Lovers' Tussle

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Lovers' Tussle Page 11

by India-Jean Louwe

  Roth laughed without mirth. “Is it not ironic? The son who was so much like him was conceived between the legs of random were-being female. And yet the seed that had borne fruit in the womb of his genteel-born wife produced the very monster he did not want.”

  “Don’t say that.” Her nails pierced into his hard palm. “You are no more a monster than any of us. If you condemn yourself then you do the same to us all.”

  Roth allowed his expression to soften “Pardon. I meant no disrespect to you. I merely state that, unlike the members who choose to hunt the ballrooms with no more than fresh, doe-eyed debutantes as prey, I am more beast than man. My loins crave the savagery, the wild. I want no rules of man binding me, defining me.”

  He remembered clearly how he would climb through his window as a young boy. The chance to shift into his alter form was a gift he thrived on, a secret he guarded with his life. “My father’s pack, the one Aiden now leads, were of like mind. As much as I wished that Aiden would change things in that respect, well, it simply was not to be. He is, after all, my father’s son.” Indeed, Aiden filled the role more aptly than he ever could.

  “How did that switch come to be? I cannot believe no one noticed anything amiss. You and Aiden are not exactly twins, either in appearance or in character.”

  So long ago, a lifetime. “Aiden and I knew each other from a young age. While we had never seen each other, we were able to communicate through the bond that binds siblings. I never told my father.” He shrugged dismissively. “Another secret. But Aiden longed for my life. His constant complaint about the hardships of a peasant’s life never rang true with me, as I vehemently reminded him that at least he was free. I was tied, imprisoned by the title that had been settled on my head at birth.”

  “Aiden was smitten with the idea of prestige.” Tienna grinned. “I am not surprised.”

  “Greedy, that was all that the scoundrel had been. When my father died, I plotted a devious plan. Green as newly fledged sprig, I left the gates of Eton and commissioned a ship. My destination mattered not.” He could not even recall where they had docked on that fateful journey. “My passenger was my only concern. I had to teach Aiden about the marrow on which society thrived. I can tell you now it was not an easy task. His accent and language was appalling, his bearing and posture audacious. But he did possess what was needed for the task. He had determination and gulped down every task I threw at him like a starved dog.” Aiden had not known his forks from his spoons. Debrett’s was beyond his pronunciation, let alone comprehension. But in the initial days, as Aiden had taken his first baby steps into the fray of wolves of another kind in the jungle of social swirl, he had guided him mentally.

  “But how did you manage to convince the ton?”

  Roth drew himself up sternly. Some stamps of authority were too ingrained to outgrow. “So Aiden had arrived a little more bleached and a lot more grown. You must remember the trip had taken the better part of two years. I assured Aiden that the word of a marquis would not be questioned so long as he issued them with command.” He smiled slightly, this time in true affection. “But I was, in time, able to build my own band of supporters. My pack may consist of cutthroats and outcasts, but I assure you they are as vicious as they are loyal to me.”

  “And your former pack? Surely they sensed Aiden was not you.” Tienna stared at him incredulously.

  “To be honest, they didn’t complain much. After all, Aiden’s staid, pompous attitude was more in keeping with their beliefs than my crass, savage nature ever could be. I think they were relieved at the switch, but none dared make mention of it. It is not the done thing you know.”

  Tienna nodded in understanding. “A pack’s first priority is survival. Had other bands come to know of this, there would have been spilt blood.”

  “I was not talking about the wolves.” His former pack would have done anything to keep their positions in society secure. “Your members are more primal, Tienna. Do you not feel the power of your beast calling for its unleashing?”

  With rueful look, Tienna glanced at the crescent in the sky. “As sole heir to the leading pack in England, I was never given a choice.”

  A flicker of anxiety speared through Roth’s heart. Had she wished to be simply a human? Was she also one who denied the wolf within?

  She chuckled suddenly. “But fear not. Once I tasted what the beast offered I was lured into its beckoning cradle without regret. The thrill of the chase, the hunt, enlivens me. The ability to rein in such ruthless force empowers me.” Her cheeks flushed with a becoming heat. “The incredulous glory that came with my status was addictive. I can dismiss and control wolves of my pack with the flick of my wrist, much like the way I tossed Viscount Matthew Willington out, making him a rogue with no more than the click of my fingers.” She paused on reflection. “Although my father still needs constant reminding as to my true status. Even the talent of curing what even the most-skilled physicians fail at, I am vain enough to admit, prides me.”

  Roth ran a finger down her arm, reveling in the shiver that followed in its wake. “That oaf deserved his fate if not worse for daring to touch what does not belong to him. I cannot guarantee that I would have been as merciful.” Tienna sighed. The purr that rumbled in her throat sent a shudder through his cock. “While you cured me, it was almost as though you were one with me, deep inside, spurring my life and body to greater heights than I can even explain.” He cursed his inability to convey verbally the amazing transformation that he’d undergone. “It was like an orgasm that went on and on. I have not the words for you. All I possess is a body that can show.”

  Her voice was breathless, husky. “I felt it, too. I need not your words when you converse so very well with your cock. Your daring excites me. You make me feel alive.”

  Desire, hot and demanding, fired within his veins. Her crude language inflamed the beast within him. He lowered his head. His words fanned her lips. “Then you need not another cock. You certainly don’t need a toff like Aiden.”

  He felt her stiffen but had no chance to explore that avenue further. The source of his most pressing disgruntlement broke into the clearing.

  The white wolf took the form of an elegantly attired man. But Aiden’s features remained brutally animalistic. “Actually, I am just who Tienna needs. She is a lady first and foremost.”

  A lady from whose lips words like cock and pussy drip as freely as the honey. I scent moisture on her thighs. Huh! Aiden has much to learn. Roth’s finger returned to the journey up Tienna’s arm. “Whether the beast comes first or last, it cannot be denied.” His mate was a delightful minx, with deceptively soft fur and skin concealing a soul of hardened steel. He gave Aiden a mocking bow. “You certainly cannot satisfy those bestial urges.”

  “Why ever not?”

  “Because your polite cock would be too busy seeking permission with ‘beg your pardon’ and ‘excuse me’ to ever enjoy a pussy that should be simply taken.”

  He felt Tienna stir beside him. Yes, his mate had a penchant for dirty words just like him. Poor Aiden. He looked about as pale and disoriented as a woefully lost apparition. But the noble veneer slipped away as Aiden spat out an affront. “My cock pleasured her quite well last night.”

  Tienna hissed softly. The sound went straight to Roth’s erection and jerked it to further attentiveness. She pushed Roth away with a snort of annoyance. “Ply your cock instead of your mouths. I grow weary of this inane squabbling and yearn a good plundering.”

  Roth’s eyes widened as she stood before them and suddenly commanded her clothes gone. Everything disappeared except a pair of devilish-looking lace stockings encasing the length of slender legs. The moonlight kissed and bathed every secret crevice that he wished to taste for himself. Like a wicked, red-haired siren, she licked her lips until they glistened in the silver light. Her drooping lids did nothing to conceal the glimmer of carnal promises swirling in violent moss green. The fiery curls at the apex of her thighs beckoned to him like naughty little
fingers crooked in his direction.

  She laughed in the face of their torture. “I see you are obediently silent. Now let’s see how much more tamed my hot-blooded mongrels are?”

  * * * *

  The cool air flittered over her naked skin delightfully. Tienna enjoyed this sudden power she felt as her mates stared at her, dumbstruck into immobility. She, however, had no compunction to remain still. With slow, measured steps, she strolled to Aiden. It pleased her to taunt him first. The teasing of him would be Roth’s torture. “Get rid of your clothes, Aiden.”

  He complied at once. His extravagantly embroidered velvets and snowy silks vanished within the blink of an eye. Tienna looked down at the cock that showed no polite manners as it tapped against her middle. Her nails raked over the stiff length, and Aiden cursed beneath his breath. No. Politeness had no place here. She chewed on her lip impatiently as she palmed his throbbing erection. “Do you want me to suck your cock, dear Marquis?”

  Aiden moaned his answer. Tienna kissed a slow path across his chest. His tiny flat nipple fit snugly between her even teeth, and she chewed leisurely. As she moved from one taut nipple to the next, her hand tightened around his cock. “Are you going to say please, my lord?”

  Another string of curses flowed from Aiden’s lips. Tienna smiled as she licked a path down his flat, hard belly. She intentionally ignored Roth, but she felt his simmering impatience acutely. It lashed at her like howling gusts of wind, tearing at her for equal attention. But she pressed her lips firmly over the crisp, light hair of Aiden’s pubic region. Roth was a beast best enjoyed when riled.

  Finally, the damp grass cradled her knees. Her whisper feathered across the swollen, bulbous tip. “Say it, Aiden.”

  His body tensed. “Please.”

  Tienna laughed huskily. “No, my lord. Tell me want you want without the niceties.”

  She could practically imagine his mouth work around the words she wanted to hear. Prodding him on, she curled her fingers and stroked his cock from tip to thick base. A tiny droplet of pearl shone on the reddened head. Her tongue darted out to taste. Savory sweetness coated her palate.

  “Suck me.” Aiden’s voice was rugged, harsh. “Take my whole cock into your mouth, Tienna.”

  Tienna enjoyed Roth’s outraged howl before doing Aiden’s bidding. Her lips slipped over his tip easily. Her mouth was wet and hungry. Her tongue flicked over the slit tip as she ate more of him. His cock was too large, so she took in as much as she could and allowed her hand to coax the remainder.

  Following the instruction of his urgently thrusting hips, she ran her lips up and down his length. His scent engulfed her. His taste was overwhelming.

  “Tienna.” Roth sounded furious.

  She smiled around her decadent meal. “Wait your turn.” But when she turned, she encountered his erection, hard and awaiting her attention.

  Roth was done waiting, apparently. He held his length and tipped it up so that the seam on the tender underside showed. “Lick my cock all the way up.”

  Tienna kept her hand tightly curled around Aiden’s cock. But her mouth was unable to disobey Roth’s command. She ran her tongue over him, relishing the soft skin against rock hardness.

  “Fuck yes. Now just suck on the tip.”

  Tienna mused that Roth was choosey indeed, but she submitted to his demand and tutoring as he rocked in her mouth. Her lips stretched as she sucked at his swollen head. She nibbled at the soft skin until the urge within her overpowered gentleness.

  Roth encouraged her beast. “Harder.”

  She bit down on him, hard but not enough to break the skin. Chewing noisily, she mouthed around her filled mouth. “Do you want me to eat you, Roth?”

  “Hell yes.” But she should have known better then to tempt the devil. “Eat my cock the way I want. “He grabbed her hair in fists and thrust himself into her mouth. His tip rammed against the back of her throat, choking her. “Relax, Tienna.” As she complied, she found she could take more of him in. Her hands left Aiden to toy with the scrotum that slapped against her chin. He fed her a tiny appetizer of his pre-cum before pulling out.

  Tienna jerked back, but just as she was about to voice her frustration she felt strong hands grip her waist. In one smooth move Roth picked her up. In the next she was spun upside down. Tienna screamed as his steely grip roped around her.

  “Spread your legs wide for me, Tienna.”

  Her legs parted, and his mouth was on her pussy. Tienna mewled as blood rushed straight to her head. Her thighs settled over his shoulders, and her hair brushed the earth as she pushed against his wet, hungry mouth. His tongue snaked through the folds, impatient, almost furious.

  “I’m going to eat your pussy.” As his words heated her mind, Tienna gripped his cock, which was now rubbing against her hair, and pumped it in tune with her own gyrating hips. His mouth covered her, consuming and fueling her growing heat as his tongue wormed its way down the tight passage of her pussy.

  Aiden’s feet came into view. His warmth enfolded her back. As Roth moved to chew and nibble at her clit, she felt gentle fingers at her ravaged pussy opening. It could not be Roth. He was holding her up. Aiden. And then he did something she had never even in her wildest dreams imagined possible. Aiden’s tongue snaked out and ran the length of the ass crack.

  Tienna’s pussy was being impaled by what could only be Aiden’s two thick thumbs as his fingers bit into the flesh of her ass, spreading her cheeks wide. His wet tongue slipped over the puckered opening at her anus. She shuddered as the hot tip slipped in. Roth’s possessive growl, hot and furious, cut into her pleasurable thoughts.

  “I need Aiden, too,” she retaliated, not willing to lose one of her expert lovers due to jealousy. Ecstasy once again flooded her body as he reluctantly acquiesced, and Aiden returned to his ardent, intimate suckling. It was the most erotic moment she had ever known. They sucked and milked at her, eating her pussy and ass whole until she could not hold in her desire. “Oh, yes. Eat my pussy!” Tienna screamed as her juiced flowed freely. She writhed, caught between two unyielding, hungry mouths. And she did the only thing she could. She fed them.

  Roth kissed her a final time before loosening his binding hold. Aiden’s hands were quick and nimble as he lifted her in his arms. He smiled down slyly. “You will reward my ministrations, Tienna.”

  She didn’t have time to contemplate what he meant when she felt herself once again being handed over. This time she was laid onto Roth who was stretched out on the soft grass. He grabbed her waist and lowered her over his cock. Her pussy clenched as she was slid each delicious inch to his base. Roth held on to her, lifting her up and down until she comprehended. Her body took over as her mind went reeling toward a distant edge. But before she could take the final plunge, Roth grabbed her nipples and tweaked the tips. He rolled and pulled at the taut buds until she was forced to lower her head to his awaiting mouth.

  Her annoyance at the interruption of her pumping evaporated as his tongue plunged into her mouth. The scent of her sex, the taste lingered on him. She purred deeply as she lapped at him greedily.

  Aiden’s deep baritone grated across her mind like rough sand just before she felt his hands on her ass. Tienna stiffened. Her behind was open and vulnerable due to this position. As she tried to right herself, Roth’s arms looped around her. “Stay.” His command was a clear warning. “You wanted us both, Tienna.”

  Panic had her rearing against his hold.

  Aiden’s voice was soothing. “Hush, Tienna. You will enjoy this.”

  Roth cut in, “Know what it is to have your pussy and ass filled by two cocks.”

  The words were like magic. She wanted to experience this new delight. And she trusted her lovers. She melted against Roth’s hard chest, willing her heartbeat to a tamer beat.

  Her action was taken as her surrender. Roth stroked her hair tenderly. “That’s a good puss. We won’t hurt you. That’s why Aiden has the honor again.”

  Tienna swallowed down her
tears of gratitude. Yet again her hard, unbending lover was forced to turn over the reins of his dominance for her pleasure, fearing he would hurt her. She whispered softly against his lips, “Thank you.”

  The words ended on a hiss as Aiden fingered the opening of her anus. He spread her sticky moisture and massaged the stiff muscles patiently. He worried the tender tissue into pliancy before slowly sliding a finger into her. Tienna whimpered in Roth’s mouth. He fed her gentling words. “Relax, sweetheart.” His hands pulled her thighs higher against his sides, opening her further to the invasion behind.

  The tip of Aiden’s cock was suddenly huge at her sensitive entrance. She cried out as he slipped the swollen tip in. Roth quickly squeezed his hand between their bodies and fingered her weeping clit. He rubbed the folds until he latched on to her tiny bud. Tienna moaned as he teased it into tautness.

  Aiden used her distraction and slipped further in. Tienna froze. Her shout echoed through the dark woods. Aiden was panting hard against her nape. “Almost there, love. Just a little more.”

  It was a lot more. She felt torn apart as he pushed the remainder of the way in. He held perfectly still, as did Roth. Tienna’s breath whistled out between her teeth. Her senses dipped and swayed even more alarmingly than when she’d been upside down. The burning around her impaled ass made her dizzy. She did not think she could bear anymore.

  But Roth lifted his hips, and his cock pumped slowly. Aiden remained motionless as Roth picked up the pace. Moisture rushed to greet his plunging cock, and Tienna was once again overwhelmed by the tide of passion.

  Her eyes widened as Aiden made his first move. It was extraordinary. It was amazing. Roth’s lips curved in a devilish grin. “Does my pet like being fucked by two cocks?”

  His crude words flamed the fires of desire within her. She loved it. Words deserted her, so she pushed against Aiden in need. He did not disappoint. His arms corded at her sides as he thrust into her ass with long, even strokes. Roth held her hips slightly elevated to aid his own lusty hammering.


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