Storm: A Paranormal Romance (Savage Brotherhood MC Book 8)

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Storm: A Paranormal Romance (Savage Brotherhood MC Book 8) Page 7

by Jasmine Wylder

  Once she was a vampire, she’d be under his sway. Like Guinevere. Like the rest of them. She wouldn’t be able to fight back.

  That was more terrifying than becoming a vampire. She lifted her head, white blinding her from the flames. An idea started to trickle into her mind… They weren’t consuming her yet, just inching ever closer. He planned to burn her, just not yet. If she could just roll into the flames, perhaps their heat would kill her before the transformation began…

  Daniel’s face floated into her mind. His kind eyes, his crooked smile, the way he laughed when she made a silly pun. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine the warmth of his embrace. If only she could see him one last time…

  But there was no time for dreams.

  No time for wishes.

  A tear rolled down her cheek and sizzled away.

  Gracie threw herself into the heart of the flames. Apep roared. Pain burst through her as the flames licked over her skin. And then the sound of howling.

  Chapter Eleven


  Apep roared with laughter. Daniel couldn’t see Gracie anymore, but the screams tore at his heart. He couldn’t sit still anymore. He threw back his head and howled the command to attack, then dashed forward. The first two vampires he encountered weren’t prepared; he ripped the arm off one and threw the other into a group of other vamps.

  To his left, Mia and Shadow dashed out of the trees, quickly bringing down and mauling the vampires in their way. Thunder and Josef quickly split the vamps, breaking them into more manageable groups while Tornado, Andy and Stewart began to tear them apart. Daniel’s gaze was solely on Apep. He reached through the flames to drag Gracie from them, and Daniel leapt into the air.

  His paws crashed into Apep’s chest. Gracie fell limply to the ground, still half in the fire. Daniel’s teeth clenched around Apep’s arm. He dug his claws into Apep’s chest and gave a mighty wrench. The vampire screamed in pain, but Daniel was already flinging the arm away. He whirled back, seizing Gracie’s arm in his mouth and pulled her from the fire. The dress she wore was soaked in blood, her skin marble-white, no sign of burning or damage from the fire. Her head lolled to one side. Daniel shifted back to human form and gathered her into his arms.

  “Gracie,” he whispered, then his head jerked up as he heard a snarl.

  Typhoon had broken through the barriers and was advancing; his muscles were tense as he stalked closer. “Idiot! You have a chance; don’t waste time!”

  Daniel gently lowered Gracie, then lunged for Apep, who caught him in his hand… the hand Daniel had torn off. Daniel yelped in surprise as Apep threw him over his shoulder. He grunted as he impacted the ground, rolling off the edge of the exposed rock. He leapt back to his feet, a growl in his throat. Apep moved his arm experimentally as Daniel glanced to the side, where he had tossed the severed limb; it was still there.

  A chill swept through him. Apep could regenerate himself.

  The vampire laughed, holding up a hand to stop Typhoon from leaping at Daniel. “I am immortal,” he crowed. “I am a god. Did you think you could kill me? Even Ra himself could not end me. What makes you think you, a pitiful little child, could?”

  “We’ll see about that.” Daniel lunged at Apep.

  Typhoon stood off to one side, rocking back and forth on his heels. Apep sidestepped Daniel, laughed, and gestured at Typhoon. He turned on his heel and dashed in to attack Roxy, only to be attacked himself by Josef and Stewart. Daniel turned more slowly, hating Apep’s smirk but knowing that if he just attacked it wouldn’t benefit him. He had to play this smart.

  “Done letting others do your dirty work, are you?” he growled, stepping to one side, studying Apep’s body language. His shoulders were relaxed, a superior smile on this face and a look in his eye that said he was going to enjoy this. “Decided that you don’t need to let others handle it for once?”

  “Do you think your little taunts will affect me?” Apep laughed. “Look at your lover, boy. I have claimed her. Soon she will be mine. She will be a vampire and my goddess. See how the flames didn’t scorch her? I was right… she is the one.”

  Daniel lunged again. His fist flew at Apep’s face, but Apep easily sidestepped. Then sidestepped again. And again. When he struck, Daniel didn’t even see his hand—but he felt it collide with his throat. He was tossed back, almost landing in the fire, next to Gracie’s still body. He coughed, choked, and tried to draw in a breath through his bruised throat.

  “What did you hope for, pup?” Apep taunted as he sidled forward. “Did you think you could rescue your Gracie and kill me? You should have known you were too weak for that.”

  Daniel’s heart pounded. He could hear his people letting out cries of pain now; the vampires were rebounding, and Typhoon… He closed his eyes briefly. Apep was clearly stronger than him—he couldn’t compete in brute strength.

  “Don’t worry about her, though. I won’t force her into my bed. No, when I have her, she’ll be begging me to fuck her.”

  There was only one thing to do. Daniel shifted back to his wolf form and barked out the commands to retreat. Then he seized Gracie, flung her to hang limply over his back, and dashed through the flames, away from Apep. Vampires turned, Apep let out a surprised shout, but the other shifters gathered around him and together they fled back into the forest.

  They had run for a good ten minutes before Typhoon caught up. He batted Frieda aside and dug his claws into Daniel’s flank.

  Daniel stumbled to one side, Gracie slipping off his back. Shadow went for her; Daniel growled out a warning at her even as he whirled and head-butted Typhoon. Stewart and Andy came after the former alpha at both sides. Shadow snarled, then grabbed Gracie by the arm and threw her over Mia’s back. The tiger let out a pained sound, causing Typhoon’s head to whip around. For the briefest second, there was stillness all around.

  Then Tornado dodged in and sank his teeth into Typhoon’s shoulder, Mia dashed off with Gracie on her back, and vampires dropped in from the sky. Daniel fought hard, trying desperately not to see their faces. Teeth sank into his body; the scent of his blood filled the air. Then Typhoon was at him again.

  Daniel clashed with the former Alpha, not holding back. Snarls and blood and fur flew. Typhoon fought as though he was possessed, ripping at Daniel’s face and shoulders. Thunder, Tornado, and Blizzard all came at them and tackled Typhoon to the ground. Daniel stopped fighting to reorient himself even as he turned and latched on to the nearest vampire. As soon as he had some breathing room he looked quickly around, desperately searching for Guinevere.

  He found her and Andy fighting, Andy trying to defend himself while Guinevere snarled and bit and scratched. Andy’s foot slipped. He went down, Guinevere falling after him. Daniel’s heart left his throat as his father howled in pain while his mother’s teeth sink into his neck. She tore back, blood pouring down her chin. At once, her hands closed around her mate's neck and began to choke the life from him. Daniel rushed forward but was blocked by half a dozen more vampires.

  “Get away,” she screamed even as Andy fought to break her hold. “Don't look!”

  He was too far away. Cold, hollow dread filled him. He tried desperately to get to them; he tore through vampires. He ripped them apart and tossed pieces behind in his wake. But Andy’s movements were slowing, becoming jerkier. He couldn't get there in time.

  And then Stewart was there. He leapt onto Guinevere's back, his teeth sinking into her shoulder as he yanked her back. She cried out in pain as she was torn away. Roxy darted in, grabbing her leg. Bone snapped as she wrenched her head one way then the other. Guinevere collapsed as Stewart and Roxy grabbed Andy's twitching body and dragged him away from the fight, disappearing into the trees.

  Typhoon rammed into his side. Daniel stumbled, rolled over and snapped his jaws over the alpha’s leg. He jerked, pulling Typhoon off balance. The majority of the vampires disappeared into the trees, with screeches heard between the foliage, to find Gracie. The other shifters broke free
from their battles; They chased after the vampires, leaving Daniel and Typhoon alone.

  The former alpha freed himself from Daniel’s jaws, stumbling away. Daniel took the opportunity to roll to his feet and dash blindly into the trees. Satisfaction swept through him, then he concentrated on maintaining the distance between himself and Typhoon; close enough to continue luring him alone, but just out of reach.

  He ran for some time, until his sides were heaving and slick with sweat. The sound of Typhoon crashing through the trees was growing more distant, so Daniel picked his spot and turned. Within seconds, the alpha charged through the brush. He attempted to skid to a stop when he saw Daniel had changed his tactics, but his bleeding leg caught on a log and he tumbled head over heels, landing with a painful crash.

  Daniel was on him in an instant, using his bulk to pin the bigger wolf to the forest floor. He closed his jaws around Typhoon’s throat and Typhoon froze. Daniel let out a growl.

  Beneath him, the huge wolf’s body shifted to human. Daniel hesitated only a second before he shifted as well; wasn’t this what he wanted, a chance to talk with Typhoon? He only prayed that they were far enough from Apep that his control was weakened.

  Typhoon glowered at him as Daniel continued to pin him down, this time putting a knife he’d strapped to his leg against Typhoon’s neck to keep him in place. Behind the glower, Typhoon almost seemed… pleased.

  “I think you know what this means,” Daniel snarled at him. “I am tired of you hunting us constantly. It’s time for it to end.”

  Was that relief in Typhoon’s eyes? “Good,” he growled out. “Because I’m tired of being a puppet. And you can’t take me prisoner.”

  Daniel tried to keep his face blank as he realized Typhoon expected him to kill him; it had been his intention to take him prisoner. Could he really kill the former alpha? Outside of his father and uncles, Typhoon had taught him more about life than anybody else… he was the only one who understood what it meant to be half shifter, half vampire!

  “I don’t like being told what to do,” he settled on. “And besides that, I don’t relish the thought of what Mia would do to me if I killed you.”

  Typhoon’s eyes widened, then narrowed. He hissed out a laugh. “You’re a fool, then. I am a danger, your enemy; if you can’t kill me, how do you expect to protect her?”

  Daniel stared down at him and lost his focus for a split second as his mind turned to Gracie; that split second was all Typhoon needed. He buckled his body, tossing Daniel off to the side. His fist hit Daniel’s wrist and the knife went flying. Typhoon snarled as he pounced on Daniel, pinning him down. His hands wrapped around Daniel’s throat as he started to squeeze.

  “We all have orders to kill you if we get the chance,” Typhoon snarled. “You’ve gotten closer to killing him than any of the others. If you had kept your focus, you could have killed him! We could all be free! And now I’m going to kill you and there is nothing either of us can do to stop it.”

  Daniel punched him in the kidneys, but it didn’t seem to have any effect. He grappled with the hands squeezing his neck. His breath choked off and he could feel his pulse thrumming against Typhoon’s fingers. Panic started to rise in him even as he tried to force it down. He wasn’t going to give up without a fight!

  His fingers raked down Typhoon’s arms, across his face, everywhere he could reach. Blood oozed from the wounds, but Typhoon didn’t seem to notice, his eyes hard and angry, his teeth bared in a snarl. Darkness started to swirl before Daniel’s eyes.

  Then Mia’s voice rang out. “Robbie!”

  Typhoon’s head jerked up. He began trembling as his grip loosed just enough for Daniel to gasp in a noisy breath.

  “Robbie,” Mia repeated, her voice softer. “Don’t…”

  “Mia,” Typhoon choked out, as though he was the one being strangled now. “You can’t… you have to go.”

  She moved forward, her hands outstretched. “Come home. Please. You can fight him. I know you’re stronger than this.”

  Typhoon snarled so violently that Mia flinched back. Daniel lay as still as he could, trying to regain his strength before he brought Typhoon’s attention back to him. After what seemed like forever, Mia started to inch forward again, her eyes pleading as tears ran down her face.

  “You’re stronger than him,” she whispered. “You can fight him.”

  “I can’t,” Typhoon choked out. “I can’t… You have to leave. He’s ordered me to kill you and I… I’m not strong enough.”

  “You are,” Mia whispered.

  Typhoon suddenly lunged. Daniel reached for his ankle, his nails digging into Typhoon’s skin; Typhoon shifted even as he went after her. One paw whacked her hard in the head, and then Typhoon was off. He howled as he dashed through the trees, where to, Daniel didn’t know. Daniel wanted to rush after him, but Mia was collapsed on the ground, her hand clutched to her face as she sobbed.

  Daniel hurried to her side and lifted her from the ground. He’s strong enough to run rather than fight, he thought desperately as he listened to Typhoon’s cries fade away. His thoughts turned to his mother and he flinched. Maybe there is hope after all…

  Chapter Twelve



  It was all around her, seeping into the air like something alive, wafting around her in a seductive dance. Her throat burned so hotly it felt like there was a fire inside of her, a fire that could only be sated by the sweet, warm taste of blood. She longed for it to run hot and thick down her throat… her desires made her feel sick to her stomach, but when Daniel bent over her, putting his neck close to her mouth, she couldn’t help but lunge, trying to sink her fangs into him.

  He yanked back just in time, as thick leather bands wrapped around her, pinning her in place. Mia rushed around shouting orders, but Gracie couldn’t understand what she was saying over the pulsing of her blood in her ears. A fresh wave of agony burst over her and she bent her back, fighting the restraints as she screamed. Daniel’s scent filled her nostrils as he smoothed her hair and whispered in her ear.

  His scent… the scent of his blood. She longed for a taste and stretched her neck, trying to reach him. Just one little bite, one little taste… that would ease the burning in her throat and might even numb the waves of pain that kept coming over her.

  “We need to give her blood.” Daniel’s voice broke through everything else. “She’s turning, if she doesn’t get blood—”

  “I know,” Mia snapped. “I need to take care of Twister first.”

  Turning. Gracie started to shake from her head to her toes as she realized what that meant. Apep had bitten her. She was becoming a vampire. Then she’d be under his control. He’d be able to do whatever he wanted with her. She’d be his unwilling goddess, the one standing next to him as he completed his plans to take over the world.

  “No,” she cried, her fighting renewed even though she couldn’t move an inch. Daniel’s face swam through the tears in her eyes. “No, don’t let me become a vampire. Please! I don’t want to be a vampire. Don’t let it happen, please. Don’t let me become a vampire. I don’t want to be his goddess!”

  “You won't be.” Daniel’s voice was soothing, even for the tinge of fear in it. “I promise. I won’t let that happen. Just hold in there, Gracie. I’ll look after you. I promise.”

  “Don’t let me become a vampire,” she begged again, hoping he’d understand what she meant—if necessary, she’d rather die.

  Something touched her lips. It was hot and wet. The scent of blood increased, and her eyes widened even as she latched onto whatever it was. The tang hitting her tongue was blissful; she moaned in rapture as she sucked in that sweet, sweet liquid. The burning in her throat cooled, and the next ripple of pain to wash over her body wasn’t as intense, and a triumphant smile spread over her face. She’d been right—

  Then the realization that she was drinking blood hit her and she recoiled with a cry of disgust. Daniel was still bent over her. Blood rushed dow
n an open wound in his wrist and she realized that she had been drinking directly from him.

  “Daniel,” she started, her tone pleading.

  He kissed her forehead and smoothed her hair from her face. “It’s going to be okay. I promise. Shifter blood makes a vampire turn more human, it might be able to stop your transformation altogether.”

  She moaned, hoping he was right but not daring to ask what if he was wrong. A savage snarl beside her made her jerk and cry out, her body responding automatically to the threat. Her head twisted around, and she saw Twister. He was strapped down like she was, his muscles bulging as he tried to rip himself free. They were in a darkened room; Gracie didn’t know how they had gotten here, she had been too out of it to pay attention to her surroundings.

  Twister let out a stream of strangled curses. Foam bubbled at his lips and his nails were claws. Mia bustled around him, stringing IVs to him and then, with Roxy and Cyclone holding his head, she shoved a long tube down his nose. He coughed, gasped, and snarled out something Gracie couldn’t understand.

  “This is the last of our vampire blood,” Mia said as she hooked a dark red bag up to flow through the tube in Twister’s nose. “I only hope it’s enough.”

  Why were they giving him vampire blood? Gracie opened her mouth to ask, but even as she did so, Mia turned to her. The tiger shifter’s eyes were cold as she grabbed a second tube and motioned for Daniel to hold Gracie’s head still. She yelped in protest, but Mia eased the tube down her nose. It rubbed her burning throat raw and she cried out.

  “We have to get lots of shifter blood into you,” Daniel explained as Mia hooked up another blood bag, this one much brighter in color, to run down into Gracie’s stomach. Daniel kissed her forehead again. “Try to stay still, love.”

  Love? With everything else going on, Gracie almost missed it. She gaped at him, a feeling that she had no name for starting to bubble up through her chest. It was warm but not the burning sensation that had accompanied the hunger in her throat. She tried to lift a hand, not to lash out like before but to touch Daniel’s face. She didn’t dare speak, though. Not with the tube in her throat.


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