Her Two Lovers

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  Her Two Lovers

  A Collection of Menage Erotic Romance

  Helen Hardt



  Praise for Her Two Lovers

  Praise for Helen Hardt


  Her Two Lovers: Loving Eve

  Loving Eve

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Her Two Lovers: Slow and Wet

  Slow and Wet

  Her Two Lovers: Primal Instinct

  Primal Instinct

  Her Two Lovers: Pianist Envy

  Pianist Envy

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Message from Helen Hardt

  Also by Helen Hardt


  About the Author

  This book is an original publication of Helen Hardt.

  * * *

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not assume any responsibility for third-party websites or their content.

  * * *

  Individual stories previously published by Ellora’s Cave, The Wild Rose Press, and Musa Publishing 2009, 2010, 2011, 2014

  Copyright © 2016 Waterhouse Press, LLC

  Cover Design by Kelly Shorten

  Cover Photos: Ingimage

  * * *

  All Rights Reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic format without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  Praise for Her Two Lovers

  Praise for Loving Eve:

  I know when I open a Helen Hardt book, I’m in for a treat. This story is no exception. Loving Eve is indeed hot. I had to check my screen for melted spots. I felt like I was right there with Eve, suffering her anxiety and overwhelming passion as she was wooed by the men in her life.

  ~Whipped Cream Reviews

  * * *

  Praise for Slow and Wet:

  Slow and Wet is pure erotic thrills! Ms. Hardt creates magic with a scandalous book that is bubbling with passion, smoking hot lust, and love... In this quick plot format, the author doesn’t scrimp on her character development, plot, or action, demonstrating her ability to create a fantastic, titillating story that will leave the reader breathless!

  ~The Romance Studio

  * * *

  Praise for Primal Instinct:

  The sex was steaming hot and even taught me a new thing or two, which says a lot. For a short story there is a decent plot and full, rounded feeling after the two dominant men reveal their heritage to their human mate.

  ~Happily Ever After Reviews

  * * *

  Praise for Pianist Envy:

  Pianist Envy unfolds into a spark-riddled explosion between Jane and Chandler. Chandler sets out to get under Jane’s skin at times and it works. The story is a wickedly fun way to put your feet up and escape.


  Praise for Helen Hardt

  Ms. Hardt has a way of writing that makes me forget I'm reading a book. It's more like slipping into a world she created and getting lost for a while.

  ~Whipped Cream Reviews

  * * *

  I loved this book. The characters were wonderful. They each showed their vulnerable sides as well as their strengths. They are real people and have real problems but also some very loving solutions…

  ~Night Owl Reviews

  * * *

  Ms. Hardt creates magic…

  ~The Romance Studio

  For everyone who has ever read one of my books.

  Her Two Lovers: Loving Eve

  Loving Eve

  Chapter One

  Jon Blake had long, thick fingers, and each time Eve saw them she imagined them sliding in and out of her pussy. Mmm, stretching and massaging, nice slow burn. His lips were full and dark red. What woman wouldn’t kill for lips like those? They should be classified as lethal weapons as far as Eve was concerned. More than once she’d gotten herself off to the image of them clamped around her hard nipple, sucking and tugging.

  Jon was a dark-haired, dark-eyed mountain of a man, all broad shoulders and ripped muscle. A personal trainer, he was six feet and three inches of pure masculinity. A vivid image of his magnificent body bound for her pleasure skated into her mind.

  Eve shimmied her shoulders, erasing the image, and the coins on her shiny onyx bra jingled and sparkled. Her ample breasts shook with the rhythm and nearly spilled from captivity.

  For Jon. He was a self-professed boob man. She removed a sapphire veil from her hips and wrapped it around Jon’s thick neck.

  Then she turned to Brian. Brian Conrad’s auburn hair suited his green eyes and fair complexion. He was as gorgeous as Jon, but in a completely different way. A pianist, he boasted fingers that were beautifully slender…and amazingly nimble. From Chopin to Rachmaninoff to the jazzy blues of Thelonious Monk, Brian’s fingers danced across the ivories with soul searing motivation.

  Eve’s skin heated as a vivid scene floated into her mind. Her, lying on a bed, while Brian stripped her slowly, languidly, and then played her body like his instrument, starting softly with kisses and caresses and crescendoing to fortissimo as he thrust into her welcoming cunt.

  She tickled his chiseled jaw with a veil, teal this time, slid it around his neck, and fluttered her belly.

  Brian loved belly flutters. Said they were the sexiest moves he’d ever seen. They required control of the diaphragm and were difficult to master. Eve was famous for her flutters, and she loved sharing them with Brian. He made no secret that she had the sexiest tummy and rear end he’d ever seen.

  She rewarded him with a quick hip shimmy and belly roll before she moved on to the next table, her hips swaying to the melodic chords of the acoustic guitar, the haunting strains of the violin, and the clear, hollow resonance of the flute. Underneath the melody and harmony, the mellow cadence of the dumbek provided a brisk rhythm, and Eve circled her hips in time with the beat. She danced to the center of the restaurant as the music of the guitar, violin, and flute faded away.

  Time for her drum solo. She eyed the dumbek player. Damn, he was good-looking too. Had the Oasis Restaurant only admitted gorgeous men tonight? A sea of raw male beauty splashed around her.

  Handsome as the drummer was, though, this dance was for Jon and Brian. All her dances were for Jon and Brian. Her two biggest fans. Her two best friends. She nodded her head slightly, and the drummer began. Her head bowed, her brown hair tickling her shoulders in soft waves, she began with a freeze, shifting her heels in short rapid movements against the floor. Only a glimmer of vibration touched her hips and tummy, but it was enough to get her audience hooting for more.

  She raised her head and smiled her most brilliant smile. She snaked one arm behind her neck and held up her cascading hair while she circled her chest, and then her hips, in opposite directions. Gazing around the semi-circular room, she made eye contact with all the guests, men and women alike. Once she knew they were with her, she fell into a whole-body undulation and gave herself over to the dumbek.

  The audience was gone then. Nothing existed except the dumbek, Eve and the dance.

  And Jon and Brian, of course. Somehow, they were always there, inside her.

  She gyrated her hips in a slow figure eight, four drum beats to every pulse of her body. Then two, and then one, until she was oscillating twice to every beat. The tempo throbbed through her and soon the beat was a part of her, calling her to the dance. No longer did she think about her moves. She simply felt, leaping inside the music as it swirled through her veins in a heady pattern of poetry and rhythm.

  Silver waves of nearly visible energy surged through her and heated her skin. Her nipples tightened against her glittery bra, and her pussy thrummed along with the dumbek. Tiny electric sparks skittered over her flesh. Her muscular legs kept pace under her frothy skirts, and she flashed one every several beats. Her bare feet ground into the carpeted stage as she twirled her skirts, spiraled her body, shook her hips and chest. Her skirts flowed, her coins jingled, her hair swayed, drifting over the bare skin of her back and shoulders in silky caresses.

  She made love through the dance. That, her reviewers said, was what made her the most popular belly dancer in the state of Arizona.

  When the drummer signaled her, she executed a succession of rapid turns and fell to the ground in a perfect backbend.

  Applause thundered through the restaurant, and Eve waited a moment, perspiration beading on her forehead, before she rose, stood tall, smiled, and bowed.

  The flute and guitar played a lively tune and she sashayed around to each table. The patrons generously stuffed tips into her shimmery belt. She acknowledged each customer with grace and a smile.

  “One more round of applause for the lovely Evonna!”

  She whirled to center stage and bowed again. Dollar bills drifted from her waistband. The restaurant manager would collect them for her.

  When the applause died down, she smiled once more then made her way to the corner table Jon and Brian occupied. They both stood.

  Jon leaned over to kiss her cheek. She quivered from the press of his full, dark lips and the scraping of his scruffy stubble.

  Brian, more formal and gentlemanly, kissed her fingertips, and a series of little quakes surged through her.

  They were so wonderful. Her best friends in the universe.

  How could she be in love with both of them?

  Oh, but she was. Had been for a while. They’d met in college and now shared a loft in downtown Tucson. When they decided to live together, they’d agreed to keep their relationship platonic. Both Jon and Brian had made it clear they considered her a friend and nothing more. Two years ago she was right there with them.

  But now? She’d fallen head over heels for them both. How had she let this happen? A woman couldn’t love two men, could she? What kind of loose floozy did that make her?

  She sat down and wiped her sweating face and chest with a cloth napkin. Not real ladylike, but she was sopping wet. Her chestnut hair stuck to her cheeks in strands. Dancing was wonderful exercise and she loved every minute of it. But she sweated like a pig afterwards.

  “You need a drink, honey?” Jon pushed his water glass toward her.

  “You’re an angel.” Eve took a long gulp. Pure nectar.

  “That was one of your best shows ever.” Brian winked. “Lots of flutters.”

  Eve swallowed and let out a giggle. “You know I’d never disappoint you, Bri.”

  Jon cleared his throat and opened his mouth.

  Brian furrowed his brow. “Not now, bud.”

  Hmm. Something was up. “Not now what?”

  “Yes, damn it.” Jon pounded a fist on the table.

  Eve jerked in her chair. “Jon, are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” He shook his head. “Aw, hell. That’s a lie. I’m not fine, and neither is Bri. We’ve got ourselves one giant problem, honey.”

  They were in trouble? Her heart lurched. “What can I do to help?”

  “Nothing,” Jon said. “You’re the problem, see?”

  “Me?” Eve squirmed in her chair. “What have I done?”

  “Ignore him, sweetheart,” Brian said, his deep voice soothing. “You haven’t done anything. That’s not what he meant.”

  “What exactly do you mean then, Jon?”

  “Well…Brian and I…we… Aw, shit.” He thunked his forehead to the table, his sable hair spilling across the linen cloth in a mass of beautiful waves.

  “Nice, bud. Real nice.” Brian shook his head. “Look, sweetheart, we don’t want to upset you, but there is something you need to know.”

  “What?” Eve trembled. “Is one of you in trouble or something?”

  “No, nothing like that,” Brian said. “It’s just, in the past few months, Jon and I have discovered…”

  Eve balanced on the edge of her seat. “Discovered what?”

  Jon raised his head, and his dark eyes burned into hers. “We’re in love with you, Eve. Both of us are totally and completely in love with you.”

  Eve stood, knocking her chair backward.

  “Great job, dude,” Brian said. “Now you’ve freaked her out. That’s perfect.”

  Jon gestured to the waiter at the next table. “I need a stiff martini, extra dry.”

  “Make that two,” Brian said and turned back to Jon. “We could have done this later, you know. Anywhere but in the middle of a crowded restaurant after she’s just done a show. The poor thing’s exhausted.”

  In love with her? Both of them? What was she supposed to do with that? And now they were talking about her as if she weren’t even there!

  “I’m sorry, honey,” Jon said. “Do you want a drink? A margarita or something?”

  A margarita, her favorite drink. They both knew her so well. But a drink was the last thing she needed. She shook her head, stepped over her chair, and headed to the ladies’ room. Once there, she turned on the faucet and splashed cold water on her face. The icy zing soothed her heated skin like a minty salve.

  In love with her.

  Now what? She eyed her face in the mirror. Drips of the cool water mingled with lingering trickles of perspiration. Plain gray eyes, a slightly too-long nose. Her hair was nice— long, thick, and wavy—though it was an unmemorable brown. Pink lips, but not full enough. She’d kill for Jon’s lips.

  She wasn’t anything special. Not like the two of them were. How could they both have fallen for her? She twirled in front of the mirror, creating a breeze that, coupled with the water and perspiration, helped cool her scorching body. Her body. Well, she did have a smokin’ body. Dancing definitely had its benefits. Still, the idea of Jon and Brian, two perfect male specimens, in love with her was… Flattering, yes. Amazing. A complete turn-on, since she loved them both with all her soul.

  But wedged in the happiness was heartbreak as well. How had it happened? How could she deal with this? She took a deep breath, left the ladies’ room, and returned to the table.

  “Honey,” Jon said, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “What do you want me to do?” she asked.

  “Do… you have feelings for either one of us? Or do you think you could, ever? In the future maybe?”

  “Of course. I love you both. You know that.” More than they knew. More than she thought they could ever know. Now, could she possibly have one of them? As more than a friend? How would she choose?

  “It’s like this,” Jon said. “You’re going to have to choose.”

  “Dear Lord.” Heat flashed over her, and she grabbed the glass of water and took a deep swallow. “Choose? I haven’t said I want either of you.”

  But she did. She wanted them both. With a fierce passion that smoldered between her legs at that very moment.

  “Give us each a chance,” Brian said.

  “Give you a chance? This is insanity.” She let out a frustrated sigh. “And what happens to the one I don’t choose?”

  “Bri and I have agreed to stay friends, no matter what,” Jon said, “haven’t we?”

  Brian cleared his throat. “Yeah. We have. It’ll be hard, but we’ve been friends too long to let a woman come between us.”

  “But I nev
er wanted to come between you at all!”

  “We know, honey,” Jon said, “but we can’t help the way we feel. Would you be willing?”

  “To what? Date you? Both of you?”

  Brian sighed and smiled a weak smile. “Well…yeah, I guess. To get to know both of us in a romantic sort of way.”

  Jon let out a breath. “We know it’s kind of an unusual request.”

  “Unusual? Try completely crazy.”

  Neither Jon nor Brian spoke. They simply looked at her, stared at her, until four beautiful eyes, two dark and two green, burned into her heart like flaming arrows.

  Finally, Jon narrowed his gaze. “Are you attracted to either one of us? In that way?”

  Uh, yeah. Completely hot and horny for you both, thank you very much. She fidgeted with the coins draping her breasts. They tinkled above the din of the restaurant. She lowered her head, unable to meet their penetrating gazes. “Yes,” she said softly. “I’m attracted to you. To both of you.” She raised her head and looked first at Jon, and then Brian. “You’re gorgeous, amazing. You have wonderful hearts. I dearly love you both. How can I possibly choose one of you? How can you ask this of me?”

  “Believe me, sweetheart”—Brian took her hand and lightly massaged her palm—“if there were any other way, we’d do it. But we’re both crazy in love with you, Eve. If there’s a possibility you could feel the same way about one of us, the other could never take away that chance for ultimate happiness.”

  Jon nodded. “Bri and I have talked about this, honey. We figured the only fair way was for both of us to woo you.”

  “And what if I don’t choose either of you?”


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