Dragon King's Son-In-Law

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Dragon King's Son-In-Law Page 183

by Dragon King

  Each class took turns sending students to form the so-called greeting team. They stood at the school gate and greeted all the teachers by saying ‘good morning, teacher!’ in the morning.

  When Hao Ren was in middle school, since he looked a little above average, he took turns being on the etiquette team for about two years. Thinking back, he found that experience entirely meaningless.

  He was about to look away when he suddenly spotted a familiar figure in the greeting team.

  It was Zhao Yanzi!

  Along both sides of the wide-open iron gate stood four girls, four boys, and a student who led the team.

  Zhao Yanzi stood reluctantly second in line among the four girls. The girl standing at the front of the line was her best friend, Little Ling.

  It seemed like this week was Zhao Yanzi’s class’s turn to form a greeting team, and Zhao Yanzi was one of the selected students. As a member of the team, she had to get up early each morning of the week, arrive at school before 7 AM, and stand at the school gate wearing a red sash at 7 AM sharp.

  They were fortunate that it was now early summer. It was torture being a part of the greeting team in the winter.

  Hao Ren stood about five meters away from the gate and stared at Zhao Yanzi in a daze.

  Zhao Yanzi had taken her position when she spotted Hao Ren.

  She froze out of embarrassment for a few seconds, but she had nowhere to hide.

  At this moment, a young teacher came to the gate. The team leader saluted, and Zhao Yanzi had no choice but to yell and bow with other team members, “Good morning! teacher!”

  Hao Ren watched her silly look and snickered.

  Zhao Yanzi glared at him with her big eyes and gritted her teeth, wishing that she could rush out and kick him away.

  However, her duty prohibited her from moving.

  Another young female teacher entered the school, and Zhao Yanzi hesitated for half a second before bowing hurriedly. “Good morning, teacher!”

  “Zhao Yanzi, move together with the others.” A teacher was supervising the greeting team, and she reminded Zhao Yanzi when the latter’s movement was half a second slower than the others.

  Zhao Yanzi curled her lips but couldn’t argue with the teacher.

  However, that damned ‘uncle’ was still standing near the breakfast booth, staring at her like a ghost.

  If Zhao Yanzi could send electricity with her eyes, Hao Ren would have been long dead from the shocks.

  Now it was about 7:30 AM, and the bulk of teachers and students swarmed into the school. Most of LingZhao Middle School’s teachers lived in the neighborhood across from the school since the school provided residency, and they came to the school almost at the same time, making the greeting team salute and bow non-stop.

  Hao Ren now walked to the bus stop close by, pretending to be waiting for a bus while he was, in fact, watching Zhao Yanzi.

  Zhao Yanzi saw Hao Ren just stand there and watch her humiliate herself by bowing repeatedly, but she couldn’t find a way to drive him away.

  “Ok! Let’s go back to class!” The team leader said to the greeting team.

  It was almost 8 AM, and all the students had arrived except for the late-comers.

  Zhao Yanzi was relieved at the order and immediately took off the sash.

  In fact, the only benefit of being a member of the greeting team was that they could skip the morning exercise and rest in the classroom.

  While the other team members walked into the school, Zhao Yanzi put her red sash into Little Ling’s hand before rushing out of the gate in rage and punching Hao Ren’s chest.

  “What are you doing?” Hao Ren rubbed his chest and looked at her, faking his innocence.

  Tempered by the heaven lightning, his body was as hard as iron, and Zhao Yanzi’s punches didn’t hurt him at all. Zhao Yanzi was lucky that her hands were not injured from punching his body.

  “You… Why did you stand here and watch me?!” Zhao Yanzi was so furious that she almost choked when speaking.

  When she stood at the gate wearing the sash, she wanted to rush over and kick him. Now that her task was done, her anger seemed to have toned down a little.

  “You will be in the greeting team for the week, right? How about I come and watch you every day?” Hao Ren asked her with a snicker.

  “Don’t you dare!” Zhao Yanzi’s eyes opened wide.

  “Ok! Ok! Let’s get serious since the morning exercise will be over soon. I just came to see you,” Hao Ren said immediately, afraid that she would lose her temper.

  “Who cares…” Hearing Hao Ren’s words, Zhao Yanzi’s heart softened, and her tone was no longer stern.

  “I also came to ask you something,” Hao Ren continued.

  “What is it?” Zhao Yanzi lifted her head and blinked.

  Her beautiful hair fluttered in the morning breeze.

  “It’s just… Should I go to your home tonight?” Hao Ren asked her.

  “Why not?” Zhao Yanzi pouted. “Come!”

  “Last night, it didn’t go very well…”

  “That’s their problem, not mine! You are my tutor, not theirs!” Zhao Yanzi panted with anger and said.

  “Ok. I’ll come over tonight.” Hao Ren remembered that Zhao Yanzi’s final exams were coming up, and she needed the tutoring.

  The problem was that he also needed time to accelerate his breakthrough since he had to go the general examinations at the Dragon God Shrine in one month.

  At this moment, the bell that signaled the end of the morning exercise sounded, and the old gatekeeper was about to lock the gate. Zhao Yanzi glanced at Hao Ren and said. “Ok! I must go now! Come and meet me at the school this afternoon!”

  She jogged to the gate, oblivious to the fact that the old gatekeeper was a master her father stationed in the school.

  Hao Ren looked at her with a smile before walking toward LingZhao Elementary School that was not far from there.

  The elementary school began a bit later than the middle school. Hao Ren didn’t remember when he went to school each morning when he was in elementary school, but he knew that the elementary school students didn’t have to go to school as early.

  Across the street, LingZhao Elementary School was experiencing a rush hour due to student traffic. Some traffic officers were there to keep order.

  Hao Ren stood beside the gate, wondering if Zhen Congming had gone into the school or not.

  Swoosh. A familiar white Ford arrived at the school gate, and Hao Ren took a closer look and realized that it was his dad’s car.

  In his elementary school uniform, Zhen Congming got out of the car carrying a blue backpack on his shoulders.

  He had a new haircut and a new pair of shoes.

  Hao Ren was about to go over when several elementary school girls ran to Zhen Congming from different directions.




  Instantly, Zhen Congming was surrounded by three pretty girls who were all wearing school uniforms and were cute in their own ways.

  “Hey! Don’t bother me.” Zhen Congming squirmed impatiently and pushed them away.

  Zhen Congming walked into the school without saying goodbye to Hao Zhonghua who drove him here.

  Those three cute little girls followed him closely.

  “Congming, please teach me how to solve the problem we had yesterday!”

  “Congming, I want to play a game with you today.”

  “Congming, I brought you the sweet rice balls my mom made…”

  Ignoring them, Zhen Congming walked into the academic building proudly.

  The three girls followed him inside, still calling out to him.


  “Zhen Congming had only been in school for a few days, and so many cute girls have fallen for him!”

  Hao Ren lamented the unfairness of the world!

  It seemed like he didn’t have to worry about Zhen Congming’s life in the elementary sch
ool. Obviously, he was very comfortable here!

  He had good looks, high IQ, good background, and great talent. Except for his quick temper, Zhen Congming had no shortcomings!

  It was understandable that the girls liked him. At first glance, Zhen Congming might look dull. But on second look, he was quite handsome. Besides, his presence as a Li-level cultivator was attractive to the girls.

  Hao Zhonghua dropped off Zhen Congming at the school and didn’t notice Hao Ren in the crowd at the gate. He turned the car slowly and drove to the Ocean Research Institute.

  Hao Ren sighed and saw that the white Ford made the turn and left.

  After a moment of consideration, he returned to the bus stop and took a bus back to school.

  It was a miracle that Zhen Congming agreed to go to school obediently. However, surrounded by a group of cute girls, it wasn’t easy for him to make trouble, right?

  Tonight, Hao Ren had to go to Zhao Yanzi’s home to tutor her, and he must take some time during the day to consider how to improve his cultivation strength…

  325 Little White’s Function

  Hao Ren returned to the university and grabbed his textbooks from his dorm before heading to class. Just as Hao Ren expected, Huang Jianfeng, Cao Ronghua, and the other guys didn’t even wake up yet after they went back to the dorm.

  Xie Yujia was already sitting in the front row when Hao Ren came to the classroom on his own. Ma Lina wasn’t there either.

  The class looked empty without the guys.

  Xie Yujia waved at Hao Ren, and he smiled back and sat beside her. Instead of asking about where he went in the morning, Xie Yujia focused on writing her notes.

  The class appeared to be a lot quieter since Zhou Liren and the other guys weren’t present. Sunlight shined through the window and reflected strips of light on the desks.

  “Zhao Jiayi has led the basketball team into the top 16. He didn’t let Wanjun down,” Xie Yujia whispered as she read her notes.

  “Oh?” Hao Ren was surprised at how well Zhao Jiayi was doing.

  “What are you doing at lunch?” Xie Yujia asked abruptly.

  “At lunch? Um… nothing really,” Hao Ren answered.

  “Um, come with me to the library; I want to borrow some books,” Xie Yujia said as she smiled sweetly.

  Her smile stood out against the sunshine, and it looked very cheerful. Although she was already a university student, sometimes her innocence and youth made her look like a high-schooler.

  Time flew by, and it was almost noon. The guys were still not up, and Ma Lina must have been exhausted as well since she missed the later two classes too.

  Hao Ren and Xie Yujia went to the cafeteria together for lunch; they seemed exactly like a couple.

  Xie Yujia had just reached level 5 of the Qi Refinement Realm; it was a great improvement from where she used to be. However, it was still nothing compared to Zhao Yanzi.

  Since she was already working hard and trying to decrease the gap in strength between her and Hao Ren, the only thing left for her to do was to keep a positive attitude.

  Xie Yujia started to look around for books as soon as they got into the library. As she was doing that, Hao Ren wandered around as well. The library in the East Ocean University ranked at the top in the country, but it was still a much smaller collection compared to the Profound Cultivation Palace in the East Ocean Dragon Palace.

  “Gongzi! Gongzi!”

  Hao Ren heard the crisp greetings when he walked around two tall bookshelves.

  Lu Linlin and Lu Lili almost hopped into Hao Ren in their grey sweaters. They held onto each other’s arm, and the slightly puffy sleeves of their sweaters made them look very energetic. Also, the flared skirts with thin belts revealed their beautiful legs.

  They looked like a pair of dolls in their identical outfits.

  “You are here too.” Hao Ren smiled at them.

  “What a coincidence to run into Gongzi here!” Lu Lili laughed, revealing her white teeth.

  Hao Ren looked at them, guessing it was probably not a coincidence. However, instead of pointing it out, he turned around to look at the books on the shelves.

  “Humph, Gongzi hasn’t even hanged out with us lately!” Lu Linlin said in a peevish tone when she saw Hao Ren’s casual attitude.

  They looked like a pair of sculptured artworks, all the guys in the area couldn’t even stand up properly after hearing their tones and voices.

  They would all want to pick a fight with Hao Ren if they didn’t know that he was strong enough to defeat that captain of the Taekwondo Club from another university.

  Lu Lili was too shy to say anything, so she stood quietly beside Lu Linlin, looking at Hao Ren.

  “How have classes been for you two?” Hao Ren asked as he took an art book off the shelf and looked at Lu Lili who was quiet.

  “It has been alright. We recently bought a camera and had been shooting around with it,” she blushed as she answered with her head down.

  Hao Ren laughed and took the book out of the area. The twins pretentiously took two books with them in a rush and followed Hao Ren to the checkout zone.

  Xie Yujia had found the book she was looking for in another area as well.

  She walked toward Hao Ren and was slightly surprised when she saw Lu Linlin and Lu Lili with him. She simply smiled.

  They showed their library cards one by one and got out of the borrowing area with their books. Then, they took the escalator and headed to the ground floor lobby.

  Hao Ren sensed the slight awkwardness as the three of them surrounded him.

  Neither Xie Yujia nor the twins rushed to their dorms. It was as if they were having a silent war.

  When they reached the lobby, all three of them hurried up to walk beside Hao Ren. Xie Yujia wanted to head back, but she didn’t want to lose Hao Ren to the twin sisters.

  The four of them walked on the marble floor and headed toward the front door of the library in silence.

  “You said you wanted to come to the Hongji Square with me to help me pick a cell-phone case, right?” Xie Yujia suddenly said when they got out of the library.

  Hao Ren looked at her in surprise because he did not bring such a subject up.

  “There is a new cafe by the north gate, Gongzi. I heard they have pretty good desserts, and we have always wanted to take you there some time,” Lu Lili said while blushing.

  They hadn’t seen Hao Ren for a couple of days. It was hard to tell which one of the twins missed Hao Ren more, but they both wanted to come and see him today. They planned the run-in when they sensed him in the library.

  Hao Ren looked at Xie Yujia on the left and then the twins on the right. He said, “I have a lot to do today. Maybe another day for everything.”

  He didn’t say yes to any of them and went straight to the stairs.

  Xie Yujia and the twins looked at each other. Xie Yujia gritted her teeth and walked toward her bike, and Lu Linlin and Lu Lili headed toward the other direction, throwing a little tantrum as well.

  Hao Ren circled to the back of the library where there was a large area of grass; he used to let Little White out here a lot.

  He looked around to make sure that no one was there before he let Little White out of his necklace.

  Little White regained its freedom, and it immediately sneaked into the grass.

  Then, it got into position to… poop.

  It had to poop regularly even though it ate elixir pills, not to mention a lot of the other stuff.

  A strange smell came out of the grass as Little White hopped out of it and circled Hao Ren cheerfully, shaking its head up and down.

  “No shame…” Hao Ren rolled his eyes at Little White.

  Just when he was pulling it up by the ears, a few girls screamed out, “Ah! Little White!”

  They saw it when they walked out of the library.

  The girls ran over and circled it. They took all sorts of snacks out of their bags, and they rubbed its body as they fed it. “We haven’t seen yo
u for so long, Little White! We have been keeping snacks in our bags every day hoping that we would run into you!”

  Little White chirped contently as it ate all kinds of high-end hotdogs. In the meantime, the girls took turns rubbing it; they wished that they could hold Little White in their arms and pet it, having no idea that it had just pooped.

  No one including Hao Ren noticed that several flowers in the grass bloomed and released their fragrances before quickly withering.

  These flowers went through a year’s cycle within just a few seconds!

  Due to Little White’s ‘irrigation’ from before, these flowers and grasses were growing very well, which was to the school’s chief gardener’s surprise. If someone tested the flowers for medicinal purpose, they would realize that the medicines these flowers could make would be hundreds of times more potent! In addition, these medicines would have side benefits such as improving blood circulation.

  326 A Small Pot of Land

  The girls took turns petting Little White before reluctantly handing it back to Hao Ren.

  Not caring enough to carry it, Hao Ren tossed it onto the ground.

  With a full belly, Little White trotted to a corner of the library joyously before running back. With its golden paws, it looked like it was wearing four little boots; it was a cute sight.

  “Will you come here tomorrow?” Knowing that Little White was Hao Ren’s pet, the girls turned to ask him.

  “Tomorrow? I’m not sure…” Hao Ren answered.

  “Please bring Little White here; we’ll buy it good food!” The girls insisted.

  “Which program are you from?” Hao Ren asked them.

  “Business Program!” One girl answered immediately before continuing, “Freshmen!

  Then, she took out a piece of paper and a pen from her bag. “I’ll give you my cell phone number! Please message me when you have time; I really want to hang out with Little White more.”

  “No. It’s not necessary…” Hao Ren declined immediately. It seemed quite easy to get close to these kind girls with the super cute Little White as the medium.


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