Enter Helen

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Enter Helen Page 43

by Brooke Hauser

Bridge on the River Kwai, The (film), 13

  Brockway, George, 93

  Broderick, Matthew, 385

  Brown, Bruce, 76, 317

  death of, 381

  and Helen, 13, 29, 63, 71

  Brown, David, 5–6, 37, 367

  advice and support from, 15, 24, 26, 31, 33, 36, 51, 58, 129, 136, 142–43, 145, 201, 208, 246, 330, 350

  character study of, 11–12

  and Cosmopolitan, see Cosmopolitan

  dating, 11–12, 13–15

  death and gravestone of, 382, 383, 387–88, 389, 390

  early career of, 26–29

  early years of, 10–11

  as editor, 27–28, 74, 127–28, 129

  European tour of, 236–37

  and Femme, 122–25

  and film industry, 28–29, 47, 54, 55–59, 73, 74, 131, 235, 318–20, 359–60, 388

  first meeting of Helen and, 9–10

  as ghostwriter, 26

  and Helen, as a team, 51, 73, 118, 122, 131, 206, 207, 317–18, 381–82

  and Helen’s career, 128, 135–36, 156

  interviews and media stories about, 17, 25, 73, 317

  Let Me Entertain You, 11, 28, 56, 142, 317, 318, 359

  mentors of, 28

  and Ms., 364

  and New York, 104

  previous wives of, 6, 29, 63, 76

  proposals for TV shows, 118–20, 198

  and Sex and the Single Girl, 17, 24, 31–32, 33, 38, 44, 50–51, 58, 59, 73, 128

  wedding of Helen and, 29, 31, 36, 37

  Zanuck/Brown Company, 348–49, 359–60

  Brown, Edward, 10

  Brown, Helen Gurley, 37, 80, 116, 162, 174, 187, 190, 193, 197, 244, 321, 371

  ad agency jobs of, 17, 30–31, 40–42, 44, 51, 64, 72, 96, 132, 247

  and aging, 373, 378–84, 386

  ambition of, 196, 231

  audience of (her girls), 163, 164–65, 166, 203–5, 246, 288

  on book tours, 46, 71–72, 228

  childhood of, 166–77, 368–69, 382

  and children, 361, 381–82, 385

  contracts of, 135, 136, 372

  and Cosmopolitan, see Cosmopolitan

  and David, see Brown, David

  death of, 384–89, 390

  early years of, see Gurley, Helen

  fan mail to, 67–68, 71, 72–73, 87, 122, 164

  and generation gap, 257, 277–78, 287, 293–94, 352, 354, 366, 378

  Having It All, 166, 206, 367, 372–73

  homes of, 29–30, 78

  I’m Wild Again, 185, 194, 381, 387

  influence of, 32, 60, 64–65, 117, 206, 213, 330–32, 363–64, 373, 385, 389

  influences on, 104, 105–6, 214, 355, 364

  insecurities of, 136, 142–43, 145, 160, 196, 214, 320–23, 348, 355, 381

  interviews with, 17, 22–24, 47, 48–49, 68, 115–16, 117–18, 135, 144, 150, 161–62, 230–32, 288, 317, 330, 352, 367–73

  The Late Show, 381

  legacy of, 380

  letters written by, 25–26, 65, 169, 200–201, 323

  and Lou, 59–66, 382–84; see also Pittman, Norma Lou

  and men, 196–97, 386

  and Miss America, 287

  and money, 72, 323, 330, 382, 384, 386

  Outrageous Opinions, 235, 242

  overexposure of, 118

  proposed musical about, 1–3, 195; see also Tornabene, Lyn

  public image of, 116, 361–62, 371–72, 380, 381, 386–87

  and publicity, 38, 39–42, 48–51, 68–69, 72, 115–18, 135

  rise to fame, 23, 54, 67, 131, 161

  as self-created, 161, 200, 274, 330

  as storyteller, 143, 168–69, 206, 368–69

  style/techniques of, 156, 157, 159–60, 201, 274, 299

  syndicated newspaper column (“Woman Alone”) by, 59, 72–73, 79, 101–2, 103, 106, 201, 235

  TV talk show of, 235, 242

  uniqueness of, 161–62

  voice of, 21–22, 115

  weight obsession of, 237, 384

  and women’s liberation, 287, 307, 308, 310–12, 316, 317, 332, 333, 359, 362, 363–66, 370

  work ethic of, 54, 68–69, 117, 240, 259, 322–23, 355, 368, 380

  see also Sex and the Office; Sex and the Single Girl

  Brown, Jim, 265

  Brown, Lillian, 10

  Brown Institute for Media Innovation, 384

  Brownmiller, Susan, 302, 304–7, 332

  In Our Time, 301

  Bryan, Cleo Gurley, 3, 367, 382

  death of, 367

  early years of, see Gurley, Cleo

  and Leigh’s death, 194

  marriage to Leigh, 192

  Bryan, Leigh, 170, 171, 182–84, 192, 194

  Brydges, Earl W., 333

  Bulldog Beer, 198

  Burke, Billie, 153

  Burton, Eve, 382, 388

  Burton, Richard, 57, 58, 152

  Caine, Michael, 264

  Campbell, Mary, 134, 281

  Capote, Truman, 103

  Caravaggio, 340

  Carbine, Patricia, 211–12, 316, 324, 326–29, 356, 362, 364

  Career Girl, Watch Your Step! (Wylie), 98, 102–3

  Carter, John Mack, 304–6, 312, 362

  Cassini, Oleg, 106

  Cather, Willa, 27

  Catholic Digest, 40

  Cavalier, 25

  Ceballos, Jacqui, 306, 308, 314–15

  Cerf, Bennett, 239

  Charleston Gazette, 53

  Chavez, Cesar, 264

  Checker, Chubby, 76

  Chisholm, Shirley, 313, 324

  Christie, Julie, 215

  Civil Rights Act (1964), 111–12

  civil rights movement, 34, 98, 111–12

  Clairol, 217

  Clark, Wayne, 6, 10, 29

  Clay, Cassius, 161

  Cleopatra (film), 47, 56–58, 73, 74, 131

  Clinton, Hillary, 386

  Coburn, James, 340, 342

  Coca-Cola, 210

  Cochran, Jacqueline, 26

  Cocoon (film), 388

  Colbert, Claudette, 57, 176

  Coles, Joanna, 376

  Collier’s, 27

  Condé Nast, 134

  Connery, Sean, 218

  Connors, William, 258

  Cooke, Charles, 198–99

  Cooper, Gloria Vanderbilt, 314, 352


  ad revenues of, 231

  advertising luncheons at “21” Club, 226–28

  audience for, 163, 164, 166, 201, 202–3, 204–5, 209–10, 212, 214, 219–20, 221, 225, 228, 229, 249–50, 271, 293, 353

  August issue (Helen’s second), 216, 218

  changing style of, 375–78

  cover price of, 215

  covers, 146–48, 162, 207–8, 209, 218, 224, 225–26, 229, 246, 258, 261, 336, 342, 367, 375

  creative reporting encouraged in, 248–49, 270, 271–74

  David as editor of, 5, 27, 28, 127–28, 129

  David’s advice and help to Helen on, 129–31, 142–43, 145, 156, 201, 207, 208, 247

  decline of, 27–28, 158, 163, 231, 352–53

  editorial budget of, 214

  editorial content of, 148–50, 207, 208, 214–15, 218, 221, 225, 247– 48, 269, 291–92, 294, 376–78

  estrogen therapy article in, 148–50, 207, 208

  and Femme, 125, 129

  Helen as editor-in-chief of, 131, 134, 135–43, 161–65, 200–201, 209, 218, 280–82, 307, 323, 360, 372, 376, 379

  Helen’s editorial column (“Step Into My Parlour”), 200–201, 204–5, 206–7, 221, 222, 237, 341, 348

  Helen’s editorial work in, 141–42, 145, 157–58, 216–18, 246, 296

  Helen’s final years in, 376–82

  Helen’s first days with, 137–42, 145, 155, 162, 213

  Helen’s ideas for, 129–31, 150–51, 153, 157, 162, 163, 200–201, 202, 205, 258–60, 261–62, 273–74, 294–98, 354, 371, 379

  international editions of, 348, 354, 376, 379–8

  July issue (Helen’s first), 142, 144–54, 161, 162, 201, 207–12, 368

  makeovers in, 288, 289–91

  and Ms., 325, 328–29, 351–56, 364–65

  new direction of, 129–31, 139, 150, 151, 157, 162, 202, 208, 209–11, 228

  nude centerfold in, 339–47

  “Pussycat” nickname and logo, 156–57, 221

  rumors at, 138–39, 140–41, 157

  sales figures for, 209, 211, 230, 307

  secretaries in, 138, 139, 144, 237–39, 238, 288, 290–91

  spoofs of, 336

  staff changes in, 140–41, 145, 150–51, 155, 158, 241, 242–43, 280–81, 337–38

  staff meetings and memos in, 244, 244, 245–48, 271–72, 294–98, 365

  success of, 209, 230–32

  That Cosmopolitan Girl, 203, 225, 229, 246, 258, 261, 268, 308, 313, 328, 351, 373, 375, 378–79

  three issues in progress at once, 218

  and women’s liberation, 307, 308, 312–13, 316, 325, 330, 333, 357, 362–63

  writers for, 152–53, 155, 158, 163, 201, 202, 215, 216, 219, 240, 262–63, 269, 289

  Cottin, Letty, 45

  and Bernard Geis, 17, 18–19

  and Helen, 21–24, 34, 38, 47, 49, 87

  as publicist, 16–17, 36–38, 39–45, 112, 118, 234

  and Sex and the Office, 86, 112–13

  and Sex and the Single Girl, 16–24, 36, 39–45, 87, 128

  see also Pogrebin, Letty Cottin

  Cousins, Norman, 281

  Cowles, Fleur Fenton, 211

  Cowles, Gardner “Mike” Jr., 211, 212

  Cox, Linda, 207, 295–98, 337–38

  Cox Landey & Partners, 375

  Crawford, Joan, 39, 44, 46, 132, 274

  Creaturo, Barbara, 344

  Crook, Barbara Hustedt, 213–14, 242, 248, 261, 291, 297, 357

  Curie, Marie, 196

  Curtis, Tony, 121, 341

  Dahmen, Cathee, 256

  Dalí, Salvador, 105, 227

  Das Kapital (Marx), 20

  Dating Game, The (ABC-TV), 219

  David, Saul, 59, 121

  David Brown Associates, 26

  Davis, Bette, 27, 274

  Day, Doris, 44

  Dear Teen-Ager (Van Buren), 18

  Deems, Richard, 121

  and Cosmopolitan, 130, 131, 158, 340, 341

  and Eye, 254, 256, 280

  and Femme, 129

  and Helen, 130, 135, 214, 280

  and nude centerfold, 340, 341

  Delacorte, George T., 128

  Deliverance (film), 342, 346

  Dell’Olio, Anselma, 335

  Dell Publishing Company, 128

  DeMille, Cecil B., 57–58

  Dempsey, Jack, 8, 198

  De Santis, Mallen, 345, 366

  as beauty editor, 227–28, 248, 290–92

  on creating stories, 243, 248, 272

  on makeovers, 288, 289, 290–91

  Dew, Diana, 256

  Dialectic of Sex, The (Firestone), 278

  Diary of Anne Frank, The (film), 29

  Didion, Joan:

  “Bosses Make Lousy Lovers,” 115

  Helen interviewed by, 117

  Diggers, 253

  DiMaggio, Joe, 56

  Doda, Carol, 108–9

  “Do Re Mi” (song), 183

  Doubleday, 306, 307

  Driving Miss Daisy (film), 388

  Drown, Joe, 6

  Duke, Patty, 47

  Duncan (dog), 13

  Dupuy, Frank Jr., 140, 214, 227, 231, 280

  Dylan, Bob, 76

  Dystel, Oscar, 47

  Eastwood, Clint, 341

  Edgar, Joanne, 327

  Edmiston, Susan Szekely, 252, 254–56, 277–79, 335

  Edwards, Vince, 265, 266–67

  Eisenhower, Mamie, 97

  Elements of Style (Strunk and White), 216

  Emberg, Kelly, 375

  English, T. J., The Savage City, 99–100

  Enovid, 19

  Ephron, Nora, 288–90, 293, 298, 335

  Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 303

  Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), 324, 362–64

  Erickson, Milton H., 198

  Esquire, 128, 129, 146, 288, 298

  Evans, Robert, 147

  Every Night, Josephine (Susann), 104, 106, 218

  Exhibitionist, The (Sutton), 37

  Eye, 254–57, 277–82, 283, 335, 348

  Fairchild, John, 105, 289

  Farnham, Marynia, and Ferdinand Lundberg, Modern Women: The Lost Sex, 92

  Farrow, Mia, 222

  Fasteau, Brenda Feigen, 324–25

  Fawcett Publications, 43

  Fear of Flying (Jong), 364

  Felker, Clay, 265, 334, 336

  Feminine Forever (Wilson), 148–49

  Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan), 90–94, 96, 126, 304

  feminism, see women’s liberation movement

  Femme, 122–30, 201

  Ferderber, Skip, 116

  Ferrer, Mel, 121–22

  Few Good Men, A (film), 388

  Fielding, Temple, 236

  Finch, Peter, 58

  Finkelstein, Nina, 327

  Firestein, Chester, 42

  Firestone, Shulamith, 306

  The Dialectic of Sex, 278

  Fisher, Eddie, 57, 147

  Fisher, Karen, 297

  Fleming, Ian, 74

  Fonda, Henry, 121

  Fonda, Jane, 270, 366

  Fonda, Peter, 163

  Foote, Cone & Belding, 14, 17, 25, 30, 64, 96, 132, 195, 204

  Ford, Eileen, 148, 217

  Ford, Judith Anne, 287

  Foss, Lynn, 291

  Fox Film Corporation, 57

  Francis, Arlene, 239

  Frankly Female (TV proposal), 118–19

  French, Marilyn, 296

  Friedan, Betty, 216, 232, 380

  The Feminine Mystique, 90–94, 96, 126, 304

  Life So Far, 89, 91, 309

  and women’s liberation, 309, 310, 313, 315, 324, 333

  Friedan, Carl, 91–92, 309

  From Russia with Love (film), 108

  Fuller, Bonnie, 379

  Gable, Clark, 55

  Garland, Judy, 234

  gay rights, 316

  G.D. Searle and Co., 19

  Geis, Bernard “Berney”:

  and Femme, 122, 125, 128, 129

  and follow-up book (Sex and the Office), 69–71, 83, 84, 85–86, 96, 113

  and Hearst, 121, 129

  and Helen, 21, 22, 33, 38, 47, 67–68, 72, 83, 88, 121

  and Letty, 17, 18–19

  and publicity, 37–38, 40, 71–72, 128

  publishing house of, 17–19, 39; see also Bernard Geis Associates General Motors Building, 137, 313, 357

  Generation of Vipers (Wylie), 95

  Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (film), 13, 55, 385

  George, Iris, 250

  Gernreich, Rudi, 108, 236, 287

  Gervis, Stephanie (later Harrington), 52

  Getty, Jean Paul, 236

  Gillespie, Dizzy, 245

  Gingold, Judy, 302–3

  Ginsberg, Allen, 253

  Girls of Beverly Hills, The (Brown) [book proposal], 70


  audience of, 126, 132, 259

  David’s contributions to, 26

  and Equal Rights Amendment, 362

  Helen’s winning contest entry in, 132–34

  job offer to Helen from, 281

  Steinem’s contributions to, 263–64

  Glover, Buddy, 111

  Golightly, Holly (fict.), 21, 361

  Gone with the Wind (film), 375

  Good Girls Revolt, The (Povich), 303

  Good Housekeeping, 27, 29, 35, 124, 126, 325, 362

  Gornick, Vivian, 325

  Gould, Elliott, 341

  Gould, Robert E., 376–77

  Grable, Betty, 5

  Graham, Billy, 161

  Graham, Katharine, 3

  Grant, Bev, 284

  Grant, Cary, 226

  Grapes of Wrath, The (Steinbeck), 183

  Grateful Dead, 252, 253

  Great Depression, 137, 152, 172, 178, 191

  Greene, Gael, 227, 294

  Green Forest, Arkansas, 167, 168 Greenson, Ralph, 56

  Gregory (cat), 78, 80

  Grossinger’s Catskills resort, 44

  Groucho and Me (Marx), 18

  Guber, Lee, 317

  Guggenheim Museum, New York, 76

  Gurley, Cleo (mother), 50, 320, 321

  birth and early years of, 169–71

  death of, 367, 383, 387, 390 depression of, 3, 6, 178, 179

  Helen criticized by, 187, 188

  Helen’s stories about, 8, 49, 206, 272, 322

  Helen’s visits with, 8, 109–10, 367

  and Ira’s death, 175–77, 178, 182, 192

  and Leigh, 182–84; see also Bryan, Cleo Gurley

  marriage of Ira and, 170–71

  as seamstress, 171, 176–77

  and Sex and the Single Girl, 49–50, 52, 66

  as teacher, 168, 170, 171

  working to support the family, 7, 192

  Gurley, Helen Marie:

  ad agency jobs of, 9, 14–15, 17, 25, 132, 204

  ambitions of, 134, 193–94, 204

  birth and childhood of, 166–77, 174, 178–84, 322

  as contest winner, 132–34

  and David, see Brown, David; Brown, Helen Gurley

  and her father, 173

  and her father’s death, 175, 178, 185

  letters written by, 186

  and men, 7–9, 25, 40, 159–60

  secretarial jobs of, 6–7, 30, 44, 54, 96, 132, 144, 166, 198

  teen years of, 186–91, 187, 190, 193, 203

  therapy of, 198–99

  work habits of, 14–15

  Gurley, Ira Marvin (father):

  death of, 3, 168, 173, 175, 178, 182, 192, 368, 387, 390 education of, 167

  jobs of, 168, 172

  marriage of Cleo and, 170–71

  popularity of, 173

  Gurley, Mary Eloine (sister), 64, 132

  in a wheelchair, 3, 6, 193, 321

  birth of, 171

  childhood of, 170, 174, 175–77

  death of, 383, 387, 390

  Helen’s stories about, 8, 206, 322

  Helen’s visits with, 8, 187, 320–22, 367

  and her father’s death, 175, 183

  polio of, 3, 7, 15, 168, 185–86, 188, 189, 191, 192

  Gurley, Uncle John, 183

  Guthrie, Woody, 183

  Guy, William Carrington “Bill”:

  as fiction editor, 145, 150, 151–52, 157–58, 240

  heart attack of, 240–41

  and Helen, 157–58, 209

  and Meade, 155

  pets of, 222

  resignation of, 241

  Guzzardo, Anthony, 151

  Haight-Ashbury, San Francisco, 252–54

  Hair (Broadway musical), 253

  Hamill, Pete, 255

  Hanisch, Carol, 283

  “The Personal Is Political,” 300

  Harlow, Jean, 132

  Harper’s, 26, 326


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