My Werewolf Professor

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My Werewolf Professor Page 18

by Marian Tee

  Waiting until Alessandro was seated, he asked abruptly, “Something’s happened between you and Kassia?”

  Alessandro’s lips twisted. “You speak as if you already know her.”

  “I probably do,” Domenico answered, unruffled. “By knowing you, I already have a good idea about the kind of girl you’d fall for.” He saw his younger brother stiffen at his choice of words but when he didn’t refute it, Domenico realized that things had progressed further between Alessandro and his student.

  This time, Domenico waited patiently, allowing the silence to continue.

  “I get it now,” Alessandro heard himself say. He waited for his older brother to rub it in, but he didn’t.

  Of course he didn’t.

  This was the all-powerful and all-knowing Domenico Moretti, after all.

  A few days ago, the words would’ve been sarcastic, but now it was the truth.

  He did get it now, and because he did, he wished he had gotten it earlier.

  Lifting his gaze to Domenico, he owed up to the truth, saying succinctly, “I get it now, and because I do, I know I fucked up.”

  Ignoring his brother’s last words, he asked carefully, “What exactly do you get?”

  Again, Alessandro’s lips twisted. “You want it in writing?”

  “If you really get it now as you say, then you should know that I am still the brother you’ve always thought me to be. It would give me no pleasure at all to make you suffer endlessly.” Domenico’s eyes bored through him as he spoke.

  The words struck home, and Alessandro grimaced. “Apologies.” He raked a hand through his hair, frustrated. “I only said that out of habit, and perhaps out of…fear.”

  Finally, they were getting somewhere, Domenico thought. Leaning back against his seat, he asked again, “So…what do you ‘get’?”

  “I get why you’ve changed, why you’re letting all those bastards think they’re stronger than you. You’re doing it to make it right for Misty, not just for her but for yourself and for the whole pack, too.” But all throughout it, he wasn’t remembering how it had been between Domenico and his human wife. Instead, he remembered his own human girl – the one who captured his heart the way Misty had captured Domenico’s.

  Love, selfless and unlimited.

  And yet, like Domenico, he had crushed that love. They might have different motives, but the results were the same.

  He had broken Kassia’s heart the same way Domenico had broken his wife’s.

  More images of Kassia danced in his mind, but all of them had her face ravaged with pain.

  Kassia, seeing him with another woman—

  Kassia, learning he had fucked someone else—

  Kassia, waking up alone in his bed yet again, believing it was all a game to him—

  The memories made him whiten with shame and self-revulsion, and he told Domenico tonelessly, “Believe me, I get it better than any other man could. Making it right for Misty is what’s going to make you earn your honor back.” A humorless smile formed on Alessandro lips. “That’s what makes you stronger, not flexing your muscles in front of other Lyccans.”

  “I’m sorry, Alessandro,” Domenico said quietly, knowing that by “getting” it, Alessandro also had to know how much he had hurt the young girl every time fear made Alessandro push her away.

  “She told me she loved me, but that she didn’t think she could ever trust me again.” His fists clenched as he spoke, Alessandro struggling to keep his tone even and his emotions under control. “And I couldn’t even blame her. Even if the thought of her leaving me terrifies the fuck out of me, I just…” He drew his breath sharply. “I don’t even know if I have the right to stop her if she chooses to leave.”

  Looking at his brother’s bent head, Domenico’s senses suddenly prickled. Danger, his battle-hardened instincts warned him. Danger not to himself but to Alessandro, and the realization made him say sharply, “Tell me what your plans are.” He knew his brother was a full-grown man, with skills that most Lyccans would find unbeatable. But he didn’t give a damn. Alessandro was his baby brother, his responsibility. No fucking way would Domenico allow anything to happen to him.


  His brother’s warning tone almost made Alessandro smile as he came to his feet. “I also came here to tell you I’ll be bringing Kassia with me to your birthday party.”

  Domenico’s gaze narrowed. “Has she agreed to be your mate?”


  What the fuck?

  “Alessandro,” he growled, but his brother only bowed in response before walking away. Domenico pinched the bridge of his nose as the door closed behind Alessandro. Goddammit. Why couldn’t one member of his family have a fucking peaceful love life? Alessandro had just indirectly told him he was going to risk execution for Kassia. Last night, Alejandro had told him he was going to fight to the death if the Panthera chose to execute the princess he served and, Domenico suspected, loved as well. And the night before that, he had spoken to Esme, who had then confessed that she might just be in love with a pack prince who also believed Domenico was a dog.

  His gaze strayed towards the framed photo of Misty he had on his table. What would you have done in this position, sweetheart? Unlike him, she had never closed herself off from her siblings, no matter what life had thrown at her.

  If she had been here, she would probably know what to do right away.

  But she wasn’t.

  Misty was gone, and he was alone, and remembering this made him realize he, too, had made up his mind.

  He might have already blown his chance with his wife, but Alessandro still had a chance to make things right. So did Alejandro and Esme, and Domenico was determined to do whatever it took to help them.


  The professor was ignoring her.

  She had texted and called him numerous times in the past three days, but he hadn’t answered any of them. She visited his office every day but always ended up knocking on a locked door. The only time she caught glimpses of the professor was when he was in class, and only the fear of causing talk about them prevented her from interrupting him then.

  But today was going to be different, Kassia thought determinedly. Sure, the professor had so far successfully avoided eye contact with her from his place on the platform in front of the class, but sooner or later—

  “Any questions?” the professor drawled in his usual, beautifully accented voice at the end of his lesson.

  Kassia’s hand shot up.

  The professor’s gaze went through her as if she didn’t even exist, and instead he called the girl seated right behind Kassia. “Yes, Ms. Perez?”

  Kassia’s jaw dropped. Seriously? Just to ignore her, he would rather call on Alda, who was a full-blooded Italian?

  Behind her, Alda started to speak in flawlessly accented Italian, and Kassia reluctantly lowered her hand back to her lap.

  Alessandro listened to Alda with half an ear while keeping Kassia in the periphery of his vision. When Alda spoke about having trouble with verb conjunctions, he saw Kassia start to roll her eyes then, as if changing her mind, bringing her fingers to her eyelids and forcibly pushing them down.

  Her reaction made the professor’s lips press together in a straight line as he fought against smiling. That was exactly like Kassia, with the way she was so earnestly against being bitchy even if she had a right to be.

  Alda’s voice trailed off. “P-professor, did I say something wrong?”

  Alessandro’s face smoothed when he realized that Alda and the rest of the class mistook his stern expression for displeasure. “Apologies, Ms. Perez,” he said right away. “I wasn’t frowning at you.” He added a gentle smile to his words, and every girl in the class except for Kassia sighed dreamily.

  Mistaking the professor’s smile as affirmation, Alda asked hopefully, “You’ll give me one-on-one lessons then, Professor?”

  Again, the professor’s devastating smile reappeared, but his voice was brief and
polite when he said, “I’m afraid not.”

  Most of the class snickered as Alda was forced to admit defeat and grudgingly took her seat while the professor resumed his lesson.

  The school bell rang a few minutes later, and Alessandro cut himself off, knowing that no matter how much his female students proposed to adore him, they adored the end of classes even more. “Don’t forget we’ll be having graded recitation next time,” he reminded them.

  “Yes, Professor.”

  “Yes, Mr. Moretti.”

  The girls replied to him in a chorus, all of them wearing similar smiles of infatuation on their faces.

  Everyone – again – except for Kassia.

  Her expressive face told him she was torn between wanting to talk to him and ignoring him as payback. He could smell her indecision, but the moment he turned around to walk back to his table, the scent of her mood changed. It turned into stubborn determination, and he allowed a smile to play on his lips. As Kassia walked towards him, his Lyccan senses picked up other things. Her shallow breathing, her erratic breathing – Kassia was obviously convinced he would continue ignoring her, but even so she was still determined to talk to him.

  Ah, baby, fearless as always.

  Her pluckiness both impressed and aroused him, the latter forcing Alessandro to swiftly move behind his table, hoping it would shield the sight of his erection.

  “Professor.” Kassia had reached his table now, and her scent swirled around him. Once, it had been as delicate as a newly blossoming petal, as sweet as a girl’s first crush. But since he had taken her virginity, Kassia’s scent had changed, turning into something more intoxicating, a unique mix of ripe strawberries and the musky fragrance of a tight little pussy.

  In a word: irresistible.

  If he could have that scent surround him every night, he would die a happy man. His smile turned ironic at the thought. Wasn’t that fucking sentimental for a man who used to despise the idea of love?

  “Professor, I demand to speak with you.” Her voice was low and shook at the end, but her face was cast in a mulish expression. Knowing how shy Kassia was, he was certain she must have mentally rehearsed her line several times to get those words out.

  “What is this about, Ms. Summers?” Gathering his papers, he headed towards the door, leaving Kassia no choice but to follow him.

  Hurrying to keep pace with him, she demanded, “You really don’t know?” Visibly hurt, his little chick was unable to keep her voice low, which caused a few curious, interested glances to go their way. Kassia didn’t notice this, but Alessandro did.

  Not enough to start a conflagration of rumors, Alessandro thought grimly, but even so it had to be nipped in the bud. Where there was smoke, there was fire, and it would only be a matter of time if Kassia continued to be careless.

  Kassia’s fists clenched against her sides when the professor’s stride suddenly lengthened, and in no time he had reached his office while she was left lagging behind. Her lips compressed as she hurried after him.

  Did the professor really believe she was going to let him do this to her…again?

  And to think he had said he loved her, Kassia thought as she pushed the door open.

  A smile flitted over his lips as he watched his little chick stomp into his office without any hesitation. All other students would have knocked and asked for permission, but not his little chick. She was so used to being a part of his life, to being familiar with him, that she failed to realize how vastly different her actions were from other students.

  She was acting like he was hers, without even knowing it.

  Kassia had only taken one step in, the door swinging shut behind her, when suddenly she was swept up by a pair of strong, hard arms and she was being kissed, ravenously so.

  Kassia saw stars.

  “P-prof—” The kiss deepened, and it was even harder to think but she tried, protesting, “You c-can’t do this!”

  “Why?” Lifting his head as he asked, Alessandro studied her kiss-swollen mouth in satisfaction. She looked his. If it were up to him, he would make sure she looked like this, forever.

  “B-because…” She remembered the long hours she had spent checking her phone, waiting for a single text or call from him, and her brown eyes flashed fire. “You never answered any of my—” Her voice faltered as the professor’s lips traveled across her cheek and towards her ear. Trying again, she said, “The p-past three days—ah.” The rest of her words turned into a whimper as the professor started licking her ear.

  His body rocked against hers in silent laughter, and after taking a little bite of her ear, he asked silkily, “You were saying?”

  The professor nuzzled her neck as he spoke, and Kassia couldn’t remember if she had been about to say something. If she had, it was a clear waste of time when this – oh God, this—

  Kassia arched her neck to give the professor more skin to kiss.

  This was so much better than speaking, than thinking, and when the professor’s mouth covered hers again, she decided to play it smart. She wasn’t going to waste time thinking or speaking.

  Surrendering, Kassia wrapped her arms around the professor’s neck and kissed him back. Her legs went around his waist, and she whimpered when her actions made her feel the throbbing heat of his erection. Sheer need took over, and she writhed demandingly against the professor while her voice took on a pleading note. “Please.”

  Alessandro’s teeth gnashed as his control threatened to break. He had only wanted a taste of her, but he should have known one kiss wouldn’t be enough. It never was. “Kassia…” They needed to talk, dammit. Sex wasn’t supposed to be the priority here.

  The way the professor spoke her name made Kassia shake her head, and she pressed her body harder against his. “Please.” She unconsciously started rubbing her breasts against his chest. “Please.”

  The feel of her pouting nipples was the last straw. “You win,” he growled under his breath.

  A second later, and the professor had taken them to his seat, and his hands were busy under her skirt. Rip, rip, and there went her panties and leggings. Another moment, and her blouse was completely undone, her front-clasp bra unclipped, and the professor’s mouth was on her breast.

  Kassia threw her head back with a moan. “Yeeeeees.” Her breath hitched when the professor started sucking, and her body started moving in its own volition, her pussy grinding down against his still-covered erection. Frustration bit her when she ran her hands over his chest and still found him fully clothed. “Professor…”

  She didn’t need to say anything else, the professor understanding her unspoken request. Seconds only passed, and both of them were completely naked, and Kassia gasped as she felt his cock slide against her sex like silk-covered steel.

  Her eyes drifted closed. “Oh God.” It felt so, so good. A small part of her was shocked and aghast that she was letting this happen, but even so Kassia couldn’t stop herself from responding. She pushed her nipple deeper into her mouth and rubbed her sex faster against his cock.


  The professor’s mouth left her breast and returned to her mouth. “Say my name,” he whispered against his lips.

  The request thrilled her, aroused her. “Alessandro.”

  Heat blazed in the professor’s green orbs. “Again,” he growled.

  Shuddering at the way the commanding note only made her feel hotter and more restless, she whimpered his name out. “Alessandro.”

  A smile slashed against his lips, and the dazzling sight made her eager to please him more. “Alessandro, please—”

  This time, the reward was beyond her imagination.

  The strength in the fingers gripping her hips—

  The possessive look on the professor’s handsome face—

  The feel of his cock pushing up inside her—

  Her lips parted in a silent scream as she found herself fully impaled on the professor’s cock. “Ride me,” the professor commanded.

Her mind ceased to work completely at the words.

  From there, she existed only to feel, her only objective to please him because she knew that his sole objective was to please her as well. She might be unsure of the professor in many ways, but not when they were making love. When they were like this, their bodies joined together, there was no doubt in her mind. She owned him, and he owned her.

  Alessandro couldn’t stop watching Kassia as she started riding him, the dazed way she looked at him and the way she bit her lip driving him crazy. “More,” he whispered roughly. He wanted her out of desire with him. His hips pumped up, driving his cock up as her hips pushed down, and he saw Kassia’s eyes dilate.


  Shuddering at the sound of his name on her lips, he fisted her hair, pulling her head down so he could kiss her while they fucked. She kissed him back, and feeling her hunger match his made him shudder anew.

  “I love you,” he gritted against her lips. She didn’t answer, but the way she jerked against his body told him she had heard the words. He didn’t give a damn. “I love you,” he repeated, and this time he said it with his body, too. His hand finding her clit, he started twisting it between his fingers while pushing his cock deeper into her sex. Pulling his head back, he looked straight into her hazy brown eyes and said clearly and emphatically, “I love you.”

  The words were her undoing, tears shining in her eyes even as her body reached its peak. “Alessandro!” It was the last thing she could think of saying, pleasure sweeping everything else. She rode him wildly as she came, her fingers digging deep into his back as she bounced on his cock. Soon, she heard the professor growl, and she knew he had come as well, his movements turning just as wild while his seed filled her to overflowing.

  After, Kassia could only lay her head limply against the professor’s shoulder while faint tremors continued to rack their bodies. By the time she stirred, she was in the professor’s couch, fully dressed, with new panties and leggings, and the professor was seated on the armchair, watching her.


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