Blood of the Innocent

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Blood of the Innocent Page 15

by Cheryel Hutton

  “I feel better.”

  “Oh, thank God!” His dark eyes glistened with tears.

  Her heart turned over. “I’m sorry I scared you so badly.”

  “Not your fault.” He kissed her forehead, and she pulled him down to touch her lips to his. He was smiling when he moved back.

  Her face went hot, and she touched her fingertips to her mouth. “I’m sorry, I’m sure my breath is horrible.”

  “Don’t care,” he whispered, as he captured her mouth again with his.

  “I take it she’s better,” Mike said.

  Joe finished what he was doing before he spoke. “Much.”

  “When you two get finished, I’d like to check you out, Veronica.”

  “Later,” she murmured.

  When Joe pulled away, she moaned in frustration.

  “Better let him make sure you’re all right.”

  The scientist part of her knew an exam by a physician was a necessity. The part that was all woman wanted to tell Mike to get lost and pull Joe on top of her. The men didn’t give her a choice.

  When Mike finished poking and prodding and asking questions, his relieved expression had her heart beating faster.

  “Well,” he said, “I’d love to have some lab tests to back me up, but from what I see she’s fine.” He gave her a stern look. “Take it easy for at least a week.”

  “Yes, sir,” she said, though she figured her grin undermined her words.

  “I’ll make sure she does,” Joe said.

  Mike looked skeptical, but he nodded.

  “Would it be okay if I went home?” Then she realized. “I don’t even know if it’s day or night.”

  “The sun is just setting,” Joe said.

  Mike nodded. “If you feel up to it, you can go home. Just please take it easy.” He shot a look from one to the other, then moved away to allow Joe to return.

  She slid her legs off the side of the couch and with Joe’s help, pulled herself to a sitting position. Leaning her head against the back of the couch, she said, “Don’t think taking it easy will be a problem.”


  An hour later, with a lot of help from Joe, she walked slowly across the lobby of her apartment building. He’d carried her to Spencer’s car, but she had refused to allow him to carry her this time. Although, she wondered if that might have been a bad idea. The stairs were looming like the stack of books she’d moved from her old office to the new one.

  “Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and the mule! What happened to you?” Tim came rushing down the stairs, hands on his cheeks like the Home Alone boy, his voice even higher-pitched than usual. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine, Tim.”

  “Thank God,” Joe put in.

  Tim’s eyes widened. “What happened?”

  “Let’s talk about it upstairs,” she said, wondering again if she could make it.

  Tim took the other side of her, and between the two strong men, she began to believe she might get to her apartment.

  “I’m Tim, Veronica’s next door neighbor and BFF. You must be Joe.” He leaned toward her and stage whispered, “He’s as fine as you said.”

  Joe’s face went red, and she had to force back a laugh. About halfway up the stairs, her legs turned to rubber, and even with all their support, she fought to stay on her feet. Joe scooped her into his arms and carried her the rest of the way.

  “Oh my,” Tim gasped. “How romantic!”

  Tim took the keys, unlocked the door, and the three of them entered her apartment. Joe started toward the bedroom.

  “I’d rather stay in here on the couch,” she told him.

  “Are you sure?”


  The men weren’t happy until she was tucked in with a pillow and blanket from her bed, though the temperature was comfortable.

  “Do you need anything?” Joe asked.

  Groggy from exertion, she smiled. “Pastry from Sweet Bea’s.”

  “Everything’s probably closed, baby.”

  “I know Julie,” Tim said. “Will mini blueberry tarts from her shop be okay?”

  She nodded. “Wonderful.”

  “I’ll go then.”

  Tim headed out, and Joe sat on the edge of the couch next to her. “Rest,” he whispered.

  She was determined to stay awake, but minutes later, she was asleep.


  It was a good thing Tim brought back not only pastries, but real food too. Joe had no idea he was so hungry until he tasted what Tim called lobster stew. “This is wonderful.”

  “I thought you might be hungry, so I went by Maggie’s diner too.”

  “You can have your stew. This stuff is beyond fabulous.” Veronica bit into the blueberry tart, closed her eyes, and her expression looked like she’d just had an orgasm.

  Joe’s mouth went dry. It was all he could do not to throw Tim out the door and see if he couldn’t put that expression on her face without the aid of pastries.

  A knocking pulled him out of the erotic fantasy. Luckily, Tim went to answer the door. Joe thought the odds of being able to walk weren’t good.

  Tim introduced himself to the visitor, then said he had a rehearsal to get to and hurried off. Joe smiled when he noticed Tim’s voice had lowered an octave.

  Spencer greeted Joe, then went over to hug Veronica.

  Though reluctant to bring up the subject, Joe was too curious not to ask, “Did Todd survive?”

  “Barely. He’s in a vampire medical facility right now, and will face charges when he recovers.”

  “He killed my brother.” The words were out before Joe realized he was about to say them.

  “I know. I can’t discuss what kinds of actions will be taken against him, but I promise he will be punished.”

  Spencer studied Veronica for a moment. “I’m glad you found the perpetrator, but considering what happened, I’m not sure giving you database access was such a smart move.”

  Her eyes widened for a moment, then she smiled. “Thank you.”

  He shook his head. “I almost got you killed.”

  “Joe would have been killed if you hadn’t, and most, if not all the Guardians.”

  “None of that changes the fact you could have died.”

  She took his hand in hers. “I’m fine, Spencer. Thank you for risking your life to help me.”

  “Like I would get you into that mess and leave you to whatever happened.” He kissed her cheek.

  “What about the humans involved in all this?” she asked.

  “We have resources. Again, I can’t say much, but they will be handled in an appropriate manner.” His expression darkened. “And we will be keeping an eye on the Alliance of True Humanity from now on.”

  “And Kevin?” Worry pulled at her features.

  Spencer smiled. “You made an impression on him. He will get the support and guidance he needs, and I believe he will be a major asset to both the vampire and human worlds.”

  “I’m glad.” Tears glinted in her eyes.

  “I have to go.” Spencer stood. “I’m glad you’re feeling better, Veronica. Take care, both of you.”

  When he was gone, Joe locked the door, then went over to kiss her cheek. “You need rest.”

  “What I need is a bath.” She looked up into Joe’s eyes. “But I don’t think I should be in the bathtub alone.”

  He lowered his head for a moment, forcing himself not to grab her and head for the bathroom. “Sweetheart, you’re still not well.”

  “Which is why I need you to wash my back—or whatever—and make sure I’m all right.” She reached over and jerked his shirt free of his jeans. “Wouldn’t want your clothes to get wet, now would we?”

  “Mike told you to rest.”

  “So you do all the work.” She put her hands around his neck and tugged him down until their lips touched. “Please,” she whispered.

  “I’ll run the bathwater.”

  She grinned as he pulled loose and went toward the bathro

  The woman would be the death of him.

  And he’d die happy.


  Veronica lay back in the tub and luxuriated in the cocoon of warm water combined with the feel of Joe’s hands. At first his touch was soothing, caring, loving. He soaped her and cared for her as if she were a delicate treasure. Before long, the heat between them flared, and his touch changed. He began to pay special attention to her breasts, soaping them, moving the cloth over one, then the other. Circling slowly, he made his way right up to a nipple, then he’d move to the other one.

  He had removed his shirt, and she reached a hand up to his chest. Firm, with a nice mat of dark hair, it was a joy to run a hand over. In retaliation to his teasing touch, she ran a finger over first one, then the other of his flat male nipples, and his breath sucked in hard.

  He slid the washcloth down her chest, over her belly, between her thighs, but not quite to the place she most wanted him to touch. “Joe, please,” she whispered.

  “Please what?”

  “You know.” She grabbed his jeans and unbuttoned the waist. He tried to move back, but she managed to unzip them before he could.

  “You need a bath too,” she said, as she tried to get a grip on his pants.

  He twisted away before she could. “You think so, do you?”

  “Oh yes.”

  “Are you sure, sweetheart?” The concern in his face warmed her heart.

  She tugged at his belt. “Get in here!”

  Grinning, he shoved his pants and briefs to the floor. “You sure that tub is big enough for both of us?”

  “Let’s find out.”

  With a hand on each side, he lowered his big body into the water. She grabbed the washcloth and began working on his chest, his belly, his legs.

  He gasped, and she smiled. “This is fun.”

  “So is this.” He leaned forward and licked one of her nipples, then the other.

  By this time, she was having trouble focusing on what she was doing, but she managed to get a hand on his erection.

  He sucked a nipple into his mouth, and she barely managed to hang on to him. He slid his hand between her legs, and she all but lost consciousness. “Joe, please.”

  “Please what?”

  “Make love to me.”

  “As you wish,” he whispered.

  He moved her over onto his lap and she maneuvered to the place she most wanted to be. He gently lifted her and slid inside. He held her and did most of the moving. She gripped his shoulders and enjoyed the sensation as they moved toward a mutual release. As they reached climax together, the rest of the world fell away.


  Hours later, they lay in her bed, her head resting on his shoulder, her body satisfied in a way she’d never known. “I love you,” she told him.

  He was quiet for a time, and she raised up to look into his face. “Something wrong?”

  “No.” He brushed the back of his fingers across her cheek. “I was just thinking.”

  Fear twisted around her heart, making her a little dizzy. “About what?”

  “About the chances of a human and a vampire having a committed relationship.”

  “I have never heard of such a thing,” she said. “I guess it would be unexplored territory.”

  He looked away, then into her eyes. “I know we would face quite a bit of shock and misunderstanding, but I believe in our ability to deal with them. Together. Long term”

  Her heart threatened to thump right out of her chest. “What are you saying?”

  “Will you marry me?”

  Her breath caught in her chest. She fell back onto the bed and stared at the ceiling. “Do you have any idea how hard it would be?”

  “Yes, but I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  “But marriage…”

  He rolled onto his side and looked into her eyes. “It would be a challenge, I know.”

  “We wouldn’t belong in either world, and some of my people would object to the point of possible violence—some of yours too.” She looked into his eyes. “You’ve seen what happens when our worlds clash.”

  “I understand that, but do we have to give up our happiness because of prejudice and misunderstanding.” He took her hand in his. “We are not that different.”

  It was what she’d been arguing for years. She touched the healing wound on his wrist. “Different enough. We are different species, so different foods, different lifestyles. No children.”

  “You’re positive we’re different species?”

  “Joe, I need blood to survive. You’ve seen what the sun does to me.”

  “You research genetics. are there really enough genetic differences to prove we aren’t the same species that adapted in different ways?”

  She propped her head up and looked at him. “You know that is an almost impossible question to answer.”

  “How about physiologically, has the different species hypothesis been tested?”

  That had her sitting up. “You mean has there ever been a human/vampire child?”


  “Not documented.” She bit her lip. “But there have been rumors.” She put her palm against his face. “Chances are we won’t be able to have children.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I love you, Veronica. We can adapt.”

  Tears welled in her eyes. She wanted to say yes so badly it hurt, but she knew there were a lot of things to consider.

  “Just think about it. Okay?”

  “Okay.” She cuddled next to him and considered how wonderful it sounded to be with him every day, to share their lives. Was it possible marriage between a vampire and human could work? Or was it too much to ask?

  And what price would they have to pay to find out?

  Chapter 13

  “Mike said you need to rest.” Joe tucked the light blanket around her. “It’s only been two days.”

  “I feel fine,” Veronica told him. “Besides, Mike is a human physician.”

  Joe leaned down so his nose almost touched hers. “You’re the one who’s always talking about how alike our species are.”

  She grabbed him around the neck and leaned up to kiss him. After a breathtaking interval, she backed away enough to whisper. “We do seem to be rather compatible.”

  They were engaged in another compatibility test when they heard a knock at the door. Joe groaned. “If it’s Mike, I’m going to throw him down the stairs.”

  He went to the door as Veronica giggled.

  “Who are you?” A tall, dark-haired woman glared at Joe like he was dirt on a floor she’d just scrubbed.

  A shorter, younger woman tried, without success, to shove the older one out of the way. “You must be Joe. I’m Charlene, Veronica’s sister. And this,” she indicated the older woman, “is Emelda Teal, our mother.”

  “Nice to meet you both. Veronica’s on the couch.” He stepped back and waved them toward the living room.

  The older Teal blew toward Veronica like an eagle swooping in for its prey. Joe didn’t realize he was staring until a finger poked his arm.

  “It’s okay, she probably won’t eat you.”

  Charlene’s impish grin pulled a tiny smile from him. “You sure?”

  She shrugged. “Absolutely maybe.”

  He shut the door and she walked beside him into the room. “You did good, sis. This guy’s a keeper, if Mom doesn’t scare him off.”

  “Charlene!” Mrs. Teal’s voice could stop a train. “Do not encourage your sister.”

  “Okay, that’s enough.” Veronica held up one hand like she was stopping traffic. “I’m an adult. What I do and who I choose to be with is my business.”

  Mrs. Teal’s nose flared as she gave Veronica a hard stare. “But he’s…he’s a…”

  “Human, Mom.” Veronica looked like she wanted to punch something. Or someone. “Joe is human.”

  The older woman stood, paced a few steps, gave Joe a hard glare, then turned back to Veronica. “Darling,
I understand how intriguing they are. Lord knows what I’d do without Fernando, but I would never consider allowing him to exceed his boundaries.”

  Joe gripped his fists, bit his tongue, and told himself he knew this relationship would be difficult. Still he wasn’t sure he could keep his mouth shut.

  Fortunately, he didn’t have to. “Do you know what you sound like, Mom?” Charlene stomped toward her mother, fists on hips, and face red. “You sound like human slave owners back before the Civil War.”

  The older woman’s face went crimson. “Humans are lesser species. We are their superiors by far.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Veronica said. “Humans and vampires are so similar that some scientists speculate we are one species.”

  “That’s absurd.”

  “That’s what the slave owners said.” Charlene glared at her mother.

  “I raised both of you better than this. Humans and vampires are totally different. And inferior.”

  Veronica leaned back and put a hand to her head, and Joe decided he’d had enough. “How about you insult me and my entire species some other time? Right now Veronica needs to rest.”

  “He’s right, Mom.” Charlene put a hand on her mother’s shoulder. “We need to go.”

  The woman ignored Charlene and looked toward Veronica. “You never told me what happened, how you got hurt.”

  “Lab accident,” she said.

  Mrs. Teal glared at Joe as if she was sure he’d been the cause, but she kissed Veronica’s forehead and allowed Charlene to escort her out.

  “Are you sure marrying me is a good idea?”

  Joe grinned. “Hey, if that’s all you’ve got, just wait until Thanksgiving at the Sullivans’.”

  “I’m looking forward to it.”

  Joe shook his head mournfully. “You poor thing.”

  She grabbed his hand and tugged him down for a kiss. When he sat up, she tried to pull him back.

  “You do need to rest.”

  “What I need is the man I love to make love to me.”



  Oh hell, he couldn’t resist that face.


  A week later, Joe sat at a round table at a little nightclub located somewhere between Lobster Cove and Bar Harbor. Nearby a runway—the kind supermodels use—jutted out to capture a good piece of the floor space. The thing had blue, yellow, purple, and pink lights sending out overlapping ovals of color. The same wild lighting lined the perimeter of the club, painting long streaks of color on the brick walls. Lots of lighting, not much light to see by.


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