Dragon King's Son-In-Law

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Dragon King's Son-In-Law Page 278

by Dragon King

  Due to nervousness, her face was pink, and her two shiny eyes did not know where to look.

  “Hehe, Yujia has a really nice figure,” Zhao Hongyu said.

  Indeed, among the four girls, Xie Yujia’s body displayed the most feminine soft beauty. Zhao Yanzi’s was cute, Lu Linlin and Lu Lili were sexy, and Xie Yujia’s was beautiful.

  “Auntie, you are overpraising me.” Xie Yujia walked over with a red face and sat in the chair next to Zhao Hongyu. She put two thin arms on her thighs and blocked her chest. She did not know that this only made her figure more beautiful.

  “Humph, humph, humph!” Zhao Yanzi snorted three times, regretting that she didn’t want to give Hao Ren too much to look at and didn’t buy a three-point style bikini.

  However, she never thought that she would lose in the swimsuit battle.

  “We’re arriving soon. Ren, aren’t you changing into your swimming trunks?” Zhao Hongyu asked.

  “This…” Hao Ren saw the eyes of the six females looking at himself and immediately felt very stressful.

  “I… will go and change.” Hao Ren stood up; his legs were slightly trembling.

  Having just admired Xie Yujia’s swimsuits, now he had to accept their judging gazes.

  He entered the bedroom that had its door still open, and he saw his swimming trunks in the black bag at the door.

  Outside the porthole were constantly oscillating waves. In fact, this bedroom was at the bottom of the boat.

  The sun shined on the waves and came in through the portholes. It was a beautiful scene.

  On the soft bed, Hao Ren saw the undergarments the girls had just taken off. These clothes, which were touching the body, were randomly spread out on the bed, and there was a mysterious feeling in combination with the sunlight and waves.


  Although no one was around, Hao Ren coughed twice in embarrassment. Then, he sat down on the edge of the bed and took off his clothes.

  He hurriedly put on his dark blue swimming trunks and then quickly left the room that still had the girls’ bodily fragrance. If he stayed for too long, what would the girls think?

  Stepping on the stairs, he went back to the cabin, only to see Zhao Hongyu and the girls staring at him as if they were holding a trial. They sat in a circle along the plastic-steel glass of the cabin, staring at Hao Ren who just came out from the bottom compartment.

  Hao Ren had a feeling of being surrounded.

  He bought the swim trunks when he took a swimming class at the university a year ago. It seemed to be a bit small to wear now.

  At that time, he and Zhou Liren took a swimming class together. Zhou Liren specially bought two of the tightest triangle swim trunks, which they tried to use to attract girls…

  However, they didn’t expect that the male students and female students took separated classes…

  In this tight swimming trunks, Hao Ren felt a bit awkward. He didn’t know to stand or to sit.

  He did not expect that in just a year, the swimming trunks became even tighter than before. It felt like it strained him a little and that they would immediately tear open…

  “Ren is also very sexy,” Zhao Hongyu looked at Hao Ren and said with a smile.

  “This… this…” Hao Ren scratched his head and opened the glass door to stand outside in a hurry.

  Zhao Yanzi, Xie Yujia, the Lu sisters, and Yue Yang all followed Hao Ren’s strong back with their eyes.

  “Hao Ren’s body… is not worse than those fitness coaches… especially his strong thighs and the elastic hips…” Yue Yang suddenly became a little proud of her son.

  Splash… Hao Ren couldn’t bear their burning gaze. He stretched his hands and leaped into the ocean.

  473 Most Shameless… Little White!

  “Ren!” Yue Yang rushed to the deck when she saw Hao Ren jumping into the sea.

  She saw Hao Ren splashing waves by the yacht and swimming in the water with agile movements as if he were a dragon in shallow waters.

  “This kid…” Yue Yang was relieved. She didn’t expect Hao Ren’s swimming skills to improve by so much.


  Lu Linlin and Lu Lili let out a series of joyful laughter, and they plunged into the sea in a graceful angle like two white dolphins.

  They waved their beautiful limbs.

  In no time, they were by Hao Ren side, one on the left and the other on the right. They were like two beautiful mermaids swimming by the dragon.

  Sun Elder was stirring the yacht. He quickly slowed it down when he saw Hao Ren and the Lu sisters in the water.

  The boat idled on the sea.

  “I didn’t think that Lu Linlin and Lu Lili could swim so well.” Yue Yang smiled as she grabbed the railing.

  Hao Ren paddled deeper into the sea, and Lu Linlin and Lu Lili dived down after Hao Ren.

  Xie Yujia looked at Hao Ren enviously. She couldn’t swim as well as Hao Ren, so she didn’t dare to jump recklessly into this endless sea.

  Zhao Yanzi could swim quite well but was not as crazy as Lu Linlin and Lu Lili. She didn’t follow Hao Ren because she believed that girls should hold back a bit more.

  Half a minute later, Hao Ren popped his head out of the water.

  Lu Linlin and Lu Lili laughed joyfully behind Hao Ren, swimming even swifter than him.

  There was a beautiful spot called Sky Lake where they used to live. They would often go bathe or play around in the water there, so this type of calm sea was no problem for them.

  Hao Ren swam around the floating yacht and climbed up at a corner.

  Lu Linlin and Lu Lili were all wet when they returned to the deck, and they helped each other to wipe off the water on their cheeks as water fell from their hair.

  With the bright sunlight, they looked even prettier.

  Yue Yang couldn’t help admitting to herself that these twins were beautiful.

  Vroom… Elder Sun had restarted the yacht’s engine.

  Hao Ren went up to the top floor of the yacht. He opened a folding chair and lied down comfortably.

  He jumped into the sea to wet his swim trunks so that it wouldn’t be uncomfortably tight. Now after the short swim, he returned to the boat to enjoy the sun in comfort.

  Lu Linlin and Lu Lili lied on the folding chairs beside Hao Ren, trying to keep him for themselves. They were sitting under the umbrella and crossed their long legs.

  When they smiled, their eyes curved like a half moon.

  Hao Ren didn’t know whether he should be happy or unhappy with the two sisters following him around so closely…

  It would take another half hour to reach Coral Island, so Xie Yujia and Zhao Yanzi also found chairs to lie down in. Their bodies were used to this temperature now, and they enjoyed their sunbaths.

  If anyone drove passed this yacht and saw Hao Ren in between the four beautiful on the top deck, they would probably shout out, “Shameless!”

  A green island gradually appeared before their eyes.

  The white rocks on the edges of the island had little holes in them since the waves washed them for years.

  Also, most of the trees were over 100-year-old. The tree roots wrapped around the rocks, and the tree branches hung over the sea.

  From afar, it looked as if these trees were making the island float in mid-air.

  Not far ahead was a pier with a three-leveled white cruise ship docked.

  Elder Sun drove the yacht over, and staffs, who wore colorful shirts, immediately came over to help with the anchoring and secure the boat.

  The sky was blue, the sand was soft, and the trees were green. It was a hundred times prettier than the beach at East Ocean City.

  It was the first time Xie Yujia saw such a beautiful island. It was unbelievable to her, especially since this beautiful island was only 50 kilometers away from the East Ocean City.

  Lu Linlin and Lu Lili jumped off from the yacht and onto the beach. They landed on soft sand and left small footprints on the beach.

  Yue Yang and Zhao Hongyu came out of the cabin. They had already changed into their swimsuits. Although they weren’t as young as the girls, they looked mature in a beautiful way.

  Yue Yang had a good attitude toward life, and she maintained herself fairly well and did not look like a woman in her forties. Zhao Hongyu looked even younger than Yue Yang.

  Yue Yang was well-known in her circle as she was the famous Zhao Zhonghua’s wife, so her relationships with other people were relatively simple.

  Zhao Hongyu was an architect, so she met with different entrepreneurs and business people. Some didn’t even know that she had a daughter who was in her teens. They all tried to pursue her since she was so beautiful. Of course, after Zhao Hongyu mentioned that she was the wife of the Mingri Group’s CEO, those people all backed off.

  “Mrs. Zhao!”

  At this moment, the staffs all bowed as they saw Zhao Hongyu.

  This Coral Island was developed by Mingri Group. In a sense, Zhao Hongyu was the owner of this resort island. These employees who were all well-paid knew who she was.

  “Are the rooms ready?” Zhao Hongyu asked.

  “We’ve got everything ready, Madam,” one of the staff members responded.

  “Mr. Sun, are you not coming?” Zhao Hongyu turned her head around and asked Elder Sun who drove the boat.

  “I don’t like sunbathing, so I’ll just relax on the yacht.” Elder Sun responded.

  Zhao Hongyu nodded. Just when she was about to lead them to the hotel, a white shadow suddenly jumped out from the yacht.

  Little White wriggled its tail. It jumped onto the sand and curled its fluffy body by Xie Yujia’s shaved legs. Then, it jumped right into her arms.

  Elder Sun who was still on the yacht was a bit shocked to see Little White. Even he did not know when this demon beast had sneaked on.

  “Ruff, Ruff… Ruff…” Little White let out cute noises in Xie Yujia’s arms. Then, it stood in her arms and jumped into Zhao Yanzi’s arms.

  All the girls were in their swimsuits, and Little White was taking advantage of the girls…

  “You little thing… so shameless…” Hao Ren clenched his teeth as he thought, “Wait until you successfully transform into your human form… I’ll beat you up!”

  Little White was a Bin-level demob beast, and it could only reach level 6 at best while only level 10 demon beasts could transform. It seemed like Hao Ren only had wishful thinking.

  “Ah… you’re still licking me!” Zhao Yanzi twisted her neck a bit as she held Little White in her hands. Although she couldn’t help but scream, she smiled from the ticklish licks.

  “Damn… Little White, you thief! You’ve stolen the fruit of my labor!” Hao Ren cried in his mind.

  474 Broke*ss?

  Stepping on Zhao Yanzi’s chest with its back legs, Little White stuck out its red, sandpapery tongue and began licking her small, tender neck intimately.

  “How dare you make advances toward the girls!” Hao Ren couldn’t stand it anymore. He picked up Little White by its neck and threw it onto the beach.

  Wagging its head, Little White did not seem ashamed one bit.

  Its meticulous planning proved its high intelligence. By swimming on the surface of the ocean, it had long reached the deck of the yacht and was quietly hiding behind the lifesavers, all the way until they arrived at the island.

  This way, when it finally came out, Hao Ren couldn’t send it back.

  “Let’s go; we can drop off our things at the hotel first.” Zhao Hongyu suggested casually.

  Now in her swimsuit, Zhao Hongyu looked even younger than usual.

  Yue Yang suddenly felt fortunate that Hao Zhonghua did not come with them; men in their thirties or forties would have no resistance to a mature beauty like Zhao Hongyu.

  Sticking up its butt, Little White dashed forward in excitement.

  Close to the beach, there was a five-star hotel consisted of 20 floors. The shape of this building was not cubic like most typical buildings. Instead, it was shaped like a sea snail and was rotating slowly.

  With this design, it allowed most of the rooms in the hotel to have access to ocean views from various angles. Moreover, such design had made the building itself an exquisite view of the island, becoming one with the natural landscape.

  Following behind her, Hao Ren could tell from Zhao Hongyu’s confident strides that all of the structures on the island must have been designed by Zhao Hongyu herself.

  He had been studying architecture under Zhao Hongyu for some time now. The more he learned, the more he realized that Zhao Hongyu’s design philosophy was incredibly profound and unfathomable. Even if she weren’t the wife of the East Ocean Dragon King, she would still become one of the top architects in this world.

  “Behind the hotel, there are 52 single-story villas. The small villas can be rented, but they’re not for sale. Their construction is not yet completed, so we’ll be staying at the hotel today. But in the future, this will become a great resort!” Zhao Hongyu explained as she walked.

  Nodding her head, Yue Yang admired Zhao Hongyu even more now. Even though she could see how gentle but career-driven Zhao Hongyu was, Yue Yang had no way of knowing that such elegance was a result of a few hundred years of cultivation.

  In actuality, Zhao Hongyu thought even more highly of Yue Yang.

  The decoration of the five-star hotel was grand and luxurious. The suites that Zhao Hongyu had reserved was on the top floor, and they had the most splendid view of all.

  “The girls can stay with us. Ren, you can stay in a suite on your own,” Zhao Hongyu said to Hao Ren as they arrived at the top floor. When she was talking to Hao Ren, she pointed at a suite beside the big presidential suite.

  “Sure…” Hao Ren nodded as her lips twitched lightly.

  “Such a tragedy… to be separated by them…” he thought.

  “Little White is staying with me!” Zhao Yanzi demanded loudly.

  “I know, I know!” Zhao Hongyu caressed Zhao Yanzi’s head dotingly.

  Even Little White seemed to have a higher status than Hao Ren now. At the thought of that, the glance that Hao Ren shot toward Little White was full of ‘murderous intent’.

  However, wagging its tail, Little White looked back at Hao Ren with a little proud expression as it blinked its big watery eyes.

  Soon, Zhao Hongyu and the others brought their stuff into the presidential suite, while Hao Ren entered his suite after acquiring the key card from Zhao Hongyu.

  Since his suite was right next to a presidential suite, the furnishings were also of outstanding quality. Still, it was a lot smaller in size, and it was more like a suite for bodyguards of important figures who stayed in the presidential suite.

  Looking out from the floor-to-ceiling window, the boundless ocean was magnificent. The island appeared like a piece of round-shaped emerald, ornamented on the silky blue ocean.

  Also, from the view above, the small villas that were in their last stage of construction were like white seashells popping up one by one, very beautifully allocated.

  As his swim trunks gradually dried up, it started tightening and hurting Hao Ren’s waist. Since the others hadn’t come out of the presidential suite yet, Hao Ren took the elevator down to the shop on the main floor to purchase a set of new swim trunks.

  “Haha, isn’t this my fellow schoolmate, Mr. Hao?” A seemingly familiar voice came from the hotel lobby right behind Hao Ren.

  As Hao Ren turned around and looked out from the glass door of the shop, he saw Huang Xujie standing outside of the shop in his sunglasses and a Hawaiian shirt.

  Hao Ren was slightly surprised to see him here. However, he thought back to the cruise ship by the pier and understood that the island was open but in its testing phase; it hadn’t been broadly promoted yet.

  Considering the fact that Huang Xujie was the son of the deputy mayor who was in charge of East Ocean City’s economy, it wouldn’t be difficult for him to obtain an excursion ticket to Coral Island. H
ence, it wasn’t all that strange for him to appear here.

  “What are you getting? I’ll pay for it.” Huang Xujie offered quite sincerely as he walked in.

  Hao Ren ignored him. He continued browsing through the shelves for a moment and said, “That black one over there.”

  “Yes.” The young sales clerk took out a set of brand-new swim trunks and laid it out in front of Hao Ren.

  While searching his body, Hao Ren suddenly realized that he was only wearing his swim trunks and forgot to bring his wallet with him.

  “How much is it? It’s on me.” Taking out his wallet from the Hawaiian shirt, Huang Xujie offered again.

  If only Hao Ren didn’t know about Huang Xujie’s true nature, he would honestly believe that Huang Xujie was not a bad person.

  Nonetheless, he knew that Huang Xujie was merely trying to please him.

  At school, Huang Xujie was unable to put aside his pride. But now that there were no other students here, he desperately wanted to become close with Hao Ren, trying hard to heal their relationship. This was all because Hao Ren was the son of Hao Zhonghua and Yue Yang, and either one of the two was a big enough figure to shock the East Ocean City.

  “No!” Hao Ren turned to the sales clerk and asked, “Can I put it on my room?”

  Just as the sales clerk was about to refuse, he saw the golden key card Hao Ren had strapped along his wrist with a rubber band and immediately agreed. “Yes, Sir. You can use your key card and pay for all of your purchases at the end of your stay.”

  “Great!” Hao Ren picked up the swim trunks while handing over his key card for the sales clerk to keep on file.

  “Huang Xujie, who are you talking to?”

  At this moment, a distinctly sharp voice echoed through the lobby outside of the shop.

  Hao Ren turned and saw that Lin Li, the girl from Class Three from the same program, walking toward the entrance of the shop in a bikini.

  Lin Li seemed confused for a second as she saw Hao Ren standing behind Huang Xujie. Then, she said in a slightly upset but charming tone, “Why are you talking to this broke*ss? The room is ready; let’s go!”


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