Her Stepbrother Is a Monster

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Her Stepbrother Is a Monster Page 1

by Trinity Blacio

  Her mother had married a Monster!

  Maven Hoffman’s new family was made of these legends come to life, and, as if that wasn’t enough, it would seem her new stepfather was a dragon, a Monster of the sky! And she’d just learned that her mother was one now too!

  But she had to admit her handsome stepbrother was in a league of his own. He had the body of Neptune, blazing eyes that melted her on the spot when he focused on her and, of course, his dragon was the most beautiful thing Maven had ever seen.

  Thrust into a world she knew nothing about, Maven thought she was handling the news about her mother’s marriage and transformation pretty well, until Maven was informed that she too was a dragon. She was a deadly, flying monster, but on the bright side maybe she could fry her stalker ex-husband.

  Her Stepbrother is a Monster Copyright © 2018 by Trinity Blacio

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  For more information contact:

  Riverdale Avenue Books

  5676 Riverdale Avenue

  Riverdale, NY 10471


  Design by www.formatting4U.com

  Cover by Scott Carpenter

  Digital ISBN: 978-1-62601-440-4

  First edition, February 2018

  Chapter One

  Maven’s mom was still stunning at the age of 65, with her long gold silk dress clinging to her amazing figure as she stood up there next to the man she had just married. Danger McCain, her new stepfather, had to be at least a foot taller than her mother’s five-foot frame. His first name seemed appropriate as he always seemed ready to do battle, on the lookout for anyone who might jump him or hurt her mother.

  But when the man looked down at her mother, Maven could see the love in his eyes. That passion and protective nature was something she had wished for, but never found. Maven smiled at the possessive look he gave her mom, which she knew was his way of making sure everyone knew her mom was his. She saw him subtlety glide his hand over her mother’s ass, and giving it a gentle squeeze.

  As she watched the happy couple, Maven ran her finger over the envelope with the court paper in her pocket, while drinking down one of many shots toasting this new union. Yes, while her mother was celebrating her marriage to a wonderful man, she’d be toasting her failure.

  When she looked back up at the couple, her mom was staring at her with worried eyes, a look Maven had seen many times over the last couple of months, thanks to her one big screw-up, Odell Whinner. Maven pasted on her best fake smile and mouthed that she was fine to her mother. But glancing at her new stepfather, she could see that Danger was frowning at her and she had a feeling he didn’t believe her story.

  “Well fuck,” Maven mumbled to herself before turning to leave, when arms wrapped around her from behind. His scent enveloped her in what Maven swore was a cocoon of some kind, almost making her want to just surrender to the man holding, her new stepbrother. And he had the body of a god and the looks to match it.

  “Our parents are worried about you, Little Fire, and I am too,” Azure said, in her ear, nipping it, sending a rippling shot of need through her, that no man had ever done before, especially the stalker ex-husband of hers. That it came from a family member now wasn’t good either.

  Maven twirled around, out of his arms, glaring at a younger replica of Danger, her new stepfather. “Don’t do that,” she hissed, heading out of the room and down the long hall of her mother’s new home. “I should have never come here,” she mumbled to herself as she reached the stairs, her eyes brimming with tears, one of them escaping and rolling down her cheek.

  She needed to leave before her Mother’s wedding day was ruined, because Maven knew her Mom would forgo all the wedding stuff if she knew her daughter was hurting. She ran to her assigned room, shutting the door behind her. Now in her room, away from all the prying eyes, Maven stepped out on the balcony off her bedroom, allowing the rest of her tears to fall freely as she took out the divorce papers—her failure—staring at them.

  “Well Daddy, I didn’t find what you and Momma had,” she mumbled, wiping at the tears on her face, looking up at the stars.

  “Sweet baby girl, that man was a con artist,” her mother growled, coming up next to her and wrapping her arm around her. She hugged her tight, giving her the motherly love she’d always had for her daughter.

  “I shouldn’t have come. I’m sorry, Momma, for upsetting your wedding,” Maven said, stepping out of her mom’s arms and wiping the rest of her tears away. Danger was right by his wife’s side.

  “Nonsense, of course you should be here. I might have moved, but this will always be a safe place for you,” her mother said, looking up at Danger, who nodded.

  “This man who brought tears to your eyes, has he threatened you?” Danger growled.

  Maven smiled at her new stepdad, and was going to say no, when her mother nodded her head.

  “He used my baby as a punching bag, then threatened her just last week before they went into court,” her mother snarled.


  Maven frowned, staring at her mother as Danger rubbed her mother’s back, leaning down and whispering into her mom’s ear.

  Her mother closed her eyes, taking a deep breath before turning to her. “I always know what is going on. Plus, the last time you were in the hospital they called me. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Maven wasn’t expecting to hear the hurt in her mother’s voice, but it was there. “Momma, how could I? All my life you and Daddy have been protecting me. I needed to do this myself. I’m 32 years old, it was time I took a step out of the nest,” Maven said.

  Danger looked at her, then at her mom. “I take it our daughter does not know?”

  Her mom shook her head. “Her father wanted to raise her as a human, since we saw no signs,” Pearl said, looking back at Maven.

  “What are you talking about?” Maven turned fully around, frowning at what her mother had said. “Mom, are you feeling all right?”

  “Why don’t you two allow me to explain, since it seems Maven is my responsibility now,” Azure said, coming outside to join them on the crowded balcony.

  “Your responsibility! Who the hell do you think you are?” Maven frowned, getting totally confused. Sure, she had watched the hunk move around the place all night, but this was a little too much and he presumed way too much.

  “Maven dear, please calm down. Azure is right. Give him a chance to explain. It’s something your father and I should have done long ago,” her mother said, reaching over and squeezing her arm.

  “You have all lost your marbles…” Maven said, stepping away from the three of them.

  Danger lifted her mother up and carried her back into the house, but not before Maven heard him say, “he’s her mate, he’ll take care of her, the way she should have been taken care of. And believe me, this threat to our daughter will be taken care of properly.”

  Maven took a deep breath, closing her eyes. “You have five minutes to try and explain all of this madness before I pack and get the hell out of here.”

  She opened her eyes to see Azure right in front of her. She hadn’t heard him move or make a sound. “Wow, you’re quiet,” Maven took a step back, but Azure only wrapped his arms around her, pulling her back up against him.

he only way I can explain is to show you. Don’t move, my Little Fire,” he growled, bending down to nip her nose before running and jumping off the balcony, but he didn’t fall, and she almost wished he had as she witnessed something that should not be.

  Because what she was seeing was scary and beautiful, and made her shake so bad, that she had to lower herself into the chair that was close by. A dragon—green, purple, red and beautiful, but still a monster from legends long ago flew above her, but she knew his gaze was on her the whole time. As he roared, fire lit up the sky, making her jump, almost falling backward in the chair she sat in.

  Chapter Two

  Azure pulled his dragon back and landed on the balcony, never taking his eyes off his woman. He was lucky, many of his kind never find their chosen ones, but it would seem his father was doubly blessed to find another woman to be his mate after the first one, his mother, had been murdered.

  Bones crunched as he shifted, watching as a play of emotions moved over Maven’s face. There was such sadness in her eyes that it made his dragon want to take her to his cave to keep her safe. His gaze fell on her arms, where the faded marks of bruising still lingered. Oh yes, he would personally visit this so-called man and give him some bruises to remember him by, if he didn’t flame broil the man first.

  “Are you okay?” she asked, looking up at him.

  “I’m fine, why do you ask?” He took the seat next to her.

  “There was steam coming out of your nose. Is my mom like you?” she asked, looking up at the night sky.

  “Both of your parents are dragons, as the humans would call us. But we prefer the word Targon.” Azure reached over, taking her small hand into his large one and squeezed it.

  “Dance with me,” Azure said, taking her into his arms. “We have the stars and the music below. Ask me any questions you have.” He twirled her around and she smiled, coming back into his arms.

  “I just don’t understand why anyone would raise me as a human if I’m not one.” She rubbed her cheek against his chest. “This makes no sense. Why would my Daddy do this?” Maven slipped out of his arms, stepping back into her room. She stood there looking around as if not seeing anything. Maven appeared to be so lost, like she had nowhere to go. It broke his heart.

  “Maven, Little Fire, I can hear your heart weeping and it’s tearing me apart. Tell me, what I can do to help?” he asked, turning her around to stare down at her tear-filled eyes.

  “Take me for a walk for now. I need fresh air. I feel trapped in here. Walking always helps sorts things out.” Maven said, looking down at the ground.

  Without a word, Azure tucked her under his arm and led Maven through the house away from the prying eyes of their families. But luck was not on his side tonight. His cousin Eros stepped in front of them, smiling, just as they were getting ready to step outside. What was really confusing was the fact that his Little Fire stiffened the moment she saw Eros. She gripped his shirt from behind and Azure swore he heard a hiss come from her, as if his mate knew his cousin.

  “What, you two are not joining your parents, celebrating their union? I mean you couldn’t wait till they left before sampling your own dessert? But she is a tasty looking thing, isn’t she?” Eros reached up to touch her cheek when Maven growled, before swinging out and punching him right in the jaw.

  To say he was shocked was an understatement, but Azure wasn’t the only one. As Eros rubbed his jaw, he stumbled back a few steps.

  “I’m no one’s tasty anything you fucking pompous ass,” Maven snarled, before stomping off, leaving the two of them stunned.

  “Go after her, Azure. Who knows who else she’ll punch. My daughter is so furious. I’ll take care of your family,” her mother, Pearl said as she came running to them, sparks of flame coming out of her mouth with his dad was right behind her.

  “Eros, what the hell did you do now?” his uncle Thad said, coming from the opposite direction.

  Not waiting, Azure slipped outside. Steam rose up out of his nose. He was so furious at his family. Something wasn’t right and he had to find out what was wrong, but right now he needed to make sure his woman was safe and unhurt.

  One good thing was that Eros was about to get it from both his father and his Uncle Thad.

  Five minutes later he found his woman cradling her injured hand, sitting curled up on a swing. He took a deep breath and blew it out.

  Maven looked up at him. “I’m not going to apologize to that piece of shit,” she grumbled.

  “Didn’t expect you to. How bad is your hand? You have an amazing left. But Little Fire, next time you decide to hit my idiot cousin, I suggest you do it with a board or something solid, because the only one who will get hurt is you.” He lifted her up, and placed her in his lap before looking at her hand, which was already swelling.

  “Or you could eat him,” she grumbled, tilting her head to the side and staring up at him.

  “That’s a vicious little thing you have there,” Eros grumbled, rubbing his head where Uncle Thad had hit him upside it as they approached the swing, but he stopped a few feet back.

  Maven growled, going rigid in Azure’s arms, and he swore he saw a puff of smoke come out of her nose. “Maven, look at me.”

  “What?” she snapped, looking back at him.

  “Get my dad and her mom here now,” Azure ordered Eros as he turned Maven around to face him. He grabbed ahold of her chin and held her head still. “Little Fire, I need you to concentrate on me for now. How are you feeling?” he asked as his father and her mother entered the shelter where they were sitting.

  Pearl sat down next to him and sucked in her breath. “But how?” Pearl asked, resting her hand on Maven’s arm. “She should have gone through this when puberty hit, not 30 years later.” Her mother looked up at his father.

  “You know some have been late bloomers, but they were usually royalty and we haven’t had any of those born in centuries,” his uncle said, making Azure frown, wondering how he knew this.

  “Why are you all staring at me?” Maven grumbled. “And why does my hand hurt like a bitch?” Maven asked and looked around her, frowning, while rubbing her hand.

  Her mom patted her arm. “I’m afraid your temper got the better of you again.” Her mom smiled. “Just like your momma.”

  “That is nothing to be proud of,” Danger growled. “Take her up to the cabin. There is plenty room up there and no one will aggravate her till she changes. Eros is lucky she didn’t fry his ass,” Danger growled turning his gaze on his cousin and uncle. “It seems I need to find out what the hell is going on in my own family.”

  “How the hell was I supposed to know she was…” Eros stepped back and spun as Azure wrapped his arms around Maven, holding her back as she let out a growl that made everyone stare at her.

  “I’ve got you, Little Fire,” Azure said, releasing a little of his dragon out, which seemed to calm her but her gaze stayed on Eros.

  “I have a feeling seeing your dragon tonight has brought this on. Go, take her while she is calm.” Danger said, spinning on Eros and his brother, Uncle Thad. “Get him the hell out of here before he gets fried.” Azure heard, as he moved out in the open, away from everyone, giving him room to take a running start, while carrying his mate.

  “Little Fire, we’re going for a ride,” he said, shifting with her in his arms. He and his dragon pulled their stunned mate up against his body, holding on tight to their precious bundle as they took to the night sky.

  Chapter Three

  Maven didn’t know what was going on. It was like she kept waking from dreams and right now she was in the air flying through the sky, being held by Azure’s dragon. You’d think she’d be cold up there flying, but his body was hot and so was she.

  “It’s because I’m awake now. Our man’s scent has awakened me, but I must say I do not like some of his family. I think we need to go back and eat the one called Eros. We can lambast him for a good ten minutes and he’d be perfect
for eating,” a woman’s voice said inside her head.

  She couldn’t help it and started laughing her head off. “Lambasting Eros, oh that is so good.” Maven said, as Azure’s dragon head came down, looking at her. “Yes, it seems I have a dragon, and she wants to lambast your cousin. She likes them crunchy,” Maven teased, enjoying the cool air against her face as she stared out at the stars above them.

  The dragon blew a puff of smoke at her, giving her a look, making her dragon snort. “He’s trying to tell us to behave, but he’s not our mate yet. He’ll have to work for that right. But I do have to say he is a fine specimen when it comes to dragons tough. It’s been too long. I can’t wait to stretch my wings.

  Maven couldn’t believe she was having a conversation with something inside her. Why wasn’t she flipping out? She had a monster creature carrying her—well some would call them a monster—but Maven had to admit the male dragon was gorgeous and Maven kind of couldn’t wait to see what her own dragon looked like.

  She shifted in Azure’s arms, forgetting about her bruised ribs. A small cry of pain escaped as her breath caught. Maven tried to work through the pain, closing her eyes. She should have wrapped the damn things again, but the wrap wouldn’t go under the outfit she had chosen for her mother’s wedding.

  “I’m going to fry him to ashes. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you when this happened, but he won’t get away for hurting you,” her dragon said. “Hold still, I’ll heal you,” the voice said inside her, when heat seemed to run down from her neck throughout her body, easing the pain and aches in her body.

  “What are you called?” Maven asked, as her breathing was a lot easier now.

  “I’m called Chandrass. I’m one of the last in our royal family that I know of. We were hunted and killed over the centuries. You, my hostess, are an old soul, a pure one. Our mate is a fierce warrior. His dragon is one of the top warriors from our old world. It is fitting he should be awarded the gift of our mating, that is when he wins us over. Must make him work a little though. He was well known on our world among the women though,” she grumbled.


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