Violent Ends (The Denton Family Legacy Book 5)

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Violent Ends (The Denton Family Legacy Book 5) Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  Usually her mother was the one to cook. Tonight, her father had brought in a special chef to cook the meal.

  The table, the room, it all looked like something out of a restaurant, not her family home. A lot of things had changed in the past few years.

  Taking a seat, she saw the glare from her mother.

  “Do well to play nice,” her father said, whispering in her ear.

  She didn’t say anything, made no move as if to understand him.

  “We didn’t know Landon would be joining us,” Mrs. Savona said. “We heard he was away.”

  “I’ve been chained to my mattress on the floor,” Landon said.

  Tamsin smirked as Mrs. Savona went white.

  “It’s quite a funny story actually. I don’t know if you heard about the family legacy.” Landon didn’t give anyone a chance to say yes or no before he carried on. “Well, here’s the thing. It’s true. We all know when we see our woman. She becomes our everything. We fail to care about and see any other woman other than her. That’s why we’ve got Gabriel Colton there. Spoiler alert, he’s not a Colton.”

  “Landon,” Maddox said.

  “Before our dear old daddy met our mother, the fierce Charlotte Denton, he decided to fuck around with his enemy’s wife. Tada, lo and behold, our old half-brother. What was I talking about? Oh, that’s right. My girl. The one I call my own, she died. Some prick ran her over, killing her. Kind of went a bit sick in the head.” He put his fingers to his temple and pulled a stupid face. “I’ve been chained up. Of course, I had to meet the perv that would marry my little sister. Sorry, sorry, did I say perv? I meant fiancé.”

  She was struggling not to burst out laughing.

  If looks could kill, Landon would be dead with how their father glared at him.

  “Wow, that is an overshare, and we’ve not even had soup.”

  Mason was next to her, and she did everything in her power to ignore him. He was clearly used to having attention. She didn’t know why she felt like that, only he rubbed her the wrong way.

  I need to get away.

  She made it through the first course, and by the main meal, they were talking plans.

  “We think on Tamsin’s eighteenth birthday we can have the wedding,” Maddox said.

  “We can make it a double event, birthday and wedding. Wouldn’t that be lovely?” Mrs. Savona said.

  “Great.” Sarcasm dripped from her voice.

  “Where will Tamsin live?” Jacob asked.

  He hadn’t spoken much since she arrived downstairs. Landon seemed to take all of the attention away.

  “She’ll live with me,” Mason said. “I have a penthouse suite.”

  “Close to home?” Charlotte asked.

  “No. I’ll take her back home with me.”

  She wouldn’t be close to her brothers. After listening in to her parents’ previous conversations, she knew it took over five hours.

  “I need some air.” She didn’t wait to be excused. Leaving the dining room, she walked straight past the kitchen and out into the garden.

  Gripping the stone wall, she took in several deep breaths.

  This was going to happen. Her time was running out.

  She didn’t want to get married.

  She didn’t want to do as she was told.

  The only escape for her was one she created herself.

  Running away.

  “Are you okay?” Mason asked.

  She turned to see he’d followed her out. They were in privacy, and clearly her parents were keeping her brothers at bay.

  “Are you a pedophile?” she asked.


  “Then why are you not fighting this?”

  “You’re not like a lot of fifteen-year-old girls, are you?”

  “Newsflash, I’m a Denton. I don’t want to get married to you. I’m fifteen.”

  “You think I haven’t fought?” Mason asked. “They were planning on us marrying on your sixteenth birthday. You think my father will care that you’re young? This is a business deal to them. A means to an end.”

  “I don’t like it.”

  “You think I do? I tried to make them wait. To see that you needed time.”

  “You don’t even know me.”

  “You’re fifteen, and as I’ve been told, you’re not going to stay young forever. It seems my father likes the idea of having a Denton under his roof. Negotiating a virgin one is just the cherry on top of the cake.”

  “You’re sick.”

  “I’m a realist. This wedding is happening whether you like it or not.”

  “Tamsin, it’s time to come back in,” Landon said.

  She stared at her brother. He looked so much better. She hadn’t realized until just now how much she’d missed him.

  “I’m coming.”

  “You will stay away from her,” Landon said to Mason.

  She followed her brother in.

  There’s no way she was going to fall in line and do what her parents wanted of her. She was running away the first moment she could.

  Chapter Twelve

  “That was intense,” Emma said.

  Gideon locked the door.

  She watched as he went to his drawers along the far wall and pulled out two guns.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I’m being extra cautious right now.”


  “The Savonas are in our house. There’s five of them.”


  “And, I don’t trust them. You never trust the enemy.”

  “Are you wanting to go and camp outside Tamsin’s door?”

  “Jacobs is taking the first shift.”

  “I was kidding,” she said.

  “I know and it was so cute, but this is serious. I love my sister.”

  “I love Tamsin too. You don’t think this is a little … intense?”

  “I do. We’ve got to talk at some point. My brothers over our father. He is crossing the line with Tamsin. Can you believe he’ll make her move cities? She loves this place. I don’t see that happening any time soon.”

  Emma waited as he loaded and prepared each gun.

  Taking the band out of her hair, she turned her back toward him. “Will you help me out of this dress?”


  He put the guns down and walked toward her.

  The moment his fingers touched her skin, she closed her eyes, relishing the contact. He lowered the zipper down, and helped her push the dress from her body. His hands wrapped around her, lips on her shoulder. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

  “No, it’s fine.”

  “It’s not fine. I’ll deal with him.”

  “He’s too dangerous for you to deal with. We have to be careful about this, smart.”

  “I will. I’ll fucking kill him.”

  She turned in his arms, wrapping hers around his neck. “No, you won’t.”

  “Why not.”

  “Because … you can’t.”

  This made him pause, and she hated how much she knew about his father. It wasn’t like she went out of her way to find stuff out. It was always just there, readily available. All it had taken were a few little sneak peeks for her to find out everything she knew.

  He cupped her cheek. “You know things.”

  “I do.”

  “Tell me what you know.”

  “Maddox has some kind of bounty on his head. I don’t know if it’s called a bounty, but he has a thing in place where, if it’s found that he’s died in any other means other than natural causes, there’s an instant price of over ten million dollars on that person’s head.”

  “That’s a lot of money,” he said.

  “Your dad has a lot of enemies.”

  “How did you find this?”

  “Special files. I stole the key and checked. He also has files on all of you and your women. Apart from you and Tamsin. He didn’t know who your woman was.” She didn’t doubt he’d made up a file.

“So he can’t be killed.”

  “He can be killed. You can’t be the one to do it.”

  “Why not?”

  “I don’t want you to die, Gideon. I like having you around.”

  “You like having me around. Am I like a pet?” he asked.

  She sighed. “I don’t know. We’ve become, like, a team right now. I fuck up and so do you.” She forced a smile.

  The truth was, since returning to the Denton household, she’d felt like her days were numbered. The look in Maddox’s eye confirmed it.

  “You know, he used to be a great father. Always hard and demanding. He’s changed.”

  “Power does that to a person.” She cupped the back of his head, holding him close. “You can’t kill him, Gideon. I don’t want to live without you.”

  “Just say the words.”

  They were on the tip of her tongue, but she couldn’t bring herself to say it. She knew she loved him. There was no doubt. He’d somehow gotten under her skin and into her heart. She couldn’t turn her back on him, not now, not ever.

  “I’m not going to say the words to you, until I know you won’t hurt yourself.”

  She kissed his lips, pulling his head down so that she could.

  He groaned, capturing her ass and leading her back. They both ended up naked and in the en-suite bathroom.

  There was a gun near the sink, and she even saw one next to the toilet. So many weapons. She wished it was strange to see them, but that would be a lie. They were a normal part of her life.



  He cupped her face. “I love you, Emma. So fucking much. You drive me crazy. I will never do anything to hurt myself. I want to live a long life. To have kids with you.”

  “Soon,” she said.

  “Just say the words,” he said.

  “Soon. I promise. Soon.” If she said them and he got killed, she’d never forgive herself.

  She may have apologized to the women and told them it had been all words with no intention of hurting them, but it had all been lies. If anything happened to Gideon, she would unleash a fury they didn’t even know existed inside her.

  After all, she was a Colton, and part of that blood lived within Gabriel. They shared the same mother, the same bond. They were not ones to be screwed with.

  Climbing into the stall, she turned on the water, gasping as the cold hit her flesh. Gideon moved her up against the tile. She stared into his eyes, seeing the love he often kept hidden.

  “I can’t let anything happen to you, Gideon.”

  “Nothing will happen to me. I’ll deal with my father, and it will all be okay.”

  She didn’t argue with him. Maddox Denton needed to go. They both knew it, but there was no way for them to end his life just yet.

  “Stop thinking about it. For now, we’re both safe. He’s focusing on expanding, and while he’s doing that, we’ve got each other. That’s all we need.”

  He slid a hand down her back, cupping her ass. He kissed her hard, and as he traced her lips with his tongue, she gave up the fight.

  Maddox was tomorrow’s problem.

  Right now, she just wanted to feel her husband, to know he was here with her, safe, where he was supposed to be.

  Everything else could wait.


  Sitting outside Tamsin’s door wasn’t exactly a good time for Gideon. An hour ago, he’d been balls deep inside his woman, and now here he sat, protecting his baby sister.

  Tamsin didn’t deserve this.

  Yes, she had a mouth on her.


  A pain in the ass.

  She was a Denton.

  Marrying her off didn’t sit well with him.

  Gabriel had already left. He’d been the one to take the third hour shift.

  Gideon held the gun between his legs and wasn’t surprised as one by one, his brothers came to the door. Each of them sat either in front of him, or at the side of him, all of them ready, prepared.

  “Is this how we do meetings now?” he asked. “In the dark. Away from prying eyes.”

  “It’s the only way,” Jacob said. “He’s a problem.”

  “Landon or our dad? I thought Landon was pretty funny at dinner,” Gideon said.

  “He’s losing control,” Damian said. “Either that or he’s running scared.”

  “Our dad doesn’t run scared,” Abel said.

  “No, but right now, I don’t like this direction.”

  “You spoke to Rick? To Stuart?” Gideon asked.

  “Neither of them is interested in what we’ve got to say. We’re on our own,” Jacob said. “I don’t want this union with the Savonas. We don’t need it. The Dentons have always been independent. That’s how it has to stay.”

  “You having a meeting without me? Here I was thinking I was special,” Landon said, dropping down onto the floor, interrupting things. “We planning to kill Daddy?”

  “Keep your voice down,” Abel said.

  “Whatever,” Landon asked. “Count me in.”

  “Why are you suddenly interested in taking him down?”

  “I’m living proof he’s an asshole. He wouldn’t let me see Sarah, and now look where I am. I’ve got nothing.”

  “We can’t kill him,” Gideon said.

  “Why not?”

  “Emma told me he’s got a contract out on anyone who kills him. If it is discovered he died in any other way other than natural causes, there’s ten million on their head,” Gideon said.

  “That’s a lot of cash,” Jacob said.

  “I wouldn’t put it past him to have that kind of clause in effect though. It makes sense. You’re public enemy number one, what better way of ensuring your survival.” Abel shrugged. “We can’t kill him. Mom will break down. It’ll kill her.”

  “There was a time when Mom could keep him in line. That’s not happening anymore. He does what he wants. I don’t want this connection with Savona. We don’t need it, and I’m not willing to put my sister’s life at risk. She’s fifteen. She should be able to have her own life.”

  “The only question is, are you ready to take over?” Gideon asked, looking at Jacob.

  Jacob was the oldest of all of them, the only one suited to take over the Denton name and all the businesses.

  “What about Gabriel?” Landon asked. “You think he’s going to be forgotten in a hurry?”

  “He’s not a full Denton. Don’t forget who his father was. His true teacher,” Gideon said. “He doesn’t get a say here.”

  “I can’t believe we’re even considering this,” Abel said.

  Gideon watched his brother run a hand down his face. None of them were comfortable with what they were about to do. For Emma’s safety, he’d do it. To protect his sister, he’d do it.

  “I’m getting bored,” Landon said.

  “We’re sorry for keeping you awake.” Jacob shook his head, clearly disgusted with him.

  “This entire conversation is boring. He’s got to go, but you’re all too busy being pussies to make a real decision. I’m out of here. Let me know what you decide.”

  Landon got up and left. Gideon watched him go.

  “He’s a ticking time bomb,” Abel said.

  “Yeah, it’s going to be funny to watch him explode.” Gideon turned his attention to Jacob. “This is happening whether you like it or not. Be ready because when the shit hits the fan, it’s going to get us all.”

  One by one, he watched his brothers leave. They weren’t ready for this.

  Rick and Stuart could hit back.

  Anything could happen.

  Once he was alone, he smiled. “You can come out now.”

  Emma rounded the corner. She carried two large mugs. “I went and made us some hot chocolate. Here you go.”

  “You heard that.”

  “I heard enough to know you’re not listening to me,” she said, taking the seat beside him.

  The robe she wore covered her body, and he wanted nothing more t
han to lift her up and sit her on his cock. Instead, he took her hand, locking their fingers together.

  “Trust me.”

  “Kind of hard to do when you’re not listening.”

  He pressed his lips against hers. “I’m listening to you. This needs to happen regardless of the consequences. They know what is at stake. I finally got to talk to my brothers.”

  “You see, that just makes it even more weird for me.”


  “They were intent on hurting you. Literally beating the shit out of you, and you’re all happy with them now. How?”

  “We’re brothers. Even when you’re pissed at Gabriel, you wouldn’t stand there and let him get killed, would you?”

  “I totally would.”

  He knew she was talking bullshit. “Really?”


  “Come on, Emma.”

  “Fine. I wouldn’t let anyone kill him, but that’s because I’d be waiting to do the job.”

  He pulled her in close against him, kissing her head. “I love you.”

  She didn’t say anything, but he knew what she felt. There was no getting away from it anymore. She loved him, and he knew it.

  “I’m scared for you.”

  “I am, too, but this is what we’ve got to do. We’ve got to protect our family and our name.”

  “I’ll be by your side, Gideon. I’m your family now as well.”

  He ran his fingers up and down her arm, holding onto her tightly, not wanting to let her go.

  One day soon, she’d tell him how she felt, and he’d be ready.


  Opening her bedroom door, Tamsin saw it was Landon, asleep, guarding her. It was so cute that he thought he could protect her. They all thought they could.

  She heard what they were planning, and she hoped they succeeded.

  She wouldn’t be around to see how it went.

  With her money stored in her bag, a change of clothes, and her ID, she was ready to move on. She wasn’t an idiot. The ID would have to go at some point, but she intended to keep it with her as long as possible.

  Closing the door, she took her time moving past Landon. Just as she thought she’d made her escape, he caught her wrist, showing her he’d been awake all this time.

  Neither of them said a word.

  She tugged on her wrist, and still he held her.

  He reached into his jacket, taking out a gun.


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