Tested: The Dark Necessities—Dalton's Tale #3

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Tested: The Dark Necessities—Dalton's Tale #3 Page 3

by Felicity Brandon

  “Would you like some water?” Her eyes were large while she made the offer. “I’d be happy to help.”

  Dalton eased himself up slowly onto his elbows. “That sounds good. Thank you, Molly.”

  She poured Dalton a glass from the chilled jug on his bedside table and presented him with it. “Can you manage, sir?”

  He arched an eyebrow at her tone and choice of language. Molly might be an American, but she’d more than mastered the art of irony since she’d been in the U.K., and he knew she was playing with him.

  “I think so, Miss Clary. Thank you.”

  Molly chuckled, perching at the side of his bed while he took a sip. “I’m pleased to hear it, Mr. Reilly,” she replied. “But I’m here if you need me.”

  Dalton swallowed the water gratefully. His throat was parched and felt like he’d been gulping back razor blades.

  “My brother is a lucky man.” He smiled as he offered the compliment, draining the rest of the glass. His voice was stronger already, even with only a little liquid to lubricate the way.

  “You know, I didn’t agree with everything Connor has done, Molly, but genuinely, you’re really good together.”

  Molly’s lips curled. “Thank you. It has been mad, but yeah…” She hesitated, color blooming in her cheeks. “No one has ever made me feel the way Connor does. I have to trust that feeling. I always have done.”

  “Good for you.” Dalton was truly pleased for Connor and Molly, even though their own happiness only turned the knife in his heart at the thought of Delilah. “Just make sure he keeps you happy, okay? Remember, you can always come to me if you need to.”

  She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. “Thank you, Dalton, I mean that, but it’s not like that anymore. Things are different. Connor is—”

  “Connor is what?”

  Dalton’s attention shot from the brunette at his bedside to his brother as Connor walked back into the room.

  “Please, don’t let me interrupt, kitten.”

  Molly’s face burst into a hot flush. “I was just saying how good things are between us, Master.” She rose from the bed and skipped to Connor’s side as he closed the door behind him.

  “Is that all?” His wry tone was back, but he smiled as he leaned down to kiss her.

  The void in Dalton’s heart—the one only Delilah could fill—ached at just the sight of the two of them together.

  “Don’t mind me,” croaked Dalton from the bed. “It’s only my hospital room.”

  Connor rose to his full height as he spun to face Dalton.

  “About bloody time you woke up, you lazy git.”

  He strode the short distance to Dalton, embracing him until Dalton winced.

  “Good to see you, too, Connor,” Dalton replied, swallowing down the pain. “I’m sorry you’ve been so busy in my absence.”

  Connor gazed down at him. “Christ, man, it’s so good to see you awake properly. You…” Connor paused for a moment as though he was struggling to find the right words. “You really had me worried for a moment there.”

  Dalton laughed. “I had me worried for a while, too. I...” He shook his head. “I don’t know what the hell happened. One minute, Delle and I were wandering in the park, the next, all these guys were beating the shit out of me, and she was gone.” Dalton’s voice broke. “She’s gone, Connor. Hyland has fucking taken her.”

  Connor’s brow knitted as he shifted even closer. “Don’t worry,” he told his brother in an emphatic tone. “We’re on it. We know where she is, and we’ll get her back.”

  Dalton glanced toward Molly. He didn’t really want to discuss his gravest fears in front of her, but he knew Connor wouldn’t have it any other way.

  “But what the hell are they doing to her?” His focus was back on Connor as he asked the question. I just… I can’t bear the thought of it.

  “Delilah’s strong,” Molly reminded him. “The strongest woman I think I’ve ever met, Dalton. She’ll be okay.”

  Dalton forced a smile. He wished he could share Molly’s optimism. Of course, Delilah was strong, but Hyland was equally cruel and sadistic. It wasn’t a reassuring thought.

  “Saul has a plant inside Hyland’s group.” Connor’s voice had lowered. “You know the one I mean?”

  Dalton’s eyes slid closed as he tried to recall. His head ached and was more than consumed with worry for Delilah, yet somehow, the politics of The Syndicate was easy to recall. Its roots had been buried deep. They were a part of Dalton now.

  They were a part of both of the Reilly men.

  “Craig Lauper?” His gaze met Connor’s again, his younger brother’s expression confirming Dalton’s guess as accurate.

  “That’s right, Lauper. He’s been getting into bed with Hyland for a while now, and since we took Morley out of the equation, he’s been elevated up the echelons. He’s been giving us updates about Delilah.” Connor reached for Dalton’s palm, gripping it tightly. “Trust me, Dalton. She is fine.”


  Dalton didn’t mean to question Connor or The Syndicate’s intelligence. Of course, he trusted them. He’d promised to give his life for those guys, and he would. If the day ever came, Dalton knew he would, but he was so used to having insight into situations. That’s what other people’s thoughts gave him—an advantage in almost every scenario—and not having that insight now was downright infuriating.

  He hoped to God Delilah was okay. That Lauper was right, but Dalton had no way of validating that for himself.

  And that cut like a knife inside.

  “Yes, really.” Connor’s green eyes drilled into him. “As soon as you’re fit enough to be out of this place, you know you’ll be right up-to-date about how we get her out.”

  Dalton huffed. “Fine, then I’ll discharge myself now,” he told Connor, tugging at the numerous medical lines still attached to his arm. “They must be able to give me this crap at home.”

  “No, Dalton.” Connor shook his head. “Please, don’t do that. You’re better off in here. You’ve made an incredible recovery so far. The doctors have never—”

  “Yeah.” Dalton raised his right hand weakly. “Molly already told me, but that doesn’t mean I can’t do well at home.”

  “Please, Dalton.” It was Molly’s imploring tone that drew both men’s attention to where she stood at the end of the bed. “You don’t realize how badly injured you were. Just give yourself some time. You’ll be home soon enough.”

  Dalton tilted his head at her words. “Why do I feel as though you two are ganging up on me?”

  “Because we are.” Molly laughed. “Connor is right. You were at death’s door just a few days ago, so let’s not push our luck, eh?”

  Dalton leaned back against the pillow, closing his eyes while Molly’s words danced around his head. She was probably right, but it fucking pained him to remain here, passive while the woman he loved was out there at the hands of Zander fucking Hyland.

  “I can’t just stay here while she’s in danger, Connor.” Dalton directed the statement to his brother. “I know you understand what I mean. If it was Molly, you’d want to be out there, tearing down doors until you found her.” He paused, glancing between both of their concerned expressions. “That’s how I feel.”

  “I know,” Connor sighed. “And I do get it. I’d go out of my mind without Molly. Christ knows, I almost did, and that was entirely of my own doing.”

  Molly smiled, closing the remaining distance between them before she took Connor’s free hand in her own small palm.

  “So, how about this brother?” Connor’s expression was serious as he glanced back to Dalton. “Spend another night here—just one—see the doctor, get the drugs. In the meantime, I’ll make sure we have whatever you’ll need back home, and tomorrow, I’ll break you out of here if I need to.”

  Dalton chuckled at that mental image. “Like I broke you out, you mean?” He arched his brow at Connor.

  “Right,” Connor agreed. “Exactly lik
e that. Just minus the firearms.”

  Chapter Four

  Craig Lauper

  Five days earlier

  “So, she’s coming to you today?” Saul Morrison sounded tired—exhausted, actually.

  “Yes.” Craig Lauper balanced the cell between his ear and his shoulder as he fastened the buttons of his shirt. “Hyland has this idea I’m crazy about her and wanted to give me the first opportunity.”

  “Before he pimps her out?”

  “That’s right.” Lauper clutched the phone in his palm again, catching sight of himself in the mirror. Despite his thirty-eight years and the many, many late nights, he was still looking good.

  “Fuck.” Lauper could practically see Morrison shaking his head. “Will he leave her with you?”

  Lauper inhaled. “That’s the plan, boss. Don’t worry. It’ll be just like we discussed. I’ll go through the motions with Hyland, but no harm will come to Delilah. You have my word.”

  Not that the word of a duplicitous gang member meant much to most people. Lauper understood that, but they weren’t most people, and the world they lived in was far removed from most people’s reality. It was dark, dirty, and dangerous.

  “Okay, Craig,” Morrison sighed. “Check in with me later, and don’t fuck this up.”

  “Boss.” Lauper moved toward the window of his apartment and checked the street below. There was no sign of Hyland’s men yet.

  “What is it?”

  “What is it that’s so special about the girl? I mean, why do you give a fuck what Hyland does with her?”

  “You know why.” Morrison’s tone had hardened. “This is what our organization is about. If one of us is in trouble, we all are, and we all move to remedy the problem.”

  “But Delilah Bellamy isn’t one of us.” Lauper’s brow knitted. “She’s been in bed with Morley for fucking years.”

  “Listen, if Dalton vouches for her, so do I.” Morrison’s tone was venomous. “After all, our word is all we have. Right, Craig?”

  “Oh yes,” he agreed, drawing the blue blinds closed. “Absolutely.” Lauper gulped. Something about the menace in Morrison’s tone had sent his heart racing.

  “Until later, then.” He heard Morrison sigh again. “Make sure you keep me in the loop.”

  Lauper hung up, burying the cell back under the mattress of his bed. He’d always got off on the thrill of double-crossing one powerful gang leader for the other, and today was no exception. Hyland trusted him, especially since Morley had been captured by The Syndicate, but Lauper knew Morrison had his back.

  And it was Morrison who needed his help now.

  Hyland’s plan to out-maneuver Dalton Reilly had worked, and they’d left Reilly for dead after taking the prize Hyland really wanted—his petite, red-headed woman, Delilah. Not that Hyland wanted Delilah for himself. Based on the way he’d spoken about the woman, he had nothing but disdain for Delilah, but that was irrelevant. This was all just a game to Hyland. Morrison had taken one of his best men, and Hyland wanted revenge. Putting Reilly in the hospital and snatching Delilah was that revenge. At least, it was the beginning.

  The game Lauper was playing was precarious—there was no doubt about that—but he was in way too deep to call time and had little desire to stop. He wanted the constant adrenaline that came with his job. It was what he lived for—what he thrived on.

  The knock at the door startled him, but Lauper smiled as he tugged at his lapels and headed to answer it. As expected, he found Hyland waiting for him.

  “Good morning, Craig.” Hyland stepped into the apartment without waiting for an invitation. “I’m glad to see you’re up and ready for us.”

  “Are you kidding, boss?” Lauper left the door open and followed Hyland inside. “I’ve been awake for hours. I can’t wait to get my hands on her.”

  Hyland turned, his gaze surveying Lauper’s comparatively small lounge. “Is this really where you’re living?”

  “It’s not much,” he said with a shrug, resisting the urge to smile. “But it’s home, sweet home.”

  Hyland snorted. “This is the sort of shit I’d reserve for one of my whores.” He took a step closer to Lauper. “A man like you deserves better than this, Craig. Come and see me when you bring her back later today, and I’ll find you something more appropriate. After all, with Jacob out of the picture for the foreseeable future, I’ll need to lean on a man like you. If you want the responsibility?”

  Hyland’s dark eyes flashed at him, daring Lauper to defy him. On the contrary, Lauper had no intention of doing so. Better lodgings and a pay rise sounded just grand.

  “I would love that, sir, thank you.” He smiled at Hyland, reaching for the palm thrust in his direction. “I promise I won’t let you down.”

  “Good.” Hyland’s answer was immediate. “I’m pleased to hear it, and in the meantime, you can consider this part of your down payment.”

  Hyland gestured toward the door behind Lauper, and instinctively, he turned just in time to see Delilah being dragged into his apartment. The blanket which had been wrapped around her was pulled away, and pale blue eyes widened at the sight of him. Acting on reflex, Delilah began to writhe in the bondage she was trussed up in, her scream muffled by the large black ball gag secured between her lips.

  Lauper smiled in spite of himself. He was a lot of things, but he was no abuser of women, yet the sight of Delilah struggling was undeniably doing something for him. Of course, the pretty little redhead had no way of knowing she was really being brought to the only sanctuary Hyland’s organization could offer. She believed what she’d been told. Lauper was going to take what he wanted—with or without her permission.

  “Excuse the poor behavior,” Hyland said with a sigh as Lombard pushed Delilah into the room and forced her onto the couch. “It’s the first time she’s been allowed out of her cage, so understandably, the whore is a little excited.”

  Lauper laughed, joined a moment later by Hyland and the other men who’d accompanied him across town.

  “I’m sure I can settle her down,” Lauper drawled as he moved closer to where Delilah was squirming.

  With her hands bound behind her and her legs tied together, there was literally nothing she could do to resist his touch and wanting to play his part to best effect, Lauper ran a finger across her shoulder. She was still dressed in the same skimpy underwear she’d worn in the cage, and Lauper had to admit, she had a fine figure.

  Dalton Reilly was a lucky man.

  “And I can have her for a few days, right?” Lauper’s gaze shifted back to Hyland, seeking the clarification he knew Morrison would want.

  Hyland chuckled. “You really like her, don’t you?”

  “Hey, what can I say?” Lauper raised his palms in a conciliatory gesture. “I have a soft spot for redheads.”

  “I get it.” Hyland winked at Lauper. “Take your time, my friend. You can have her as long as you need, just bring her back at the end of each day.”

  Lauper had been expecting that much. Hyland trusted him, but not entirely. The man wasn’t a complete fool. Actually, he wasn’t a fool at all.

  “No problem. I’ll have her back to you by tonight.”

  “Perfect.” Hyland reached for his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “Enjoy yourself.” He glanced down at Delilah and shook his head. “I still don’t understand what all the fuss is about.”

  Delilah glared up at all of them, her expression fierce, despite the gag shoved into her mouth.

  “I’ll see myself out.” Hyland strode toward the door without waiting for Lauper’s response. “See you later.”

  Lauper watched as the crew of men scurried after their boss before wandering over to the entrance and locking the door. He glanced over at Delilah, smiling when her gaze narrowed.

  “So, it’s just you and me.”

  Even though Lauper had no intention of hurting the woman, he couldn’t resist playing with her a little longer. She looked as hot as hell, all gagged and bound on his couch,
and Lauper’s cock swelled at the sight of her. He strolled casually back to the couch, offering her a small smile.

  “It’s okay, Delilah.” He took a seat on the edge of the couch by her legs. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  Her brow furrowed, though there were still a hundred accusations in her eyes.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” he said with a soft laugh. “I mean it. I have no intention of using you at all.”

  A stream of mumbled consonants left Delilah’s mouth, though none were decipherable around the gag. Slowly, Lauper reached forward and pulled it from between Delilah’s lips.

  “I have a message from Saul.”

  Delilah panted at his words, licking her lips before she hissed in reply, “What?”

  “You heard me.”

  She pulled in a deep breath. “You work for Saul Morrison?”

  Delilah’s focus flitted around as though she expected Hyland to come bursting into the place at any moment. Her instincts were a credit to her. Hyland’s guys had planted bugs in Lauper’s place on more than one occasion, but Lauper had always removed them. He made sure he did a sweep every evening—just to be sure—and so far, none had ever caused him an issue.

  “I’m on Morrison’s payroll, yes.”

  “What?” Delilah’s eyes widened at the admission. “You really work for Saul?”

  “Yes, really.” Lauper laughed, turning to work on the bondage holding her legs together. “That’s why I’ve paid you so much attention over the last few days, Delilah. I needed Zander to believe I was interested in you. That I wanted you.”

  He released her legs and rose to his full height as she swung them to the floor and found her feet.

  “And you don’t want me?” Delilah’s pale gaze flashed at Lauper, daring him to deny it.

  “You’re lovely,” he reasoned, wandering to her partially exposed backside to remove the binds at her wrists. “And under any other circumstance, I would love to indulge, but no. Saul’s made it clear, you belong to Dalton.”


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