Gray, Beth - Cougar Hunting [Modern Cougar] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Gray, Beth - Cougar Hunting [Modern Cougar] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 6

by Gray, Beth

  Terri turned to Chad. “They’re really good.”

  “Not bad, but they dance for the tourist. The real dancer will be upstairs several hours from now.”

  She felt him scanning her face, analyzing her to an extent she felt the heat rushing to her face. She waited as long as she could before turning toward him to exhibit a mixture of amazement and surprise. While she enjoyed the attention, she had a major client in front of her. Yes, they had one night together—one she felt sure he remembered much more than she did. She needed to ask him at some point in time about the night. She hoped he said nothing about it now. Is that what he was replaying in his mind right now? Did he enjoy it, or did she totally humiliate herself?

  As she turned completely in his direction, he leaned forward and whispered. “I’m sure you remember us meeting one time before. If it is okay with you, I’d like to start over.”

  Since she remembered almost nothing from the night, she openly welcomed the chance. Especially since they would now be working together. In fact, with him a fifty percent owner in the new project, he would be her client. A client is someone she made herself swear to never have an affair with. Those were words of wisdom from Jessica on how she ended up with her ex, and how she also found him cheating on her. Too many bad experiences came out of such a relationship. With too many chances to screw up both love and business, she cocked an eyebrow but smiled. “I think that would be a…”—her eyes came into contact with his, a unique light green color. He managed to dominate her eyes, restricting their movement, freezing her in thought—“…a great idea.”

  Terri watched Chad and Charlie pass a best-friend-type coded message. She realized they had discussed this before tonight. She did wonder how much Chad had told Charlie. She assumed guys did not talk like women did. However, in this case, she never shared much with her two best friends.

  A large limousine drove along the street, passing them with several gay guys extending above the moonroof opening. They had no shirts on and had their bodies painted. They openly sang chants reflecting their views on gay rights. Terri hoped her drink would show soon. Being the one behind was never any fun.

  Charlie leaned forward to speak. “I heard from Bobby a few hours ago.”

  “Really, how are they doing?”

  “They must have stayed out late last night. He was just now getting up.”

  Terri felt a small smile curling out of the side of her lip. Penny would have great stories to tell when she returned home. She would die to learn that she was having an affair with another client. Terri needed to call her later. Maybe it was best to let Penny have her fun first. Maybe not. She would decide soon.

  “I’m glad to hear they’re having a good time. I need to call her later.” Charlie had on a short-sleeve shirt showcasing his huge biceps. A painter and a bodybuilder presented an interesting combination, as she remembered the three Bs her group of friends rated guys on. The three Bs were brains, beauty, and bronze. Her eyes glanced back at Chad. He had all three and was still young. If only she had met him earlier.

  But now it would never work. He would soon be her client. Unlike so many men the last few years, he also offered more. She intended to stay free for a long time and not be tied to one guy. She committed herself once to one guy and lived with him for a long time. She wanted to catch up on life. While most young guys had no chance of controlling her, Chad represented a real threat. She only hoped he didn’t know how much.

  The waitress returned with the drinks and swiftly placed the drinks in front of everyone while removing the empty ones. “There, you enjoy yourself. Let me know when you want to order something to eat.”

  Chad spoke. “Tonight, everything is on me. And as such, I think it would be great to have a sampling of your specialties. If you can bring us such and some extra plates for everyone, I think we can be happy.”

  “Not a problem Chad, I’ll see what we can do to take care of you.”

  Terri turned to protest and offer to pay, but stopped when she heard the waitress call Chad by his name. He must be a regular here for the waitress to know that, or he was much better known than she thought. “I was planning on getting the tab tonight.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I enjoy this place, and the chef is a great guy.”

  They all raised their glasses. Wow, it was heavy. “To a great night and great decisions.”

  Terri could drink to that. She extended her glass and took a long sip. It felt like exactly what she needed. However, thoughts of the headache from the night before flashed in the back of her mind. She returned to her room at four in the morning. She continued to work for another three hours after that on her idea. She hoped that they would like it.

  Terri decided to move into her presentation slowly. She leaned over toward Charlie. “You had some time to work with the ball. Tell me what you like about it and don’t like about it, if you were considering purchasing it.”

  Charlie glanced at Chad. “It is unique and offers some possibilities of some good workout routines. A detailed instruction book and perhaps video would be needed. The right people would have to like it, or it will be dead on arrival. The fact that it is hard to carry with you could be a problem. I’m still not sure one way or the other.”

  Terri turned to Chad for his input. “It is unique and, from what I’ve learned, hard to predict which form of advertising would work best in targeting the right consumers. I think keeping it from the competition might be great. I have always invented or purchased rights to produce. LeAnna has made it clear that will not happen, so I’m studying my options.”

  Feeling like a referee but wanting everyone to lay their positions on the table, Terri turned to LeAnna next. “This is your baby, so tell me what you think are the main advantages of this ball.”

  “I think it gives a great workout and, as everyone agrees, it is a unique product. If I allow someone else to produce it and market it, I think it will never reach its potential. I don’t have any expertise in obtaining a patent or defending it, which is why I’m glad to have run into Chad. However, I don’t want to give up total control on the project.”

  “I think I can understand that. Other than the patent, what other problem do you foresee in the project?”

  “The biggest consideration is the advertising, which is why I really want your opinion, and the fact it is too heavy to transport easily.”

  Terri smiled and allowed all of the air to expel from her lungs. Being the last one here tonight gave her one advantage, as her mind operated much clearer than theirs. “I’ll be honest. I think I might have discovered a great way to make this work, especially in this market.”

  The group leaned in closer as Terri pointed around her. “Designer labels are what sell products here as well as all across the country.” She nodded to LeAnna’s purse hanging on a side of her chair. “That’s a Gucci, if I’m right.”

  “Yes. The logo is extremely easy to recognize.”

  “I’m sure when you go to exercise, you sport an exercise bag that’s also easily recognized.”


  “Does anyone in the group go bowling?”

  Everyone turned their head, but no one answered. Terri tried to control the churning feeling inside her stomach, hoping someone was a bowler. “Sometimes the cover can be just as important as the contents.”

  LeAnna’s eyes sparkled. “I understand.”

  The guys maintained emotionless stares.

  “It will take a little modifying of your patent, but think of this. What if the ball becomes the bag? Allowing you to place not only your gear in the bag, but have the bag offer an exercise program on its own with the use of Pilates-type bands, and internal weights that can be adjusted. Also, adding the final touch of a designer logo, making the carrying of such a status symbol.”

  Come on, guys, help me out here. She made the pitch. Knowing she had to wait for a reaction, she forced her breathing to remain stable. She saw the potential. They had to see it also.

nbsp; “Yes, it is different, but far from the original concept.”

  “I like it.” LeAnna rubbed her forehead. “I can see a special workout suit that could fit inside the workout ball or bag. Let me ask you what you think about a new logo for the line?”

  “I’m sure that can be designed. As you know, we need to do some research on it and make sure it is perfect.”

  Chad nodded at Charlie. “This would require starting over with the patent. Lots of work. I’ll also need some numbers to see what my exposure is. I’m not sure where this will end up, but for now I’m interested.”

  LeAnna joined in. “I agree. There is a lot to consider, but I think we have enough to form a joint venture to further explore this. What do you think?”

  Chad reached across the table, extending his hand. “I agree. It would be limited. My dad is the attorney for my company. I’ll have him draw up some agreements for us. This is new for me, so understand if we move a little slow at first.”

  LeAnna smiled at Terri. “I think you may have picked up a great account. I really like the way you work. You must have worked on this all night.”

  Yes, she did, but wasn’t going to admit it. “I wanted to make you happy.” Terri wanted to jump and shout, but forced herself to remain in control. She couldn’t wait to see the expressions on her two girlfriends’ faces.

  Chapter 9

  Several hours later Chad signed the charge for the meal and stood. “We need to celebrate.”

  Terri’s head spun, and she assumed the night was only beginning. The clubs in South Beach could be a lot of fun or hell on earth. She had not made any plans to entertain the group but wished she had now.

  “I think we need to get dressed for tonight. I’m going to hire a limo for us also. It will make moving about much easier. How does an hour sound to everyone?”

  “Sounds good to me.” Terri hoped Chad wouldn’t be too disappointed. Many of the clubs were hard to get into without connections and lots of money.

  “Good.” Chad reached over and kissed Terri on the cheek and walked away, talking to Charlie as he disappeared into the crowd.

  Terri looked over at LeAnna. “How do you think it went?”

  “I think you did great, and I owe you for this. I might owe you much more before the night is over.”

  “Well, you know they are young and want to see the bars.”

  “I understand. I have a husband I’m trying to obtain a divorce from right now and need to be careful. How are you for tonight?”

  “I think I can stay out as long as they can.”

  “We’ll have to compare notes later. I don’t think these guys are planning on calling it a night until the sun comes up.”

  “In that case I might need a quick shower and to drink slow tonight.”

  LeAnna saluted her and laughed. Terri knew she would not last long at all. But LeAnna did have an excuse to leave earlier than she did.

  * * * *

  Pop! Chad lost no time getting the party started. He poured champagne into the four waiting glasses in front of him as the limousine drove along Beach Drive. Chad and Charlie had dressed nice. Both wore the most beautiful ties accenting their designer suits.

  LeAnna looked dressed to kill in a sexy outfit, making her look years younger. The black satin accented with red flairs would definitely help to get the group in past the doormen. Terri hoped they would not be problems but knew firsthand how rude they could be.

  Charlie shouted over at Chad. “Where do you think we need to go to first?”

  “I’m not sure, but we have lots of time to hit Mansion, SET, or Opium for that matter. Tell the driver to head to Mynt first.”

  Okay, so Chad knew his way around here. But, anyone with the Internet could do some research. Terri knew how hard these places were to get into without spending a lot of money. She had heard of Mynt, but never been. It was supposed to be nice but expensive.

  Minutes later the limo came to a stop, and the driver lowered the inside window.

  “How long do you think you will be here?”

  “It depends on who we run into.”

  The driver raised the window and soon opened the side door, extending his hand to help the ladies out. The men followed and escorted them along a line of people wanting to go inside. A monster of a guy stood in the doorway. Two other guys stood beside the big guy. They exchanged a few words before stretching out their arms to hold the crowd back. “Hello, Mr. Edwards. How many will be with you tonight?”

  “This is it.”

  “Very good. Have a good night.”

  Terri heard several guys cussing behind her, wanting to know why they were allowed in ahead of them. She never heard the doorman’s response. Inside looked fabulous. A greeter shook Chad’s hand and ushered the group to a table. The sheer beauty of the place captured Terri’s imagination. She looked for a dance floor and saw a small place already crowded with people.

  Sliding into her seat, she watched the center of the table become a minibar as several bottles appeared and the waiter added final touches. “If you need anything special, let me know.”

  “Thanks.” Chad leaned forward. “LeAnna, have you been in here before?”

  “No, I live here and decided it’s too hard to get in. It does look much as I have heard and is where you find lots of models hanging out.”

  “Yes, this is where Bobby loves to come. So, if you don’t mind, I think our first drink should be in his honor.” He reached for the Scotch and stared at Terri. “And, since he is with Penny, we need to remember both of them.”

  Straight Scotch had a way of burning her throat but in the most pleasant way. The lights flashed around the floor. She wanted to dance. Her mind drifted back to the last time they danced. It wasn’t too bad. Hopefully he would ask her again. If not, she would ask him.

  LeAnna’s laughter became louder as the drink went to work quickly on her. She wasted little time pulling Charlie to the floor. Perfect—this gave Terri an excuse to work on Chad.

  Their table was only a few steps to the floor. She walked ahead of him, pulling him along as if she led a school-aged boy. Finding the floor, the music played a tune she couldn’t remember hearing before. Not knowing how to dance to it, she simply gyrated in place as Chad watched.

  She stepped over to Chad and hugged him around the neck. She needed his support as the Scotch imbalanced her more than she thought. He reached around her waist and pulled her closer to him. His body felt exactly as she remembered—rock hard. As she swayed from side to side, he moved with her. No particular dance, but simply flowing with the rhythm. She allowed her breasts to push in close to him. He had to notice them. The crowd of people around her acted drunker than she did and made her feel secure in their cover. The activities around her eroded all inhibitions.

  Thoughts of “what happens in South Beach stays in South Beach” flashed in her mind. Nights of thinking about Chad resurfaced with all of the unanswered questions. His young, virile body fit nicely against her. She had danced with older men from time to time, but she would prefer a young stud any time. Her addiction had grown over time but still left many gaping holes in her life.

  She danced with her eyes closed. She had too much to drink too fast. She had to remember to ask for some water. But Mr. Stud had a whole bar set up on his table. The cost had to be enormous. Just how rich was this guy?

  Opening her eyes, she studied the young crowd of beautiful people dancing around her. It appeared that most of the models in town went here. A rush of pride engulfed her as she acknowledged the stud she had for a date tonight. Well, maybe not a true date, but no one knew that but her and LeAnna. By the way, where was LeAnna?

  After a few turns to scan the floor, she saw Charlie and LeAnna on the far side dancing or, should she say, needing to find a room. He had her leaning over and holding her ass in front of him, resembling a dog fucking a bitch.

  Okay, things were too far out of hand. LeAnna was married and lived here. The chance of word getting back
to her husband would ruin everything. She leaned over to Chad, hoping for some help. “You know LeAnna is married.”

  Slurring his words, Chad looked over at Charlie. “Humm, I see. I don’t think Charlie knows this.” He pushed in their direction.

  They didn’t make it soon enough. A man rushed over to Charlie and LeAnna, pulling them apart. “What are you doing?”

  “Dancing. I’ve been waiting on you.” LeAnna could barely stand.

  Charlie appeared to understand the situation and backed up, disappearing into the crowd.

  “Well, you’re drunk, and it’s time for you to come home.”

  Terri turned to one side, pulling Chad with her. “Hide.”

  Chad eased back into the crowd, looking for Charlie. At one end of the bar, he saw one of the bouncers and waved at him to come closer. “We have an angry husband alert. We didn’t know.”

  The bouncer glanced around the room. “Where?”

  “Wait, he’ll be fine, but we need to disappear.”

  “Got ya. Happens often.” He motioned for them to follow him

  Terri saw Charlie on one side and waved at him. He rushed past several people to join them in exiting through a concealed door. A light came on after the door closed.

  “Oh shit!” Charlie yelled, “I didn’t know she was married.”

  “My bad. I should have told everyone. I didn’t know you would hit on her as soon as we went out.”

  “Hey, not my fault. She is the one that went into heat when we got here.”

  Terri eyed Charlie. “I saw. I don’t think he knows who you are and thinks she is simply drunk. She’ll work it out, I’m sure.”

  Chad turned to the bouncer. “I left a full bar at the table. Can you take care of it for me?”

  “Not a problem, Mr. Edwards.”


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