Hearts On Ice

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Hearts On Ice Page 17

by Janae Keyes

  “Okay, this is a little weird. Please don’t drool all over my boyfriend when you meet him,” I insisted before I took a sip of my beer.

  “Holy shit! I’m going to meet Max Madden!” I swore she was going to faint. I knew there was a reason I’d brought Krystal along instead of my mom. “You’re a lucky bitch, you know that?”

  “I do,” I beamed as I thought of the man I didn’t just share my bed with, but my heart and soul too.

  It was obvious everything was going to get started when the crowd began to grow and the lights began to flash. The atmosphere was full of life and excitement. Everyone screamed and stood on their feet as the announcer began.

  “Get on your feet, San Jose! Tonight, is the return of the one and only Max Madden!”

  At the mention of his name, insanity instantly erupted inside the arena. People all around went mad because their star player had returned after being out for nearly two seasons. My heart pounded, imagining the intoxication that Max was feeling.

  My man was a showman. He loved attention, and tonight, he was getting the most attention he could attract. The man I knew and loved, lived for moments like this. An entire house of fans was anxiously awaiting him.

  The music pounded even louder and the crowd reacted appropriately. Krystal’s arms were in the air as she screamed along with everyone else. I was on edge, waiting to see Max emerge.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, your San Jose Sharks!” With the announcer’s final words, the rink exploded with men skating all around. That’s when I saw him. Max Madden had taken the ice in his glory.

  I couldn’t help it. I joined the crowd in the insanity. Max was back and showing the world who he was and that he was stronger than he was before. He’d confessed to me that it would be his first time on the ice without any painkillers in his system. He was clean and nothing would be clouded.

  The starting lineup was announced, and when Max’s name was blasted over the sound system, the crowd exploded with major pandemonium. Max being the showman that he was, stood in the middle of the ice, his stick in hand pointed to the ceiling. He was taking it all in like a god.

  “Wooo! Let’s go, Madden!” I screamed at the top of my lungs as if he could hear me over the thousands of others in attendance.

  The players began to enter the bench area, Max’s eyes met mine and he grinned like a fool. I loved seeing my man happy and filled with what gave him life. I blew him a kiss and he gave me a wink in return. Nudging one of the guys near him, he pointed to me. The guy looked me over before giving Max an approving nod.

  “Looks like the guys approve,” Krystal whispered to me.

  “Apparently,” I responded, shaking my head at Max.

  All the other players checked me out too. I was going to kill Max. I would apparently have to learn more about hockey because Krystal spoke a foreign language to me as the game was in full play. Like anyone, I understood when they made goals and I knew that Max was kicking ass and taking names.

  When the game ended and the Sharks had won 3 to 1, an attendant approached Krystal and me and led us through an employees’ only area until we were right outside the locker room. Krystal and I stood against a wall as the reporters began to exit. I made the mistake of making eye contact with one who immediately recognized me.

  “Oh fuck,” I hissed under my breath as that reporter said my name, promptly alerting the others.

  “Lia, what did you think of tonight's game? Is it true you and Max are expecting? Was the Willows Center responsible for your relationship? Will you be attending all of Max’s games? Will Max be attending the World Championships next week in Geneva?”

  I swallowed, overwhelmed at all the questions being thrown my way until a hand snatched my arm in a firm grip and dragged me away with Krystal trailing behind.

  “Why the fuck are you here?” JC’s voice pierced the air.

  “Let go of me!” I hissed as I yanked my arm away before he shoved me into another hall, which was completely empty.

  “Tonight is about Max’s return, not your fucking relationship,” JC snapped as Krystal finally joined us in the empty hall. “You need to leave him the fuck alone. Sure, the sex might be good, but you and your fucking pussy of magic are distracting him from his goals.”

  “What is your deal? Are you jealous? You want Max all to yourself. Is that it?” He had pissed me off beyond reason. I didn’t understand why he was so against Max and me. “Am I intruding on your bro time?”

  “You little bitch! You are intruding on how I make my living. When Max isn’t on his game, I lose money. I’m his fucking manager!”

  “But you’re his best friend first.”

  “Being his best friend doesn’t pay the fucking bills. Now, you listen good, little Princess.” He stuck his finger in my face. “Drop the charade and get the fuck out of here. There’s the motherfucking door.”

  “You’re a disgusting piece of shit!” I spat. Max didn’t need this guy who used him.

  Suddenly, the doors we’d come through swung open and Max emerged. He’d changed and showered. The smile on his face wiped away all of my anger. I wouldn’t pay JC any mind because Max was all that mattered.

  “What’s up?” Max asked as he spotted JC and me toe to toe.

  “Just trying to save her from the vultures out there,” JC answered with a shrug.

  “Yeah, they are fucking disgusting sometimes,” Max commented as he stepped toward her. “There’s my girl!” He threw his arms around me and pulled me in tight.

  “You were so good!” I cheered as I allowed him to swing me around. I tightened my legs around his waist, feeling his arousal pressing to my core. Even after our night, morning, and playing an intense game, he wanted me.

  “I was only good because you were here, my lucky charm,” his hissed on my lips before kissing me deeply. “Tell me you’ll never leave.”


  The cold air flowed around me as I completed my spin. I didn’t think, I just did it. The music was my guide through it all. The classical tune that Nadia had selected was perfect. It felt sensual, yet classic, and it made me feel alive.

  There was only one week until the World Championships, and in only four days I’d be headed to Geneva with my team and Max. This was my final run through of everything before I’d be practicing on the very rink I was to compete on.

  Out of breath, but feeling a huge sense of accomplishment, I finished my routine. The world had no idea what they were in for and I was excited to show them.

  I skated to the edge of the rink to where Bev, Nadia, and my mom stood with smiles on their faces. I’d nailed it in my final practice. Now, I had to nail it on the world’s stage.

  “You’ve done it, girl!” my mom cheered as I came off the ice.

  She threw her arms around me. I could hear her excitement. I knew she could feel my decision in the air. This more than likely would be my last world championship as I’d made the decision to retire. I’d had a good run and it was time to hang up my competition skates.

  “Tonight let’s have drinks to celebrate the ass we’re going to kick in Geneva,” Nadia suggested. “Unless you have plans with lover boy.”

  “I have no plans. He left for Colorado Springs this morning to practice with Team USA,” I told her thinking of how much I missed Max already.

  I’d spent the last two days at his house and this morning I took him to the airport. JC had come around and things were strange. He continued to insist that I was a problem that needed to be eliminated. He and Max had gotten into it the night before and things got fairly heated until JC left, but by the time we got to the airport, you’d never have known the men had fought.

  I unlaced my skates and packed them away. I was in awe of the fact I wouldn’t unpack them until I arrived in Geneva. Each time I took the world’s stage, I was a nervous wreck except that last time. Maybe the nerves were a good thing because this time I was full of them.

  “Things are serious with him, it seems.” Nadia s
aid as we began to walk together.

  “It seems? Have you not seen those two together?” My mom questioned playfully. “They can’t keep their hands off each other. I’m afraid to ask what happens behind closed doors.”

  “Oh, mom, you really don’t want to know,” I joked, giving her a wink.

  “A man built like that,” Nadia started as she fanned herself. “The sex has got to be good. Oooh!”

  “No, it’s better than good.” I sighed, thinking of more than just the passion Max and I shared. I marveled at the raw connection that I’d never felt with another human being and never would. “I miss him, but we are going to have a blast in Switzerland.”

  “Tonight we drink to Switzerland,” Bev said as she threw an arm around me. It was bittersweet for the two of us. She’d been there with me from my first serious competitions, and now, we were on the first stop of our final leg.

  Everyone felt it. I’d be starting a new beginning.



  Being back on my home turf the morning of my birthday was the best. It was no wonder Lia and I were so connected, our birthdays were only days apart. I’d left Colorado the first moment possible because I wanted to be back with my girl. And I had to be back for our flight to Geneva. I wouldn’t be Max Madden, the hockey player, but Max Madden, the boyfriend of the incredibly talented star figure skater, Lia Crestwood.

  Dragging my suitcase into the house, I groaned at the soreness I felt in my shoulder. Practice had been intense and apparently, I’d fucked with my shoulder. Lia would have to put up with me smelling like an old man as she would be giving me a good Bengay rubdown. I was getting old. Who knew the one thing I’d want the most on my birthday was a rubdown with muscle cream.

  “You’ve been groaning and flexing your shoulder all morning,” JC commented from behind me.

  “I fucked with it in the last practice I think. Nothing a little Bengay and my girl’s sweet fingers can’t fix,” I told him as I pulled out my cell phone. I’d texted Lia that we had landed, but now I had to tell her I finally made it home.

  Tonight we were going to keep it simple. Lia and I were going out for a quiet dinner before retiring at my place for the night. First thing in the morning we would head up to her place where we’d be departing with the whole team to Switzerland.

  “Take one of these.” JC pulled a pill bottle from his jacket pocket. Through the transparent orange bottle, I saw those white pills I’d notice anywhere.

  “Nah, man, I don’t fuck with those anymore,” I told him straight as I continued into my large kitchen.

  The house was way too big for me. I’d bought it because I had the money, but the five bedroom house was overkill for just me. I didn’t know why I’d kept it for so long when I could have downsized to a simple condo. Now, I had goals for the house, which included Lia.

  “It’s because of that girl. She’s convinced you that having a little pain reliever is the devil, right?” JC questioned from behind me as I pulled a bottle of water from the stainless steel refrigerator.

  “Can you lay the fuck off? Stop shitting on Lia. She’s the best thing to ever happen to me. I’m marrying that girl.” I was done with my best friend trying to fuck with the one solid thing I had in my life.

  “You’re going to marry her? Really?” JC shook his head in disbelief.

  He didn’t believe I was serious about marriage until I stalked into the sitting room and dug into a drawer where I’d been keeping something important.

  Returning to the kitchen with a small velvet box. My heart was pounding and Lia wasn’t even there. Tonight I would receive the single best birthday gift a guy could ask for. I would have the hand of the woman who had made my world go round.

  I opened the box to reveal the ring I’d dropped a heavy load on. The four carat princess cut diamond was surrounded by bead set diamonds on a platinum diamond encrusted band. It was the most perfect thing I’d seen in the store and it belonged on the finger of the perfect woman.

  “Holy fuck!” JC shouted as his eyes bulged out of his head at the sight of the ring. “That’s how mistakes are made. Have you even thought this through? You barely know the girl.”

  “Do I know her? Hell yeah! And she knows me better than I know myself. I can’t live if that girl can’t be my wife. That’s my forever right there,” I concluded as I closed the box and shoved it in my pocket. Pain shot through my shoulder. “Fuck!”

  “Max, just take a couple of painkillers. You’ll feel better. Go upstairs take a nap and you’ll be ready for all your plans. I promise,” JC insisted.

  It was strange, I could almost taste the bitterness of the pills on my tongue. It had been months since my last pill, but I felt them calling to me. I should have called Lia. Hell, I should have called Cynthia, but the noise was so loud and it would only be a couple. I had plans for the night and I needed to be pain free. Lia would accept my ring and I’d make sweet love to her all night long.

  “Fucking hand them over,” I grunted.

  I had enjoyed the best sleep I’d had in a minute. The pain was barely there and I was ready to get with it. I headed downstairs, rubbing my eyes as I went only to be startled by screams and cheers.

  “Happy Birthday!” a crowd of people in my living room yelled.

  It was all of my teammates. There were a few others I didn’t know and the coffee table was covered with booze and other party favors. Fuck, we hadn’t had a party like this in a long time. I didn’t expect any of it.

  “The fuck?” I questioned as I finished scaling the last few stairs.

  “Thought you needed a good old fashion party like old times. It is your birthday after all,” JC said as he patted my back.

  Throwing a bomb ass party was one thing JC had always been good at since we were teenagers. As ready as I was to chill with my guys and knock back some drinks, I remembered the plans I had with Lia.

  “Fuck, I’m so fucking stoked to have you guys here, but I’ve got plans with my girl,” I said to only have the guys chanting back at me.

  “Bros before hoes! Bros before hoes!”

  “Seriously, dude, just have a few drinks and then we’ll be out so you and your lady can have the house for the rest of the night,” JC said, trying to reason with me. I could work with that, a few drinks wouldn’t hurt.

  I stretched my shoulder and realized that pesky pain was back. I groaned and JC rushed over with the bottle of pills. I popped a few in my mouth before he handed me my favorite—a bottle of Jack.

  “The girls are here!” someone shouted.

  I sharply turned to see some girls enter the room. All of them were dressed like they were ready to party. Somebody else turned up some music. Fuck, I’d made a mistake. Tonight wasn’t going to go as planned at all.

  Loud and incessant banging snatched me from a deep sleep. My head was pounding from the moment I opened my eyes. I didn’t know what time or day it was. But I needed that pounding to go away. The nasty taste in my mouth told me exactly what had happened. I’d had a hell of a lot to drink, but I couldn’t quite remember past the first few shots of Jack Daniels.

  I moaned as I reached next to me and discovered a warm body. One thing had gone according to plan. My girl was there with me. Fuck, we had to get going to make it on time to meet everyone for our ride to the airport.

  “Lia, baby girl, wake up,” I groaned as I shook the body next to me. “Come on, baby.” I slipped my hands down her curves and between her thighs. My ears were greeted with a moan, but that wasn’t the moan I’d expected.

  My eyes shot open and the woman in my bed wasn’t the one I’d expected to see. A busty blonde gave me a grin as I sat up bewildered as all fuck. I was butt-ass naked and so was she.

  “Did I fuck you?” I asked her right away, anxiously awaiting her answer.

  “Mmm hummm, me and my girl, Jen,” she said as she pointed to another body in bed with me.

  I also saw one of my buddies on the couch across my bedroom. He was in his bo
xers and snoring loudly. “Shit, shit! Where the fuck is my fucking phone!” I shouted as I jumped from the bed and found my boxers on the floor. I dragged them up my legs and discovered I was wearing a condom. Thank fuck for that!

  I ripped the condom off to my discomfort and threw it on the bed where the girl squealed in disgust. I didn’t care about her feelings. I needed to call Lia. The night had taken a very bad turn, and it was nothing near what I’d wanted.

  Finding my phone under a discarded thong, I noticed a shit ton of missed calls from various numbers including Lia’s. There was also a text message from someone I didn’t know, but I opened it and saw a TMZ post.

  The pictures were almost too much. Girls were all over me. I was obviously drunk and clearly high on something. I remembered taking the Oxy, but after that I could have had something else. There were photos of girls snorting coke and in various sexual positions with some of the guys including me. My heart pounded as I viewed each photo until I reached a video.

  Reluctantly, I played it. A girl was on my lap with her dress hiked up while she rode me hard. The entire time I was throwing back a bottle of Jack. Guys were cheering while this girl fucked me. The camera then swung around to the heartbroken face of Lia. She stood dressed like a goddess in a one-shoulder black dress, her purse in hand as she’d arrived to take me to dinner for my birthday. I was too far gone to notice her standing there, shocked with tears falling down her face.

  “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” I couldn’t watch it anymore and turned it off.

  “Come back to bed, baby,” the girl I’d woken up cooed.

  I shook my pounding head and sank to my knees. How could I come back from that? There were a million voicemails, but I skipped through most of them. They all seemed to come from reporters who wanted the scoop on my apparent wild night. I stopped as I heard Lia’s voice. She was crying her eyes out.


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