure her.

  It also tugged at his heart, a sharp tug he hadn’t expected.

  Striding into Grant’s bathroom, he gathered her things, eager to get back to her.

  She wouldn’t realize how endearing and adorable he found her vulnerability after lovemaking.

  As he made his way back into his bathroom, he looked toward the shower, his cock stirring at the sight of Kendra’s naked body through the glass door and steam.

  Raising his voice to be heard over the running water, he began to set the things he’d gathered on the long countertop. “I think I got everything.”

  Kendra stilled. “Thank you. I’ll be done in a minute.”

  Mason grinned, his blood pumping with anticipation. He had no intention of letting her finish her shower without getting his hands on her. “You haven’t washed my back, and I sure as hell haven’t finished with you.”

  That was a hell of an understatement.

  Deciding that he liked the way her things looked on his counter, he opened the shower door.

  Kendra turned to him, the hesitancy in her eyes and in her body language knotting his stomach.

  Smiling, he opened his arms, his chest swelling when the hesitancy disappeared and she walked into them with a smile.

  No, he hadn’t finished with Kendra by a long shot.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Warm and trembling from the combination of Mason’s lovemaking and his devious touch as he washed her, Kendra stumbled from the shower, giggling as she slapped the hand on her ass away. “No more!” Laughing at his halfhearted attempt to pull her back, she jumped out of reach, grabbing a towel as she shut the door behind her.

  “Aww! Come on back in here. I don’t think I got your nipples good enough.”

  Wrapping the towel around herself, she laughed, biting back a moan at the friction of the towel on her nipples. “You got my nipples too good. It’s going to drive me crazy all day. You people are turning me into a walking sex machine.”

  Opening the shower door, he poked his head out and grinned. “You know, darlin’, that would sound a hell of a lot more like complaining if you didn’t come every time one of us touched you.”

  Kendra tried to glare at him, but giggled instead. “Shut up.”

  After drying off, she tossed the towel aside and walked naked into the bedroom, her own sensuality surprising her. Going to the bag, she retrieved one of the sweat suits she’d bought, deciding to go without a bra or panties, and started heading back toward the bathroom when the phone rang.

  Glancing toward the bathroom, she smiled at Mason’s singing, and shaking her head, went to answer the phone, assuming that it would be the sheriff.

  “Hello? Jagged Rock Ranch.”

  “Who the hell is this?”

  Shocked at the voice of a female on the other end of the line, and the anger in it, Kendra dropped onto Mason’s bed, her stomach twisting with jealousy.

  Holding her clothes over herself, Kendra looked toward the bathroom door. “You called here. Who is this?”

  “This is Lisa, Grant’s wife. I want to talk to him.”

  Kendra fought back jealousy, hoping Grant had told her the truth. The thought of speaking to her lover’s ex-wife made her slightly sick to her stomach. “Don’t you mean ex-wife?”

  “Who is this?”

  Thankful that the shower still ran, Kendra cleared her throat. “I’m Kendra. What can I do for you?”

  “You can put my husband on the phone!”

  Smiling at the outrage in the woman’s voice, Kendra sighed. “Don’t you mean ex-husband?”

  “That’s only temporary. As soon as he comes to his senses, I’ll let him win me back. What’s it to you? What a minute. You’re not his lover, are you? I hope you’re not another one of those silly fools who think you can get him away from me. Let me talk to Grant. Now!”

  Furious at being spoken to in such a way, Kendra got to her feet. “Sorry. He’s not here right now. I’ll tell him you called. Bye.”

  Slamming the receiver down with more force than necessary, Kendra drew a shaky breath, and then another.

  Wondering if she’d made a huge mistake, and hoping that Grant didn’t get mad at her for speaking to his ex-wife that way, Kendra made her way back into the bathroom just as Mason stepped out of the shower.

  Grinning, he turned to her, his smile falling as he straightened. “What’s wrong?”

  Setting her clothes aside, Kendra shrugged. “I think I just made a terrible mistake.”

  His eyes narrowed with anger, suspicion, and with what appeared to be concern. “What did you do?”

  Reaching for her bottle of body lotion, she blew out a breath. “The phone rang while you were in the shower. I answered it.”

  Tossing the towel aside, Mason crossed to her, gripping her upper arms and lifting her to her toes. “Who was it?”


  “Who was it, Kendra? What did they say?”

  “It was Grant’s ex-wife.”

  Mason blinked. “What? It was Lisa?” He released her, rubbing her arms.

  She pushed back another surge of jealousy. “Yes. She wanted to talk to Grant.”

  Frowning, he turned away. “Christ, that’s all he needs. I wish she would just move on to the next one and leave him the hell alone.”

  Pouring some of the lotion into her hand, she admired the sight of his tight butt as he walked back to retrieve his towel. “She seems to think that she’s going to get him back again, and didn’t like that a woman answered the phone.”

  Rubbing the towel over his hair before tossing it in the direction of the hamper, Mason grinned. “Good. Maybe she’ll leave him alone.” Frowning, he closed the distance between them and lifted her chin. “Did she upset you?”

  “She pissed me off.”

  Watching her rub the lotion into her skin, he nodded. “Yeah, she has that effect on people.”

  Fighting not to show her jealousy, Kendra smoothed lotion onto her legs. “She seems to think he’s going to come to his senses and marry her again. She called herself his wife.”

  Taking the bottle from her, Mason poured a generous amount of lotion into his palm and moved to stand behind her. Holding her gaze in the mirror, he rubbed his hands together and covered her breasts. “He’ll never marry her again. She wants his money. She likes to travel, shop and party. Grant couldn’t
care less about any of that. She goes through husband after rich husband, but they all seem to catch on to her pretty fast. Grant’s the one who got away, and he’s got more money than any of the others. She wants it.”

  Leaning back against him, she smiled at the delicious feel of his hands smoothing the lotion over her breasts. “I can’t believe she can be that way with him.” She wanted to close her eyes and enjoy it, but she couldn’t look away from the sight of his large hands moving over her, struck by the contrast of his darker skin against her pale breasts. “Hmm, that feels so good.” Lifting her hands to circle his neck, she arched into his touch. “I keep forgetting that all of you have money. I can’t believe she only wanted him for that. He’s such a wonderful man.”

  Mason’s eyes narrowed as he pinched her nipples. “You’re in my arms and talking about another man?” With a small smile at her cry, he buried his face in her throat. “As long as it’s one of them, I don’t mind, but if you think about another man, I’m gonna get real upset.”

  Her stomach muscles quivered under the hand he slid over them. “Sometimes I feel like I’m dreaming—that this can’t be really happening.”

  Frowning, she arched her neck to give him better access and met his eyes again in the mirror. “You overwhelm me sometimes.”

  “Good.” Mason reached for the bottle and filled his palm again. “We’re gonna have to keep you on your toes.” Turning her in his arms, he slid his slick hands down to her bottom and began to massage the lotion in. “Speaking of keeping you on your toes.”

  Kendra gasped when a devious finger slid down the crack of her ass. “Mason!”

  He stared down at her, his eyes filled with hunger and erotic intent as he flattened his other hand on her lower back, pressing her against him. “I’ll bet I can get you to your toes with just one finger.”

  Sucking in a breath at the slide of his finger over her forbidden opening, Kendra shot to her toes. “Mason!”

  Pressing against her there, he smiled down at her, raising a brow. “What is it, honey?”

  “Oh, God.” Lust slammed into her. “What are you doing?”


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