Agent of the Realm?

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Agent of the Realm? Page 37

by Andur

  Charles clears his throat and gives me a thumbs up, carefully avoiding to be seen doing so by Mom. Losing no time, he reaches for Clarity's shoulder and teleports the both of them out of the room.

  I stay there, frozen, with Seria wriggling under me in an attempt to get me moving. I groan. “This is the most awkward moment I've ever had.”

  “Shut up and move!”

  A few minutes later we are back to a somewhat presentable state, if sweaty clothes can be counted as presentable. It can't be helped though, especially because I can feel the auras of several important people in front of the room. Four important people to be exact. Our parents.

  Grumbling, I break the damaged remains of my barrier and open the door. Then I step aside to allow them entry. “I hope there was a good reason to interrupt us.”

  Mother wrinkles her nose in disapproval and Father studies me with a conflicted expression. Shade and Elona are openly grinning at Seria and me. Why are they grinning!? They didn't see anything and my parents would never talk about such an incident.

  Seria leans closer and whispers, “Don't you remember that they spied on the meeting with the ambassadors? I bet both the conference room and this room are bugged!”

  Gods! I feel myself reddening and recognize their stupid expressions for what they are. And why does Seria know what I am thinking!?

  “You are so upset that you are shouting all your thoughts over the wedding bond.”

  Just great. I take a deep breath and count silently to ten. “So. What happened?”

  Charles is the one to inform us of the bad news. “It's your brother. He escaped!”

  I blink and reach up to massage the bridge of my nose. “It had to be something like this. So how the hell did he get out? And where did he go?”

  My father shrugs. “We don't know. He simply vanished out of his cell and the surveillance camera failed a few seconds before he escaped. So we don't know how he did it. We thought that he holds a grudge against you two, so we rushed to get to you in fear that he is after revenge. It was you to who got him locked up after all.”

  I squint my eyes at my father. “By that logic, wouldn't you two also be targets? You were the ones who subdued him.”

  “But he didn't go after us, so we thought he went for you. But if he didn't seek revenge, then where did he go?” Clarity kneads her fingers. Her expression is stressed and her skin is pale.

  I reach up to run a hand through my hair. If Perseus wants to create trouble for us, he could become a real problem. As if we don't already have enough on our hands. Then I listen to a lengthy explanation of what my parents deduced from the state of the prison cell. Which isn’t much. According to them we are facing a mystery with a locked room.

  Seria wandered off during the conversation, showing her disinterest in this new dilemma. Instead, she attacked the pitiful remains of the buffet. As if Perseus doesn't concern her. I didn’t pay her behaviour that much attention up until now.

  Then the sound of someone who is retching draws my attention. I turn around just in time to find Seria barfing into an empty bowl. It’s one of the big ones which were holding the stewed fruits. I can only think of one reason for her to feel sick and suppose I shouldn't be too surprised. We broke our limit a while ago. But isn't it too early to show symptoms? Ignoring the scene, I turn back to face our parents.

  Mom and Dad are looking at her with pity in their eyes, whereas Shade's and Elona's expressions show malicious joy. Today it's just one thing after the other.

  “I suppose that we all need a drink,” I mumble to myself, not actually talking to anyone.

  Seria returns to our side, holding a new bowl in her hands. It’s empty, so I suspect that she isn’t done. “Mom, maybe you should tell the servants that they don't want to bag the leftovers. And I may be ripe for a preliminary examination in your lab.”

  “Of course, Dear. Do you want something against feeling sick? It won't harm the baby and the medicine takes effect fast.” She smiles gently at her daughter and a pill appears out of nowhere in her open palm.

  Seria takes the pill and swallows it without question.

  “Ah, I forgot! There might be the side effect of becoming overly emotional, but that will last only for a short time.”

  Sure enough, big tears start rolling down Seria's cheeks and she sobs. “I hate this! I am not cut out to be a mother! Just look at how I acted in front of my parents-in-law just a few moments ago! I could die of shame! It's all your fault, Mom!”

  Shade tries to say something, but Seria is just starting to gain momentum. “And you! You betrayed me! Without you she would have never managed to trick me like that! I thought that I am your darling daughter! Never would I have thought that you would betray me like that.”

  “Now, now... Isn't that going too far? They are your parents.” I reach out, but she steps back and hisses at me.

  “You are the one who is ultimately at fault! Without you, I wouldn't be in this state! Just look at me! I... hic... I hate this! Gods! What a horrible medicine!” She turns away and puts a finger into her mouth. One moment later the retching starts again as she goes to her knees.

  Shade chews on his lower lip. “Maybe you should fine tune that recipe of yours. I shudder at the thought of you taking that stuff; the multiverse might end. The side effects certainly don't outweigh the benefits.”

  Elona snorts. “I thought that being a little emotional wouldn't make a difference to a pregnant woman.”

  66. ~Locked room.~

  “Feelings are like chemicals, the more you analyze them the worse they smell.”

  The Journey to the Afterlife

  Kingdom Newerth, Capital City


  I watch my father as he crawls around the prison cell, prodding and poking at the ground. Apparently he hopes to find some sort of weakness or mistake in the runescript, which could explain how Perseus escaped his cell. Dad offered his help in finding out how Perseus pulled off his prison break, so all six of us relocated to the prison under Charles's palace. Though I have my doubts if prison is the right term for this facility. I can tell that people who end up in here aren't really meant to get out again. Ever.

  We got a little tour through the prison and were introduced to some of its inmates, just to show us that there is a good reason to lock them away. Allies should have no secrets from each other after all. Though I doubt that my parents would have a big problem even if this prison is used for reasons other than locking away the serious nutcases. But that’s not the case, so I suppose that we are good.

  “Soooo... how did he get out?” I slowly turn in a circle and survey the cell carefully. This underground prison is the real deal. I didn't even suspect that Marcus and his family maintained a facility of this magnitude under their palace. We had to pass through several powerful wards and barriers just to get to the entrance. That's where the real security measures started. From automatic counterspells, to mana sucking cellwalls. This cell has it all. And if someone really tries to get out, he'll end up with some nasty curses before he even manages to scratch the walls.

  This prison is meant to bury dark secrets and to hold the most powerful immortals.

  I turn my attention to Marcus and our parents. “Or should I rather ask, who let him out? Because I don't see how I could get out of here. And I am good with breaking out of and into locked rooms. There are so many layered protection spells that it would take weeks to unravel them all.”

  Charles and Clarity look at each other as if my words are an affront. Marcus is the one to shine some light on their reaction. “It's impossible. Only the royal family has access to this part of the prison. That means that either Charles, Clarity or I would have to be ones who helped Perseus. I doubt that one of us would do something that stupid. We’ve all talked to him and verified that he isn’t quite right in the head.”

  I furrow my forehead. “And what about your brother and sister? Maybe Perseus manipulated them somehow? He has shown that he is quite skille
d with adults, so playing the strings of a child is surely easy for him.”

  Clarity winces. “He may be their older brother, but he never really dealt with them. I...” she pauses to find the right words, “didn’t allow it. I’ve always felt that something was off about him, so I discouraged any contact between him and my children. Marcus and Charles are the only ones who Perseus had a real relationship with. I didn’t interfere because I deemed that Marcus is old enough to make his own decisions. The little ones haven't even asked more than once or twice about Perseus.”

  Haah, their family situation surely is a little messed up. At some point I’ve to ask how it happened that Charles had Clarity right at hand when his first wife died. I suppose that it wasn’t easy for Perseus to see his mother replaced just like that. Add to that the fact that Clarity seems to have an aversion to Perseus, as he represents the fact that she is Charles’s second choice.

  Charles places a hand on his wife's shoulder. “And they are still children. The wards on this facility recognize individuals. Mere relationship by blood isn't enough to get in here. The only ones who are allowed to enter are the three of us. We can bring visitors with us, but that’s it. The facility maintains itself. Everything is taken care of with magic. There isn’t even personnel to bring food or take care of the waste.”

  So the solution to our problem isn't that simple. I grumble and decide that I am not quite ready to give up. “Then here is something else to think about. Perseus surely had access to this facility. Correct?” I wait until Charles nods. “We also know that Perseus hid his true nature for quite a while. He must have known that if you ever get wind of him having lost to his spirit nature, then he would surely end up in here. If I were him, I would prepare a way to get out of here.”

  Charles freezes for a moment, then he shakes his head. “We are fools. I should have thought about it. I am always relying on my ability. Perseus must have realized that my ability only kicks in if lives are at stake. Otherwise I've to concentrate hard to glimpse even small things. That's why Perseus managed to play his game for so long. As long as he didn't kill anyone, he was safe to do as he pleases.”

  “But then he messed up,” Marcus mumbles.

  “How are the prisoners fed?” Shade interrupts our discussions. He is still on all fours, studying the runes which should be holding the prisoners inside a circle with a diameter of two meters. “From this spell matrix, I suppose that food is teleported into the barrier and waste is teleported outside.”

  Marcus nods. “That’s right. I can remote control the process.”

  Shade steps into the barrier. “Activate the prison and send me some food, then teleport it away.”

  Marcus walks to a panel at the room’s entrance and manipulates it. The runes to Dad’s feet flare up, locking him inside the barrier. Then the food appears. Shade simply studies the whole process from inside the barrier. But when the food is teleported away, he jumps forward, casting a teleportation spell of his own… and is gone…

  “Where is he!?” I call out in shock.

  Charles hurries out of the room. “He must be in the waste disposal system! How stupid can one be to hitch a ride on a teleportation spell? The facility cancels all teleports which aren’t related to its functions.”

  We follow Charles and Marcus down the corridor. They are heading for a door which has ‘Waste Disposal’ written in large, black letters on it. Before we reach it, someone kicks open the door from the inside and Shade steps onto the corridor.

  He looks as if he just took a swim in the sewers and an unbelievable smell causes me to stumble backwards. Shade spreads his hands and casts a spell, sprinkling the stuff which is clinging to him everywhere. One moment later he is clean again. “I suppose that solves the question of how he got out. The facility’s teleportation system can be tricked by hitching a ride on the authorized teleportations. Perseus just had to wait for the purge of the waste tank, which has to happen from time to time since you don’t have a recycling system in there. I suppose that you teleport the tank away once it’s full. He simply had to time his departure with the disposal of the tank. I am sure that he had sufficient insight into this facility’s time table to know when to use his chance.”

  Mom lets out a sound of disgust from right behind me. “I hope you do realize that I’ll run you through a complete disinfection. Gods! That smell!”

  Dad looks down on himself and the mess around him. Then he shrugs. “I’ve had worse on me as a child.”


  67. ~Education.~

  “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

  The Journey to the Afterlife

  Kingdom Newerth, Capital City


  I yawn and stretch myself, trying to shake off the tiredness. We've been trying to determine Perseus's escape route for more than a day. The time went by like nothing. It was clear that the way he escaped could only be pulled off if one has a very good idea of the prison's waste disposal system. Shade was teleported right into a big tank with nasty stuff inside when he hitched a ride on the facility's teleportation spell.

  But that alone didn't get him out of the prison. He had to break the tank to get out. Which naturally led to a whole room which was inaccessible to us. Dad managed to get out of the cell, that's true, but it's another matter to leave the facility in one piece afterwards. Perseus escaped without a trace, which means that he never left the tank.

  That's only possible if he knew exactly when the tank's contents would be disposed of. He had to time his departure with the disposal of the tank, so that he could leave the prison with the tank before it went into lockdown. It's not like the designers of the prison had no clue about their job. If there is a problem, even a small one, the prison goes into complete lockdown. That means that nothing gets in or out. Not even the waste.

  So Perseus had to wait for the very last second to hitch his ride, otherwise he would've been caught inside the tank until someone found him. There are search spells for things like that and Perseus would have been the only living thing outside the cells. Not particularly hard to find.

  “I suggest you incinerate everything inside the tank with every disposal cycle. It would ensure that everyone who gets the idea to use the same route doesn't try it twice. And I would put the same magical counter-effects onto the tank. We don't want someone to protect himself with environmental magic.”

  “That would kill them,” Marcus states matter-of-factly.

  Dad nods. “That's the intention.”

  I sigh and twirl a strand of my hair around my finger. “I think that's all beside the point. We know that he got out. The main reason why we invested so much time in finding out how, was to determine if he had any help. So what are his intentions? Will he open a portal? Try to take revenge on us? I didn't exactly know Perseus. Marcus talked a lot about his brother though. Perseus doesn't strike me as the type of person who would simply congratulate himself and run away as far and as fast as he can, just to make a living in exile somewhere beyond our reach.”

  “Which would be the smartest thing to do,” Clarity growls.

  I continue, “As I said, he is probably planning something, maybe even negotiating with our enemy? I'll nonetheless pay a visit to my friends in the underground of this city. Maybe they heard about something. He'll not escape his punishment.” And I need an outlet for my frustration.

  Mom raises an expectant eyebrow. “Is there a particular reason why you want to see this Perseus person in a cell? I understand that he is… was the first prince of this country and probably collaborated with the enemy. But can he really do more damage than the average spy or agent at this point? Everyone knows that he is a bad apple. Would the army still side with him? You mentioned that he was a former commander of Newerth’s troops. I've wondered why you are so concerned that he wants revenge especially against the two you.” She regards Marcus and me with sceptical eyes.

  “I... err... ahem.” I clear my thr
oat to gain some time. If my parents learn what happened between me and Perseus, they will go apeshit crazy! Not only did I allow myself to be manipulated, I almost killed him and doomed my mission of creating ties to Newerth. I've never actually told them the reason for his imprisonment. Marcus and I just skipped over the event as if it didn't have any importance on the actual state of affairs. My eyes wander over Charles and Clarity, whose throats are equally sealed shut.

  Fortunately, Marcus decides to save the situation by masterfully telling a piece of the truth, sugar-coating it as much as possible. “Perseus tried to make a move on Seria. I barged in on them and it led to an argument between me and my brother. The argument went out of hand, which resulted in Perseus losing control over his temperament. Our parents barged in and apprehended him after assessing the situation. That's why it's reasonable to think that Perseus might hold a grudge against us. Firstly, against Seria, because she was the reason of the fight. Secondly, against me, because I escalated it, which led to his imprisonment.”

  Charles clears his throat. “At first we tried our best to resolve the situation without a fuss. But Perseus tried to resist with deadly force, which showed us that he was clearly over the edge. Or at least very close to it. So I think we can safely assume that he doesn't think well of either of us.”

  “Hah...” Shade snorts, curling down the corners of his mouth. “Seems like a really nice, self-centred person. I would like him if it wasn't for the fact that he made a move on my daughter. Maybe there is a chance for us to sniff him out. He must be somewhere in this realm. My devices would've sensed it if a portal had been opened. And they didn't. So he has to be hiding in a safe place.”

  I nod and turn towards the exit. “I'll use my contacts to gather some information.” As I turn around, a wave of nausea washes over me and I clench my teeth, fighting the urge to vomit. Seems like this reincarnation of mine is prone to morning sickness. Or whatever it's called. Isn't it too early to feel the effects that badly? I reach for Marcus and grab his clothes to hold myself upright.


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