Violent Ends (The Denton Family Legacy Book 5)

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Violent Ends (The Denton Family Legacy Book 5) Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  Everything needed to be planned.

  There was only one way out, and that was if Maddox backed out of his plan to join the Savonas and Dentons, and also to leave Emma alone.

  Until then, it was game on.

  Chapter Nine

  “I have to say, Emma, well played,” Maddox said.

  Emma stared across the desk at Maddox, her boss. He already had her letter of resignation.

  She waited for him to say his piece so that she could go. “I didn’t come here to prolong this.”

  He got up out of his chair, and she stood.

  Another thing her father once taught her, don’t let the enemy think they had any power over you.

  Maddox Denton was her enemy.

  “You’re a little skittish today.”

  “I’m not skittish at all. I have nothing to be afraid of.” She stood tall.

  She’d come to work today prepared in a jeans, shirt, and sneakers. If she needed to, she could make a run for it.

  This man scared her. No doubt about it, but she wasn’t going to run away. She always did make bad decisions.

  “Consider your file terminated.”


  “Now tell me some of those secrets.”

  “That’s not going to happen. You think I’m stupid.”

  “I think you’re incredibly stupid.”

  She smiled and then shrugged.

  He took a step toward her, and she took a step back. She gasped as her back hit the wall and then his hand went around her throat. He didn’t squeeze.

  She made no move to stop him either.

  “You really think you can play this game with me?” he asked.

  “You think you can hurt my man?”

  “That’s my son.”

  “Gideon is now mine. You can’t be a man about his threats, then move aside and put someone on the throne who can.”

  “You think that’s your guy? Gideon can’t control shit. Besides, you really think you’d be able to make your escape then? You’re not going anywhere, Emma.”

  His grip tightened around her throat.

  It was strange.

  The last time she had been choked like this, her father had been the one to do it. She’d wanted to go to college and hoped to take extra classes in high school. He refused, and she begged.

  She remembered Gabriel having to pull him away as she was on the verge of blacking out.

  Gripping Maddox’s wrist, she stared at him, even as tears filled her eyes.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

  Like before, Gabriel was there, pulling Maddox off her. He shoved Maddox away.

  “Is that what you do now? Choke defenseless women?” Gabriel was panting.

  She took several deep breaths, relishing the air she was breathing in. What had she done?

  Staring at Maddox, who glared at her, the threat was clear.

  “You should have thought twice about threatening me. You want to know the only way you’re safe from me? Gideon. You marry my son, and I’ll leave you the fuck alone.”

  “Consider it done,” Gabriel said. “They’ll be married by the end of the week.”

  “Just in time for the Savona dinner, excellent.” Maddox smiled.

  “I don’t—”

  She couldn’t say anything more as Gabriel covered her mouth. “We’ll all be there. Is Tamsin excited?”

  She wanted to bite Gabriel, but from years of them doing this, he knew how to hold his hand so she couldn’t bite him.


  “Of course she is. This stays between us.”

  “Of course.”

  Gabriel dragged her out of the room, and she tried to fight him, but he wouldn’t let her go.

  They got on the elevator and still his hand covered her mouth.

  She watched them descend to the parking lot. Still, he kept hold of her without saying a word. Time was passing, and she was getting angrier as they got to the car.

  He only let her go to shove her into his car. He slammed the door closed, locking it so she couldn’t get out.

  She waited for him to climb in the other side and put on a seatbelt.

  He pulled out of the parking lot, and they were driving.

  “What the hell?” she finally asked.

  “You shouldn’t have gone there, Emma. Do you have a death wish?”

  “You just agreed for me and Gideon to get married. Why should I even listen to you?”

  “He would have killed you. Fuck!”

  “Just stop the car. I want to get out and walk. I don’t want to be anywhere near you. Stop the fucking car.”

  “No!” Gabriel pressed his foot to the gas and took off.

  She was pissed. “I’m not going to be threatened by him, Gabriel. I’m not going to do it.”

  “Maddox Denton is a crazy fuck.”

  “Takes one to know one, right?”

  “As punishment he had Gideon beaten.”

  “Don’t even try to pretend that you give a shit about him.”

  “I don’t. The only reason I care at all is because you love him.”

  This made her pause. “No, I don’t.”

  “Okay, Emma, you don’t love him now for whatever reason, but soon, you’re going to fall for him, and when you do, that’s when it’s going to matter to you.”

  She sat back against her seat, arms folded. She wished she could deny it, but there was nothing she could say or do that could change his mind.

  “I’m not marrying Gideon.”

  “Yes, you are. I don’t give a fuck how much you ‘don’t love’ him right now. I saw the look in your eye when you were trying to protect him. Whether you like it or not, you’re marrying him. That’s where we’re going now. You, Gideon, and myself are making sure you’re both married by the end of the day.”

  “This is crazy.”

  “No, it’s not. This is fucking survival, and you seem to think you’re playing with little fishes here. Guess what? You’re not. Maddox Denton will kill you. He’d kill anyone who stood in his way.”

  “He doesn’t scare me.”

  “And that’s why you need to be protected. Fear is not something to be worried about or even ashamed of. It’s not acknowledging that fear.”

  She stared at Gabriel.

  It was like her big brother was back, but she couldn’t bring herself to trust him, not yet.

  “Are you afraid of him?”

  “I know what he’s capable of as well. I don’t trust him. Father or not. He lives for the Denton name. He’s not even listening to reason anymore, even though not so long ago he lost touch with reality and he’s not been able to get it back.” Gabriel looked toward her. “I’m doing this to protect you. I know you don’t want it, but I’m not taking it back either.”

  “What are you up to?” she asked.

  “Protecting my family, what else. I know you don’t trust me, but I really don’t give a shit. We’re all Coltons. You think I don’t realize how dangerous that makes him. What he can do if he decides he’s had enough?” He shook his head. “I’m not going to do that. Owen, Wyatt, yourself included, I would die for each and every single one of you. Make no mistake about that. I’m playing nice to make sure you’re all protected. I know you don’t want to hear that.”

  “It’s fine.”

  Gabriel pulled up outside of her apartment. “Where are Owen and Wyatt?”

  “I snuck out.”

  “For fuck’s sake. You’re going to be the death of me.”

  Climbing out of the car, Gabriel wouldn’t let her leave until he opened the door. He grabbed her arm, pulling her back into the room.

  She hated it when he did this.

  Once they were inside, he went straight to their apartment.

  “You two fucks need to learn to pay better fucking attention,” Gabriel said, yanking her in front of them. “She could have died today.”



  The loo
k of shock on both of their faces would have been priceless if it wasn’t so scary what she went through.

  Ignoring them, she went with Gabriel seeing as she had no choice. He was the one in control as he led her into the bedroom.

  Gideon was already climbing off the bed, pulling on a shirt as well.

  “Good, you’re getting dressed.”

  “What the hell is going on?” Gideon asked.

  “The short of it, you and Emma are getting married, today.”

  Gabriel filled him in on what had happened.

  Heat filled her cheeks as Gideon watched her. She’d put herself in danger today, but it hadn’t been her intention. From the look of both men, they didn’t care if it had been her intention or not; they were both still super pissed.


  Gideon stared down at the ring on his finger, still feeling a little surreal. Gabriel had called their father and let him know it was done. Emma was now owned by him.

  He glanced across the hotel room to where she stood at the window looking out. She hadn’t been given the option of a white dress or the venue, or anything.

  It was just the two of them now.

  Gabriel told them both they had to make this real.

  No chance of an annulment.

  This wasn’t how he wanted their first time to go.

  He loved this woman more than anything else in the world, and at the first chance, he was going to hurt Maddox.

  “You don’t have to be afraid. I’m not going to bite.”

  She turned toward him. “I’m not afraid.”

  “So you’re not thinking of ways to kill me?”

  She chuckled. “No, not a chance.”

  He got to his feet and walked toward her. He pushed some of her hair out of the way and stared down at her neck. There wasn’t much bruising, but there were some marks if you looked closely enough.

  His father had wrapped his fingers around her neck and started to choke her, and it pissed him off.

  Leaning forward, he grazed his lips against her flesh and she left out a little whimper.

  “We can stop this at any time. We don’t have to have sex.”

  “But what about, you know, the annulment?”

  “I don’t give a fuck about it. I’m not going to force you to give me something you don’t want to give.” He pulled back, cupping her cheek, staring into her eyes. “I love you, Emma. That is never going to change. I won’t do anything you don’t want to do.” He brushed his lips against hers. “So you can do whatever you want. We can talk about it if you’re asked questions.”

  He watched as she laughed.

  “What about you?” she asked. “Are you injured?”

  “Babe, something you should know about men, we don’t exactly care about what position we’re in if we’re going to get laid.”

  “So you want to have sex?”

  “I want to have sex if you do. I want you to want me, Emma.”

  He stared into her eyes, letting her see his desire for her. How much he wanted her and not because she was under some strict instruction to fuck him.

  She placed her hands on his chest.

  So far, he was winning.

  “I want to. I want to have sex with you.” She smiled. “I sound so lame.” She tilted her head back. “Gideon, fuck me.”

  He gripped the back of her head, staring down at her mouth. Yes, he was in pain, but right now, he wouldn’t be anywhere else.

  Slamming his lips down on hers, he took possession of her, feeling her melt against him. Her body softened as he ravished her mouth. His cock was already rock-hard, but whenever he was with her, that’s how he felt.

  Always ready.

  Always hard.

  Wanting her.

  Aching for more.

  Hungry for her.

  “Strip for me, baby.” He let her go and stepped back. Pulling the curtain closed so they had privacy, he watched her as she removed his jacket.

  A Denton always had to be presentable, even when they were in pain.

  It had been instilled into him for a long time.

  Taking off his tie, he began to unbutton his shirt. All the time, he didn’t look away from her.

  There was true beauty in watching her, in seeing her strip down for him.

  The shirt went, as did the jeans. He loved the little wiggle she gave.

  Standing before him in just a pair of panties and a bra, she was a sight to behold, and the pleasure went straight to his cock.

  Wrapping his fingers around the length, he began to work his cock, sliding his hand up and down, watching as she removed her panties and bra.

  She waited, hands clasped together.

  Catching her hands, he pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her. When she tilted her head back, he kissed her, hearing her moan. He turned her toward the bed, lowering her down, moving her back as he advanced. Not once did they break their lips.

  Pushing her against the sheets, he stared down at her, amazed.

  This was his wife.

  Finally, Emma belonged to him. His love for her had only gotten stronger. He didn’t want to have a life without her.

  She wasn’t ready to admit her love for him, but that was fine.

  He saw the truth in the way she defended him, how she was willing to give her life for him.

  She spread her legs, and rather than just fuck her, he began to kiss down her body. He took his time at her neck, hearing her moan before he moved on. He sucked on each of her nipples, her back arching up for more.

  He smiled against her flesh but still didn’t move on.

  Gideon made sure to kiss and suck each of her tits in turn before gliding down. When it came to her pussy, he settled between her thighs, opening the lips of her cunt to stare down at her clit and entrance.

  So wet already.

  Sliding his tongue along the folds, he touched her clit, swirling against the tip. She whimpered. He moved down to her entrance, circling that. Not plundering in her virgin channel. Just taking his time. Letting her get accustomed to his tongue.

  Only when she screamed his name did he give her the orgasm she was so desperate for. Hearing her come was the best sound for his wedding night. He was filled with utter bliss.

  “Yes, please, yes.”

  She struggled against the pleasure, and he moved up her body, his mouth covered in her cream.

  She touched his lips, her fingers stroking across them, coated in her release.

  Gripping his cock, he slid it between her folds, getting himself nice and wet. He’d never been with a virgin before.

  This was all new to him.

  He didn’t want to hurt her but knew in order to claim her as his, he didn’t have a choice.

  Quick and over?

  Or slow, prolonging the pain?

  He thrust his hips, plowing into her virgin cunt, tearing through her innocence and claiming her for himself.

  She cried out, her hands trying to push him, doing everything to get away, but he wouldn’t let her.

  Taking her hands, he held them to the bed, holding her in place. His cock was buried to the hilt. He felt every single ripple and pulse as she grew accustomed to him.

  He didn’t let her get away though.

  Holding her still, he stayed within her, kissing her lips, her neck, anything to help her through this pain.

  Slowly, it subsided, and she stopped trying to push against him. She didn’t fight anymore, and as he released her hands, he stared down at her.

  So beautiful.

  He felt as she gave a wiggle.

  It was so slight at first, and then she moved.

  “Please, Gideon.”

  “You want me to fuck you?”


  “Then watch me.”

  Her gaze fell on him, and he slowly pulled out of her, just enough so that the tip of him was within her. He saw the need in her eyes. Her pussy was soaking wet, and he didn’t dare avert his gaze. He wanted to see her writhing in pleas

  Also, he didn’t want to see the evidence of her virginity between them. Not the blood, he couldn’t bear to hurt her.

  Thrusting in deep, he took her lips, and rather than fuck her, he made love to her.

  His woman.

  Emma belonged to him, and no matter what happened now, he was going to take care of her. Even if it meant having to partner with Gabriel to see what game he was playing.

  In and out, he took her.

  Making this marriage binding.

  He’d been planning this wedding since the first moment he had realized Emma was his.

  Nothing had gone to plan.

  His father was an asshole.

  The marriage was a forced affair to protect her.

  He knew she loved him, but that could go either way, while he would gladly walk over broken glass for her. He’d give his life for her.

  One day soon, he knew she’d feel the same way.

  Chapter Ten

  Emma watched Gideon as he slept.

  They’d already shared a shower and removed the sheet that showed her lack of experience.

  She wasn’t a virgin.

  Nor was she single.

  Her life was still probably in danger.

  That wasn’t what amazed her though.

  Staring down at Gideon, she couldn’t stop feeling this happiness at seeing him. Her body felt foreign to her.

  There was still a little pain from their lovemaking, but watching him, she wanted him again. The blanket had fallen away, showing off his impressive length. The shower they shared together had been amazing.

  In fact, Gideon had been the first of her many first times.

  Tucking some hair behind her ear, she was tempted to reach out and touch.

  “It’s rude to stare, you know?”

  She gasped and looked up to see Gideon watching her.

  “How long have you been awake?”

  “The last ten minutes. Long enough to see you wanting me.” He stroked the backs of his fingers across her cheek. “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m fine.” She pressed her cheek against his fingers.

  “Emma, I see what you want. Why don’t you ask me? Or tell me?”

  “I can’t do that.” She pulled away, but he didn’t let her get far.


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