Fast and the Furriest

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Fast and the Furriest Page 7

by Celia Kyle

  The tigress struggled with his words and while thinking, just had to be an idiot and tighten her grip on Ronnie. The coppery tang of wolf blood filled the air, the air conditioner blowing the scent through the room.

  That’s when it all changed. Ronnie’s amber eyes flared brightly, and her fangs lengthened, peeking past her upper lip. The female wolf’s attention slowly turned from him and Zoe to Darcy. Darcy, who still glared and hissed at the wolf she held.

  Ares carefully set his mate aside, not looking forward to breaking into a catfight, but he couldn’t have a wolf killing one of his tigers either. “Darcy, I need you to back off.”

  There was no way he could order a wolf and expect her to listen, alpha or not.

  “Alpha,” another hiss from the female. No wonder she sucked at PR. She couldn’t even navigate a fucking conversation in the damned kitchen.

  A huff came from Zoe, the sound filled with annoyance, and then he was surprised once more when his mate darted past him, snatched up the newspaper, rolled it and then… whacked Ronnie on the back of the head with it. “No. Bad dog. No treats for you.”

  Ronnie turned her glare on Zoe. “What kind of treats?”

  Darcy’s attention bounced between his mate and Ronnie before finally landing on him. “Alpha, they’re crazy.”

  Yeah, they were, and one of ’em was his. With luck, he wouldn’t get stuck with Ronnie forever. He’d really hate having to talk to the national wolf alpha every time his youngest daughter broke a nail while on tiger land.

  Chapter Eleven

  Zoe wanted to sit on the back deck with Ares and take a minute to breathe away from the pride and Ronnie. Oh, she loved her best friend and cared for the other tigers, but she had no doubt the day was going to be long and grueling. All she wanted was five minutes of space to connect with her…mate?…before they were dragged into politics and posturing.

  For now, she had to be happy being in the same house with him. It would have been the same room, but Darcy had dragged him off for some sort of strategy session. Ronnie had gone with them, to make sure Zoe’s “pussy” didn’t stray and try to sniff some other chick’s ass. Plus, Ronnie had experienced some of this drama when the wolves came out and could help guide the two tigers onto an easier, public relation-y path.

  Around the same time, Ares ignored the offer of PR help and went right to the insult. He told her cats didn’t sniff asses. That was all dogs. “You know, your kind.”

  Smiling to herself, Zoe reached for another plate, rinsing it off before taking a soapy sponge to the slick surface. Yeah, there was a dishwasher right beside the sink, but washing things by hand gave her time to think of nothing while still looking busy. So, she scrubbed away the remnants of breakfast and absently listened to the sounds in the house.

  A few tigers still lingered, their low purrs and soft snores reaching out to her—contented cats. There were other noises, the house creaking as it settled, the trees whispering with the breeze, and the occasional growl from the direction of Ares’s office. She recognized one as Ronnie’s, and that had her smiling.

  Then she jolted, as a low, familiar murmur reached her ears. “What put that smile on your face?”

  “I didn’t hear you coming. Where are Darcy and Ronnie?”

  “Arguing about font sizes for the press release. Don’t know what it’s gonna say but for some reason, we have to start with Times New Roman or Book Antiqua first.”

  Thick, strong arms wrapped around her waist, and a warm chest pressed against her back as he fitted them together. She leaned back, resting her head on his shoulder. When he brushed his lips across her temple, she bared her neck for him, silently encouraging him to slide them down her throat. She shivered when he did as she asked, his mouth leaving a burning trail of kisses on her skin until he got to the juncture of her neck and shoulder.

  He grasped her flesh between his teeth and bit down, increasing the pressure until a simmering pain wrapped around her, and she released a low whimper. Her pussy clenched, nipples hardening, even as the ache grew and battled her arousal.

  A sound built in her throat, not quite a hum but not a groan either. It was more like a… purr. Yes, she purred for him. That was something they needed to talk about.

  “How about you tell me why I’m purring and feel the need to claw any woman’s eyes out who looks at you too long?”

  Ares moaned and released her, nuzzling the still throbbing spot. “Do I have to?”

  She snorted. The big bad alpha whined. God, that’d been another bomb dropped on her. Instead of answering his question right away, she rinsed the last plate and placed it on the drying rack before snagging a clean dishtowel. Once she’d dried her hands, she slowly turned in Ares’s arms until they were chest to chest. She mirrored his hold, sliding her arms around his waist and resting her hands on his lower back. He held so much strength, so much power, and yet he was gentle with her. He was gentle with them all, unless he was pushed—as she’d seen last night.

  It made him a good leader, a male worth following. A male worth loving?

  Yeah, but she wouldn’t tell him that. At least not yet.

  “Yes, you really have to tell me. Last I checked shifters couldn’t change humans into shifters.”

  Ares scoffed. “That’s what you were told by DoPE and Cadman during initial press conferences. What you’re told, and what’s actually true, are two different things.”

  “So, give me the truth.”

  He sighed. “You can’t say anything to anyone.”

  Zoe closed her eyes and fought against the anger that rose at his words. Nope, the anger—that new part of her—wasn’t going to be squashed. She released him and placed her palms on his chest. “Look, this is a mistake. If you can’t trust me to keep my mouth shut about our people then—”

  The rest of her words were swallowed by his mouth pressing firmly to hers as he thrust his tongue between her lips. He banished her burgeoning anger, luring it away while passion took its place. He stroked her, explored her, his hands rubbing her back and lulling her into a seductive haze. He slid his hands to her ass, gripping her butt and pulling her even closer as he rocked his hips, his cock hardening, revealing his need for her.

  Her body reacted to his closeness, his desire, and her pussy clenched with anticipation. It felt as if it’d been forever since she’d cradled him inside her, and she wanted…

  Ares eased their kiss, slowing the flick and caress of his tongue, the grip on her ass gentling as he slowly withdrew. He rested his forehead on hers. “It’s knee-jerk. It’s not because I don’t trust you. It’s because my entire life has been spent taking care of the pride. This pride. All of the prides.”

  “I’m part of that now. Unless you’ve changed your mind.”

  “Never,” he growled. “You’re mine. I’ve made you mine in all ways but one.” He rubbed his nose against hers, the tender touch at war with his fierceness.

  “And what’s that one? What’s happening to me?”

  “Somebody didn’t use a condom…” Ronnie singsonged, and Zoe sighed.

  “I will straight up smother you in your sleep,” she threatened her friend. She was only half-serious. Okay, three-quarter serious.

  “I’d let you do that if it wouldn’t start a wolf-tiger war, baby.” Ares pressed another soft kiss to her lips. She was getting tired of kisses only. They were reunited after major drama and super angst. Shouldn’t they get wild makeup sex that shook the walls?

  “You love me, don’t lie.” Ronnie’s tone was teasing.

  Zoe released a heavy sigh and lifted her head, turning her attention to Ronnie. “And you know about our sexytime habits how, exactly?”

  “It’s a thing. Shifters banging women sans condom more than once starts the change. You stop banging, and the process reverts itself. You continue banging, the change continues, but it doesn’t become permanent until he gives you the mating bite. Nature’s way of giving you an out in case your new tigress hates his furball hacking ass.�

  She focused on Ares. “Is that true?” He winced and nodded. “You didn’t think this was important information to share after the first time we forgot to use a condom? And I thought tigers mated through tail tugging? What’s this about bites?”

  Ares opened his mouth to reply and then snapped it closed again. Oh hell no, she was so getting answers to her questions. This was just… she was turning into a tiger. How the fuck did that happen? Wait, she knew how. Fucking and coming and no condom.

  Oh my god.

  “How many instances of ‘oops’ did you have? Because, babe, you’re very fangy-furry. It’s hot in a non-lesbian I don’t wanna go downtown kind of way, but you know, it’s there.”

  Zoe glared at her friend. “I will peel you like a banana, pussy war or not.”

  Ronnie gasped, hand pressed to her chest. “I’m hurt. Mortally wounded, even. My emotions may never—”



  “Go away, or I’ll tell your daddy about the time we went to that bear bar, and—”

  “And I’m out.” Ronnie zoomed out of the kitchen without another word.

  Ares chuckled. “Neat trick.”

  “Eh, a lifetime of friendship leaves you with a lot of blackmail material.”

  “And what could she blackmail you with?”

  So, so many things.

  Ronnie, ever helpful, added to their conversation. “There was the time that—”

  Zoe turned her head and yelled. “Two words. Bear. Bar.”

  “’Nough said!”

  “She’s not gonna live with us, right? I love you, but…”

  Zoe’s breath caught and she met Ares’s stare. She saw her surprise mirrored in his eyes. “You…”

  His eyes were so wide the whites were visible around his irises. “It’s okay if you don’t. I mean, you don’t have to say it back.”

  Zoe swallowed hard, still not sure what she was gonna say.

  “Things have been going really fast, and maybe…”

  She lifted her hand and pressed her fingertips to his lips, silencing him. “Look, let’s put a hold on this conversation. I need to deal with the fact I am turning into a tiger, and if you bite me, it’ll be permanent and then your tail stuff… And we need to deal with the threat to the pride.”

  He stroked her forearm, his palm skimming her skin as he caressed her. The touch ended at her wrist, and he pulled her hand from his mouth, dropping a kiss to the center of her palm. “Zoe?”

  “Hmm?” It really was nice when he kissed her. Even if it was only her hand.

  “There is no if I claim you. It’s when. You’re my mate. Period. From the first moment I saw your smile, heard your laugh, and caught your scent, you were mine. Mine to fuck. Mine to love. Mine to claim. There is no doubting that fact. You just need to accept it because it’s happening. Today.”


  “Good. Now, help me deal with your wolf friend. The longer we leave Ronnie with Darcy alone, the more likely there is to be bloodshed, and I’d rather not explain a dead wolf to her father. It wouldn’t be good for interspecies relations.”

  Zoe patted his chest softly. “It’s more likely you’ll have a dead tiger, and Daddy Barrington would be paying you a blood debt.” A loud hiss filtered down the hall. “We do need to distribute your press release, though. And Ronnie can help with the species declaration paperwork. Her family has close ties with Cadman and by extension, DoPE.” She raised her eyebrows. “Unless you’ve done that?” At his head shake she continued. “So, press release, species declaration, and press conference.”

  “Press conference,” he grimaced.

  “Don’t worry. I won’t let them eat you alive.”

  He puffed up his chest, glare filling his eyes. “I’m a tiger.”

  “And they’re sharks, but I’ll protect you.”

  Chapter Twelve

  The reporters were sharks, and many cowered when he bared his fangs. That earned him an elbow to the ribs from Zoe, but his tiger purred inside his mind, reveling in the humans’ fear.

  Now, sitting across the kitchen table from the DoPE agents, he wanted to tell them they were lucky to be alive. They had stared at his mate—ogled her as if she was available—and it had taken all his control not to pluck their eyeballs out with his claws. His tiger had gone so far as to rank the males, numbering them to see who would lose their sight first. Two males had tied on his list, but Ares had two hands. He could take them both on at the same time.

  The last representative—a male by the name Cadman—scribbled his signature across the bottom of the final form.

  “There you go.” The man smiled widely, but Ares wasn’t so sure it reached his eyes.

  Ares scented the air, searching through the scents to see if Cadman was exactly as he seemed—a senior agent who truly was an ally to shifters. Zoe told him the male often fought with Congress about their kind and had been the first in line when the Department of Paraphysical Entities formed.

  “On behalf of the United States, I’d like to welcome you into existence.” Cadman flipped through his folders and extended one to Ares.

  “More signing?” he groaned. Zoe and Ronnie had not mentioned all of the forms the national alpha had to sign. No one had.

  The representative chuckled. “No, just a sort of welcome packet that outlines your rights as naturalized citizens as well as a few sample letters to spread to the prides.” He raised his eyebrows. “Unless you’d like us to send out the documents. You have to give us a list of the prides at some point. DoPE is more than happy to handle that aspect of your acclimation.”

  As tempting as it was to pass the massive project to another, Ares had to think of his pride first. He’d spoken with many of the other alphas, but not all. He refused to provide the government with a list before he’d touched base with them all.

  “No, I have staff that can assist me.” He grasped the folder and allowed Zoe to take it from his hands. “You’ll have your roster within ninety days.”

  “And positions.”

  It went against his tiger’s natural protective instincts to expose his alphas in such a way.

  “I thought that was optional,” Zoe spoke up.

  “It is.” The male’s smile remained in place and Ares still couldn’t sift through the aromas in the room to find Cadman’s. The fear in the air of the other agents overrode all others. “But having them would allow the department to better serve your species.” The agent’s gaze met his. “All we want to do is assist your prides and make the transition from secrecy to acknowledgment as smooth as possible. There are many states that are very conservative in their beliefs. Having agents on the ground can only help your prides.”

  Cadman focused on his mate. “You know me, Zoe. I’m sure I’ve seen you at the Barrington’s at dinner once or twice and I know you’re close to Veronica Barrington.” Zoe nodded. “Then I’m sure you both can speak with her as well as the national wolf alpha. Get their view on the process.”

  The male’s eyes slipped over his mate, lingering on her breasts, and he swallowed the growl that jumped to his lips. He didn’t think snapping the DoPE senior agent’s neck was a good idea.

  His tiger told him it definitely was.

  Zoe laid her soft fingers on his forearm as if she sensed his agitation. “We’ll discuss it and let you know. We really appreciate you coming out here.”

  Cadman stood and flicked open his briefcase, sliding the signed documents inside. “A lot of people out there take issue with shifters, but we’ve fought long and hard to see your groups recognized, represented, and protected.”

  Ares could appreciate the male’s work. It didn’t mean he wanted Cadman staring at his mate, but he could still be thankful for the help.

  Zoe elbowed him and he lowered his attention to her. She widened her eyes and tilted her head though he didn’t imagine it was in submission. No, it was more a demand and he sighed. Extending his arm, he offered his hand to the repres
entative. “We appreciate your hard work and will speak with you again soon.”

  “Sounds great. I’ll file this paperwork as soon as I return to the office.” He lowered the top and clicked the fasteners closed. “Registration is immediate, and I recommend issuing a press release stating weretigers are now an identified species.”

  “Already done. We just wanted to get this out of the way first.” Zoe smiled.

  Ares didn’t like that Cadman returned the expression and he moved the agent to the top of his ‘pluck out eyes’ list.

  Cadman—and his cohorts—backed away from the table with a final goodbye and moved toward the front door.

  Only to freeze when Hawke—in cat form—crossed their path. All four men stopped in place, and a wave of their stark fear washed over Ares. Speaking with tigers in human form was much different than facing a shifted male.

  The burning scent called to his tiger, the animal sensing prey and aching to pounce. They’d fought a few humans the night before, but there’d been no chase. These males would run.

  Catch them, his cat whispered. Chase.

  As if reading his mind, Zoe placed a hand on his arm, stopping him when he would have stepped forward. “Hawke, please escort our guests to the front door.”

  The cat gave them a feline grin and turned toward the door, making sure he flicked one of the other agents with his tail as he spun. More than one man in the group gasped, and Ares swallowed his chuckle. He knew he should be pissed that the tiger antagonized the representatives, but he couldn’t help it. Watching a two-hundred-plus-pound human twitch and almost squeal like a girl was funny.

  They stood side by side just outside the kitchen and waited for the front door to open and close before he slipped his arm across Zoe’s shoulders. He didn’t pull her close until the cars headed down the road. He didn’t drop a kiss to her lips until the rhythmic click and clack of Hawke’s nails on the floor announced his approach. If Hawke was coming near, then the visitors truly were well and gone.


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