PAGES 120–121
Fiona Hall, artist’s statement, February 2002, footnote to Jason Smith, ‘Fiona Hall: Dead in the Water’ in Fieldwork: Australian Art 1968–2002, National Gallery of Victoria, 2002, page 130.
PAGE 122
Fiona Hall, ‘Cell culture’, 2002 Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art, Converge: where art and science meet, Art Gallery of South Australia, 2002, page 38.
PAGE 124
Beth Hatton, ‘Balancing’ in exhibition catalogue Below the Surface: a contemporary textiles exhibition resulting from a collaborative curatorial process, (ed.) Jennifer Lamb, Goulburn Regional Art Gallery, 1996, pages 33–34.
PAGE 126
Toni Morrison, ‘The Site of Memory’, in Out There: Marginalization and Contemporary Culture, (eds) Russell Ferguson, Martha Gever, Trinh T. Minh-ha, Cornel West, The MIT Press, page 305.
PAGE 129
Margaret Preston, ‘From Eggs to Electrolux’, (first published Art and Australia), 3rd Series, no. 22, December 1927; republished in Margaret Preston, Art and Australia: selected writings 1920–1950, (ed.) Elizabeth Butel, Richmond, 2003, page 24.
PAGE 135
Transcribed by author from video by Joy Hardman, I Spy, 1997.
PAGE 138
ngurra(camp/home/country): Dolly Nampijinpa and Anne Mosey, exhibition catalogue, University of South Australia Art Museum, 1994, pages 21–22.
PAGE 139
Leah King-Smith, ‘The Nineteenth Century Photographs in Patterns of Connection’, Art Monthly, special supplement, 1993, page 41.
PAGE 140
Duncan King-Smith, ‘Statement’, Leah King-Smith: Patterns of Connection, Australian Centre for Photography, Sydney, 1992, page 8.
PAGE 144
Wystan Curnow, Colin McCahon, Gates and Journeys, Auckland City Art Gallery, 1988, page 54.
PAGE 144
Peter Hooper, ‘Can you hear me St Francis?’ title of IX section of poem in Earth Marriage 1972, reference in Colin McCahon, Gates and Journeys, Auckland City Art Gallery, 1988, page 93.
PAGE 152
Claude Lévi-Strauss, Triste Tropiques, (first published 1955) 1973, translated by John and Doreen Weightman, Jonathan Cape, pages 414–415.
PAGE 158
Sylvie Poirier, Les Jardins des Nomade: Territoire, rêve et transformation dans les groupes Aborigenes de Desert Occidental Australien, 1990, Quebec: PhD thesis, Laval University, page 66, translated and quoted by Christine Watson, Piercing the Ground, Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 2003, page 57.
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