The Alpha's Love: Lost Omegas Book Four: A M/M Shifter Romance

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The Alpha's Love: Lost Omegas Book Four: A M/M Shifter Romance Page 6

by Claire Cullen

  They ended the day with only a third of their list checked and no sign that they were even close. The other teams hadn’t had better luck. They regrouped at the hotel, Alicia taking him aside.

  “How are you holding up?”

  He shook his head. “The longer this goes on, the more I fear the worst.”

  “Ro is no use to them injured or dead,” she assured him, a hand on his arm.

  “I just feel so helpless. I should have left him safely in Glenoak. Bringing him to the city was a mistake.”

  “You’re right,” Alicia replied, taking a seat next to him. “He’d have been much better off wrapped in cotton wool and locked up tight in our Pack House, never to see the outside world.”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  “Isn’t it? You can’t have it both ways, Seb. Either Ro is your mate, your equal in life. Or he’s a bargaining chip you won from Eagle Creek, worth much and whose value is to be protected at all costs. And, in that case, you’re not maximizing your investment. You could have a few kids by now. Another Omega would really seal the deal…”

  “Stop, Alicia, please.”

  “But you see how ridiculous it is, don’t you? Ro is so happy with his life, with you. He wants to be a person, valued, cared for but he also wants to be useful, to be a part of the Pack. This was always a risk. He knew that. He accepted that. And he’ll be strong for you. I’m sure he’s working just as hard to get away as we are to find him.”

  Seb met her steady gaze.

  “You’re right.”

  “Of course I am. Now, you need to get some sleep. We’ll start the search again first thing. Hopefully, we’ll have more leads by then.”

  Byron eyed the small house with trepidation. It was their second day of searching and the fourth location they were checking. It was also the only one so far that bore signs of recent activity. Scott got the door open and they entered, spreading out to search the house while two others kept watch outside. There was a shout of discovery, followed by a yell of surprise and running footsteps. Byron dived out into the hallway catching sight of a naked figure disappearing out the back door, Odin on his tail.

  He chased after them, just in time to see Odin take down the runner. They both hit the ground hard, the stranger’s hands bound by chains scrabbling in the grass as he tried to get away.

  As Byron reached them, Odin flipped the runner onto his back and he was struck by the bruised face that stared up at them. The young wolf wasn’t going to come quietly, he struggled against Odin’s hold, flexing his chained wrists to try to free them as his feet kicked out. He was no match for Odin, but he kept up the fight.

  Byron stepped closer, catching the glint of terror in the wolf’s eyes.

  “Let him go, Odin.”

  Odin's head whipped around, a question on his lips.

  “He’s scared,” Byron said, motioning for Odin to step back. He did, climbing to his feet. To both their surprise, the wolf didn’t try to run, rolling onto his side on the grass, panting. He was clearly exhausted and injured, the brief burst of adrenaline fading fast.

  When Byron crouched next to him, he stilled. The Alpha stretched out a hand, wincing when the wolf flinched at the sudden movement, ducking his head.

  “Easy, easy. I won’t hurt you,” he said softly, catching the shifter’s chin with gentle fingertips and easing his head up. There were the remnants of a black eye, split lip, and bruised cheek. The rest of his body had fared no better. Bruises, cuts and marks from the chains. Even a bootprint.

  He let go of the wolf’s face, pulling off his jacket. The other shifter flinched again when he tried to wrap it around his shoulders.

  “Shh, easy. Can you stand?” he asked, reaching slowly for the shifter’s arm, and helping him to his feet. The younger wolf wavered unsteadily, pain contorting his face. Byron bent down, moving an arm behind the wolf’s knees and picking him up with ease. As he held him, he caught sight of the reason for the shifter’s pain; burns on the soles of both feet.

  “Let’s get you out of here,” he murmured, turning and heading for their vehicles.

  At first, the wolf held himself stiffly in Byron’s arms, but as they walked he gradually relaxed, turning into Byron’s embrace.

  “Did you see the mark on his thigh?” Odin, keeping pace beside him, asked.

  “Mark?” he stopped, peering down at the now quiet wolf in his arms.

  “It’s that Omega mark. The crescent moon.” Odin reached for the wolf’s knees, gently parting them so Byron could see. The wolf trembled at the action, hiding his face against Byron’s shirt.

  “Shh. It’s okay, you’re safe now,” Byron promised, wondering how true that was. The world wasn’t a safe place for Omegas. Not anymore.

  Chapter Nine

  The strong wolf sat him into the car. He spent a moment examining the chains around Jay’s wrists, shaking his head. “We’ll need something to help get these off.”

  He spoke with one of the others who moved away then came back, handing him a tool.

  “Let’s try this, hold still now.”

  He pressed the cool metal between Jay’s skin and the chains. Two loud cracks and one wrist was free. He repeated it with the second, and the chains fell away, tossed into the grass by the shifter who stepped back and closed the door.

  Another wolf climbed in to sit in front, arms folded as he watched Jay through the mirror, glancing back towards the house now and then. The minutes ticked by as they sat there.

  The other men had gone back to the house. At length, they returned, the one who carried him walking around to climb into the seat next to him. Jay crowded close to the door, trying to put as much distance between them as possible.

  "Did you find anything, Alpha?" The wolf in the front seat asked the man next to him.

  A spark of panic lit inside Jay. The wolf next to him was an Alpha, like what Brett and Mike had been telling him about.

  “The rest of the house was empty,” the wolf beside him said. "But there was a second scent in the room he was being kept in. I'm certain it was Ro's."

  He tried to make himself smaller, hoping to go unnoticed until he had a chance to slip away. But his racing heart gave him away, the Alpha’s concerned gaze turning to him.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” the wolf asked, leaning towards him. Jay didn’t answer, curling tightly against the car door, and keeping his eyes averted.

  The Alpha’s attention moved away from him as another wolf climbed into the front seat. Jay snuck glances at him now and then when he thought the other wolf wasn’t looking.

  “Let’s go. If Ro isn’t here, then we need to keep the search going.”

  They knew Ro?

  The Alpha pulled out a phone, putting it to his ear.

  “Seb, it’s Byron. No sign of Robert at this location, but there's evidence he was kept here and we've found another Omega.” The Alpha gave Jay a sideways glance and a reassuring smile.

  “No, he hasn’t said a word. He looks traumatized. We’re going to check the next location and try and get some information from our friend here. I’ll call as soon as we have anything.”

  The Alpha put the phone away, turning back to him and leaning forward again. Jay growled under his breath, warning the other wolf to keep his distance. It surprised the other man, his eyebrows raised as he very deliberately pulled back, putting some distance between them.

  “My name is Byron. Can you tell me your name?” the Alpha asked, his voice soft.

  Jay twisted sideways so he could watch the Alpha with both eyes, in case the shifter made another move. The man didn’t budge, smiling sadly at him. He tapped his chest twice and spoke slowly. “Byron.” Then he pointed back towards Jay.

  He debated giving an answer. If he said one word then they'd expect more, like Mike and Brett had. And when he didn’t give them what they wanted, there’d be more pain. Why did it matter so much, having a name? He’d gone years without needing one. First Ro, now the Alpha. He turned his
head into the seat, wishing he was back in his forest, free to roam the familiar land, instead of trapped in this moving metal cage.

  “No name, huh?” the Alpha murmured and Jay wasn’t sure if he was speaking to himself or the other men. “Well, that’s Odin dong the driving and Scott sitting next to him.” He peeked his head around, just for a moment. Odin gave him a wave and Scott nodded towards him. Jay pressed his head against the seat again. It was too much and too many.

  “We’re from Raventree,” the Alpha continued. What was his name again? Byron. “We’re looking for the mate of a friend of ours. He was taken a few days ago. His Pack is very worried about him. They want him back safe.”

  His eyes found the Alpha’s.

  “His name is Robert. Do you know him?”

  “Ro,” he murmured under his breath, wishing the other wolf was here. He seemed to like talking. Maybe if Ro talked to them, they’d let Jay go.

  There was a sudden tension around him and he peeked his eyes up to see all three wolves watching him.

  “You know Robert?” Byron asked, leaning towards him again. There was an urgency to his tone that hadn’t been there before. It scared Jay and he turned towards the door, hands scrabbling at the handle to get it open. He shouldn’t have made a sound. They’d want more words. And they’d find a way to get them.

  “Odin, pull over,” a voice called as hands closed over his, yanking him away from the door and across the seat. He kicked and fought to escape the hands that grabbed him.

  He was pulled against the Alpha’s body, strong arms pinning him, stopping him from lashing out.

  “Easy, it’s okay. We’re not going to hurt you, I promise.” The Alpha kept up the soft entreaties, until Jay, too tired to fight him off any longer, lay still against him.

  Byron’s scent surrounded him, so unlike the acrid smell of his captors. He pressed his nose against the Alpha’s neck, hearing the murmur of surprise from the man holding him before fingers carded gently through his hair.

  “That’s it, just… just try and stay calm. You’re safe now.”

  The fingers gently massaged his scalp, stilling when they contacted a cut and Jay winced. Those same fingers parted his hair and he held himself still waiting for the pain.

  “Easy. I’m sorry. God, what did they do to you?”

  Beat him, chained him up, hurt him. He didn’t say any of those things, but as the Alpha’s gentle hands continued to stroke his hair, he let his head rest against a broad shoulder, feeling tears leaking from his eyes.

  “I’m a friend of Sebastian’s. He is Ro’s Alpha mate. He’s been looking for him since Ro was taken. He’s very worried. Is there any way you might be able to help? Maybe you saw Ro, maybe you heard them talk about him?”

  Give them one word, they’d only want more. And he had so few to give. He'd stay silent, hold them back until he needed a break from the pain. Then he’d use them to give himself a few moments reprieve.

  The Alpha’s questions stopped and when Jay tried to move away, Byron let him, arms loosening their hold. Jay sat back against the seat, coughing painfully as he took a deep breath through his dry, cracked throat.

  “Hold on, let’s get you some water,” Byron said, reaching for a bag that lay at his feet. He returned with a blue bottle, opening it and holding it up to Jay’s lips. Jay gulped it down, the cool water sliding along his parched throat. It felt wonderful.

  “Hey, slow down now or you’ll make yourself sick,” the Alpha cautioned, pulling the bottle away for a moment before offering it again.

  “Nice and slowly,” he encouraged and Jay forced himself to take smaller sips. “That’s better. How about something to eat?”

  He closed the bottle and reached back into the bag, pulling out something in a shiny wrapper. He opened that too, breaking off a piece and holding it out. Jay reached out a hand for it, wondering if he was being teased. Would Byron pull the food away when Jay tried to take it? But the Alpha practically pushed it into his hands. Jay wasted no time stuffing it into his mouth, chewing and swallowing in one quick gulp.

  “Here, have some more. Try and eat it a little slower this time,” Byron said, holding out another piece. Jay snatched it from him before the Alpha could change his mind.

  He eyed the last piece but he knew better than to try and take it.

  The Alpha spoke. “Do you want the rest?”

  Jay nodded slowly and Byron handed it over with a flourish, then passed him the water bottle. Once he'd drank his fill, he lay back against the seat, turning his head so he could keep an eye on the Alpha.

  The other wolves were talking amongst themselves, their attention no longer on him. Their words were heated but the Alpha’s sharp tone put an end to them.

  “It’s only one more location. We check it, together, and then we head home. He can stay in the car while we scope it out.”

  Were they talking about him?

  The car stopped moving a while later and the other three got out. There was a second car, with other shifters, who strode over to join them. After a brief discussion, Scott got back into the car, sitting next to him while the others disappeared off into the woods.

  It didn’t seem like much time had passed before they were back, a sea of unhappy faces. Scott got out to speak with them, then they all piled back into the cars, Byron reclaiming the seat next to him.

  “No sign of Ro. It’s time we were getting back. You can come with us.” It sounded like an offer but Jay didn’t feel there was an actual choice there. The door beside him stayed locked and no one tried to let him out. As the car began to move, he settled down for another long journey.

  Chapter Ten

  Jay jerked awake as the car stopped, alert eyes glancing all around him. The Alpha reached towards him, movements slow, as he secured the jacket back over the Omega’s shoulders.

  “We’re here,” he said with a smile. “Let’s get you inside and see about a bath and some food.”

  The Alpha climbed out and Jay moved to follow him, but Byron stopped him.

  “You shouldn’t be on your feet just yet. I’ll carry you inside.”

  The Alpha’s strong arms encircled him, lifting him easily and carrying him into the house. He twisted nervously in Byron’s grip. He didn’t like indoors, didn’t want another room of chains in the dark.

  Byron carried him down a hallway, around a corner, and into a large room with a bed. He sat Jay down on it.

  “I’ll go run you a bath.”

  The Alpha disappeared through another door and the sound of running water followed a moment later.

  Jay peered around the room, a bright open space with evening light streaming through the windows. He didn’t think he’d ever been in a room like it before. Lowering his feet to the ground, he marveled at how they sank into the soft carpet. Taking a chance, he stood unsteadily, braving the pain, and walked to the door Byron had disappeared through. Mike had told him Alphas took Omegas, fucked them, made them bleed. Is that what lay in store for him?

  Byron had his shirt sleeves pushed up to his elbows as he knelt over the bath pouring something in. He glanced up, catching Jay watching him.

  “Just some bath salts, they’ll help ease the pain. You probably shouldn’t be walking on those feet,” the Alpha said, peering doubtfully down at the feet in question.

  Jay slowly lowered himself to sit cross-legged on the tiled floor of the bathroom, taking the weight off them.

  “Do you have a name? Something I can call you?”

  He dropped his gaze, letting the fingers of one hand trace shapes along the floor. He didn’t look up but he knew the Alpha’s eyes were still on him.

  “I’m not going to hurt you. Like I said, you’re safe here.”

  Jay chewed his lip, not all that certain of the Alpha’s words.

  “How old are you?” Byron asked.

  Jay shrugged.

  “You don’t know?” the Alpha pressed.

  Jay shook his head. He’d lost track of time a long w
hile back.

  “Have you ever been in heat?”

  He could only frown at the question. What did that mean? What was heat?

  “That’s okay. If you don’t know, you probably haven’t been through one yet.”

  Byron turned his attention back to the bath and Jay took the opportunity to study him. He was strong, that much was obvious. He’d carried Jay inside like he weighed nothing. His broad shoulders and muscles were visible through his shirt.

  But it was his eyes that really caught Jay’s attention. They were bright blue, like the color of the sky on a warm cloudless day, and when the Alpha smiled, they crinkled at the edges.

  “There,” Byron announced, turning off the taps. “All ready. Come on over, I’ll help you in.”

  Jay climbed to his feet and stepped forward hesitantly. Byron helped him out of the jacket and steadied him as he climbed into the warm water.

  “That’s it. Lie down, stretch your legs out.”

  It felt strange to be submerged while in human form. And in warm water. He was used to the cold of the streams and rivers of his forest and the hose those men used. But this… this was blissful.

  “How’s that?” Byron asked. Jay tried a small smile, and the Alpha grinned back at him. “Good, huh?”

  He nodded, stretching out his hands into the water.

  “You stay here and soak for a bit. I’ll be back.”

  Byron returned a few minutes later with a red box and some cloth in his hands. He laid the box out on the counter, searching through it.

  Jay watched with interest and some trepidation. What was the Alpha doing now?

  “I want to check your feet, make sure those wounds will heal up okay,” Byron said to him, kneeling at the end of the bath with a damp cloth in his hand. “Will you put your feet up here, on the edge?”

  Jay took a moment to consider the request. So far, the Alpha had been kind. Deeming it safe enough, he lifted his feet. The Alpha took his left ankle in a warm grip, lifting it so he could see the sole of his foot. Then he wiped carefully with the damp cloth in his hand.


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