Lovers' Tussle

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Lovers' Tussle Page 8

by India-Jean Louwe

  “No.” She fell against Roth’s hard chest, railing against the unfairness of this situation. She had come to an understanding, an acceptance while she’d sat at home and worried over Roth’s fate. She may not succeed in having the future with both of them, but she fully expected to taste of each. She had been so wrong. There was no fighting her attraction, no battling their strengths. There was simply a need, and it had to be fulfilled. She stared up at Roth’s stormy face. Her voice broke with the longing that cut straight through her soul, into two equal halves. “Call him back.” Roth’s jaw clenched harshly, but she was adamant, desperate. “Please.”

  * * * *

  Wishing to feast his eyes on the fiery beauty one last time before he disappeared for good, Aiden had watched the couple embrace from beneath the cover of the trees until his knob had threatened to explode in his trousers. It was either vinegar strokes or leap right into the fray. He chose the third option. He had walked away. And every step he took felt like he was leaving a piece of himself behind, scattered scraps for the pickings of scavengers.

  Her voice had seared a path straight through his mind and plunged into his heart like the arrow of a cruel cupid gone horribly askew. And he was a fool because his steps faltered. He was a coward because he stopped.

  And then his brother’s voice had intervened. “Aiden.”

  As harsh as Roth’s voice was in his head, his words almost brought him to his knees. He was humbled by Tienna’s need for him. After all he had done, she still wished to turn her innocent gaze to his evil face. He did not know where this path would lead them. He did not know if he would survive heartache. But he was not willing to leave without fully finding out. He was powerless against her allure. He was a slave, trapped within a beast’s body and deceptively cloaked in the skin of man. A selfish, despicable excuse for a gentleman because he knew he would bring her more pain, and yet he turned on his heels and raced back to her.

  He tore through the hedges with a roar of exultation. Engulfing Tienna within the whirlwind that he’d caused, he kissed her hungrily. He had to taste the intimacy she had shared with his brother while saving his life. The sharp edges of his canines pricked her sensitive flesh in his haste and need. Her blood, hot and spicy, mingled with the nectar of her mouth. She was intoxicating. He laved at the severed flesh, greedily drawing at her life essence. She was so utterly beguiling, pliant, and welcoming in her trust. His arms crushed her to him. He planned on never letting her go. “I have become a beast, Tienna.” It was only fair to warn her.

  “You are my cavalier.” She breathed right into his mouth. “I thought you’d left me.”

  “Never.” He rained kisses all over her face, savoring the soft creaminess beneath his lips and tongue. He wanted to lick and suck her all over, nibble and chew on her, and eat her whole. The scent of her juices, ripe and musky, overflowing from her pussy slammed against his senses. His already stiff cock, beaded heavily with proof of his eagerness as he pressed into her. He wanted to sink his cock deep into her, stoke her fires until she exploded.

  “That was a rather short spate of gentlemanly honor.” Roth curled his lips in disgust as he eyed him.

  Aiden drew back stiffly. What could he do? He had pledged his word, and yet the lure of Tienna would not be denied. “It seems I am fast plunging to the rot of your lowly depths.”

  “You admit to being an utter cur.”

  “Indubitably, I plead guilty as charged for breaking my pledge to you, but the lady’s wish is my command.”

  * * * *

  Roth growled his displeasure as he once again grabbed Tienna to his side. “Add foolish to your list of newly acquired attributes.” He tucked Tienna safely under his protective arm so they faced Aiden. His fingers toyed with her erect nipple before slipping beneath the low neckline for a more satisfying sampling of her flesh. He blatantly goaded his brother. “I knew you would not leave.”

  Aiden’s eyes remained glued to Roth’s tweaking fingers, which bulged and shifted beneath the stretched décolletage. He swallowed the urge to pull the fabric down and give Aiden a brief glimpse of the silken skin he caressed beneath. But Aiden look pained enough, and he sounded it as well. “Oh? And why is that?”

  Roth flicked his finger over the puckered tip and cupped Tienna’s breast so the nipple stabbed provocatively through the flimsy material. The sight made Aiden’s eyes bulge. The stimulation elicited soft mews from Tienna. He reached across with his free hand and ran his palm down her middle all the way to the sweet V of her thighs and cupped her. “Because you are no loftier than the rest of us beasts. Or less greedy, for that matter.”

  Voice forced through gritted teeth and eyes glued to Roth’s scandalous ministrations, Aiden spat out, “Well, you are a stubborn devil’s spawn.”

  Tienna’s breath was coming in short, hot pants beside him. “I need you.” Her words made Roth’s cock jerk harshly.

  Roth gave his brother a withering smirk. “Go away, Aiden.”

  But as Aiden’s face fell in disappointment, Tienna whispered, “And you, too, Aiden.”

  Roth’s hand, which was already rubbing the thin fabric into her pussy folds, stilled. Her legs were spread wantonly apart. The pale rose material was already deep primrose, damp with her juices beneath his fingers. She was arched so far back in his arm, he barely controlled his stunned reaction in time, or she would have been sent pummeling to the ground. “What?”

  Tienna’s eyes flew open. “Don’t stop.”

  Roth stared down at her as his hands clamped hard over her breast and pussy simultaneously, possessive. He could feel Aiden’s agitation as well. He was not sure what exactly it was she wanted. Well, he did know that she wanted him. He was not all that dense, but what part did she expect Aiden to play in this equation? When he finally regained control of his stunned tongue, he inquired crudely, “You want me to fuck you in front of Aiden?” He pressed his finger deeper, cutting the fabric into her clit brutally.

  Aiden’s quick intake of air mingled with her husky voice. “Um-hum. And him to fuck me as well.”

  Roth was stupefied. She looked so angelic with her fluttering eyelids fanning against cheeks as crimson as prime plums, her plush lips forming a delightful moue, and yet she tossed down the gauntlet like a seasoned she-devil. He threw a confused glance at Aiden who was no help at all. Aiden simply shrugged, looking like as pathetically helpless as a puppy that had just misplaced its mother’s teat. “Bloody hell. Tienna, are you sure this is what you want?”

  Tienna did not look at him as she spoke. She addressed Aiden. “I care not if you will kill each other in the end. But you will do so after satisfying me.” Her tone rang with quiet strength and steely determination. “Now either you two find a way to get over your pompous egos and fuck me or I shall find someone more accommodating.”

  That was all Roth needed to hear. He pursed his lips. Sharing with Aiden was better than having some stranger thrust his randy cock into her warmth. He gestured for Aiden to lead the way.

  Aiden continued to gape at Tienna, flummoxed. Roth grunted in annoyance. Now he knew why Tienna had addressed his brother. Aiden was simply too staid. “Move your ass, Aiden, unless you wanted us to rut here on the filthy ground like bloody animals.” The idea held more than a little appeal, but this was her first time. His beast could wait.

  Snapping out of his reverie, perhaps as images assailed him, Aiden hissed beneath his breath. “We’ve reached an accord, then.”

  “What the devil are you prattling on about?”

  Aiden took the lead. His back was rigid, but at least his pinched shoes showed some wisdom in making haste. “I no longer owe you anything.”

  Roth trailed behind Tienna, biting his lip as he admired the sway of her ass beneath the too-thin gown. Aiden’s drone was as distracting as the persistent whine of a bloody mosquito. He forced down the urge to squash him. “You never owed me anything.”

  “Huh. What about”—he mimicked Roth’s condescending tone—“you owe me
everything, and don’t you forget it.” His sneer could be easily heard in his voice. “Now I owe you nothing. Your handsome booty for my willing sharing, the lady’s wish and so on and so forth. I’d say that’s a fair exchange.” His mild laughter cut into Roth’s mind.

  Roth grouched. He was going to give his brother a boot up the ass if he didn’t stop spouting nonsense and get them to a bed. “As long as you remember, Tienna still belongs to me.”

  “I clearly heard her beg for two cocks.”

  Now that was the gripe. Roth seethed slowly as they hurried along the dark path. This issue had better be resolved quickly because he did not share. When it came to pussy, he wanted it all to himself, this one specifically. But now was not the time to argue. Let Tienna have her flaming desire appeased according to her wishes just this once, then she would have to choose. But the next time there would be only one. “You forget, brother, you still owe me for trying to kill me. Gentlemanly honor and so on and so forth.”

  Aiden’s audible groan brought the smile back to his face.

  * * * *

  “Light the candles.” Roth could see Tienna’s features clearly in the darkness thanks to his nocturnal senses, but he wished to see the firelight dance over her body. He turned to rekindle dying embers behind the grate.

  He made a quick note of all the changes that had taken place in a room he once knew so well. Aiden had changed the entire color scheme from the original royal-blue hues to somber maroon. The heavy furnishing and dark drapes gave the room an entirely masculine feel which Roth reluctantly admired. As light bathed the corners in a soft glow, he noticed that even the carpet had been replaced with a plush, velvet red and the few chosen paintings that graced the walls were rather becoming if not a little too tame for his own taste. In all, the room simply screamed opulence and wealth. Roth grunted. To him, it symbolized trappings.

  He turned his attention to the jewel that stood in the center of the wide chamber. Tienna outshone every expensive knickknack and outweighed every amenity this place had to showcase. He admired her slim, petite body, so easy to underestimate and yet so undeniably strong. Her hair took on life under the ambience of the flames. A shudder raked through her body as he watched her. This was one treasure trove he intended to pick through piece by delightful piece. “Come to me, Tienna.”

  She started at his voice but did not dither. Her satin slippers were silent on the luxurious carpet. Her thundering heartbeat was not. Roth absorbed the frantic pounding, reveled in the scent of her arousal that lingered heavily in the air. Tiny dewdrops sparkled on her upper lip like diamante. The deep flush touched her cheeks like rouge and ran the length of her throat and her creamy cleavage to disappear where his eyes had not yet wandered. But his hands had. And the images in his mind, produced by his touch, spoke of soft, feminine perfection.

  Aiden approached from behind just as his hands reached out to test the heat of her skin. He longed to shred the obscuring clothes from her body, for her to simply wish it gone. But Aiden was picking at the pins in her hair, one by one, and he squashed the beast that flared within him. Tienna hissed as his hands moved to the tiny pearls that ran down her dress. There were so many, and yet not enough. Every slip of the dainty nub through the hole revealed decadent valuables beneath, and before Roth knew it, he was peeling the garment of her like unwrapping a precious, fragile gift.

  His breath hitched as he took in the sight before him. The frail shift concealed little, and those few hidden secrets had his mind reeling in speculation. She did not don a corset, thank God. Her glorious mane of hair at last fell from its confinement and flowed all the way to her hips. A few curls fell forward and deviously curtained her white-covered breasts. He had pictured her in every color peignoir, but not virginal white. Flaming red, sinful black, and even soft coral pinks, but definitely not chalky. No, alabaster would be allowed only on this one occasion.

  He watched in rapt fascination as Aiden’s large hands now turned to the next task. He slipped the thin straps of her shift over her shoulders. Roth waited impatiently for the scrap to fall. Light, silent, the dainty wisp of silk fluttered to the floor. But he did not observe its path. He first took in the darkened, plum-colored nipples, so perfectly contrasting the milky, smooth skin. She was not large, but she was more than adequate. The first touch on the delicate, pebbled tips had her hissing through clenched teeth. His fingers expertly rolled her aroused nipples until she arched her back against Aiden. His hands traveled down her sides as he smiled wickedly. With a simple flick of his wrist, he sent her soft underwear to share the fate of her shift. His gaze wandered further down.

  The fiery-red curls at the apex of her thighs screamed for his touch. The sharp canines inside his mouth extended as he growled his satisfaction. With a quick glance over her shoulder, he caught Aiden’s attention fully focused on her ass. He wanted that all to himself. “Take her breasts, Aiden.”

  Even as he said the words, he lowered himself to his knees before her. The lace edging of her stockings was wonderfully soft beneath his exploring fingertips. This white he would accept, and tonight it would stay on. He touched his lips to the velvet skin of her inner thigh. But what was supposed to be a slow, patient path to her pussy became a race to the finish after the first taste of her heated flesh. He wanted to tear into her. His teeth scraped painfully against the insides of his mouth. The beast within him reared and burst to surface, demanding satisfaction. He needed to eat her. Knowing Aiden would be there for her support, he grabbed her slim leg and lifted it over his shoulder. His voice fanned against the glossy curls that emitted a kiss of blasting heat from her mons. “I’m going to eat your pussy, Tienna.”

  The thrust of her hips and her quick intake of air was all the invitation he needed. His fingers parted the delicate pink folds of her snatch, and he ran his tongue the entire length of her intimate valley, savoring her unique scent and flavor. Her tiny bud swelled right before his eyes, and he could not stop himself from biting into the rosy bud. Tienna began to pant hard as his tongue snaked and darted over her clit hungrily. It was still not enough. Impatient, he pulled her other thigh over his shoulder until she straddled his shoulders. Her pussy straddled his face. His fingers dug into the flesh of her ass, pressing her more fully into his awaiting mouth until she was riding him like a stallion. She was so tiny his mouth closed over her entire pussy, engulfing her, consuming. The petting and flicking of his tongue, the nips and bites quickly turned to a frenzied feeding. Her passage flooded with welcoming juices as he wormed his way into the tight channel. God, she tasted so good. “I could fuck you with my tongue the whole night.”

  There were advantages to being able to communicate with his mouth full. He feasted like a starving beast as she writhed against him. “Can you feel my tongue all the way in your tight, hot pussy?” Tienna’s answering shout was muffled. He vaguely pondered if that was because his ears were tightly buffeted by her crushing thighs, or if Aiden was drinking in her cries. “Do you like it, my tongue sucking so deep inside your sweet pussy?” This time he did hear her scream. It speared through his mind. She was close to shattering. “There’s my good puss. Feed me, Tienna. Now.”

  His command was not disobeyed. Hot cream gushed forth, and he lapped greedily. He knew he was chafing her with his bristled chin, but he did not care. He was gluttonous. “More, Tienna.” She came until her juices dribbled over his chin and ran down his throat.

  He didn’t stop sucking at her until the last long drawn out shudder ran through her entire delicate frame, almost threatening to tear her in two. His face came away wet and sticky. He drew away filled. But not nearly finished.

  Keeping her still seated on his shoulders, he ran a single finger along the crack of her ass until he reached her dripping pussy opening. With his face so close up, he had a delightful view of his finger entering and disappearing into the thigh passage. He slid his finger up to its base and admired the way her muscles clenched as he retreated. Adding a second finger, he entered her pussy agai
n. Her guttural groan echoed across the room and drove straight into his soul. “You like finger fucking, Tienna?” His mouth was not occupied, but he could not speak aloud with his bottom lip being bitten on by his sharpened dentures. He relished the taste of his coppery blood. “Your pussy loves finger fucking.” With that he added a third finger. On the retreating journey his fingers crooked slightly, and he worried her swollen pussy entrance with his knuckles. “I can’t hear you, Tienna.”

  “Yes! Damn you,” she shouted as her second violent release overtook her. Her orgasm was so powerful her hips rocked against his face. He dutifully ate the clit that was grinding between his teeth. As she mewled and pushed harder, the beast within him lashed out. His sharp teeth bit down on her folds, and he chewed on her pulsing flesh until she screamed her final cry. “Roth!”

  Roth could not control his demon any longer. He wanted to thrust his cock into her savagely, brutally. He yearned to sink into that burning furnace until his claim had been slaked. But damnable rationale intruded. She was an innocent. When her tender maidenhead was breached, it should be done with gentleness and infinite care, something he readily admitted he lacked. His beast would not allow him to be tender. He would tear her asunder. He gifted her pussy a final loud kiss before moving her away and standing. “Aiden.”

  * * * *

  There was something elementally devilish about being totally naked and sandwiched between two fully dressed men. Her body was powerless, vulnerably open to any advantage they chose to take of her. It was sinfully wicked, and she loved it.

  Tienna blinked as Roth moved away. At the same time Aiden, who had been practically carrying her through her unconventional mounting, picked her up and took her to the bed. A quick glance at Roth and she knew they had communicated silently. She worried her bottom lip fearing Roth would leave, but Aiden quickly drew her attention.


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