Tested: The Dark Necessities—Dalton's Tale #3

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Tested: The Dark Necessities—Dalton's Tale #3 Page 5

by Felicity Brandon

  Molly Clary

  Molly roused, reaching instinctively across the large king-sized bed for her master. Her lips curled as that thought radiated around her head—her master.

  Connor was her master.

  How fucking pathetic did that sound—even to herself? Yet there was no denying it was the truth. Since she’d returned to England and made the decision to be with Connor, he had become that person—the very sun she orbited around—and though there was a still a part of her which resented the notion, the larger majority was blissfully happy with her submission. Sure, in an ideal world, she wouldn’t have had to give up her entire life in America, but the world wasn’t a perfect place. He had made that more than abundantly clear when he’d snatched her from one of the shitty city streets and initiated this whole sordid story, and it was no less true now. Just because Molly had been lucky and found a way to melt the ice inside Connor’s heart, it hadn’t changed the rest of the world.

  Delilah’s current plight was a testament to that.

  Molly’s belly tightened at the thought of Delilah. She hadn’t known the redhead for long, but in that short time, she really felt as though she’d found a friend. God only knew what was happening to her, but she had a sense from Connor that nothing good would come if The Syndicate didn’t act soon.

  With a sigh, she rolled toward her lover, her hand having found no trace of his warmth in the bed. Blinking her eyes open, she searched the dark sheets for evidence of Connor—nothing.

  There was no sign of him, and as she inched in the direction of the place he usually slept, she found the bedding cold. Connor hadn’t been there for hours.

  Molly gasped, sitting upright in the bed as her gaze flew over the room they now shared. Connor wasn’t sitting on the couch by the window, and he wasn’t in the small kitchenette. Pushing down on the surge of concern that rose in her, Molly slipped from the sheets and padded to the bathroom.


  She peered around the door, desperately hoping to see him standing by the mirror or in the shower, but there was no one there—that made sense. Molly would have heard the shower if it had been running, and Connor would have responded to her call.

  So, where the hell was he?

  The apprehension inside swelled at the question, and instinctively, she glanced back over her shoulder toward the bed. It was as though she expected him to be there, grinning at her performance, but to her regret, the bed was empty.

  Frantically, she dashed for her cell phone, still on the small bedside table where she’d left it, and she noticed it—a small white note, folded on top of the device. Hurriedly, she picked it up and unfolded the paper, her eyes devouring the words inside, searching for an explanation. Molly expected to find some calm, reassuring words from Connor inside, and her brow knitted as she read the opening lines.


  I don’t know if you’ll ever read this, but I hope that you do.

  I love you, and I need you to hear my words.

  I’m being held by Zander Hyland, and whatever Craig says, I don’t know how things will play out.

  Molly pulled in a shaky breath as she processed the words. This was a note from Delilah—to Dalton—and Molly felt awful even opening the thing. She resisted the temptation to read the rest of the letter. Whatever it said, it was clearly private. Folding it in half again, she reached for her cell phone. Things were more confusing by the moment. Connor was gone, and somehow, this note from Delilah had managed to appear at her bedside.

  Flicking into her device, Molly stepped to the bed and sat down on the cool covers. She had no idea what was going on, but she knew one thing for certain—Connor wouldn’t have left without some sort of message.

  Not unless something was really wrong.

  She held her breath as her gaze darted over the screen, lingering over her messages. Molly’s heart leapt as she saw two new texts, both from her master. Hurriedly, she tapped into them, consuming Connor’s words as fast as her eyes would allow.

  Hey Kitten

  Saul has a plan to rescue Delilah tomorrow morning, so I’m in his office working on it with some of the guys. I don’t know if I’ll make it back to you tonight. Regardless, I need you to go and see Dalton first thing. Reassure him and keep him company, but don’t let on about the plan. He’s not strong enough to deal with this yet.

  Thank you, kitten. I love you, and I’ll see you very soon.

  Molly inhaled as she read the lines over and over again. Connor was involved in some last-minute plan to rescue Delilah.

  “Oh God.”

  Her eyes fluttered in acknowledgment. Molly hadn’t been linked with The Syndicate for very long, but even in that short time, she’d witnessed the kinds of crazy things they did for each other to make things right. Whether it was the audacious plan Saul and Dalton conceived to bust Connor out of the prison van during his trial or the even more insane scheme Connor had hatched to try to redeem himself in her eyes when he’d persuaded his brother to throttle him, Molly knew one thing—there was no length these men wouldn’t go to in order to protect one of their own. And that’s what Delilah was now. That’s what she’d become the moment Dalton had fallen for her—just like Molly had done when she’d committed to a future with Connor.

  Her hands were shaking when she finally flicked into Connor’s second message.

  Me again, little one.

  She smiled at the way Connor referred to her, the thought warming despite the trepidation clawing at her insides at whatever dangerous thing he was currently engaged in.

  Update: By the time we’d figured out the details of the plan, it was time to go, and I didn’t want to wake you, beautiful.

  First—don’t worry.

  Molly chuckled at the order, Connor’s voice echoing around her mind as though he was actually in the room. That was easy for him to say, but he wasn’t the one sitting here while the person he adored was putting their neck on the line… again.

  We have thought of everything, and I will be fine.

  She rolled her eyes at the smug cockiness of the line, pleased, for once, she would get away with the insolent gesture.

  In the meantime, I still need you to go to Dalton this morning, but make sure you take someone from The Syndicate with you. Evidently, it’s not safe out there on the streets.

  Put Dalton at ease and make sure he stays there until you hear from me. I’ve left you a note Delilah managed to write to him. Hopefully, that will help, and by the time he’s restless, I’ll have already retrieved Delilah for him.

  I love you and remember what I said, little girl—do not let him leave the hospital.

  It was signed M with a solitary kiss. Even though his words had done little to quell her rising panic, her heart raced at the look of that single letter.

  M was for master, and although it made no sense, the concept buoyed her.

  She clasped her cell in her hands, an image of Connor manifesting in her head. Molly had no intention of taking his advice and bringing anyone along with her, but it would be fine. Whoever this Hyland was, he clearly wasn’t interested in the likes of Molly. She’d go to Dalton, and all being well, he would leave the hospital later today.

  Molly rose from the bed, her cell phone and Dalton’s note still clutched in her hands as she wandered over to huge windows that covered the end of their room. Pressing her right palm against the glass, she rested her forehead on the window as her gaze took in the city below. No doubt, Connor was already down there somewhere. Her belly furled as the reality sunk in. Oh crap, he was down there, and anything could be happening to him, and there was nothing she could do to be with him—to help him.

  Frustrated tears pricked in her eyes.

  “Oh fuck, Connor.” She breathed the words into the window, steaming up the glass. “Please be safe. Be safe, Master.”

  Molly imagined Connor smiling back at her.

  What would he say if he was here—what would he be telling her right at this moment?

nbsp; In an instant, it came to her.

  If Connor was here, he’d be telling her to do as he’d asked, and likely, he’d be threatening some delicious reprimand if she failed to obey. Heat pooled at her core, mingling with her anxiety, reminding her of the days when Connor had held her against her will. She turned with a sigh and collapsed back onto the waiting couch.

  If Connor wanted her to go to the hospital and babysit Dalton, that’s what she would do. At least the task would give her something to do, and if she was lucky, it would help to take her mind away from the looming dread hovering over her head with Connor gone.

  It was so strange to be without him. They’d spent every day together for weeks on end, and Molly was bereft on her own, as though she couldn’t function alone.

  But she had to.

  For Connor.

  For Delilah.

  For them all.

  Steeling herself, she typed out a quick response to Connor.


  The nervous butterflies in her tummy spread their wings at the way that word sounded in her head.

  I wish you had woken me, but thank you for the messages. I’ll take Delilah’s note to Dalton now and wait to hear from you.

  She bit her lip as she considered how to end.

  Please take care of yourself. Molly sniffed at her plea. I don’t know what I would do without you. Molly x

  She pushed back on the urge to cry as she sent the text message, deciding to make coffee, then shower.

  “Stay busy,” Molly whispered to herself as she watched the coffee machine whir into action. “That’s what he would want. That’s what you should do.”

  So that’s what she did.

  It took less than half an hour before Molly was ready to leave their room. Delilah’s note was tucked firmly away in her purse as she waited for the elevator. She drew in a deep breath as the silver doors opened before her, stepping inside before she’d realized there was someone else already present.


  She jumped at the sound of her name, craning her neck to take in the face of whoever it was, and in her shock, she almost didn’t recognize him.

  “Are you okay?” His brow furrowed at her response, and he took a step in her direction.

  “Saul.” She pushed out his name as the man’s identity finally registered. “I’m…” She glanced down at her purse, struggling to find the right words all of a sudden. “I’m fine.”

  Saul gazed down at her skeptically. “You’re sure? You seem a little pale.”

  “It’s just Connor,” she explained with a wistful sigh. “I just woke up to find him gone, and I’m worried.” She chuckled lightly at her own reasoning as though the prospect of losing the man she loved was somehow—in any way—amusing.

  “Ah, I see.” Saul smiled at her warmly. “Are you on your way to see Dalton?”

  “Erm, yes.” Molly blinked up at him. How did he know that? How did the men around here seem to know everything?

  “Let me give you a ride.” Saul presented the notion as though it was a fait accompli—another characteristic shared by all the men of The Syndicate. “I’m headed over there now to speak to the doctors myself.”

  “You are? Connor never mentioned that.”

  “He wanted to go himself, but obviously, recent events have made that impossible.”

  Her belly tightened at the reminder of the potential peril her lover was in at that moment.

  “Please, don’t worry.” Saul took another step toward her. “Connor will be fine. They all will.”

  Molly glanced up at Saul’s large, concerned eyes, and for the first time, she noticed the dark circles beneath them and how drawn he looked.

  “You’ve been up all night with them, haven’t you?”

  His lips curled. “Most of it, yes. Curse of the job, I’m afraid.”

  He laughed at his own quip, though Molly couldn’t bring herself to join him.

  “Why don’t you let me go on my own, Saul?” she suggested, watching as he leaned toward the control panel and nudged the elevator back into life. “You stay and get some rest. Someone has to stay level-headed if there’s some sort of emergency.” Though, she didn’t allow herself to stop and dwell on what that emergency might be.

  “Now, that is a tempting offer.” He paused, presumably contemplating her proposition.

  “Connor asked me to go, after all, and I’m sure he’ll join me once this business has been taken care of.”

  She wanted to ask Saul more about the plan Connor had referred to in his text, pump him for information about her master’s whereabouts, but she was reticent at the same time. Saul was in charge here, and Molly’s entry into the organization hadn’t been the most graceful of all time. The relationship between them had always been a little precarious, and she didn’t want to do anything to risk tarnishing it further.

  “I could do with another couple of hours shut-eye,” Saul admitted. “But are you sure you’ll be okay? It’s imperative Dalton doesn’t get suspicious and stays put for the time being.”

  “I understand. I think he’ll be even more suspicious if Connor doesn’t turn up, but all of a sudden, you do. Don’t you?”

  Saul’s brow rose at her query. “I hadn’t thought of it that way, but maybe.” He paused. “Yes, maybe you’re right.”

  Molly smiled. It made a change for anyone to admit that around here, but her sense of accomplishment diminished fast as paranoia about the task ahead nagged at her.

  “What do I say when Dalton asks where Connor is?” Her heart sped up at the question.

  “That’s easy,” Saul replied smoothly as the elevator sped down the floors toward the lobby. “Just tell him I called Connor for an urgent meeting, and he’ll be along later.”

  She bit her lip. “I don’t like lying to him.”

  “It’s only a lie of sorts.” Saul grinned at her. “Basically, it’s the truth, in a roundabout sort of way.”

  “Oh, right.” She laughed in response. “Great.”

  “Show him the note from Delilah. Talk to him. Talk to the doctors, too. That should easily buy you enough time before we hear from Connor.”


  The knot of tension within her furled at his name.

  “When do you think that will be?”

  The elevator chimed to indicate they had reached the desired floor, but Molly couldn’t focus on that. All of her attention was on Saul’s expression and any information she could extract from him about Connor’s whereabouts.

  Saul glanced at the expensive watch at his wrist. “Well, it’s approaching eight, so, in all likelihood, it will all be about to kick off.”

  Oh God.

  A wave of nausea rose in her belly.

  “An hour or so then?” The tremble in Molly’s voice was there for them both to hear.

  “Perhaps longer,” he told her with what she assumed was supposed to be a comforting smile. “Whatever happens, it will take time, and he’ll need to evaluate before he calls in.”

  Saul reached over and held the elevator doors.

  “Oh.” It was all she could think to say.

  “Listen, Molly. It will be okay. I promise.”

  She pulled in a shaky breath, praying to whatever God was listening, Saul was right. “I know.”

  “I’ll get a driver to take you and wait at the hospital. I should also get one of the guys to go with you, too. Just in case.”

  “Just in case of what?” Her heart sank as the echo of the warning in Connor’s note reverberated around her head.

  “Well,” he hesitated, staring down at her. “With everything that’s going on with Hyland right now, we can’t be too careful.”

  Molly sighed as Saul released the doors and strode from the elevator. Usually, she would have resisted the offer of an entourage at all costs, relishing the limited sense of independence in Connor’s absence, but as she scurried after him, she knew better.

  Regardless of Connor’s overprotective nature, she had to t
ake this seriously. Anything that troubled Saul Morrison should trouble her as well.

  Chapter Seven


  Dalton edged up the bed and reached for his glass of water. He’d been awake for hours, watching the hands of the clock crawl on, and it was doing nothing to quell his impatience. His gaze flitted to the entrance of his private room again. Where were Connor and Molly? They promised to be here this morning and break him out of this joint. It didn’t matter that it was early. Private rooms like Dalton’s afforded the luxury of visitors at any time, and he’d expected them to be here by now. He couldn’t stay here and wait any longer. He had to get out there. He had to protect Delilah. Dalton’s head ached with frustration.

  There was nothing worse than this.

  Being weak and impotent were the traits he loathed the most, and as he slammed the glass back onto the pine unit at his bedside, he realized that’s what he was—weak, impotent, and powerless.


  Molly’s voice cut through his depressing monologue, and his heartbeat picked up its pace as he lifted his chin to find her in the doorway.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Molly!” He was genuinely excited to see her, like some sort of eager puppy. “I’m fine…”

  Dalton hesitated, his gaze lingering on the door that had just swung closed behind her. “Where’s Connor?”

  Molly moved toward him, offering him a small smile. “He’ll be along soon,” she told him. “Saul called him into an early meeting.”

  Dalton’s brow furrowed. “About what?”

  “I don’t know,” she replied with a shrug. “I just woke up, and he was gone. There was a message to tell me to come here without him.” Molly smiled, though somehow, the expression didn’t reach her eyes. “I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about.”

  At least, I hope it’s not.

  She hadn’t vocalized the final thought, but it was there in her head, and Dalton heard it. Over the last twenty-four hours, as his strength returned, he’d found his telepathy sharpening, and now, he could hear the undisclosed ideas of his doctors and nurses without even having to try.


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