Blades of Glory (Nashville Assassins: Next Generation Book 4)

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Blades of Glory (Nashville Assassins: Next Generation Book 4) Page 3

by Toni Aleo

  I know Fallon is suffering a bit. She loves her boys, total tit-babies, but for me, it’s the cool part of life. I lost the first six years of Aiden’s childhood, and I tried to make up for that over the years. But now that I’m with him through his adult years, I get to encourage him to be a good husband. And one day, maybe even a father, which is mind-blowing.

  I honestly never saw Shelli and Aiden coming together, even with how much Shelli adored him as a kid. But now, I don’t see him with anyone else but her. They’re perfect together, and having an alumni game to celebrate their love for each other is absolutely perfect. It’s completely them, and for me, it’s an honor to play in this game. Even if walking won’t be happening tomorrow. Now, if we can kick their asses, it will be worth it.

  We’ve somehow tied with the kids, and I’m pretty impressed with the grit our boys are showing. Then again, these are guys from the team that won a Cup after being in last place for most of the season. We came back after the All-Star break and brought home a Cup that took everything out of us to get. One of my favorite Cup runs, along with the one from my last season. I’ve played a lot of really great games. I had one hell of a career, but there is something about playing with my brothers, against my son and his buddies, that is just really freaking cool. It’s a memory Shea and I’ll have for a very long time. A damn good memory.

  “I can’t believe we’re here for the kids getting married. I can still see Shelli, little, with a way-too-big guitar, and Aiden in the backyard with a stick, shooting the way he is today. No cares about the other one, just doing their own thing,” Karson says then, and I nod. “Now, I’ve seen him make eyes at her more times than I’ve even glanced at Lacey.”

  “True story.” I scoff. “Maybe we’re not working hard enough?”

  “No, we are. I can’t feel my toes or even my cock at this point,” Erik says. “I thought I’d trained enough for this.”

  “We didn’t,” I decide for everyone, and we all chuckle at that. We all want to have the bodies we did at the other team’s age, but the kids aren’t the only thing getting older. So are we. “I don’t think there is enough training for this, not when I’ve sat on my ass for the last year, playing Final Fantasy.”

  Benji nods in agreement as I lean on the boards, watching as Tate fights off pucks. Behind him, Phillipe’s stance matches mine. He’s in awe of his father, who is working his ass off as if he were just in goal for the last Cup run. It’s been a long time, full of a whole lot of PT and surgeries, but even I’m impressed by my brother who stands tall between the pipes. Phillipe is killing me, though. He mimes blocking the shots in unison with his dad. He’s playing for the Junior Assassins as their goalie and Tate is his coach, so I’m sure watching his dad play is like Christmas for the kid. He’s real quiet, the way that Tate was when I first met him, and like his dad, his talent is incredible. Hell if I’m not excited to see where that boy goes.

  I look over at where Karson’s wife, Lacey, is sitting with Fallon and her sister-in-law, Kacey. All their kids are watching the game, excited to see their daddies play. I love watching kids adore their dads on the ice, but my gaze is locked on Lacey. Her cancer has come back. But even with the pink headwrap she wears, she’s still gorgeous as ever.

  “How’s Lacey?”

  Karson inhales deeply. “Her platelets were down and I asked her not to come, but she doesn’t listen to me.”

  I lean my shoulder into his. “She’s good. She’s a fighter.”

  He swallows hard, and I know he’s terrified. “That she is. It’s just so unfair. Nicole is not even one.”

  I look back up to where their youngest sits in Lacey’s lap. She’s sleeping soundly against her mom’s chest—how, in all this chaos, I don’t know, but kids are awesome like that. I tap my stick to his, and he meets my gaze. “No matter what, you’ve got this whole family behind you.”

  Everyone nods in agreement, and I can see the emotion in Karson’s eyes. He taps the boards with his stick. “Let’s go, boys.”

  With that, Vaughan goes over the boards, and I follow behind him, almost dropping my stick like a newbie. I dig in, skating back to get ready as the boys come toward us. That Wes kid is fast as hell and has a crazy-good backhander, but I square up with him. I move my stick to the left when he tries to pass it, but this shithead pops the puck over my stick, skates around me, and goes five-hole on Tate.

  I let my head fall back as he skates back toward me.

  “I’ve been waiting to do that to someone. Now that I know I can, I’m so doing that when the season starts back up.”

  “So glad I could help,” I say dryly as he just grins like a kid. Little shit.

  We line up for the puck once more, and I glance at the clock. Four minutes until this is over. I really didn’t think I’d want this game to end, but I do. I really want to take these skates off and find the nearest ice tub. I want to eat some mac and cheese and cuddle with my woman. I look over at Erik, who I think is feeling the same way I am. The thing is, we aren’t quitters. I lean over, waiting for the puck to drop, and when it does, I win it back and send it to Shea. He skates it up as we wait for him to dump it into the zone. I chase after it with Aiden on my heels. I know he is going to hit me, so I move to the left, leaving him to crash into the boards. He falls to the ice, but of course, he gets right back up once I bring the puck into possession. I feel him right there; I know he’s going to try to lift my stick and steal it. I can see it on Boon’s face; he’s grinning from ear-to-ear, ready to watch his buddy take down his dad.

  Not today, Satan.

  I send the puck to Shea, who has set himself up for the one timer.

  When it hits the back of the net and the light flashes, I throw up my arms as I look back at my son, who is now very annoyed. I grin as I call over to Shea, “I feel we’ll need to borrow the plane and go on a ‘We kicked Aiden’s ass-moon.’”

  Everyone laughs loudly as we head back to the bench, but our laughter is very short-lived, because when the puck drops, Aiden takes it straight to the goal, annihilating his uncle with a wicked lacrosse-style shot. He actually picked up the puck, since no one could catch him, and shot it from the back of his blade. I know he’s been working on that shot, and if he hadn’t scored on us, I’d be proud. I’m not though; I’m salty as fuck.

  Truth be told, I should have known it would go down like this. Once Aiden scores, Boon shoots from the blue line, getting an awesome tip in by Wes. Those three are irritating as hell with how good of a line they are. There was talk of moving Wes next season, which would suck, but I really don’t think Elli can with how well they play together. They’re dynamite. As the time dwindles down, the excitement on the other bench heightens. We were all fighting for bragging rights, and while I thought we had this, we didn’t. Too many years have gone by with us sitting on our asses instead of training like they do.

  When the buzzer sounds, I look over at my son as he looks back at me. His lips turn up into a heartfelt smile, and he mouths, “I love you, Dad.”

  Yeah, we lost. My pride was kicked to shit by a bunch of kids. But in reality, I always win when it comes to my son.

  Chapter Five



  I lean on the table as Posey cocks her hip into it beside me in the lounge below the ice. Mom had this awesome space built after our Cup run last year. Fans can pay extra to have dinner here and to drink for free as they watch the game. It’s pricey but worth it. Also, it’s a bomb-ass area for everyone to gather. We have a meal catered in here today for everyone, but I’m ignoring the food and drinks to be included in the discussion of Posey’s nursery. I’m hoping I can find out what gender the baby is before my mom.

  “Yeah, I can paint any mural. Just let me know,” Piper says as she pats Posey’s hand. “I would love to.”

  “Are you sure? I know you quit doing them eons ago.”

  “For everyone else. For you, I will do it. Just give me an idea of what you want.”

sp; Posey beams. “Thank you. I’ll text you.”

  They embrace as I ask, “We don’t want to discuss what the mural will be of? Hockey or butterflies?”

  Posey rolls her eyes as she pushes me playfully. “Not telling.”

  Piper holds up her palms once I throw my gaze to her. “I know nothing.”

  I glare. “Okay, Jon Snow.”

  She laughs at my joke about Game of Thrones. I remember going to parties at her house for the show. I was too young to watch it at first, but even when I was able to watch, I didn’t want to. I was too busy hanging with everyone and staring at Aiden as he did his homework.

  A grin pulls at my lips as I walk through the crowd of people who have been in my life since I was born. All these women have played such a huge part in my life. I love Fallon like a second mom. I was in Reese’s dance classes. I helped Piper do the mural in Quinn’s room. Audrey has made everyone single one of my cakes, and I’ve made myself sick on her cupcakes just because. I babysat their kids for Lucy, Kacey, and Brie, time after time. When Brie would be on the air for the Assassins, her kids were usually with me. I spent summers helping Lacey ship her lingerie to cancer patients.

  Speaking of Lacey, I wrap my arms around her waist, and she twists to wrap her arms around me. She kisses my temple, and my heart aches. Her cancer has come back. I squeeze her tightly, and she laughs. “I will not accept that you are getting married. I’m still struggling with Posey being married with a baby coming.”

  I grin over at her as Nicole tries to grab the strings on my dress. “Soon, it’ll be Nicole.”

  She gives me a wide-eyed look. “Don’t you even. I’m not ready for any of it!”

  She holds me as she goes back to talking to Fallon and Mom about a new line she is coming out with. She wants to do another Assassins wives’ shoot, and a thought springs to mind. “You should open it up to all the NHL.”

  She looks back at me. “Really?”

  “Yeah. We know Nico Merryweather from the IceCats—his wife, Aviva, is a breast cancer survivor who had a double mastectomy. I think opening it up to the whole NHL family would be good for unity. Bringing all these amazing women together would be awesome. In all honesty, I wouldn’t want to buy a product being modeled by women who aren’t fighting what I am, you know?”

  She nods slowly, and Fallon beams at me. “I think it’s a great idea, Shell.”

  Lacey kisses my temple. “You blow us all away, Shelli Grace.”

  Just then, the doors open and the guys start to spill in. “Ooh, let me go find my man.”

  They all laugh as Kacey says, “Aw, to be young and almost married. Now, I let Jordie find me.”

  I grin as Jordie comes up behind her, picking her up off the ground and kissing her jaw from behind. Kacey giggles loudly as she gushes over his play, and my heart soars. Such wonderful examples of love surround me as I walk to find the man of my dreams. I love how supportive the wives are, telling the guys how great they did and loving on them. Yeah, they’ve all had issues and even some heartbreak, but the number one thing that everyone refuses to do is give up on each other. Sometimes, that stubbornness is the key to a successful marriage.

  And communication, from what my mom tells me.

  When I see Aiden, his lips curve as he comes right for me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pressing his mouth to mine. I revel in his kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck as he squeezes me to him. We part slightly, and he says, “If I can’t have children, it’s my dad’s fault.”

  I grimace. “He cup checked you like nine times.”

  He nods. “And I felt it every time.”

  “Ack.” I grimace, and he laughs. He kisses my nose and then my lips before hugging me once more, tighter. I kiss his jaw. I’m in complete shock that, in a month’s time, I’ll be Mrs. Shelli Adler-Brooks. I’ll be his wife, and our lives as one will start. How could anything get better than that?

  Our lips meet once more just as the clinking of glasses starts, and I hear my mom yell, “A toast from our host and hostess!”

  We part with grins and break apart as Owen comes toward us with two glasses of wine. I sniff it, eyeing him. “Is this the good stuff?”

  Fallon scoffs. “No, since the owner won’t sign the contract to sell my stuff down here.”

  Mom laughs. “Lower your price, and I will.”

  “It’s the same as upstairs.”

  “Yeah, and we drink for free down here.”

  Everyone laughs as Mom and Fallon share grins, and I shake my head. Those two. I look at Aiden to find he is watching me. I furrow my brow, but before I can ask why he is staring at me, he says, “You’re beautiful.”

  My face breaks into a grin and I kiss his chin, but then Owen calls out, “Okay, stop making out and toast us before Mom notices the beer in my hand.”

  “Owen Michael!”

  Before I can say it, Evan asks, “Man, why are you dumb?”

  Again, the laughter is in abundance as my mom takes the beer from my brother and gives it to my dad, who is now double-fisting. He just grins as he holds out both beers to us, and I smile widely. I love him so much. I look back at Aiden, and he urges me on. “Go on. You have more to say.”

  I beam at him since I know what he is referring to as I step out of his arms. “Wasn’t that a blast!” Everyone agrees with hoots and cheers. I grin at the crowd that is my family; they aren’t all by blood, but they are family by heart. “I am so thankful for all of you. This was a dream come true for Aiden—he’s always wanted to play against his favorite players, which is all of you. Watching it from my point of view was probably just as great as it was for him.” Aiden cups the back of my neck, and I look up at him. “When we planned this, at first, it was only for us. We wanted to celebrate our love of hockey and each other, but then it turned into something more.”

  I pull my gaze from his and look out into the crowd just as one of my assistants comes to me with a huge white cardboard check. “I’m sure everyone noticed that the second and third tiers were full of fans who bought tickets to come. We raised over $80,000 today between ticket sales and puck sales,” I say, taking the check. “As we all know, one of our own is fighting an opponent she’s already beaten once before. Lacey King owns an amazing lingerie business that sells intimates to breast cancer survivors to help them realize that, no matter what, they are sexy too. I am proud of Lacey and the business she owns, and we want to donate all the proceeds from tonight’s game to the Lacey’s Lace Foundation to give fighters and survivors confidence.”

  I look to Lacey as she covers her mouth with her hand. “No way.”

  “Yes way,” I say as I come toward her, handing her the check. “It’s fake, but it’s good for pictures.”

  When the tears start to fall down her face, we embrace. “You don’t know how much this will help so many women.”

  I kiss her cheek. “In case you need the reminder, we are all behind you, we are all proud of you, and we are ready to help in this fight with you.”

  Her watery eyes meet mine, and we share a smile. I hand her the check, and we take a picture before I walk back over to Aiden, my own eyes swimming in tears. I take my wine back from him as I look out at everyone again as his arms pull me close to his body. “Aiden and I have grown up under the guidance and the example all of you have shown us. They say it takes a village to raise a child, and I’m sure Aiden agrees with me when I say the Assassins’ village is the best village ever.”

  Aiden kisses my temple before he nods. “The best.”

  “We are thankful for each of you and thank you so much for coming. It means the world to us that you want to celebrate our love by hitting each other and trying to score on one another.”

  Everyone laughs as Lucas calls out, “We were some real Blades of Glory out there.”

  Dad laughs. “I’m sure we would have done better as ice skaters than hockey players.”

  Mom smacks him playfully. “I think you all looked great out there.”

“You did,” Aiden says. “Gave us a run for our money, for sure. I am overwhelmed by all the emotions I had from when I was a kid watching you guys play and knowing I got to play against you. This was one of the best days of my life, but in no time, I’ll be marrying this gorgeous woman in my arms.”

  I look up at him, tipping up my lips as I gaze into his gray eyes. “I love you, Shelli. So much. And I can’t thank you enough for this moment. It was a great day.”

  “It was,” I agree, cuddling into him. “I love you more, Aiden.”

  He grins, his gray eyes full of such love and appreciation. “I was going to sing for you, but my balls hurt.”

  I hold back my grin. “Well, after this, I can take you home and nurse them.”

  His eyes dance with mischief. “I love the sound of that. And to think, in a month, I’ll have you locked in forever.”

  My heart soars. “Aiden James Brooks, you’ve had me locked in since I was eleven.”

  Gorgeous devotion fills his features. “Sorry I was late to the game.”

  I shrug. “It doesn’t matter when you show up—it matters how you play it.”

  He nods. “Well, I play to win, Shelli Adler.”

  “Good, because I’m in it for the W.”

  He kisses me then, a deep kiss that I feel all over. When we part, I look out into the crowd, all the couples of my childhood, hugged up and gazing at us with so much love. My heart about blows up in my chest. How I was lucky enough to grow up watching these amazing people love each other, fight for each other, and work together as a unit to give not only me a good life, but all of us Assassins’ kids, is awe-inspiring. I want to be just like them. I want to make a difference in my community. I want to love my friends and take care of them. I want to love my husband more than he can handle, and when it’s time for kids, I want to make those children proud of who their mother is.

  And if there is one thing to know about me, it’s that I always work for what I want.

  And I get it. Just ask Aiden.


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