Hooked On His Thuggish Ways 3

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Hooked On His Thuggish Ways 3 Page 4

by Prenisha Aja

  Today, I had got home from school, hopped in the shower and quickly got dressed. The only reason why I was here at the store now was because I needed gas and I wanted to buy some gum.

  Sighing, after looking out the window again and seeing that Whoodie was still out there, I grabbed me a pack of gum and went up to the register to pay for my gas.

  “Can I get ten on pump three please?” I asked him as I continued to watch Whoodie.

  “Yes, is that guy bothering you out there?” the tall, slender built guy asked me as he counted the money I had given him.

  “Just a ex nigga that I don’t want no parts of dealing with no more,” I replied, finally able to relax because Whoodie got in his car and drove off.

  “Well he lucky he left or I would have handled that for you,” the guy, whose name tag read Scott, smiled really big and said.

  “That’s nice of you. See you later,” I quickly replied.

  I then made my way out to the car, pumped the gas and zoomed away. I had only ten minutes before it was about to be five o’clock. I knew that it was going to take me about fifteen minutes, so I was putting the pedal to the metal. I wasn’t trying to be late on my first real date.

  “Move bitch,” I yelled at the car in front of me while pressing down on my horn.

  I needed whoever was in this little ass car to move the fuck out of my way. I had somewhere to be and a man to see.

  Finally, after being stuck in traffic, I was pulling into some nice ass restaurant. I looked around and couldn’t believe that a nigga like Bjay had set up a date at a place like this.

  Before getting out of the car, I pulled the sun-visor down and checked myself out. I fixed my hair a little bit, grabbed some clear lip gloss out of my purse then adjusted the string that was going up the front of my shirt.

  I had on a black shirt that had strings criss-crossing in the front, showing off just enough cleavage. I didn’t want to be too revealing. I wore a pair of white ripped jeans and some black sandals. I kept it really simple, but I felt like I was cute.

  Bitch, get out the car, I told myself while popping a piece of gum into my mouth.

  I grabbed my over-the-shoulder black purse and got out, making sure to lock my door behind me.

  I slowly walked up to the building, while texting Bjay to let him know that I was in the front waiting for him.

  The little cute lady that greeted me smiled and asked me if I was only sitting for one.

  “No, I’m—”

  “She with me.” Bjay walked his pigeon-toed self from around the corner smelling so good that I wanted to eat him. He had my mouth watering and he was looking better than ever.

  His braids were freshly braided into some type of zig zag pattern, going straight to the back, and he had on a pair of Jordan’s. He was fresh and we were damn near matching because he had on a pair of white jeans but instead of an all-black shirt, it was red and black.

  “Hey,” I shyly spoke.

  I didn’t know why I felt shy around him, but I did. Usually, I was way more open, but I also made bad decisions when I acted like that.

  “Hey…” He stopped us from walking and looked at me.

  “You better put a little excitement in your voice and sound like you happy to see daddy.” Bjay pulled me into him and pulled me in for a tight hug while grabbing on my ass.

  “Bjay.” I wiggled away from him because I felt like all eyes were on us.

  “Well then act like you happy to see me, and fuck these people.” He looked around then grabbed my hand and led me to where the table was.

  In the back of the restaurant was a really cute set up. There were rose petals on the table, and it was decorated with a shiny black table cloth.

  “Aww you must really be trying to get some pussy.” I looked out the corner of my eye.

  “Nah, baby. I don’t have to do this to get no pussy,” he boasted. “I’m a real ass nigga and maybe you deserve something more than a nigga always trying get some pussy from you,” he spoke, and his words sent chills down my spine.

  I had no words to say. I didn’t have a comeback for that. Now if he would have said he wanted to fuck me, I would have been asking him when or trying to say some smart shit, followed by a few curse words.

  But this man had me standing here speechless, had me wanting to actually fuck him because of the things he had just said to me.

  “Damn, that real ass shit got you tongue tied.” He chuckled while pulling my chair out so that I could sit down. “And I see you tried to match with daddy today.” He licked his lips while looking me up and down.

  Sitting down, I laughed a little before I finally said something. “Nah, this is nothing.” I downplayed the outfit I had on. “And your realness doesn’t have me tongue tied, just so you know.”

  “Yeah ok. Don’t lie to me. That’s how you’ll lose me.” He pulled his pants up before he sat down in the chair across from me.

  Bjay was very handsome and you couldn’t even guess he actually had manners by the way that he talked and carried himself. I mean, when we would text and talk on the phone, he had never disrespected me, and he made sure to always check to see if I was good. That was a lot more than I was getting these days from any dude.

  Melo’s ass had fallen from the face of the earth and Whoodie, yeah, I was no longer checking for his disrespectful ass.

  “Hello, my name is Becky and I will be your server today. Can I get you anything to drink?” she asked, and Bjay looked up and over at me, so that I could order first.

  Clearing my throat, I opened the menu to see what all they had to drink.

  “Yes, can I get a sweet tea?” I smiled.

  “And for you?” she looked over at Bjay and asked.

  “Just give me a Coke with light ice,” he replied, and she then walked off to get our drinks while we continued to look over the menu.

  Minutes had passed by, our food had arrived, the conversation was flowing, and laughter was in the air. I hadn’t felt this good in so long that I felt like it was all going to end soon. Like all of it was too good to be true.

  “So, you really only 19?” I looked at him with shock. I just knew he was way older because he carried himself as such.

  “Yeah, man. How old you think I was? You think I’m some cougar ass nigga, trying to end up in jail.” He laughed as he picked up a french fry off of his plate and took a bite out of it.

  “Nah, I don’t know. You’re just different.” I shrugged.

  “Nah, baby I’m just a real ass nigga.” He smirked.

  The rest of the dinner went well, and I was beaming with so much joy. The butterflies that were swarming around in my stomach had yet to subside and the smile on my face had yet to leave. I knew once I did rest my face that my jaws would be tired.

  “You ready?” he asked, scooting his chair back and rising to his feet.

  He threw some money on the table and walked over, stuck his hand out for me to grab it and smiled at me, showing off his bottom grill.

  “Yes, I’m ready,” I answered, placing the napkin that was in my lap on the table, before I got up.

  We walked out of the restaurant as if we had been together for years. I was laughing and blushing as he whispered into my ear. I was on cloud nine until I was met at the entrance door by my mother and my ex, Melo.

  Confused, I broke away from Bjay and went over to them. Melo looked like he had seen a fucking ghost and my mother wore this childish ass smile on her face.

  “Ummm…did I miss something here? Why are you two here together?” I asked.

  “Chile, stay in a child’s place. This is none of your business,” my mother answered, and my mouth damn near hit the floor by her choice of words.

  Looking from her to Melo, he tried to open his mouth, but nothing would come out. It was like his voice had just disappeared from his body and after trying to speak and no words followed, he hunched his shoulders and looked at the ground.

  “Oh wow.” I shook my head, wanting to be in deni

  I was putting two and two together, but I didn’t want to believe it.

  “This some fucked up shit here.” Bjay walked up on my mother and she looked up at him.

  “Come on Chyna, let that shit go. Karma is always a bitch,” he said to me, but that didn’t satisfy me. Karma didn’t move fast enough for me.

  Walking up on my mother, I looked her in her eyes because I just knew that there would be some type of remorse, sorrow, or regret somewhere deep in her soul, but there wasn’t. The only thing that I could see was darkness. She was just soulless which made me remember how much she didn’t really care for me. Jade was never a mother figure, and a lot of shit I had to learn on my own because she was always gone.

  “You are a piece of shit, you know that right?” I spat as Bjay tried to pull me away from her, but I jerked away from him.

  “Watch your mouth. Don’t talk to your mother like that,” she stood up and had the audacity to say.

  “Mother…” I chuckled.

  Before I knew it, I had reached back and slapped her dead in the face. The hostess that was in the front gasped and Bjay grabbed me up and was carrying me out of the restaurant. My mother was yelling out shit about how I had to get out her house, and I didn’t even care. I was cool with that because it was obvious I couldn’t trust my own mother and that she didn’t love me.

  “Put me down,” I screamed and kicked as Bjay carried me.

  I was so hurt and angry, that I just wanted to disappear. How could a mother do that to her child? I mean eww, that shit was so fucking gross and her ass should be in jail somewhere.

  “Calm the fuck down.” Bjay’s stern tone caused me to cool all the way down.

  He then placed me on my feet and leaned up against his car with his hands in his pockets. I didn’t even want to make eye contact because I was embarrassed.

  “Chyna,” he called my name and I ignored him

  I didn’t want to look up at him because I had tears in my eyes, I felt like shit and my heart was aching. Was this my karma? I wondered because I knew I had done some fucked up shit and I felt like this was my karma coming to bite me in the ass.

  “Chyna,” Bjay called my name again.

  He was now standing in front of me. He tilted my head up so that I could look at him, then he kissed me. Sticking his tongue into my mouth while one hand gripped the side of my face and the other one gripped my ass.

  I was hurt but this moment had me feeling like I was levitating off of the ground.

  “Say, it seems like you need a place to lay low at. Come chill with me at my crib,” he offered.

  I gave him the side-eye because I was pretty sure he knew exactly what I was thinking. I was serious when I said I didn’t want to move too fast but let’s be real, what usually happens when you were just supposed to be chillin’? You end up fucking, at least in my experience.

  “We won’t do nothing you don’t want to do.” He laughed as he threw his hands up in the air.

  The little smirk he had on his face, I couldn’t resist and plus, where else was I going to go? My mother obviously put me out for a boy because Melo damn sure wasn’t a man.

  “I guess…” I rolled my eyes playfully.

  Bjay then pulled me close and I couldn’t help but to burst out laughing as he playfully tickled me.

  “Don’t be rolling your eyes acting like you don’t want to spend more time with a nigga. I’m going to be the best thing that ever happened to you,” he boasted, but I seriously doubted that.

  “Yeah, whatever. I guess I’ll follow you so I don’t have to leave my car,” I told him, and he agreed.

  We kissed and then I walked off to my car. On my way to my car, both my mother and Melo were walking out of the restaurant. She was cursing him out and he was looking like a fucking pitiful dog. He knew he had fucked up. I could see it in his eyes and in the way he was hunched over as she fussed and cursed. When he looked in my direction, his eyes sat low and they were glossy, as if he wanted to cry. Deep down he knew he fucked up in a major way and there was no fixing it.

  Shaking my head at the two of them, I got in my car and followed behind Bjay. Even though I didn’t know what I was getting myself into, I was willing to step out and give whatever this was a try. Lord knows I needed a fresh start.



  “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” I screamed loudly as I banged my fist up against my head. I wished that I didn’t get caught like this. I had wanted to tell Chyna just because I felt like we were better than this. I had decided to meet up with Chyna’s mom just so that I could tell her what it was and what it was going to be. But low and behold, I ran into Chyna.

  “I don’t know why you acting like that, you see she has moved on,” her mother said as she walked behind me.

  I was in an uproar and I wanted nothing more than to ring her fucking neck but since Chyna had just found out, I had nothing being held over my head, which was perfect.

  “Leave me the fuck alone. Your daughter knows now so please back the fuck back. We are done,” I roared and she ran up and jumped in front of me.

  “Melo…” she began to plead and beg. “You know nobody will ever make you feel like I did or allow you to do the freaky shit to them like I did,” she expressed, and I shook my head because she was really thinking about her needs.

  Pussy was pussy, and her old ass pussy wasn’t going to keep a nigga. Shit, I was still young and had a lot of pussy to explore and plus, that white folks’ freaky shit she was on didn’t really excite me.

  “Move, I don’t care about that shit.” I shoved her out of the way and reached for my door handle.

  “I’m pregnant Melo. I’m pregnant,” she screamed.

  I paused and I couldn’t even turn around and look at her. All I saw was my life flashing before my very eyes. I felt my stomach drop out of my ass and the feeling as if I was about to vomit took over me. I couldn’t believe this was what my life was turning out to be.

  I was a nigga that wasn’t in the streets, passed all my classes, was a star player on the football team and basketball. I could have any bitch I want. I had scouts looking at me and here I was about to ruin it all. For one, me hitting that chick was still heavy on my mind and now I had a psychopath chasing behind me saying she was pregnant.

  I had officially fucked up my life and I knew once my mother found all of this out, she was going to be so pissed at me.

  Taking in a deep breath, I didn’t even acknowledge what Jade had said. Instead, I got in my car and started it. Even though she was standing outside of my door, yelling out absurd things, I ignored it and zoomed out of the parking. My brain was so clouded, and I needed something to ease my mind and allow me to forget the stress I was going through, even if it was only for a little while.

  As I drove home, of course my phone was ringing non-stop and instead of entertaining her foolishness, I put my phone on silent and turned my music up.

  While I drove home, I debated on if I wanted to hit up the weed man. It had been a minute since I smoked. I never really did the shit because of me being in sports but due to my circumstances, I needed to roll up a fat ass blunt, take a few shots to the head and just forget all the bullshit I was going through.

  Man fuck this shit, I thought. I picked my phone up from out of my lap and scrolled through my contacts. I called my nigga Blake to see if he could hook me up with the weed man’s number.

  “Aye yo Melo, what’s good bro?” he chimed into the phone.

  “Shit, too much. Can I get the weed man number?”

  “Wait what? You? The weed man?” He chuckled.

  “Yeah man,” I sighed. “Can you get that for me?”

  “I got you. You gotta be stressed the fuck out to need to smoke,” he added.

  Seconds later, he began to run off the number to the nigga who sold weed.

  Remembering the number by heart, I hung up the phone and dialed it. However, he didn’t answer my call, so I shot him a text.

xhaling, I waited impatiently as I made my way home. Feeling aggravated that the weed man still hadn’t hit me up yet, I got out of my car, slamming the door behind me and headed inside of the house.

  I was happy to see that my mother wasn’t here, and neither was the nigga she was fucking with. I still couldn’t believe out of all of the men in the world, that’s who she decided to fuck with. In all realness, she should have just taken my father back, especially if she was going to fuck with a cat like Ted. Out of all niggas in this town, she had chosen a murderer.

  I ran my hands down my face and went straight for my mother’s bar. Most of the time, she would sit around the house and drink wine, but I hoped that she had something stronger.

  Rummaging through the cabinet above the bar, I thought I was going to come up emptyhanded but just my luck, she had a full bottle of E&J. That was some old school shit that I knew my father and uncles liked to drink.

  I grabbed the bottle down and quickly twisted the top off. I took it straight to the head.

  “Shit.” I coughed, wiping my mouth. The shit was strong, and it was burning my chest, but I knew it would get the job done.

  I took another shot before I twisted the lid back on and headed up to my room. When I made it to my room, I sat the bottle of E&J down on the dresser and sat down on my bed.

  Releasing a deep breath, I tried to call the weed man again but still no answer.

  Fuck man. I sulked as I got up, snatched the bottle of liquor off of the dresser and threw the lid to the ground.

  I began to chug the drink down so fast, not giving a fuck about how much it burned.

  “Melo,” my mother’s soft voice awakened me as she lightly shoved me.

  “What?” I slurred as I tried to open my eyes, but quickly closed them after being blinded by the bright lights.

  I had ended up downing the whole bottle of liquor and even after taking a nap, I still felt fucked up.


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