ZetaTalk: Awakening

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ZetaTalk: Awakening Page 3

by Nancy Lieder

  Alien communities, Earth axis, 675 sea level pace, Human electrical influence,

  Valdai elevation, NASA attitudes, Planet X tail, India interior cities, Afghanistan


  Jun 19, 2010

  Ning Address

  7 of 10 warnings, Vibration crop circles, Australia volcanoes, Path crop circle,

  Answer Archive Poirino crop circle, Singapore safety, The Road movie, Heat waves, Hayabusa

  probe, Lake Champlain, Sinkhole formation, Spirit communications, Karst in

  Appalachia, Last weeks reality, 7 of 10 supply runs, Gulf spill oil colors, STS

  conversions, Japan big quakes, Chirton crop circle, Internet shutdown, Australian

  artesian basin, Florida climate change, Jakarta safety, New Madrid adjustment,


  Jun 12, 2010

  Ning Address

  Planet X as shadow, Planet X complex visibility, Government normalcy,

  Answer Archive European tsunami, Polarized relationships, South Seas safety, Disenbodied

  teammates, Polluted soil, Nuclear pollution, African Rift Valley, Aftertime

  compass, Planet X on SOHO, Iraq oil fields aflame, Crop Circle hoax, Great

  Lakes sloshing, Deep Mantle grip, Blame the Sun, Genetic engineering, Group

  exit, New Madrid expectations, Thunderbolts of the Gods, Stanton Freidman on

  Fox, Forida tar balls, Acámbaro dinasaurs, Planet X locations, Seagulls missing,

  Gulf spill cover-up, Ning in the media, Japan bounce, Gulf rupture, Wikileaks

  Jun 5, 2010

  Ning Address

  San Benigno CC, 19 of 20 Contactees, Sidereal time, Israeli aggression, Colloidal

  Answer Archive silver, Dictators, Siberia methane, Aftertime communities, Guatemala sinkhole,

  Stopped rotation heatwave, Hopi tablets, Korean ship incident, Vince Diehl

  prophecies, Silbury CC, Liddington CC, Planet X shadow, Tribano CC, Last

  weeks sloshing, Codford CC, Hatoyama resignation, Gore's divorce, Unaware

  populace, 8 of 10 scope, Spinning fireball

  May 29, 2010

  Ning Address

  Notched Pie crop circle, Planet X complex on SOHO, 8 of 10 hint, Heilongjiang

  Answer Archive province, Spiral hoax, Canada border, "Why Live" motivation, Gulf Oil scope,

  Mind/Soul interaction, Bronze Age collapse, NWO cabal, Rescued humans, GM

  plants, NASA Moon Swirl disinfo, Sudden Silence during passage, Intuition, Land

  ownership rights, Obama's options, Nuking the Gulf, Iraq holocaust, Politics

  May 22, 2010

  Ning Address

  Dragon as Planet X, Hot Earth, Cracking cover-up, Canadian wobble weather,

  Answer Archive Chinese provinces, Gravity anomalies, Amateur astronomers, Aftertime health,

  Aftertime aliens, 7.3 week visibility, 360 day year, Species survival, Aftertime

  axial tilt, Australian coastline, Volgograd bridge sway, Sinkholes

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/ningarch.htm[2/5/2012 11:38:22 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Not Alone

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  ZetaTalk: Not Alone

  Note: written on Aug 15, 1995

  The microcosm that is Earth first appeared to humans as the center of everything. The babe, in his mother's arms,

  proceeds on the same assumption. She is there for his needs, solely. We hesitate to broaden our perceptions because

  this minimizes the self. Mother does not exist solely for me, therefore I may go unattended. Father chats with the other

  children, therefore I have not captivated his attentions and may go unnoticed. And in like manner we follow the child

  into adulthood to discover the human species grappling with the concept of not being alone, the one and only. There

  are other intelligent species in the Universe, therefore I am not God's crowning achievement. They can levitate and zip

  about and disappear, therefore I am a technological dummy. All very deflating, especially for the pompous. The

  reaction is reluctance, active denial, or a pout - non-participation. Look right at the facts and fail to process them.

  Process them and refuse to accept the conclusion. Develop countervailing theories and attempt to substantiate them.

  Close all the doors and windows and develop an avid interest in a hobby. Just don't have time for all that nonsense.

  Well, of course, it won't go away.

  Humans, adjusting to the concept that they are not alone, go through stages not unlike the small child adjusting to

  nursery school. They feel, ordinarily, that they are the masters of their small Universe. A cry of distress brings Mommy

  or an older sibling running. Throw out a beaming smile and an adult starts chirping. Works every time. Then comes

  the shock. The babe is not alone. The first reaction to the sight of a room full of competitors and a distracted Mommy

  substitute is to cling to Mommy. Humans, reacting to the alien presence, pray fervently. Save me! The babe may strike

  out at competitors, bonking another playmate, or snatch toys away for a personal horde. The alien presence almost

  invariably brings a cry from some angry human - leave us alone, the Earth is ours! Unable to mold the nursery to one's

  liking, the babe may next pout. Sit in the corner, lower lip out, glowering. Want a cookie? No! Perhaps non-

  participation will make it all go away. Some babes pout forever, and make it a lifelong practice. We find these humans

  turning their backs on evidence of the alien presence. Non-participants are the least likely to turn and become actively

  involved - curious and exploratory. In fact, the vocal skeptic is most likely to suddenly stop protesting and let it all sink

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  ZetaTalk: Not Alone

  in. Look to the history of avid believers and one will often find a skeptic. The skeptic gives birth to the advocate.

  All rights reserved: [email protected]

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  ZetaTalk: Alien Presence

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  ZetaTalk: Alien Presence

  Note: written on Jan 15, 2002

  Humans adjust to the new and familiar in accordance with its introduction during their lifetime. The babe, in its

  mother's arms, heard conversation, occasional banging doors, occasional howling wind, and feels no sense of urgency

  or alarm from the arms it lays in. Thus, banging doors and howling wind do not alarm it to the point of a faint in later

  life! Extend this to the crowd of children the child later runs with, the workforce peers, the leadership of the clan, or

  any other substitute for Mother. Where it is a known, or similar, or accepted occurrence, the human being can slot and

  place the occurrence, and does not react with panic.

  Where the alien presence is widely known and talked about, it is presented in various ways. Contactees describe their

  experiences in terms that seem relatively harmless, but the elite, who do not want humans turning to the alien presence

  with any but horror and rejection, paint a different picture. Disinformation is presented as though it were from a

  contactee, an experiencer, and thus the general public is confused. Thus, when a contactee meets, for the first time, the

  visitors it has been longing to meet and giving The Call to, the contactee is braced for the worst! Panic, and fainting,

  occur when any unexpected encounter occurs, whether this be the announcement that someone in good health is now

  dead, or that the lottery has been won and one is now rich. Sudden and unexpected encounters cause one to faint as

  fainting is a protection, playing possum, which saved many a cave man from being eaten as he was assumed dead

  thus rotten by the predators.

  Thus, for the general public to become accustomed to the alien presence, and to not react in this manner, the Council

  of Worlds has determined to introduce actual sightings of aliens lifeforms, on video, for the general public to view.

  These sightings have already occurred by the year-end of 2001, but are discounted often as fakes. However, the

  increasing incidence, broadcast mostly as local news, is making the Earth's population comfortable with the alien

  presence. You've seen an alien? So what. Shut the door and don't slam it please, I'm busy watching the news on TV.

  All rights reserved: [email protected]

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  ZetaTalk: TimeTable

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  ZetaTalk: TimeTable

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Regarding making ourselves and our purpose evident. The timetable depends on people and how they react, their

  awareness and acceptance. Being aware that there are other intelligent beings in the universe, besides themselves.

  Welcoming this, rather than being frightened of this. They should be more curious and welcoming than frightened,

  quantitatively. This is already happening, in some places. There will be some places where this will become

  commonplace, and other places where the alien presence is not even known. The Awakening will proceed at a different

  pace for different peoples and groups.

  All rights reserved: [email protected]

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  ZetaTalk: First Impressions

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  ZetaTalk: First Impressions

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Adjustments to the other are an issue that is present anytime intelligent beings first meet each other. In the past, when

  humans thought not of creatures from outer space, they had no explanation if they caught sight of us or others from

  other worlds. Deliberate suppression of conscious awareness was not done in the past, or at least not to the degree

  done today. This is done today to reduce fear, but in the past curiosity was more often the reaction. What are those

  strange creatures? They simply gave us names, many different names.

  On our part, we too had an adjustment to humans. Such smelly, hairy creatures, always up in arms at the slightest

  thing! Posturing to defend that not worth defending - the territory. Things we had put aside so long ago, ancient

  memories, had to be dredged up just to allow us to understand, again. One of the hardest adjustments has been dealing

  with the lack of understanding from humans, who in the main treat us like invaders. We are ascribed every sort of

  motive, although in truth those in the Service-to-Self crowd deserve the title, yet we are blamed for their deeds without

  even a trial. So quick to absolutes, those frightened humans. We have found it best to deal one-on-one. Where the

  mass rises in the direction the leader points, the single human ponders and lets the truth sink in. Pebble by pebble we

  build the mountain of truth.

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  ZetaTalk: Signs of the Awakening

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  ZetaTalk: Signs of the Awakening

  Note: written on Aug 15, 1995

  Biologists in the lab deal in closed systems and open systems. Where the experiment is to be a closed system, every

  aspect of the biosphere is structured, and as many factors as possible are eliminated. If one wants to document how

  mice react to more daylight, a longer day, one has a control group of mice where the light is fixed, and another group

  of mice where the light is varied, steadily increasing. All else is rigidly structured for sameness. Same food, same

  feeding time, same amount of food, same degree of handling by humans, same amount of cage litter - no variance at all

  if possible. In an open system experiment few of the factors are tightly controlled, as there are too many variables.

  How do two different strains of mice get along with each other, and which survives the competition for resources? Put

  all the mice in one large cage, vary the environment with lots of exploratory debris, vary the feeding schedule, subject

  the mice to extraneous noise once in awhile, and watch. The Awakening is now in an open system, where formerly

  closed, and several trends are already apparent.

  Decades ago contactees were visited on an individual or at most family basis. Almost always, a contactee vaguely

  aware of this activity kept it to themselves or at most shared it with a trusted confidant. Closed system. Now

  contactees are meeting each other, not only in their subconscious during visitations, but in support groups, Internet chat

  groups, and while browsing at the book store. Government denial has become an indirect education program, religious

  leaders are formulating their explanations, TV and movie producers want to be on the leading edge of a media

  opportunity, and politicians are seen gladly accepting alien endorsements. Open system.

  All rights reserved: [email protected]

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  ZetaTalk: Alien Welcome

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  ZetaTalk: Alien Welcome

  Note: written during the Nov 2, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  On October first of 2002, while vacationing in the Southern Chilean city of Concepcion, a group of family

  members found what appeared to be a small humanoid creature. The miniscule being measures about 7.2

  centimeters long. It has a relatively large head, two arms with long fingers, and two legs. The discovery

  was first reported by Mega News Service, which is the local news channel in the Santiago area.

  Jeff Rense Site

  The story of EBE, at Roswell, plays like a child's bed time story to mankind, eager to embrace the alien presence they

  sense is present, but denied to them by their governments who have a palpable cover-up in place. The Brazilian

  Roswell story in recent years shows the eagerness of the populace to embrace the alien presence, children leading the

  way by caring for the injured aliens they discovered on their path home. Sightings of lights in the sky, UFO's, are cold

  comfort for those who sense that these visitors mean mankind no harm. Thus, at the slightest excuse, all manner of

  rumors of sightings are taken as evidence of aliens among the populace. No alien bodies, except those recovered at

  Roswell and the Brazilian Roswell, which were deliberate, are in the hands of man. However, soon enough live

  visitors will be at their doors, walking in the mist, and delivering help when life seems grim and hope gone. Thus, the

  embrace is going two ways, in the heart!

  Note: added during the Feb 15, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  As we mentioned at the start of ZetaTalk, in 1995, sightings would be on the increase, mass sightings would then

  increase as the population affected became comfortable with such an event, and then sightings of alien lifeforms would

  occur. This has occurred, during the intervening years, most often not reported in the news. Now, however, the

  incidences have become so widespread, mass sightings, that it is almost common knowledge and thus, gets into the

  news almost automatically. The reason for this oversight on the part of the debunkers is that there is so much

  discussion that they forget when they are supposed to put on the brakes, or where. If the deb
unkers here this chatter during their commute, in the cafe, at the bar, in the bedroom, they just shrug and listen, knowing this to be true and

  choosing no comment as an avoidance. Then comes the point where a newscaster reports a mass sighting, or a local

  piece gets picked up and become national or international via press routes, and the debunker at first shrugs and then

  realizes they let it pass! Oops, too late now, and better to ignore it else attention will be called! Thus, you are hearing more about this in the news, where it actually has been occurring all along, in recent months and years.

  Often, those who have been witness to a mass sighting, or hear about it, try to establish a reason for the UFO's. If there is any event, like a disaster, as with the Mothman Prophecies, this is assumed to be a warning. Alternatively, there are

  those who will assume the UFO's caused the event. None of this is the case. UFO's and mass sightings and mass

  visitations of contactees in an area are all part of the plan, to establish a comfort level with the alien presence, so that

  the next stage can begin. As Nancy reports in her Lifeform Orientation write-up, she herself was hardly comfortable with the types of lifeforms she was presented with. She reports that BeanBag Man (her term) caused her to faint for the

  first time in her life. She reports that recalling the BugMan, standing like a giant cockroach in front of her complete

  with waving antenna, was difficult for her to bring forward to her consciousness. Bear in mind that Nancy is hardly a

  coward, nor the fainting type, and steps up to the plate no matter what.

  So what would the average contactee, or group of contactees, do if presented in their conscious with such sights? To

  prevent mass panic, or adverse reactions, they are first presented with the alien lifeform individually, to adjust. If in a

  group, a single bad reaction would affect the whole, so individual presentations are done routinely. When the group,

  be this a family or a neighborhood or small town or camping trip association, are familiar, then a conscious sighting

  might occur. This would be at a distance, as a glance, like the sightings of BigFoot, so no threat exists but lots of

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