Dragon's Curvy Dilemma

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Dragon's Curvy Dilemma Page 13

by Mychal Daniels

  He saw Daryl look out the window to see the night was giving way to the new day.

  “I need to throw on some pajamas. Something tells me, Brock will be in here in a little while.”

  “And you’d be right,” he said, getting up to look for a t-shirt and a couple of pajama shorts. “Here, wear this.” He tossed her a t-shirt and pair of his pajama bottom shorts. She picked up the shorts and eyed them. “What?” he asked, hoping he hadn’t offended her, but wanting like hell to see her wearing his clothes.

  “Nothing. I’m trying to see if they’re big enough.”

  “Why wouldn’t they be?” he asked, confused.

  “Because my hips, thighs, and ass are huge, that’s why.”

  “No, they’re perfect. And those shorts will more than fit you. Trust me; I’ve sized up your ass on more than a few occasions and know the size by heart.”

  “You did—you do?” she asked, surprise in her expression.

  “Yeah, Daryl, I wasn’t kidding when I said you had me the moment I first heard your voice.” Zoning in on the shorts that sat on the bed in front of her, he asked, “Please? At least try them on.”

  She grabbed them up. Scooted out of bed and pulled them up. On her, their length swallowed her up, but she had enough room in them to be comfortable. Surprise continued to do beautiful things with her facial expressions. She grabbed the t-shirt and put it on too. The thing swallowed her up as well.

  “Okay, I stand corrected. You do know your women’s sizes. They both fit.”

  He couldn’t let that misconception stand and said, “Further correction. I could give a flying fuck about other women. The only size I know and care about is yours. And, thank you for wearing them. You look—”

  “Like I’m yours in them?” she said, finishing for him. “I’m starting to get it now. You’re my Dragon, and I’m your woman. Your Dragon wants to know that I’m yours. If wearing your clothes to sleep in makes your Dragon happy, I’m happy. Asher, I really do love every part of you in part because I know you have the same love for all of me.”

  She let out a yawn and stretched. Climbing back in bed, she patted the space next to her and said, “Come back to bed. I’m ready to go to sleep.”

  Putting on a pair of pajama bottoms too, he turned off the night light and joined her in bed. Daryl snuggled in close as he folded her up into his arms. When they found that spot to sleep, he sighed in complete bliss. In the waning darkness of his room, he had to get it out. “Daryl, I want to marry you as soon as possible. Just putting that out there for you to chew on. Sweet sleep.”


  Daryl—Asher’s Bed

  “Itsy, bitsy spider went up the water spout. Down came the rain and washed the spider out,” the little voice sang in a loud whisper.

  Daryl cocked an eye open, as little fingers made a tickling trail up her arm. Big, clear green eyes moved in to look her close in the face. He smiled. Still trying to focus entirely, but knowing it was Brock, she returned the smile. His little hands took her face in them as he turned her to look at him full on.

  “Hi Daryl,” he said, trying to whisper but excitement winning.

  She could hear Asher’s deep breathing. It had been a hypnotic sound that had put her into a deep sleep. Unlike nerve grating snoring, his breathing was deep and rhythmic and the right thing to put her into a deeply relaxing state.

  “Yes, Brock?” she said, loving how cute his sleep face was.

  “You’re in Dad’s bed.”

  “Yep.” She didn’t know how quite to explain why. So, she kept it short and waited.

  He looked over to his sleeping dad and then back to her and said, “Cool! Does this mean you’re going to stay with me and…” he paused and looked back down to her arm. Instead of singing out loud, she saw his little mouth moving to the words of the nursery rhyme as he resumed his trail up her arm with his fingers.

  “And what? You can’t leave me hanging like that, Brock. And what?”

  “Never mind.”

  “No, we’re friends, and friends say what needs to be said. And what?” She adjusted her body to give him her full attention and to face him. “Brock, is my being in your dad’s bed okay with you? You can tell me, promise,” she said, using a kind tone in her whisper.

  “Yes, I love seeing you here. I didn’t like you being over there in the other house.”

  “Then why won’t you finish what you were going to say.”

  He looked back up at her from his fingers dancing on her arm. “Really?”

  “Yes, indeed. I’m going to wait until you tell me,” Daryl said, hoping the child wasn’t scared to ask her why she was here or something else that she’d done to offend him.

  Brock huffed out a breath and said, “I want you to be my mom. Does this mean that you’ll be my mom? Dad needs you, and you’re here for him. I need you too.” She watched emotions stronger than a child his age should have to deal with wash through him. Daryl rubbed his arm for courage. He smiled and continued, “I don’t want just to be friends anymore. I need you to be my mom. Will you?” Big eyes looked up to snatch her emotional composure

  Don’t cry. Can’t lose it in front of him.

  Her heart ached with all the joy and emotions rushing through her.

  Opening her arms, she said, “Come here.” When the child obeyed, she put him under the covers with her and cuddled him in the crook of her arm. “Listen to me carefully.” She kissed him on the top of his head, marveling at how much hair the kid had. He remained silent, but she could hear his breathing too. What was it with Dragons and the way they breathed? On Brock, it was the cutest thing. On Asher, it was a sexy sleeping aid. Shaking the thought of Asher and how she wanted a morning quickie, she focused on her moment with Brock.

  “Brock, my love, I’d love to be a mom for you.” She could feel his smile. “But, I need to ask you to do something for me. Will you do it?”

  “Yes, anything for you, Daryl.”

  She smiled. “Boy, one day a woman is going to swoon when you say that to her.”

  “Huh?” he asked.

  “Nothing, forget that part. What I was asking is that you never forget that your mom is that—your mom. She was here first. Know that I love you too, but I will never be able to take her place. I won’t even try. She’s your mom. I can be something cool too. It’s important that you keep a special space for her always, okay?”

  He huffed out a breath again. “Okay, but it’s hard.”

  Concern for what he said, had her pulling him in more. “Why is it so hard?”

  “Because I don’t remember her. She left and never came back.”

  “Oh, I see.” Daryl was at a loss for words.

  A deep voice, full of sleep startled them.

  “Brock, I know it’s hard to remember her, but I have some more pictures and things of her I’ll add to your room when we get back home in Atlanta. I know you might not remember this or fully understand, but she died, and that’s why she’s not coming back. That’s different from leaving on purpose.” Asher’s words gave Daryl way more information to work with.

  Here she thought it had been a divorce situation where she’d be the stepmom, and it was a widower situation. As if reading her thoughts, Asher said, “She died after we were divorced. We’ll talk about it later—promise.” He punctuated that by closing the space between them in bed and reaching over to his son to run a hand over the child’s face in play.

  “Dad!” Brock said, starting to giggle.

  Asher said, “Buddy, it’s time to get you up and ready for your first day of camp. Aren’t you excited?”

  Brock took a beat to answer. “I guess so. I’m more excited about Daryl being my new mom! Daryl, do you want to go to camp with me today?”

  It was Daryl’s turn to laugh. “Um, that’s going to be a no. Camp is for you and all the new friends you’re going to have. I’m too big for camp. Plus, remember, I have grownup work to do while you’re off having all the fun.”

y,” he said, dragging the word out. “You’ll be here, in this house when I get back?”

  Before she could answer, Asher spoke up, “She sure will. I’m keeping her here with us for the rest of the summer. And…” Daryl could feel Asher’s eyes on her now. “When we go back to Atlanta too. How does that sound?”

  Daryl watched as the two gave each other a high five.

  “Hello, I’m right here,” she said, laughing at how excited they were about her whereabouts.

  “We’re never letting you go,” Asher said, planting a kiss on the corner of her mouth. He leaned in and whispered, “That’s on my list of stuff to discuss with you too. But, so you know, I’m not playing fair. I know the power the kid has over you too.”

  She giggled and kissed his neck, loving the stubble from his overnight beard. Light coming through the slats of the bedroom window blinds was brighter. Her maternal instincts kicked in and Daryl was getting up and grabbing Brock.

  “All right, Brock, we need to get you ready for camp and some breakfast in that tummy of yours.”

  Asher was right behind her. “Brock’s clothes for the day are laid out on a dressing table in his room.” To Brock, he said, “Please show Daryl where your room is, grab your clothes, and then come back here to get dressed.” When they were at the door of Asher’s bedroom, he added, “Don’t forget your shoes too.”

  The next hour was the Brock show. A whirlwind of activity overtook the household as the family got Brock ready for his first day of day camp. She fixed a quick breakfast, and they all sat down to eat at the kitchen dining counter. It was her first real meal with them as her new family, and the emotions were close to the surface. Using more energy than she’d assumed she’d need, Daryl managed to make it through breakfast and the rest of getting Brock ready.

  She combed his hair, making a cool gelled hairstyle for him to make a great first impression.

  “Daryl, I like how you comb my hair. Dad’s way hurts and I still look the same.” She watched as he checked himself out in the mirror and smiled. “You win for hair combing. Can I have a hug?”

  “Of course, you can. I’ll always make sure to have hugs ready for you.”

  When Asher called up to them to come down, Daryl helped Brock into his car seat. She was about to turn and go back inside when Asher said, “Hey, wrong way. You’re coming with me to drop him off. Can’t have him going off to camp on his first day without his family there to send him off, now can we?” Asher said the last part looking back at a now hopping Brock.

  “Yeah! Get in mom!” Brock said.

  The name caught her off guard, but she let it pass. The ride was short—too short—and then Brock was waving goodbye as his assigned camp counselor took him by the hand and led him over to a small group of kids his age. Asher pulled away from the curb of the local school that was the drop off point, and she couldn’t hold back any longer. Daryl balled, letting the tears flow.

  “Hey there, what’s the matter?” Asher asked.

  “Brock called me mom.” Tears gushed now. She couldn’t stop them or how her voice cracked from the intense emotion of what it all meant. She didn’t want him all alone. Daryl continued, through full on crying, “He’s so little, and we left him there. Is he going to be all right? When do we go back to get him?” Even to her, she sounded cuckoo but didn’t care. Brock was so little to be gone by himself all day.

  “He’s fine, and we pick him up at five.”

  “Why so long? Isn’t school normally until three?”

  “Yes, I guess so. Brock’s only been in kindergarten, and that was half day. He starts first grade in the fall.”

  “But he’s going to be gone all day, like a work day. He’s only a little kid. That’s too long,” she said, allowing a new round of tears to come.

  Asher pulled over to the side of the road and unbuckled to hug her.

  “Daryl, my love, Daryl?” he said, pulling her back from the well of tears she was swimming in. When she looked deep into his eyes and considered how he’d stopped everything to give her his undivided attention, she calmed down a bit. Asher smiled full and gorgeous. “Brock is a Dragon. He’ll be fine. It’s the other kids I’m more concerned about. This…” he said, motioning to her face, “are a mother’s care and love. It’s adorable, but I can’t have you being a wreck until he gets home.”

  “And why not? What if I want to be concerned until he gets back?”

  “That would make me sad.”


  He gave her a wicked smile. “Because I plan to take you home, and make love to you again—for a long time. Then we can start our day, taking time to do stuff for us. How does that sound?”

  “It sounds perfect.”

  Asher reached into a compartment in the console between their seats and gave her a moistened towelette, the one used as baby wipes. Thankful he was stocked for situations like this, most likely due to having a small child, she took it and cleaned up her face. “There. Now, how about a smile, so I don’t get jealous of my son?”

  “How about a kiss?”

  Without answering, he leaned into her and gave her a slow, sensual kiss. “How’s that?”

  “Delicious! And you know it, you sly Dragon.”

  He winked at her and put the car back in drive. Maneuvering the Range Rover onto the road, he said, “I get turned on when you call me Dragon.”

  “I do too. But, it’s for your ears only,” she said, allowing lust to flavor her words.

  His hand moved to part her thighs as he began to rub the inside of the one closest to him. Even through her clothing, Daryl felt the heat of his hand. His touch sent tingles straight to her pussy.

  “I can’t wait to get you back home and do very naughty things to you,” he whispered, almost to himself.

  “Very naughty things? Not just naughty?” she asked, liking this playful side to him.

  “Way past naughty to be honest. Give me five more minutes to concentrate on driving straight, but when I get you home, I’m going to fuck you so good you’ll be calling me Daddy.”

  “You promise?” she asked, loving the dirty talk.

  “FUCK!” Asher roared as he plunged into her, hard and fast.

  He had her feet up in the air by his neck, wearing her out and she loved it. She’d been a little sore when they first started, but that was gone now to be replaced by sex so good she couldn’t think straight or control her body any longer.

  “Fuck me,” she moaned, oblivious to how many times she begged.

  Asher withdrew and flipped her over onto her stomach. When he entered her from behind, the new angle and sensation made her jump with delight.

  “Goddamn, you feel so good. Shit!” he said, driving in deep into her willing body.

  She was pulled back as he sat on his haunches and pulled her into his powerful thrusts. Asher worked out all the tension, worry, and stress that had weighed her down. Over and over, he’d bring her to the brink of climax, only to deny her the sweet plunge into climax. The way he fucked her, made love to her and even worshiped her body was too much to contain. Never had she ever thought or considered how deep, raw, and real being with Asher Princeton would be.

  Today’s lovemaking was totally different from their mating last night. Today, it was about mutual fun, exploration and sexual release. She knew the man worked her up only to deny her so that their crescendo together would be huge. The hunger for her in his touch, looks, and movements surpassed casual fucking. This man had been waiting for her all his life, and it showed. She felt different as well.

  Their mating had imparted knowledge and wisdom in her that she knew could have only come from it. Instinctively she knew what both the man and the Dragon needed from her. Daryl understood how to approach him and how he viewed her. Asher wasn’t looking for her to perform as his mate. He needed her to help him be the best he could. There was a tsunami of power and potential that simmered right under the surface with him. She felt layers of fatigue slough off with each moment they spent
together. Asher could be his true self with her, unencumbered. His Dragon’s essence brushed against her conscious in loving admiration, soliciting a smile every time she sensed him doing it. She loved his Dragon.

  Asher had her back against his chest, fucking her from behind, as his hands kneaded her breasts. She breathed short puffs of syncopated air as she bounced up and down on his enormous cock. It was incredible how different making love to him felt from the different angles. He pulled her closer and nipped a spot on her shoulder that caused her to squirt with pleasure. And, as if to make sure that was the cause, he did it again. Daryl was too full of him and love to care, but it was enough to urge him on as he picked up the pace of his masterful thrusts.

  “I can’t get enough of you. Tell me to stop. I don’t want to make you too sore. Tell me to stop now,” he said, almost pleading with her.

  “Never. I love how amazing you love me, my Dragon.” He roared and flipped her onto her back. He pinned her to the bed with his body. “Wrap your legs around me and grab my ass,” he instructed, voice hoarse with arousal.

  She obeyed.

  Asher took her up to, through and somehow over the cliff of climax. Daryl came so hard; it was painful pleasure. She wanted to stop but couldn’t. Wave, after crashing wave, rocked through her, yanking nonsensical words from her and turning her body into a chorus of spasms. Asher soon joined her in climax. Thankful she could see his face better in the daylight. She watched as he came deep inside of her. His eyes turned the color of a stormy rain forest as he shuddered and rocked inside her. Her body continued to clench and pull at his cock, each time making his body twitch in response.


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