Dragon King's Son-In-Law

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Dragon King's Son-In-Law Page 142

by Dragon King

  “It seems he will get a promotion, too, but I don’t quite remember to what level.” Grandma waved her hand uninterestedly. All she cared about was when Hao Ren would give her a great-grandson.

  “Ok…” Hao Ren nodded and continued to eat his sweet potato soup, wondering if his parents would be even busier after the promotions. “Grandma, Little White is well-behaved. Let it stay home and keep you company,” Zhao Yanzi lifted Little White and said to Grandma.

  “Ok. Anyway, you can’t take a little dog to school. Let it stay,” Grandma said with a laugh.

  Seeming to have understood their conversation, Little White suddenly became agitated. It jumped into Zhao Yanzi’s arms, not wanting to stay home. After all, there would be many girls loved it and fed it at East Ocean University. If it stayed home, it would be trapped with an old lady. However, Hao Ren didn’t give it any choice. After breakfast, he led Xie Yujia and Zhao Yanzi out the door, leaving Little White with Grandma.

  After all, Grandma was alone, and the little “dog” could keep her company. Besides, Little White was not a little dog but a Spirit Beast that could protect Grandma if she was in danger.

  Hao Ren drove the white Ford out of the garage in which there also parked a Ferrari, a gift from Zhao Hongyu. However, Hao Ren didn’t want to drive such a fancy car to school. After all, keeping a low-profile was important.

  Zhao Yanzi called shotgun, trying to show everyone her position as Hao Ren’s ‘formal wife’. Having no intention to fight with her, Xie Yujia sat in the back seat without a word.

  The car drove along the road by the seaside, and the scenes were enjoyable.

  While Zhao Yanzi watched the sea on their left, she saw Hao Ren’s profile. She was surprised that this “uncle” had grown more handsome than yesterday.

  She didn’t know that Hao Ren had broken through from the Li-level to the Zhen-level last night. He had a different aura.

  Illusion, it must be an illusion… Zhao Yanzi shook her head in denial.

  “What’s the matter? Do you have a headache?” Seeing her shaking head repeatedly, Hao Ren asked anxiously.

  “No! Don’t bother me!” Zhao Yanzi suddenly bared her teeth, and Hao Ren was so startled that he almost drove off the road.

  Sitting in the back seat, Xie Yujia watched them bicker with a faint smile.

  “Ah! Little White!” Zhao Yanzi shouted suddenly.

  Hao Ren looked toward the window close to Zhao Yanzi’s seat and found a mini-sized Little White was hovering in the air outside of the window. With flames enveloping its paws and its tongue hanging out, it kept at the same speed as the car.

  Xie Yujia had been watching the sea on the left side of the road. Hearing their yells, she also saw the flying Little White. She had never imagined the little dog would be able to fly! The events in the last couple of days had changed her views about almost everything.

  “That’s weird. How could mini-sized Little White fly? Did it elevate to a higher level?” Zhao Yanzi wondered while she rolled down the window.

  Her words reminded Hao Ren. “Had Little White also elevated?”

  Hao Ren was sure it had when he saw its four golden paws. If it had not elevated, it would never have been able to use its innate power at will.

  A little white dog flying on flames alongside a fast car would be an astonishing sight if anyone saw them.

  It was fortunate that it was early morning and their car was the only car driving on the seaside road.

  Little White flew through the open window and jumped into Zhao Yanzi’s arms joyously.

  “Hey! Didn’t I tell you to stay with Grandma?!” Hao Ren glared at it while driving.

  However, Little White pretended to be dumb; it licked Zhao Yanzi’s palms ingratiatingly and made her laugh. Although shameless, it was brilliant. After some observations, it had found that Zhao Yanzi was in a higher position than Hao Ren on the food chain. Little White had to listen to Hao Ren, and Hao Ren must listen to Zhao Yanzi.

  That was why it fawned over Zhao Yanzi, the big boss.

  Sure enough, Hao Ren couldn’t reprimand it properly when it was in Zhao Yanzi’s arms. Under Zhao Yanzi’s protection, Little White knew it was safe from Hao Ren’s displeasure.

  “What… is Little White?” Xie Yujia asked cautiously from behind.

  “It’s a Spirit Beast, one of Bin-level.” Hao Ren had been a cultivation layman a couple of months ago, but now he could teach Xie Yujia some stuff about it.

  “Bin-level Spirit Beast…” Xie Yujia murmured to herself as if she was digesting this information.

  “Grandma must be bored at home by herself. I’ll ask my Mom to pick Grandma up tonight, and she can come to our home. She can also stay with us for a couple of days,” Zhao Yanzi suggested while petting Little White’s soft fur.

  “That’s a good idea. You can call her and see if she’s willing to go,” Hao Ren answered.

  Sitting in the back seat, Xie Yujia listened to them talk like an intimate family, and suddenly she felt like an outsider.

  While Hao Ren drove the car, Little White frolicked with Zhao Yanzi until the latter gave it three Essence Replenishment Pills. Then, it crawled to the back seat and took a nap on Xie Yujia’s soft thighs.

  Hao Ren had seen through its tricks. The creature couldn’t ditch him, the master, but it would rather stay with beautiful girls instead of Grandma, an old lady.

  “Well, it’s useless to reason with a Spirit Beast.” From the back mirror of the car, Hao Ren saw Little White rubbing its golden paws on Xie Yujia’s thighs while sleeping. Hao Ren sighed silently.

  Hao Ren drove Zhao Yanzi to her home with the sweet potatoes Grandma gave her. Then, he drove to East Ocean University since it was still early for Zhao Yanzi to go to school. She would rest in her home before Zhao Hongyu drove her to school.

  Hao Ren restarted the car. Xie Yujia remained in the back seat; she didn’t ask to move to the front passenger seat.

  Without Zhao Yanzi’s babbling, it was quiet in the car.

  Hao Ren was considering if he should turn on the radio to break the silence when Xie Yujia said abruptly, “Hao Ren, am… I extra?”

  Still sleeping, Little White turned on her thighs. Lying on its back, it continued its nap.

  “Why did you say that?” Hao Ren’s heart lurched.

  “I used to think it was impossible between you and Zhao Yanzi because of the age gap. But I find that you two are quite compatible,” Xie Yujia said in a low voice.

  After a moment of consideration, Hao Ren said, “There are things I didn’t tell you. Since you are half in this circle, I’ll explain everything to you…”

  “Ok. Go ahead.” Xie Yujia nodded gently.

  “It happened…” Hao Ren was interrupted when a Rolls-Royce Phantom suddenly cut in front of him.

  “I was going to your school to find you and didn’t expect I’d run into you here!”

  The window of the Rolls-Royce Phantom rolled down, and Zeng Yitao’s face appeared behind it.

  “Uncle Black Wolf, hit him,” Zeng Yitao instructed in a light tone.

  253 Take Care of I

  Right after Zeng Yitao gave the order, Black Wolf, who was driving the car, pulled the steering wheel toward the white Ford. Without any hesitation, he used the Rolls-Royce’s huge body to put pressure on Hao Ren’s white Ford.

  Although Hao Ren hadn’t been driving a lot in the past, he was no rookie either. He turned the steering wheel and avoided them when they tried to switch lanes.

  However, the drastic turn caused the tires and the ground to emit a screeching noise. And Xie Yujia, who was sitting in the back, laid down because of the momentum.

  Zeng Yitao was laughing, and Hao Ren was enraged. Just because others are ordinary people, this second generation rich Zeng Yitao thinks he can bully others as he wants?

  “Push him again!” Zeng Yitao saw Hao Ren’s angry face and gave another order.

  Hao Ren decided not to bother with him anymore, so he stepped on
the gas pedal and quickly went through the intersection.

  “Want to escape? Not so easy!” Zeng Yitao was enjoying the sensation of “Cat chasing mouse”. “Uncle Black Wolf, chase him! Hit him!”

  Xie Yujia, who was sitting in the back, turned around and saw the Rolls-Royce chasing after them. She asked worryingly, “Who are they?”

  “It’s a long story. I will tell you when we get away from them.” Hao Ren stepped on the gas pedal again.

  They were half an hour away from East Ocean City’s rush hour; more and more cars started to appear on the road. Although Hao Ren’s white Ford wasn’t a big car, it was well taken care of. Hao Ren was driving through the traffic and made it through all the green lights.

  Yet, Black Wolf’s driving skill was superior. As the top assassin of West Ocean, he was no weaker than any of the top agents!

  Even if Hao Ren were driving a Porsche instead of a normal Ford, Black Wolf would still be able to chase after him with confidence.

  As if it was a blink of an eye, the Rolls-Royce appeared in front of Hao Ren’s Ford!

  If they turned their car sideways, they could’ve blocked Hao Ren’s way out and made him crash the car into themselves.

  Just before the turn signal was on, Hao Ren didn’t have the time to think. He switched the car to the turning lane and made a left turn immediately!

  The black Rolls-Royce followed closely as if a wolf was chasing after a sheep!


  The Rolls-Royce hit the back of the white Ford.

  Hao Ren and Xie Yujia leaned forward as they were inside the car.

  Hao Ren gritted his teeth and stepped on the gas once again as he drove towards the western suburbs!

  Two cars were rushing in the city early in the morning. It would be bad if anyone got hit!

  Yet, this Crown Prince of West Ocean did not think of that at all!

  “Yujia, I’m driving towards the western suburbs. I will drop you off when I get the chance,” Hao Ren said while he was concentrating at the steering wheel.

  “Who are they?” Xie Yujia asked while she turned around and looked at the cold-blooded men with a scar on his face who was inside the Rolls-Royce.

  “Some grudges within the circle.” Hao Ren speeded up to a hundred kilometers per hour. However, the Rolls-Royces was still following closely behind them.

  Xie Yujia saw Hao Ren starting to get serious. She didn’t ask further questions as he had to concentrate on driving. She held Little White in her arms and held on to the armrest.

  One car was chasing after another. Within twenty minutes, they arrived in the western suburbs.

  As Hao Ren realized that there was no way he could escape from them, he stepped on the brake and stopped the car on the side of the road.

  The Rolls-Royce pulled over and blocked the way of the Ford.

  Black Wolf remained ice-cold and did not speak. Zeng Yitao lowered the window and said arrogantly, “So you decided to stop running now?”

  Hao Ren opened the door and walked to the back of the car. He then saw the bumper of the car was a little off, but the car was perfectly fine. If the car were broken, he wouldn’t know how to explain to his father.

  Zeng Yitao walked out the car as well and stared at Hao Ren. “Call me ‘master’ three times and let me beat you up. Then, leave Zhao Yanzi alone, and I will let you go.”

  In the meantime, Xie Yujia got off the car from the back seat.

  Zeng Yitao laid his eyes on Xie Yujia and said, “Oh wow, this beautiful big sister will be mine as well.”

  Xie Yujia looked at him speechlessly and thought, “Who is this kid. Such a badly behaved high school student.”

  “Uncle Black Wolf, grab her into the car,” Zeng Yitao released an order.

  Black Wold stepped out from the Rolls-Royce emotionlessly and walked towards Xie Yujia.

  Zeng Yitao could feel the Nature Essence inside Xie Yujia’s body. Since he was a cultivator, there was nothing he wouldn’t dare to do. Not to mention that Xie Yujia had a superior temperament and appearance!


  A golden sword energy shot towards Zeng Yitao’s face.

  Zeng Yitao’s provocations did not bother Hao Ren. However, Hao Ren would not tolerate him as he tries to hurt Xie Yujia!

  “Huh!” Zeng Yitao waved his hand as he wanted to block the sword energy. However, he found himself taking a few steps back due to the force.

  Hao Ren made Xie Yujia stayed behind him and stared coldly at Zeng Yitao and Black Wolf, who had a scar on his face.

  “Haven’t seen you in a few days and you have reached the Zhen-level!” Zeng Yitao was shocked. He then decided that Hao Ren had to be taken care of.

  Zeng Yitao wasn’t only arrogant; he was even more malicious than Oldman Zeng! As he would become the head of West Ocean one day, he was trained to be murderous and decisive by Oldman Zeng even though he was still young.

  Hao Ren has improved so much in such a short amount of time, which exceeded Zeng Yitao’s expectations. If he let Hao Ren continue to grow, Ren would become his biggest opponent in the future!

  Zeng Yitao did not hesitate further. He released a black handprint directly towards Hao Ren!

  Hao Ren grabbed Xie Yujia and took a step back. Little White suddenly turned big as it gently pushed Hao Ren and Xie Yujia with its head and put them onto its back. Fires appeared around its paws as it flew toward a small mountain!

  “Want to escape?” Zeng Yitao ran across the road while he was chanting at the same time. Then, he took off and flew towards Hao Ren!

  On the other hand, Black Wolf, who was wearing a suit and had a cold-blooded face, formed a red energy sphere without the need to chant and started flying towards Hao Ren.

  A Kan-level girl, and a kid who had just reached Zhen-level. Black Wolf didn’t care about them at all! He would not hesitate to kill them if Zeng Yitao ordered him to do so.

  However, it seemed like the Crown Prince of West Ocean enjoyed chasing and torturing them more at this moment.

  On Little White’s back, Hao Ren saw them getting closer and closer. So, he tapped on Little White’s back and said, “Descend!”

  Little White went straight down and landed on an empty valley.

  Although East Ocean City was next to the sea and the coastal area was a plain formed by the impact of sediments, the suburb had a hilly terrain. There were barely any human activities there since the mountains had not yet been developed.

  It was Xie Yujia’s first time sitting on Little White’s back. While they were flying, she was holding onto Little White’s white fur as she felt nervous.

  As they all landed, Little White stood next to Hao Ren and roared furiously towards Zeng Yitao who was flying quickly towards them!


  A fireball that was as big as a giant rock was shot towards Zeng Yitao who were trying to land!

  This fireball was even bigger than Zeng Yitao!

  And the speed of the fireball was so fast as if it was a cannonball! It was extremely powerful!

  Since Zeng Yitao didn’t have any weapons and was caught off guard, all he could do was to form an energy sphere with his bare hands.

  Boom… The fireball hit Zeng Yitao’s enchantment and immediately shattered it into pieces! His body flew a hundred meters backward, and his hair was all burnt!

  “Little White, impressive,” Hao Ren looked at Little White, shocked.

  The fireball attack was comparable to a Zhen-level cultivator’s full-blown attack.

  Little White raised its head proudly and shook its white hair as it pretended to be powerful. It was so proud at the moment!

  Hao Ren wanted to compliment it once again. However, a second later, Little White started shrinking from a tall lion into a palm-sized white puppy. It lied next to Hao Ren’s feet and started whining.

  It was the fireball attack that spent all of its Nature Essence!

  “Damn! It seems like I still can’t count on you yet!” Hao Ren picked Little White up an
d threw it back into the hidden space.

  Xie Yujia was shocked as she saw everything that was happening. She still could not react from what had happened.

  Within a few seconds, Zeng Yitao dived from the sky as fierce as he could be! From his birth to now, he has never been humiliated in his life! It wasn’t hard to understand why he was so mad!

  “Yujia, step aside,” Hao Ren stood up straight and opened up the few hundred acupuncture points of his body.

  The Light Splitting Sword Shadow Scroll was quickly released. Spiritual auras started to gather on Hao Ren’s body as he began flashing!

  “Basic Sword Array - Fire Array!”

  Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

  Many red fire sword energies started “raining” towards Zeng Yitao!

  While Zeng Yitao was still in the air, it was inconvenient for him to move. The fire sword energies started gathering together and formed two fire rings as Zeng Yitao was completely surrounded by them!


  A purple light suddenly shot from the side, shattering the two fire rings that were formed by 32 fire sword energies!

  “Collect!” Hao Ren used his mind power and gathered the pieces of shattered fire-elemental sword energies back into his body!

  Light Splitting Sword Shadow Scroll could also be used to absorb elements. These pure fire-elemental sword energies could be absorbed and released as needed!

  Therefore, even if the sword array was broken, the sword energies could still be retrieved and wouldn’t be wasted.

  “It has only been a few days, and you have become so strong. It seems like you should not be kept alive any further!” Zeng Yitao, who finally landed on the ground, said fiercely while he was still in shock. He turned to Black Wolf, who just saved him, and said, “Get rid of them!”

  “The girl can be taken care of. The boy is an Assisting Inspector,” Black Wolf said coldly and calmly while he was holding Zeng Yitao.

  “Then kill the girl first!” Zeng Yitao gnashed his teeth in anger and said.

  He wanted Xie Yujia for himself at first as he has seen how beautiful she was. But now, since he was burning with a frenzy of rage, all he wanted was to see Hao Ren cry bitterly!


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