Tested: The Dark Necessities—Dalton's Tale #3

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Tested: The Dark Necessities—Dalton's Tale #3 Page 11

by Felicity Brandon

“Who?” Hyland smirked. “And don’t even consider playing games with me, little girl. I’ve been playing and winning with women like you for a long time.”

  Indignation spiked in her at his tone.

  Fuck Zander Hyland! What gave him the right to speak to her that way? To treat her like this? Connor was going to have a field day with this guy. He’d chew him up and spit him out.

  “I’m with Connor Reilly.” In the end, she announced it to Hyland, and there was triumph laced in her tone.

  His brow rose with surprise. “Oh, really?”

  “Yes, really. That’s why you should never have messed with me, Zander. That’s why you’re a dead man.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  “Well, what did he say?”

  Delilah’s demanding expression met Connor’s gaze as soon as the call with Saul ended.

  “He’s not happy.” That was an understatement. Saul had offered him more expletives than even Connor knew was possible, and that was saying something.

  “Yeah, well, who’s fucking happy?” Delilah’s hands rose to her slim hips, and despite the tension clawing at his chest, he smiled.

  “What?” she inquired. “What’s even vaguely amusing about any of this?”

  “Nothing,” Connor agreed. “It’s not funny. It’s just you, Delilah. I’ve never seen this side of you, and I guess I can see why my brother fell so hard for you.”

  Her brow rose. “Gee, thanks, Connor, but is it okay if we skip the family hug for now and fast-forward to the kicking Hyland’s arse part of the story?”

  He laughed. Now, that was a Connor Reilly type of response.

  “Sure. So, Saul has a hundred reasons why we shouldn’t just march over there, guns blazing, and though I’m loathe to admit it, most are accurate. Hyland will out power us. He’ll have more men, more weapons, and he’ll be on home turf…” He paused, glancing at the fiery redhead. “You know, it doesn’t look good for us.”

  “So, we’re playing the odds?” Delilah shrugged. “So what? I’ve spent my whole fucking life playing his games with shitty odds. Bring the storm, I’m used to it, but I’ll tell you one thing. I’m not letting that son of a bitch take the man I love.”

  Connor swore he could sense the anger pulsing from her in waves.

  “Hyland has destroyed just about everything in my life, but I’m not letting him have Dalton.”

  Connor’s jaw tightened, and he glanced toward the window. They’d raided the content of the trunk before Connor had called Saul, and the small arsenal of weapons was piled between them. The car was parked a mile away from the boundary of Hyland’s territory, poised to strike, despite the ridiculous inadequacy of their plan.

  “I understand.” And he did. “I’ll feed him his fucking testicles if he does anything to hurt Molly.”

  “He’s a mean bastard, Connor.” Delilah pressed her lips into a hard line. “Hyland won’t think twice about hurting her before or after he’s taken what he wanted.”

  He exhaled, intentionally leveling out the fury building inside him.

  “Then we don’t have a choice,” he concluded. “Whatever Saul says.”

  “Did he actually refuse to help?”

  “No, that’s not Saul’s style. He’ll help. He loves Dalton, and he wants to rescue Molly, but he’s never going to let me forget it.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Fine. How many are they sending, and how far out are they?”

  Connor chuckled, despite the tension in his muscles. Dalton had been correct in his analysis of his new woman. Delilah truly was a firecracker. Pressing the intercom, he alerted Kenny.

  “Saul’s en route with backup.”

  Kenny sighed. Evidently, he could see where this story was headed. “ETA?”

  “Our members are scattered,” he replied, effectively answering both of their questions at once. “And our base is some way from here, as you know.”

  “So, how long?” Delilah sounded exasperated.

  “As long as it takes,” he told them both. “But at least twenty minutes. As to numbers, he’ll call everyone he can. We’re talking about out-and-out gang warfare here.”

  “The law will be involved then.” Kenny’s attention darted to him.

  “Invariably, at some point.” Connor met his eye. “So, we have three main objectives.”

  “Three?” It was Delilah’s turn to speak this time.

  “Yep. Save the people we love, don’t get killed, and don’t get arrested.”

  A strained silence fell over the interior as the three other people in the vehicle absorbed his wry words.

  “Great.” Of course, it was Delilah who cut through the tension in the end, flicking her red hair away from the collar of his jacket as she went on. “And there was me thinking we’d have it tough.”

  “Right.” Connor offered her a small smile. “What we don’t have is a choice. The longer Dalton and Molly are at Hyland’s mercy, the worse it will be.”

  “Let’s do it then.” She reached for the semi-automatic nearest her thigh, running her fingers along the length of the weapon.

  “You’re sure?” Connor stretched his hand toward her wrist, grasping it lightly until their eyes met again. “I mean, I understand if you don’t want to get involved in the gunfight. I know some people don’t like that sort of thing.”

  He’d meant women—some women didn’t like that sort of thing—but tact had forced him to alter his delivery.

  “You think I can’t handle it?” She rose to his bait at once. “You think because I have breasts and a uterus, I’m too soft and weak to pull the trigger?”

  Pale and wild blue eyes widened with the accusation, and she pulled her arm away from his reach.

  “Of course not,” Connor lied, his gaze darting to Wallace in the passenger seat, who glanced back toward the windshield. “No, of course not. You’re as fierce as any man I’ve ever worked alongside, Delilah.” On that point, at least, there was no need for untruths. “I’m just saying, he’s my brother, and I’ll go in without you if need be.”

  “Fuck that.” She spat the words in his direction. “This was my idea, Reilly, and I’ll get Dalton out, with or without you, or I’ll die fucking trying.”

  “Got it.” Connor exhaled. The passion and ferocity in her tone were venomous, and he totally believed her. “I won’t question you again.”

  Their gazes met for a few, long moments. There was fire in Delilah’s eyes, though he couldn’t tell if she was merely aggrieved at his words or suffering from the same low-lying thrum of apprehension. The ones they loved had been taken by one of the most sadistic fucks in the country—and yes, Connor included himself in that appraisal. It was time to do something.

  It was time to act.

  He gave the order to move. Kenny rubbed his temple wearily before he pulled the car away.

  “I assume Hyland’s place is protected like a fortress?” Connor asked, turning back toward Delilah.

  “It’s similar to your set up,” she replied with a shrug. “The ground floor looks much like any other city building. But it’s what goes on above and below stairs that make it different.”

  “And Hyland’s office. Where’s that?”

  “It’s not as impressive as The Syndicate’s building, but he’s right at the top. Sixth floor.”

  Connor snorted. “Six floors—is that it?”

  “It’s not all about size, Connor.” Delilah’s voice was sardonic. “Surely, you’ve learned that by now?”

  His jaw tightened at her comeback. He’d have tanned Molly’s backside for a response like that, but the thought only knotted the anxiety in his gut.

  “Maybe not all,” he concurred. “But size helps. Especially when you’re talking numbers.”

  Her bleak expression suggested Delilah knew precisely what he was talking about.

  “Yeah, well, we have what we have until Saul arrives with backup, but we have to be smart. They won’t just let us stride in there with arms full of weap

  “Right.” Connor had worked that much out for himself. “So, what do you suggest? You know the fucker. What would make him believe this wasn’t a straight assault on his building?”

  She sighed, evidently musing on the conundrum. “I have an idea, but it’s… crazy.”

  Connor glanced out of the window just in time to see them pass into Hammersmith. They were in Hyland’s terrain now.

  “I’m listening.”

  “The only way he’d believe it is if he thought you’d changed your mind.” The weight of her stare drilled into him, demanding he meet her eyes again.

  “Changed my mind?”

  “Yes, like you’d heard about Dalton and Molly, and you wanted to swap me back.”

  His lips curled. “A trade, you mean?” It was ingenious. “You for Molly?”

  “Or Dalton?” she added quickly.

  “Right. Yeah, that could work if you think he’d buy it?”

  “You never fucking know with Hyland. It could all blow up in our faces, and I’ll find myself whored out to every creepy bastard he owes a favor to, and you’ll end up like Morley.”

  An image of Jacob Morley flashed through Connor’s mind. The fucker had been chained in one of their basement rooms ever since he’d tried to beat the hell out of Delilah. That’s how this turf war had reignited in the first place.


  She snorted. “Indeed, but what choice do we have?”

  He reached for a gun and ran it along his hand. “We could wait for Saul?” he replied. “That’s what he asked us to do.”

  “Wait, and do nothing?” She sounded as disgusted at the idea as he felt suggesting it.

  “Yeah, I thought it was a shit plan, too, but I’m just saying. If you go in there under the pretense of me offering you back to Hyland, they’ll take any weapons we have. We’ll be defenseless.”

  There was a flicker of panic in Delilah’s eyes—a brief moment where she responded the same way any other woman would—then it was gone.

  Delilah wasn’t like other women, and while Connor didn’t understand all the reasons why, it seemed the diet of violence and intimidation she’d been raised on had changed her. She was contorted in some way—able to suppress her fear, able to live with it.

  Hell, as he saw the light of defiance return to her eyes, Connor wondered if she didn’t even enjoy it.

  “We should call the plan in,” she decided after a moment. “Let Saul know what we have in mind.”

  “He’ll blow his fucking stack.”

  “Sure, but at least he’ll know. And he’ll have guns and men. Tell him where to find Hyland’s office, and I can tell him what to expect. While you’re bartering with Hyland, your guys can get in and create a little anarchy.”

  Her lips twitched, and a small, yet wicked grin spread across her face.

  “You really hate Hyland, don’t you?” He reached for his phone again, hitting redial on Saul’s number. Whatever they were going to do, they had to decide fast. They were only a few miles from the building where Hyland resided.

  “Absolutely.” Delilah straightened up as she made the admission. “Between Zander and Jacob, they’ve taken just about every chance I ever had. Whatever happens, it ends today.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  She sighed, the aroma of her perfume luring his eyes open.


  He wanted to smile at her, except she wasn’t there, not really. This was all happening inside his head—a wonderful figment of his imagination—no doubt sent to appease him from the awful reality.

  He exhaled, conscious of the pounding in his head and the pain in his face. His eyes were as sore as was his mouth, though he couldn’t recall what had transpired to cause the injuries.


  That really did sound like Delilah, and his breath hitched as her voice resounded in his head.

  Delilah. He’d thought her name this time in the way he’d used to with his mother, Lily, when she’d still been alive, and they used to carry out conversations entirely in their heads.

  Oh God, Dalton. Are you there? Are you okay? I… we’ve been so worried and—

  Slow down.

  He pushed the command out to her, urging her to take it slowly and give him some time. Dalton had no idea what was going on, but waking up in pain with Delilah inside his head was fast becoming a monotonous routine. Swallowing and ignoring the corresponding hurt, he strained his memory, trying to recall what had befallen him this time.

  The last fragment he could remember was him talking on the phone to Delilah… that’s right, it had been Molly’s phone. He pulled in a painful breath.

  Molly. Where the hell was Molly?

  I’m sorry. Delilah’s voice betrayed the hurt she felt at the way he’d cut her off.

  No, I am, Delle. It’s just, I can barely think. I don’t know where I am.

  With Hyland.

  Her answer sent a river of ice through his veins.


  Yes. Delilah was adamant. Zander fucking Hyland has you.

  Everything ached at her announcement. His body was beaten and broken, barely recovered from the first round of abuse from Hyland’s men, and now, they had Molly, too.

  Fuck. It was all he could think.

  I know.

  Are you okay?

  I’m fine. I’m with Connor, and we’re on our way. We’re coming.

  Dalton tried to move, to stretch his back and open his mouth, but somehow, even those tiny physical actions were insurmountable.

  What do you mean, you’re coming? He fired the query back at her, the terror rising to his throat. You can’t come back here, Delle. We just got you safe.

  He heard Delilah sigh. There’s no choice. Hyland has Molly, too, and God knows what he’s doing to her. It’s down to Connor and me, at least until Saul and the others turn up.

  There was a pause, a void when it seemed neither of them knew what to think. Ultimately, she filled it, her thoughts softer.

  We have a plan.

  Oh God…

  Delilah chuckled. It’s not that bad, sir. It was my idea, and Connor and I are finding a way to work together.

  Delilah, please. He wanted to shake his head. Please just take care of yourself. I might not be strong enough to help you, and Connor can’t take on the whole of Hyland’s organization alone.

  He won’t. Her voice was insistent. I told you, Saul is coming. It’s just a way to get access to the building, to you and to Molly, a way to distract him from hurting you both.

  He inhaled, wincing at the way his chest still ached.

  Are you okay, sir?

  Dalton’s lips curled at the way she’d addressed him. Even now, in this shit storm, the woman could still rouse him.

  I’ve been better, but I’m alive.


  I think I’m still asleep. Unconscious, maybe.

  Shit. Delilah was panicked. Open your eyes if you can. Molly might need you. And I definitely do.

  Delilah. He wanted to argue with her, yet her voice was getting fainter. Further away. Delilah, please be careful.

  I will. The thought was a whisper. We’re practically here. I’ll be with you soon.


  Damn it, why did she never listen to him? Delilah and Connor together were going to make the most headstrong and reckless team.


  Wait, had he said that out loud?

  “Ah, right on cue. Dalton’s coming around.”

  Hyland’s sneering tone was like a dagger to his insides, yet he knew Delilah was right. He had to wake up. He had to open his eyes and help Molly.

  Slowly, painfully, he compelled his heavy lids to open, and as his pupils tried to focus, his head began to pound in earnest. It hurt to look around, and his eyes wouldn’t open properly, but he could just make out the room. It was a dark, unappealing place, and the air was heavy with the smell of liquor.

  Hyland’s o
ffice. Delilah’s voice solved the riddle. It sounds like Hyland’s office.

  “There he is.” Hyland sounded smug, as usual. “I told you he was okay, didn’t I, Molly?”


  The pressure in his chest tightened at the thought of how Molly was coping.

  “Don’t you hurt him!” Molly hissed the words from somewhere to the right, and exhausted, Dalton turned his head, following the sound. “You said if I did what you wanted, you wouldn’t hurt him.”

  “Is that what I said?” Hyland laughed. “But didn’t you tell me I was a dead man, Molly?” He paused, and there was more laughter, this time from various men, apparently scattered all around the place. “It seems both of us have said things we really don’t mean, doesn’t it?”

  Dalton forced himself to concentrate, his eyes scanning the right side of the room until they finally found something out of place. To be more specific, something he should have probably expected to see—a cage.

  Smaller than the one Dalton had confined Delilah in, but constructed in a similar way, the structure had someone inside, but it wasn’t Delilah.


  Dalton called her name as loudly as he could, aware it only came out as a hoarse whisper.

  She offered him a small smile, lifting her palm to the bars nearest him. She looked naked, save for the flimsy white underwear which just about saved her modesty as she pressed her nose into the metal.

  “Are you okay?”

  Molly’s gaze flitted around the metal prison, which contained her, and Dalton heard the thoughts reverberate from her brain. I’ve been better. I’m stuck in here until he decides what to do with me!

  “I’m fine.” Her tone was impressively stoic. There wasn’t a flicker of the terror, which was evident in her thoughts.

  “Well, that’s lovely.” Hyland strode into Dalton’s line of sight, partially blocking his view of Molly. “We’re all back together, and now, I just have to decide what to do with you both.”

  “Whatever this is, Zander, it’s got nothing to do with Molly. So, take your hatred out on me and leave her alone. Let her go. Show some fucking compassion for once in your Goddamned life!”

  Hyland smiled, the feigned smirk that made Dalton want to rearrange his face.


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