Under My Heel

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Under My Heel Page 28

by Michael Anderle

  I’ve never understood those with power and a purpose being indecisive. Maybe if they don’t have a purpose, or lack some level of maturity you might vacillate on what to do, but when reading I’m ready for them to do something already!

  Bethany Anne ‘did’ something with Nathan to help out, but she failed to give an update to the leader. So, she made a mistake. She accepted the responsibility and admitted she should have told him and then she moved on. No need to either be a jerk and ignore your mistake or think about your mistake for half a book. At least, that is my opinion.


  Great Concept

  By Kindle Customer on January 16, 2016

  Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

  New take on vampires and aliens. Great characters and story. Looking forward to the next book to see what new twists the author creates.


  Michael - Thank you, Kindle Customer! ;-) New twists… I mentioned earlier about Lance proposing to Patricia, and Stephen back in Queen Bitch being complete surprises when writing them. There are others if I though about it long enough. This writing is not what I though it would be, exactly.

  I figured as the author, I would always be able to direct the story. However, my subconscious (and wife) sometimes have ideas that should be integrated that I hadn’t considered. I have also deleted a paragraph or two when I send a character on a path and I realize they wouldn’t DO that. It does make it easier to write scenes.

  For example, when Bethany Anne goes after the Nosferatu in the village and Eric comments, “Here we go again!” - It was super simple to know ‘who’ would say that. Eric just has the mouth out of the group. Scott is quieter and more introspective, generally. I’m not sure how much of what I know about the characters makes it to the page, but I hope all of the characters eventually get their moments in the spotlight.


  A good read.

  By Elizabeth adams on January 19, 2016

  Format: Kindle Edition

  Not sure what I expected when I started this series. But was very pleasantly surprised. It takes a different and enjoyable plot twist and make for a fun read.


  Michael - Thank you Elizabeth! I am going for a fun read. It’s hard sometimes to realize where we are in the story and just how much everything has grown (people, plot, abilities, resources). We have all read over 400,000 words to get where we are.

  That’s a lot of words. We have two yachts worth hundred’s of millions, places in multiple places around the world and I’ve been TRYING to keep the locations relatively consistent without just sending us everywhere.

  We still haven’t even made it back to Michael’s house… Which I had planned on blowing up back in Bite This.

  I’m curious about Michael’s house in New York. Not sure why that didn’t go ‘boom’, must be some reason.

  You will find out when I do!


  A five star story despite the imperfections

  By Big Ben on January 20, 2016

  Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

  There are a few pages of author's notes at the back of each of the first three books I've read. Therein he repeatedly states that he's writing fun stories, not great literature. Much like Star Wars isn't great cinema, but it is hella fun ... His words, or close enough.

  And he is exactly right, both about Lucas' work and his own.

  These are superbly fun stories, combining modern paranormal, sci-fi and military action into a cohesive whole that blasts through the imagination like Han and Chewie in the Falcon.

  The author never promises technical perfection - states it right up front in each of his books, in fact. But for me, at least, the quality of the storytelling overrides such minor concerns.

  Plus, he's cranking them out at a rate of one or more books per month - and while these aren't epic novels, they're each a few hours of very enjoyable reading.

  They say that quantity has a quality all it's own. When you can get a healthy dose of both, it's worth five stars.


  Michael - Thank you for making my evening when I read this, Big Ben. I had forgotten about writing ‘hella fun’ in my author notes until you referenced it above in your review. I can’t say say much more or I’ll feel like I’m tooting my own horn w/ your review!

  You do make one point I like, they are fast books. By that, I mean that the action is constant and something is happening. Even if the action is the President of the company bringing his two children to work with him. It isn’t always about someone shooting someone else, or other ‘high’ action. But sometimes it is the small stuff, like going to a grave site.



  Loved it!

  By Zeus on January 21, 2016

  Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

  I'm going to be lazy and cut n paste this review for the first five since they were all great. I found this gem at the back of a rather blah book I recently finished. Sounded interesting so I tried the sample. Hooked me immediately so I purchased this one. Half way through I purchased the next two. Half way through the second I purchased the rest. Less than two days later I finished all five. All I can say is, these books are a lot of fun with great characters and lots of action. Try the sample and if it interests you go for it. They only get better. Make sure you read the authors comments at the end. He is pretty straight forward about the editing etc. which is why I didn't really ping it in my review. Enjoy!


  Michael - Thank you, Zeus! You mention here that you finished all five in 2 days. I’ve had other reviewers talk about reading their set in 36 hours (I imagine it is about the same for you).

  Holy crap people, I thought I read fast! That is perseverance at its best. When I get the chance, I have to create something for those who shot-gunned the books when you first found them.

  I tried doing a background for computer screens but I don’t think it hit the mark. Just wasn’t ‘special’ enough, you know?

  I just need some feedback what the fans might want. Kind of like a card for those who ‘drink the worlds beers’ at a bar when they have tried them all? I can do something digital, and digitally sign them.



  By Mrs.T on January 23, 2016

  Format: Kindle Edition

  This book put a huge smile on my face as I read it. Sure, there were mistakes such as "there" instead of "they're", as well as dropping a word or two in a couple of sentences. But when you stack editing misses against a great story, great story wins out with me. The story has a nice switch on the vampire world, and Bethany Anne is not only a strong character but is also a likable one. Initially it was kind of confusing having different storylines happening, but they came together nicely and from there the book took off. This was such a fun read that I can't wait to tear into the next book.


  Michael - Thank you, Mrs. T! I presume based on your comment above that you read Queen Bitch. I’m curious if you are reading this (and continued to this book?) Reach out and let an Author know! ;-)

  Working on the editing, always. I hope the you enjoy the great story and I don’t falter, I don’t waiver, and I don’t let all of you down!



  By William W. Cotterman on January 23, 2016

  Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

  Very good with entertaining use of profanity.


  Michael - YES! Thank you William. I have SO much fun w/ profanity. There actually isn’t much profanity in this book. Just not the same call for it, I guess. Maybe I got it out of my system? Man, I hope not. 8-o

  Yet, the very last sentence is ‘Fuck my life’… Ooops ;-)


  A 411 for interested parties:

  By Lisa on January 23, 201

  Format: Kindle Edition

  Ok here is a 411: if you are a perfectionist reader stop now, otherwise this an outstanding story. I'm already on book three and I started reading them today. The negatives: sometimes knowing which character is talking; happens a lot in the first book but evens out in the second, still happens but not as much. Sometimes inserts the wrong character name while they are talking or thinking. I do like that this is from an multiple characters point of view, but it can be difficult occasionally to follow because the transition is not always seamless. The grammar is ok but not perfect but did not take away from the story. The PROS: love the story line, love that is a continuation with lots of laughs and action. I'm looking forward to see where the author is going with this. I'm stopping now to read the third book, but because I'm digging this author I wanted to send a shout out!


  Michael - Thank you Lisa! I sure hope that books 3,4, & 5 got better on the character names. I realize (as I have gone back through my own writing) how often the character names are messed up during my drafts. Lance and Frank are a particular problem for me. Not sure why. I love that you are ‘digging the author’ and wanted to send a shout out quickly.

  Feel free to do that Every. Single. Time. ;-) (Not really, well - maybe… if you want to…)



  By Amazon Customer on January 24, 2016

  Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

  Keep it coming


  Michael - Thank you, Amazon Customer! (Boy, this ‘Amazon Customer’ writes a lot of reviews…)

  Short, sweet, to the point. I don’t suppose you are one of the fan’s with the pitchforks and matches? (Grin)

  I had one fan get on me about 9 days after the previous release to ‘hurry up’. I had to go back to the calendar and ask myself just when I had dropped book #5… I’m thinking, “I’m pretty sure I should be allowed a little break between books.”

  I was dissuaded from that notion later in the evening over on the Facebook page.

  I have NO idea how someone like Christopher Nuttall or P.S. Power drops so many books. Even using dictation software (Dragon) to start writing some of the story, I don’t think I want to can keep my head in the stories that much every day. I enjoy the marketing and other aspects too much.

  I just checked, I started actually putting fingers to keyboard for Under My Heel on January 17th (thank you Facebook Page). Finished on January 31st. So, 71k words in 14 days. I didn’t write every day (had a BIG project in the middle of all of that). So, call it 5k words a day on average.


  Great read. Kinda found by accident 4 days ago

  By Larry V. on January 24, 2016

  Format: Kindle Edition

  Great read. Kinda found by accident 4 days ago, tried it for free thru Kindle Unlimited....now I've purchased and read the next 4 in the series and waiting impatiently for #6. As well written as other "name authors" with established series in similar genres. Great characters, awesome story lines, and the world he has created is coherent and flows believably from a single factor (nanocytes that can be programmed to alter operate at the cellular level).


  Michael - Thank you Larry! This review brings up an interesting question I’ve wondered. How many readers start with Kindle Unlimited, but then go and purchase the books?

  Personally, I do one or the other. Perhaps, if I was going back to read something and the author had pulled out of Kindle Select (which is for Kindle Unlimited) so they could sell in other ebook stores I might find and purchase the books. However, if I was reading the series I wouldn’t think to purchase the series if I started in Kindle Unlimited.

  As a Kindle Unlimited Author - If someone reads the books on KU, then goes and purchases the books for their own library I end up getting paid 2x. For six books in the series, that is both Starbucks and a … Well, it is Venti Starbucks Vanilla Bean Frappacinno Double-Blended with whipped cream and a cake slice.

  Twice. In Las Vegas.

  Because, let’s face it. The Starbucks in Las Vegas are more expensive than the one in the strip center near the grocery store. I can only imagine the cost of a Starbucks in downtown New York, so maybe only once there.


  Awesome series! Read them all!

  By starlight on January 25, 2016

  Format: Kindle Edition

  I just finished reading all five of the available books in this series, so I am reviewing them altogether since they are really one story. They are fabulous. Fast-paced, great characters, interesting story. I highly recommend them. The first book starts a little slowly but soon picks up and we are on our way.


  Michael - Thank you Starlight! Really, aren’t we all just one story? One little slice taken out like a Jackson Pollock painting from a large canvas?


  Truly tho’, thank you Starlight for your review and your comments on the great characters! I’ve often wondered about readers opinions, if Bethany Anne isn’t your favorite character, who is?

  I would think either Pete or Stephen would get the nod. Maybe Ashur. Just curious myself.


  New favorite series!

  By Kimmer17 on January 25, 2016

  Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

  I am writing this review after reading both books 1 & 2. The first book is typically the set up and I wanted to verify the story was as great as book 1 lead me to believe. Yes, I love both the story and the heroine. I am very critical about how the h is portrayed in books, I can't stand TSTL, whinny, immature so called female leads. I want the h to be the h and not window dressing to be rescued. This book has a great storyline and an even better kickass h! I will definitely be buying each new release! Highly recommend!


  Michael - Thank you Kimmer17! You wouldn’t believe this, but I’ve been beating my head against the wall every time I read your review and saw ‘TSTL’.

  I just used this new thing… called the Internet? … To look it up (I feel so stupid). “Too stupid to live.”

  Agreed! Can you be called a hero/heroine if you need rescuing all of the time yourself?

  In this story, Bethany Anne gets some support, but she didn’t ‘need’ Michael to save her. She was just pissed. More of a ‘Oh! You think you have the problem solved? I’ll be right back.’ then bringing another big gun to the party.

  Let’s face it, Michael would have been bitching for a while if he hadn’t had a chance to kill a few, too. As the author of the books, I didn’t want to hear his !#!% in my head all of the time.

  But did she ‘require’ Michael to help? No.


  Really like the books

  By Mike Garrett on January 26, 2016

  Format: Kindle Edition

  Really like the books, only drawback is the EXTREME language. Think about a book with a lot of swearing, then multiply it by 27. Not that it stopped me from reading the series, obviously. Character reminded me a bit of Chris Gordon and the other Vampire books where the vampire turns into Mist, can't remember the name off the top of my head.


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