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The Caelian Cycle Boxed Set

Page 46

by Donnielle Tyner

  “I have to admit, you are one strange person, and it’s a little unnerving, but I don’t think you’re here to kill me, and I appreciate you coming out here to look into my heart—or whatever it is you do.”

  A booming laugh burst out of Jedidiah, his shoulders shaking, and for a moment I worried he would tumble over onto the floor and smack his head since his arms were busy clutching his stomach. “You are breathtakingly honest. I am glad to know you, Sadie.”

  “I try to be?” His weird reaction sent my mind spinning.

  “A good quality to have, my friend.” Jedidiah groaned as he stood up, throwing a shadow over Luca and me. My eyes widened before I schooled my features to a casual neutral. It was easy to forget his massive height while he sat on the ground.

  Jedidiah winked at me as if he knew what I was thinking. He probably did.

  “What are we going to do?” I asked, eager to move on from the bizarreness of Jedidiah and focus on the mystery of my Talent.

  “I have spoken with your aunt about our future meetings. Starting tomorrow, we will meet in the ballroom. Your lessons will be different from now on. Both you and your guardian Mrs. LaMotte were right. You must train with others.”

  “Good. Who will I fight?”

  “Fight? My friend, you will not be fighting during my lessons. Save that for your friend here.” Jedidiah motioned to Luca who followed a step behind me, unaware that we were speaking about him. He stared at the floor as if he had a million questions and the marble held the answers. “No, you will train with many others.”

  “How will I learn if I don’t fight?”

  Jedidiah stopped at the atrium’s exit and turned to me. A profound sadness pooled in his eyes, making me feel ashamed and guilty at the same time.

  “Tell me. If fighting never gave you answers before, why continue doing an activity that has proven to be unsuccessful?”

  “Because my Talent is made for fighting.”

  Jedidiah leaned forward, his face bright with delight. “And why would anyone think that?” He tapped the side of my nose before turning away. “Just because something could be dangerous does not imply it is meant to be.”

  Luca was still lost in thought, oblivious to the knowledge Jedidiah had dropped in my lap. His words swept away everything I knew regarding myself and my Talent. My body felt airy, as some nameless weight lifted off my shoulders. I grabbed Luca’s arm and yanked him behind me as I turned back into the atrium. A knowing deep within my belly grew until it consumed me—something inside of me was going to change.

  And I was ready for it.

  Chapter 14

  After our meeting with Jedidiah, Luca and I went our separate ways, him lost in his thoughts and me vibrating with excitement which lasted throughout the night. I tossed and turned for hours trying to turn off my brain, but to no avail.

  When the pink and orange streaks of light painted the early morning sky, I gave up and rolled out of bed. I stretched out my stiff muscles with a moaning squeal of delight. Even though I had had zero sleep, the only tired part of me were my eyelids, which felt heavy from the lack of rest.

  There wasn’t much to do so early in the morning, so I decided a soak in the claw foot tub I had been eyeing with interest since arriving would be the perfect way to waste time. As I sank into the water, my thoughts, which had been scattered the night before, focused with a great intensity.

  Sometime that day, Lacy would arrive. The thought soothed a deep ache in my heart. I missed my friends; having Luca with me helped, but he was no replacement for the rest. Since arriving at the Moreau estate, I had grown. Not just because my emotional and mental wounds were healing, but I had learned to love myself without the supporting comfort of my friends around me. Loving myself had reinforced all the love and strength they instilled in me, making me feel stronger, powerful.

  With those feelings came a deep introspection. My priorities had been out of order. Instead of looking outward, I’d been selfish, only worrying about my own issues. My problems were great—that could not be denied. I had a new, proven dangerous, but according to Jedidiah not meant to be, Talent. A slew of evil people who wanted to exploit it, but they were only a symptom of the bigger issue. Our country was falling into chaos, and if we couldn’t heal the deep-seated hatred and mistrust, we would find ourselves in another civil war.

  I worried that a civil war between the norms and Caelians would tear our country apart.

  And I’m sure Miles is using this chaos to his advantage.

  A few times at night, I’d found myself wondering about my grandfather. What was his endgame? I wasn’t vain enough to believe he’d done so much evil just to get me in his clutches. He would have to know I wouldn’t blindly obey him. He didn’t want me because he had some misguided love for my father or me.

  No, there had to be a master plan, something beyond wanting me at his side. What? I hadn’t a clue. Whatever it was, he had been working on it for years. Why else would he experiment on children like Luca’s brother?

  And what had he been up to? He’d been somewhat passive as of late. Since the Koenigs and the Order had become allies, announcing their joint belief of Caelian supremacy, there hadn’t been any reports on him. Although it hadn’t been confirmed, I believed he ordered the release of those videos of me. With violence between norms and Caelians having reached an all-time high, it seemed like a prime opportunity for him to enact his wicked plan.

  Knock. Knock. The blazing glow of Francis’ Talent coupled with her fists banging against my bathroom door pulled me out of my worrying thoughts. I tucked them away to dissect further when I wasn’t wrinkly and naked.

  “Sadie, are you in there?”

  “Yes, Francis.”

  “There’s been a change in schedule. Come straight to the ballroom.”

  I didn’t move. My body was frozen by shock. Why the sudden adjustment in plans? Francis hated being off schedule. What had happened to initiate the change?

  “I don’t hear movement,” Francis’ voice rose in volume as she knocked on the door again.

  “Okay, I’m getting out.” Stepping out of the tub, I wrapped a plush purple robe around my dripping body and stepped out of the bathroom. Francis gathered up my clothes for the day, mumbling to herself. Worry pinched her face, and my internal alarm blared.

  “What’s going on?” I demanded. Francis stopped fussing over which top I should wear and sighed.

  “I’m not completely sure, but everyone is in the ballroom waiting on you.” She tsked at the circle of wet carpet under my feet. “Dry off. Get dressed and I’ll braid your hair. There’s no time to dry it.”

  Without complaint, I did exactly as she said. Scenario after scenario flashed through my mind as Francis plaited my hair. None of them were pleasant and with each thought, I spiraled deeper into a dark pit of anxiety. Francis’ neurotic behavior fed my worry. My vision began to narrow as I struggled to fill my lungs.

  I reached out toward my bedroom door. Hope was nearby. I saw Dr. Sokoloff’s swirling Talent signature before his Talent wrapped around me like a warm blanket from across the room. “Now, now. There will be none of that today, Sadie.”

  A deep calm pulled me out of the darkness and I felt my breaths become level and deep. “Thank you,” I whispered as his warm hand slipped into mine. “How did you know?”

  “I had a feeling my presence would be best served here with you instead of waiting in the ballroom. Schedules and routines are like a splint for the broken mind. When they are removed, one may realize they aren’t as healed as they previously thought.”

  I smiled at him as he withdrew his Talent. Feeling much better, I stood and straightened out my shirt with my free hand. Dr. Sokoloff wrapped the hand he held around his elbow and turned toward the door. “Shall we?”

  “Do you know what is happening?” I asked as we descended the stairs.

  “I’ve heard a few whispers in passing.” He pulled at his pale pink bowtie with his free hand. “Most of it was
n’t pleasant, but I don’t want to speculate. We will know soon enough.”

  “Wait up!” Luca yelled as he thundered down the stairs. Dr. Sokoloff and I paused as we waited for Luca to catch up.

  “I thought everyone was already in the ballroom,” I mused aloud.

  Luca stopped right in front of me, his meticulously styled hair still perfect and not a bead of sweat on his brow. “You know, I am supposed to be your pseudo-guardian. I waited in my room for you because I knew you wouldn’t be ready and figured you didn’t want me waiting around outside your door. Since we’ve been doing this for weeks, I assumed you’d come by and get me. Guess I was wrong.”

  “I’m sorry, Luca.”

  Luca wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me awkwardly against his side while my opposite arm was still trapped in Dr. Sokoloff’s arm. “I forgive you. Obviously, you were having issues.” He wagged his eyebrows and cut his eyes toward the doctor.

  “Would you like to walk with us, Luca?” Dr. Sokoloff swept his arm in the direction of the ballroom.

  “Sure.” Luca shrugged as he unwrapped his arm from around my shoulder. I straightened and gave both men a smile. I felt much better surrounded by people I trusted.

  We walked the rest of the way in comfortable silence.

  Securing the entrance to the ballroom stood Marianne’s guards along with a few I hadn’t seen around the estate before. The doubled security pushed me a little closer to the edge, and I felt myself begin to shake.

  Dr. Sokoloff patted my arm and I snapped back into focus. I have to do this. If I’m to get better, I need to quit letting the little things get to me. I took a deep breath and released it through my nose, imagining the anxiety built up in my chest pushing out with the air.

  “Good, good. I can feel you taking back control. That’s it.” The doctor’s voice encouraged me as we stepped through the door. “Keep that up and you will no longer need my help.”

  “I can’t imagine ever not needing you. Both of you.” My free hand grasped Luca’s elbow as I looked around the room. A small group of chairs had been lined up in front of a podium. Behind the podium sat Marianne, Jedidiah, and the stoic representative for the Solas family—Mrs. Reynolds. I smiled to myself as everything Marianne had been teaching me about Caelian politics rushed forward. It looked like a routine meeting. Why such the rush and secrecy?

  My spine stiffened as an ominous feeling overtook me. Fear gripped me, chilling me to my core. I couldn’t breathe, much less speak to let Luca or the doctor know what was happening. Tears prickled at my eyes as I felt utter despair roll over me in waves. The weight of emotion overwhelmed me and I closed my eyes, struggling to get ahold of myself. This was unlike anything I had ever felt before. This is unnatural.

  I opened my eyes at the thought, but the ballroom had disappeared and I saw only the barren, blindingly white cell where the HPC held me. Dean Kerrington stood across from me, his face twisted into a wicked smile as he slithered toward me. His human eyes glowed an unnatural red. My heart felt like it was going to explode out of my chest as I struggled to move. Nothing held me, but I was frozen—completely entrapped under his evil gaze.

  What the hell is going on?

  Chapter 15

  “Lily!” Dr. Sokoloff’s voice rang through the room. Am I hallucinating?

  “You must internalize your Talent before you give Sadie a heart attack!!” Jedidiah’s voice boomed across the room followed by a few gasps and one loud unintelligible protest that sounded familiar.

  “Sorry,” a soft voice answered. “Sadie, I didn’t mean to. Hold on.” My body was frozen. All I could do was stare at Dean Kerrington’s face, twisted into an evil grin, while hearing voices that didn’t belong in that HPC cell. I heard the soft, feminine voice whisper hold on over and over. I waited, but nothing happened. Then suddenly, the air was thick, as if I were encased in a cocoon. I felt a tug and the thick, almost slimy substance surrounding me melted away– taking the despair and fear with it. Soon after, my vision cleared and I saw the ballroom again. This time I was surrounded by a group of concerned Caelians.

  Right in front of me, a short, curvy girl about my age bit her lip. Waves of cherry red hid half of her round face. Her wide eyes, the same bright red as her hair, locked with mine. I felt her nerves from where I stood. She cut her gaze to my aunt, who stood to my left, clutching her pearls with one hand and the other covering her mouth.

  “I’m sorry, Mrs. Moreau. I forgot she wasn’t prepared for me. I won’t let it happen again.” The girl, who I assumed was Lily, stammered.

  “Lily,” Marianne sighed, as she gathered herself, adjusting her blouse with jerky nervous motions. “I know.”

  “What was that?” I demanded, as a chorus of “SADIE!” screamed from my right. My secondary brightened and I saw four familiar flares squeezing through the crowd. Reluctantly I shifted my gaze away from Lily to greet my friends.

  Madison pushed through first, followed by Lacy and Kian, with Rebecca in the rear. I flicked my gaze back to Lily. “Don’t go anywhere,” I said with as much authority as I could muster.

  “No, I’m not going anywhere.” She shook her head and took a step back.

  “Sadie!” Madison’s arms wrapped around me, followed by Lacy and then Rebecca. I was surrounded on all sides by people I loved, and their presence removed the sting of whatever Lily had done.

  “I missed y’all too, but you’ve got to tone down your Talents. I’m having a hard time being able to see,” I whispered.

  “Oh sorry,” Rebecca whispered conspiratorially. “Are you okay? Luca said you were having a hard time with your secondary.”

  “Yeah, but hopefully that will change soon.”

  “The guru came?” Madison asked, as she ran her fingers through her neon orange hair.

  “He arrived yesterday.” I bounced on the balls of my feet, excitement verging on overwhelming pulsed in my veins.

  Madison looked at me, her eyes pinched with concern. “How are you doing?” As their Talents dimmed in my mind, I studied Madison. When I‘d left, she was a shell of the person she was before John died, but it seemed time did heal, if only a little. She was still too thin for my liking, but her bright green eyes weren’t dull with grief. They didn’t sparkle like they used to, but at least I saw life inside them.

  I nodded in response, a little confused by everyone’s needless concern. They were all up to date with my therapy results. Confused, I turned to Rebecca who had abandoned my side, scanning the crowd. “Looking for someone?” I asked with a smile.

  “No, no. I’m here for you 100 per—” She stopped and then her face lifted into a radiant grin. She took off across the room, her gait a little off from her prosthetic, but she was still as swift as before. Right before colliding with Luca, she jumped and he caught her with ease. They spun around before their lips crashed into each other as if the other held the air they needed to survive.

  “Awww,” Lacy mused. I turned to talk to her, but paused. Something was off about Lacy. I couldn’t place it, though. She looked the same as the last time I’d seen her at the council meeting. “You all right, Sadie?” she asked with a grin.

  I shook my head and swept her into another hug. “Yeah. I’m fine.”

  “What happened? We see you walk in and the next then we know you’re surrounded. Madison said you went stiff and then you turned pale as if you were going to pass out. Did you?” Lacy asked as she scanned my face for any external clues.

  “No, I didn’t pass out, but something weird did happen.” I skimmed the crowd, which had broken up and begun to scatter across the ballroom. I found Lily talking to Kian. Both of their faces were twisted with displeasure. “Let’s go find out.”

  Knowing they would follow, I walked up to Kian and Lily. Kian turned to me, and for a moment, I forgot I had ever been mad at him. His mauve eyes caught mine, glittering with the love I knew he felt for me, and right then, I wanted to pull a Rebecca and jump into his arms. He would wrap himself arou
nd me and kiss with as much passion, maybe more, as Luca had Rebecca. I wanted let go of the betrayal I felt and enjoy the love he would give, but I couldn’t.

  I wasn’t mad anymore, but he still wasn’t off the hook. Instead of a passionate embrace, I stepped into his outstretched arms and let him envelop me in a warm hug. I took a deep breath, inhaling as much of him as I could before I felt Kian press his lips to my forehead. “I missed you.” His voice shook with restrained emotion.

  “I missed you too.” I twisted in his arms, so I could see his face. Through the emotional turmoil I had gone through the past few weeks, I really did miss him. But I no longer felt like he was the one keeping me from falling apart. I still felt connected to him in a deep, almost primal way, but less like a dependent and more like a partner.

  Kian’s eyes searched mine, and I knew he saw the change. His smile grew as if he approved of whatever he saw, and while I was happy that he did, it reminded me of the secrets he had kept from me. I stepped away from him. His brow furrowed as his arms dropped to his side.

  “We will talk later.” I answered his unasked question as I ran my fingers through his golden hair. “Let’s fix this, so we can move on.” That was all the assurance he needed. He nodded and stepped to the side, his hand reaching for mine.

  The room silenced as a cough reverberated through the room. “May I have your attention? We are waiting for one more late arrival before this meeting will begin,” Francis announced from the podium. “Until then, please mingle.”

  Voices rose all around us. I turned my gaze to Lily. She hadn’t moved far from where she had been standing when I told her not to move. She stood with her back straight, and although it did nothing to add inches to her height, she looked confident. The one unnerving red eye not hidden behind her hair was locked on me.

  “What did you do to me?” I asked, as I brightened my mind-map. Her Talent swirled with disorienting black and red streaks. Pushing back my Talent, I glared at the girl.


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