Highlander's Caress: Medieval Romance (The Fae Book 2)

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Highlander's Caress: Medieval Romance (The Fae Book 2) Page 13

by Joanne Wadsworth

  * * * *

  Holding his woman safe and secure in his arms filled Duncan with such relief. He kissed her, right under the water, molded his mouth to hers and embraced the sheer magnitude of his love for her. Aye, he’d fallen so swiftly for his compeller who loved so greatly, would gladly be her slave for the rest of his days.

  To the surface, he pushed them and emerged with the sweet curves of her bottom firm in his hands and unable to hold back, kissed her again. “I love you, Ella.”

  “I love you too, with more love than my heart can hold at present.” She played with the opening of his tunic, loosened the ties a little more. “I also cannae help but think that our arrival here, no matter how dangerously it came about, was meant to be.”

  “Aye, Hamish would surely have been forewarned about this. I cannae see how it could all have passed him by.” Although never would he allow her life to be placed in such danger again, only how to ensure that, he’d need to consider.

  Pushing through the water with her in his arms, he made the ledge rimming one side and lifted her onto it, her white shirt bunched over her lap and her long legs on exquisite display. Gently, he eased his hands in under the hem and palms flush against her warm flesh, stroked higher, the wet fabric sliding over the backs of his hands like sheer silk.

  With a catch to her breath, she spread her legs wider and he snuck in between them and continued exposing her body to his greedy gaze, inch by incredible inch. She had the most enticing limbs, sweetly curved calves and lithe thighs, all leading to an apex where a thatch of brown curls covered her womanhood.

  Breathing deep, he took in her honeyed scent and rolled around in heaven. Everything about her called to him, from her beautiful body and free spirit, to her fierce determination and intense love for all those around her. Certainly if he ever lost her, he’d never survive it. Her safety must always come first.

  “What are you thinking?” She swayed back, hands braced on the ledge either side of her and her back pressed against the rock wall.

  “Of how I need to ensure your safety.” He stroked her cheeks, caught her mouth with his and sucked her tongue between his lips.

  “I’m safe now, and that’s all that matters.” She kissed him back, so greedily, just as greedily as he kissed her in return.

  He moaned into her mouth, his cock hardening something fierce and pulsing with a throb from base to tip that warned he’d best pull back or else he’d take her right here in this place. That he couldn’t do, not when Ivor might walk in on them at any moment. ’Twas damn inconvenient having his man so close.

  Easing back a touch, he tried to retreat only she gripped his shoulders and kept him pinned in front of her. “You’re no’ leaving me now. Make love to me.”

  “I shouldnae.” Except all rational thought fled his mind and his body deceived him. Hands pushing her shirt higher and his head lowering to her creamy inner thighs, he whispered against her flesh, “I vow to always keep you safe, Ella. Never will I place your life in danger again.”

  Chapter 8

  Ella wanted Duncan with a desperate desire that couldn’t be halted. She lifted her shirt over her head and dropped it onto the ledge beside her, the need to join with her mate far more necessary than aught else. Almost perishing at sea had frightened her, but joining together would help ease some of that fear. “I never want to live on this Earth without you.”

  “Or I without you, although right now I should step away. Ivor remains so close, and Hamish could return at any moment.” He shook his head as if trying to clear it, then growled and eased her breasts together. With one swipe, he licked across her sensitive nipples and sent a bolt of pure pleasure coursing straight to her core.

  Liquid heat invaded her, made her long to have him deep inside her, right now, without another moment’s hesitation. She arched her back, thrust her breasts out farther then whimpered when he latched onto one tip and suckled her nipple deep. He had the cleverest tongue and mouth. “Make me yours, Duncan.”

  “We need to stop.” He gripped her hips, lifted her from the ledge and into his arms, the water swishing across his tunic-covered chest.

  “Nay, there is no stopping this joining. We need each other.” Under the surface, she fumbled to find the ties of his black leather pants, managed to snag and tug them free then released his cock. It throbbed heavy and hard in her hand and with her legs hooked around his waist, she guided him to her entrance. “Come inside me.”

  “If I do, I’m no’ sure how long I can hold on.” With a fierce growl, he thrust deep.

  “Oh, perfect.” Head tipped back, she moaned her pleasure. So sublime, and as he lifted her up and dropped her back down over top of him, she moaned again. The depth of their bond had caught her within its spell and never would it release its heavenly hold on her. Aye, their souls had connected that first day they’d met and no matter how far they ever traveled from each other, they would always long for this joining and holding each other close.

  Reaching underneath her, she gently cupped his balls with one hand while he pumped into her harder and faster. Ravenous sensations stormed through her, until she could no longer hold on. Letting go, she gave herself fully over to her mate and with her thoughts scattering, flew toward the heavens, her release exploding violently along with his as he pounded into her, his seed spurting straight from him and deep into her core.


  “I’m right here.” She touched her forehead to his as he eased his thrusting.

  “I’m going to take you back to Ardan House. You’ll be safe there.”


  “You almost drowned and if I ever lose you, I too would wish for a fast death so I might join you beyond the veil.”

  “’Tis I who must complete this mission, find my brother and ensure Gavin is dealt with so he can no longer continue to hound you or those under your care. He must answer for his actions.”

  “I agree, but I’m your husband and my word will stand. Your fall into the sea was a warning, one I must heed. You’ll be far safer at Ardan House than here on Skye.” He slid free of her, set her feet gently down on the sandy base, the water swishing about his chest as he righted his pants. From the ledge, he snatched her white shirt and tugged it over her head before pushing her arms through the clingy, wet sleeves. “I’ll find Gavin and deal with him.”

  “Nay, you cannae think I will abide by your decision to suddenly alter my mission. I’m perfectly fine and will remain so.” How dare he try and use what happened this day against her. Anger flushed through her and she surged out of the water, plucked her navy breeches from the rock and hopping from foot to foot, managed to haul them up. Once she’d fastened them at her waist, she stuffed her feet into her riding boots and strapped on her wrist dagger, wrung the water from her brown coat and donned the supple leather, still slick and wet but it’d have to do.

  “I’m your husband, and my final word stands.” Water sluiced down his black leather pants as he pulled his jerkin on over his dripping black tunic. He strapped his weapons in place and stuffed his feet into his boots.

  “Your worry rages and I understand that, but—”

  “No arguments.” He shoved a hand over her mouth and gritted, “I cannae lose you, and right now I might be acting on my emotions but those have never failed me afore. You’re going to return to Ardan House where I know you’ll be safe. There I’ll leave you, while I return to Skye.”

  She pushed his hand away. “I willnae allow you to force me to your will. ’Tis my duty to care for my loved ones, and leaving Ethan to deal with Gavin on his own is unacceptable.”

  “I will watch over Ethan for you.” His unyielding expression said he wouldn’t back down, not on this issue, not now.

  Neither would she.

  “Listen to me well, Duncan MacKenzie.” She cleared her throat and allowed her compelling voice to rise. Never would she hand this all-important mission over to him, not when doing so would be sending him directly to his enemy’s do
orstep and into an even greater war. He was her soul bound mate, hers to protect, always and forever. “You will do exactly as I say. No moving, no’ one inch. You will be as stone, unable to chase me as I leave, unable to speak as well. Am. I. Understood?”

  * * * *

  Damn it. His woman wasn’t going to get away with this. Never would he allow her to compel him and place her very life in danger by doing so. He tried to grab her, to halt her however he could, only he hit the ground. Stiff and unmoving, he lay there on his back, breath ragged and his mind screaming at him to move, to make chase as she dashed out of the cavern and disappeared from his sight.

  His fear for her gripped his heart like a fist and twisted hard.

  Fighting with every breath he had, he shoved and heaved against the rigidness of his stiff muscles. Even his voice remained mute, his lips stuck together by the command she’d issued.

  Long minutes passed, mayhap an hour and there was naught he could do about it. Never had fear struck him so hard. If anything should happen to her because of his inability to keep her safe, hell, even he’d happily slice his own head from his shoulders.

  “My laird?” Ivor’s voice rang in his ears and his man bounded in beside him, grabbed his shoulders and heaved him to his feet. “Hamish has returned and the men await us on the beach. Why are you so stiff, and where is my lady?”

  “Ella compelled me,” he finally managed to push through tight lips. “Keep jostling me about. ’Tis aiding me in loosening up.”

  “Ella didnae pass me by. That I give you my word on.” Ivor jerked him back and forth and more of his stiffness eased, his voice as well.

  “Harder, man.”

  Ivor shook him harder and finally something snapped.

  A wave of heat raced through him and tingled his fingertips and toes and the moment it did, all sensation returned. He shook his hands and stamped his feet then was off. Down the tunnel, he raced and through the thin crack at the entrance.

  Ivor stormed in beside him. “My lady must have compelled me as well. I sensed a daze for a bit, as if I’d caught a wink of sleep or such. Where is she?”

  “There is only one place she would go.” He glared up at the craggy cliff face, at the hand and footholds and the distinct mark of booted prints grazing the mud coating the black rock. Higher up, the scrub had been tugged on and nearer the ledge that ran in a diagonal line from the halfway point to the top, more signs of her passage lay in the scuffing of her prints, while at his feet, stones and other debris lay scattered in the sand. “She’s gone to Dunscaith.”

  He’d stake his life on it.

  “Is all well?” Hamish jogged up from the water’s edge where his second had partially beached their vessel along the shoreline. “I caught a vision of Ella falling overboard, but only a mere second afore she did. There was naught I could do to halt her from being tossed into the sea.”

  “I understand, but now we have an even greater issue. Ella has escaped and climbed by way of this cliff. Sail alongside the coastline as Ivor and I follow her tracks. Watch out for any sign of her.”

  “Will do.” Hamish faced his men. “You heard our orders.”

  “When I find my wife”—Duncan grasped the first handhold and swung up—“I might very well kill her.”

  * * * *

  Duncan might very well kill her. That thought ricocheted over and over within Ella’s mind over the hours following her escape from the cavern. Scaling the cliff hadn’t been easy, not with how slick the misty rain had made it, but as her only option she’d taken it after she’d successfully compelled Ivor to ignore her passing.

  Determination now spurred her on and she dashed across the craggy hills leading inland and away from the coastline. Duncan would certainly follow her tracks should she leave any, so she’d taken precious minutes to double back where necessary and confuse any markings she’d made. Now, with the cloak of night finally falling, she fled higher into the mountains and raced across the rockier terrain, this land thankfully very familiar to her. She’d trekked it often with both her grandparents, as well as Ethan and Mama.

  Water flowed through trickling streams bordered by glistening boulders. Taking extra care with each step, she traversed the stony mountain trail, the odd loose stone shearing away and clacking down into the corrie below, one that lay littered with sand and stones from others who’d passed along this route.

  High above, the moon dipped behind wispy cloud floating across it, allowing only the merest trace of moonlight to shimmer through, just enough for her to follow the path. Marching on in her damp clothes, the cold of the night fully descended and surrounded her, the air so very chilly.

  Her chest tightened with each step she took farther away from her mate, until her breath became almost too difficult to draw in. Mated pairs always suffered greatly when separated from each other and she’d forced this separation on them both. Not that she’d had a lot of choice. Never would she allow Duncan to lock her away behind Ardan’s fortified walls. This was her mission, her kin, and her task to see to.

  Through the narrow gorge between the hills, she cut then stopped to kneel at the edge of a river and gulped down water. The cold hit her belly hard and she shivered anew. Shaking off the bone-deep chill, she pushed to her feet and tramped through the boggy grasses of the marshland leading to the forest bordering her grandparents’ cottage.

  As the night passed and the dawn sun finally breached the horizon, renewed strength surged through her and she hopped over trailing tree roots along the leaf-strewn forest trail. She strode past a massive pine tree, the trunk three times the size of any other then halted and backed up two steps. Slowly, she circled the familiar trunk.

  A mark slashed one side. E & E. Memories stirred and a smile lifted her lips. At the age of five and ten, she’d carved hers and Ethan’s initials into this tree, gotten told off good and proper by Grandpa too for having done so, but Ethan had adored the inscription she’d made, his toothy ten-year-old grin making the telling-off all the more worth it.

  She traced the letters with one finger and hot tears pricked beyond her eyes. She missed Ethan terribly, as well as the man she’d left behind. Nay, she had no time for crying right now. Getting to Dunscaith and aiding Ethan in halting Gavin’s attacks was imperative. Her brother was honorable, his desire to ensure peace reigned as strong as hers. No more blood could be shed.

  Onward, she trekked until she reached a white arrow painted on the surface of a rock where it sat at the fork in the forest pathway. It pointed to the nearest village, not that she would have missed it. Once she’d walked a trail, she never forgot where it led.

  Instead of following the arrow, she took the secondary trail and minutes later emerged from the trees at the edge of a meadow dotted with yellow flowers and lavender bushes. The rising sun washed its golden rays over the thatched rooftop of her grandparents’ cottage and such relief filled her. She’d made it this far, and she’d get the rest of the way with her grandparents’ aid. They’d never turn her away.

  “Grandma, Grandpa!” She raced across the meadow then stopped as two dogs with floppy ears barked from outside the woodshed and tore toward her. The big brutes skidded in beside her, their tongues lolling and eagerness for a pat shining bright in their eyes. She lowered down to her knees and wrapped her arms around their furry necks. “I’m so happy to see you two.”

  “Ella?” From under the hemp rope strung with clothes between two elm trees, Grandma stood with a cane basket propped against her hip. “Oh my, ’tis you, my dear.”

  “Aye, ’tis me, Grandma.” There was no halting her tears now. They streamed free as she ran and catapulted into Grandma’s open arms, the dogs whining at her feet. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  “’Tis only been a few weeks, but aye, I’ve missed you too.” Grandma smoothed one hand down the long length of her bedraggled braid. “Look at you, all cold and damp. Clearly you’ve tramped through the hills to reach us rather than sailed into the harbor at Kinloch. Ewen,”
she shouted over her shoulder toward the front door of the cottage. “Come see who’s here.”

  “Och, I’m coming.” Grandpa sauntered out of the house in his trews and a brown tunic, his hair and beard as thick as always and making him appear ten years younger than the sixty years he held. He grinned, his face lighting up as he caught sight of her. “Our Ella Marie is here.”

  “I am, but no’ without mishap. I have so much to tell you both.” She grasped Grandpa and hugged him. “This is one tale you need to hear.”

  “Come inside then and you can change out of those damp clothes and tell us all about it.” He pushed the front door open wider.

  “Aye, we’ll have you warmed up in no time.” Grandma rested a hand at her back and steered her inside and across the main room toward hers and Grandpa’s bedchamber. Inside the room with its large bed and burgundy and blue patchwork quilt, Grandma swept the ambry curtain aside and foraged within. “Your voice does no’ sound quite right. Why is that?”

  “I’ve no’ long recovered from a chill.”

  “Danger abounds when a compeller loses their voice.” Worry flared across Grandma’s face as she pulled out a forest-green gown from the back, one which she’d sewn and gifted to Ella on her last birthday. Grandma laid the gown on the bed then hunted some more and pulled out a basket. From the top, she selected a shift and flapped it out. “Disrobe, my dear.”

  “I’ll be glad to do so, even if for a gown.” She shucked her coat, shirt, and breeches which had chaffed the insides of her legs, pulled the shift on and sighed as the warmth of the warm cotton encased her.

  Next came the gown. With her arms raised, Grandma slid the soft velvet over her head and it shimmered over her hips and swished to her ankles, the low neckline stitched with golden embroidery, the same detailing sewn along the sleeves which draped over the backs of her hands. She slipped her feet into the matching slippers Grandma set at her feet then fastened a golden girdle at her waist, the tasseled ends sweeping down to her knees.


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