ZetaTalk: Awakening

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ZetaTalk: Awakening Page 6

by Nancy Lieder

  restaurants and tipping well, wanted more. So, as we reported years ago when asked about this, the majority of the

  follow-on sightings were simply faked. The Brazilian Roswell, a legitimate report of live aliens injured and on the

  ground, seen by school children wandering home along a path through the woods, is being followed by faked

  Abduction scenes. The fakes are clear, as there are burn marks in the shape of a body on the bed, on the wooden wall, enough such that the human involved would have body wide burns, life threatening in nature. Not at all what

  contactees experience! Another report, from the Ranch Areas where cattle mutilations formerly keep visitors coming and reports in the local papers, we now hear of similar sightings. The body cannot be produced, the story told by word

  of mouth only, but those in the US west who hope to keep the interest up will keep it up as long as they do get

  reporters coming around. This is simply the human wish to keep a good thing going, attention, extra income, and is

  likely to follow in like manner the increase in legitimate sightings that will be occurring during the Awakening.

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  ZetaTalk: Power Outages

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  ZetaTalk: Power Outages

  Note: written on Jul 15, 1996

  In step with increased sightings will be an occasional Power Outage, as where there are those who can deny a sighting no matter how dramatic and well documented it is, there are few who can deny massive power outages. As they affect

  a broader audience, power outages are timed and placed for maximum impact. There is no point to a power outage that

  affects only a rural area with a small or isolated populace, or to a power outage that might occur in the middle of the

  night when few are awake to notice it. But beyond these considerations, power outages during the Transformation will

  be timed to act as an exclamation point to other messages given.

  The establishment movie ID4, scheduled to premiere on July 4th in the US, premiered early as those who would give a

  false message to the populace, telling them that mass landings could occur and their only hope was a tight alliance

  with their government and established leaders, were eager to begin their propaganda. Those aliens in the Service-to-

  Others who deplore such lies for their tendency to create fear and a sense of isolation in humans, thus driving them

  toward the Service-to-Self orientation, determined to sound a different note. Thus a massive power outage in the

  middle of the day over the western half of the US was effected to coincide with the ID4 premiere. If aliens could mass

  land at will, then when they are about in such numbers and with such power, why do they not land? A countering


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  ZetaTalk: Alien Bodies

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  ZetaTalk: Alien Bodies

  Note: written on Sep 15, 1996

  A recent trend in the deliberate Awakening of the populace has been the supposed discovery of pictures of dead aliens.

  Following the Roswell autopsy film a rash of such pictures have emerged. This is not by accident, and is more than

  just copycat behavior. Such pictures are deliberately being placed before the public to acclimate them to the concept of

  visitors from other planets and the odd appearance that might be expected. Since rioting in the streets did not occur as

  a result of the release of the Roswell autopsy footage, a carefully staged fraud which was intended from the start to be

  discovered as such, those who would have the Awakening proceed post haste have encouraged other such nudges.

  Accordingly a rash of pictures have come forth, all showing aliens in the most vulnerable of positions - dead, injured,

  and lying on the autopsy table under the knife of human scientists.

  Still pictures of dead bodies are easy to produce, as any film maker will confirm. Most of the dead alien photos are a

  combination of real human bodies or body parts, augmented by putty or burns, thus the semblance of realism. If living

  children are sold into prostitution by their parents around the world and the elderly abandoned, how easy would it be to

  purchase the bodies of dead children and aged? Crematoriums are another source of such bodies, as one urn of ashes

  looks much like another, and how would the family know otherwise? These dead bodies, all hominoids and none

  larger than the average human, are to acclimate the populace to the concept of intelligent visitors from other worlds,

  while reassuring the populace that such visitors can be killed in crashes just as humans are killed on the highway. The

  intended message is that aliens visitors are not that much different from humans.

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  ZetaTalk: The Word

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  ZetaTalk: The Word

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Many humans who gain an understanding of the Transformation and its components feel impelled to get the word out

  to others. Should others not become aware as quickly as possible of the pending pole shift, the spiritual choices to be

  made, and the presence of galactic citizens in their midst? They are concerned that failure to act, to broadcast this

  information, represents a dereliction of duty on their part and fret over how best to proceed in the face of resistance.

  Is this necessary? Is this possible? And whose responsibility is this? This is certainly not the responsibility of those

  humans who personally become aware. Each human who desires this information can and does give The Call and thus

  receives a personal explanation. But what of those humans who, held in ignorance by a reluctant media, have not had

  their curiosity stirred? Here also we assume responsibility, by limited sightings or visitations to start the ball rolling.

  Likewise, issues of spiritual choices are not so much made based on knowledge that such choices exist, but on the

  steady resolution of issues in one direction or the other. The entity sees the trend, and watching others, realizes the

  choices that are possible. Should the pending pole shift be loudly announced to warn humans of the many changes

  their lives will undergo? Any publication would meet with active resistance, such that the volume would mount to

  meet the challenge. Truth of this matter will not be carried home to humanity by the media, much controlled by the

  establishment, but by the Earth itself, which will present changes for all to see and none able to explain away.

  Therefore, speak to those who will listen, but do not be concerned about numbers.

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  ZetaTalk: Arizona Coverage

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  ZetaTalk: Arizona Coverage

  Note: written on Jul 15, 1997

  The first mass sighting to get full coverage in the media was the large and undeniably alien object seen by thousands in

  Arizona in March, 1997. Distinctive for its size, which could not be mistaken for a satellite or shooting star, this slowly moving and hovering gargantuan ship could only be a mass hysteria or an alien ship. Since the observers did

  not consult with one another, mass hysteria simply would not fly as an explanation. More remarkable than the sighting

  and the thousands who observed it was the reaction by th
e media, which reveals the extent to which the media is

  controlled on matters of the alien presence.

  Where windstorms that blow shingles off roofs are reported on the front page, what excuse does the media have for not

  reporting on a sighting that absolutely proves that the alien presence is real! Lack of witnesses? There were thousands.

  Lack of credibility? They had videos. A hoax? What could hold a ship the size of several football fields in the air, for

  over an hour? An illusion? The sighting was visible all across the state, and a projected image, one placed against

  background stars, can fool only those situated at the right angle. Was the delay due to examination of the evidence and

  interviewing witnesses? The media traditionally operates by reporting first and issuing corrections later.

  What caused the Delay in Reporting this astonishing sighting was not any issue with the evidence or witnesses, but conflicting orders from MJ12, often itself in conflict over how to proceed. Traditionally the media has been told to

  clamp shut on all sightings, and proceeded with this approach automatically in Phoenix. Orders to the contrary were

  questioned, and double checked, and when confusing confirmations were issued by MJ12, double checked again and

  again. Better to be safe than sorry, especially since a story once aired cannot easily be retracted, as Roswell so amply

  demonstrated. MJ12 operates like most intelligence organizations operate - on a need to know basis. Thus many in the

  ranks were slow to hear the new marching orders, and contradicted their leaders.

  All in all, a mass sighting that pleased those producing the extravaganza as much as it pleased the majority of the

  audience, and one providing a second extravaganza, though one must read between the lines to see it. This second

  extravaganza is the international cover-up, which has been in place since Roswell and affects all major media outlets,

  bar none. In stark exception to the normal media reaction to truly newsworthy items, the media became catatonic for

  three months, and then found its voice! Please note, world, the best evidence for the cover-up has just been handed to

  you on a platter!

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  ZetaTalk: Roswell Revisited

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  ZetaTalk: Roswell Revisited

  Note: written on Jul 15, 1997

  Concurrent with the 50 year anniversary of the Roswell episode there have been dramatic sightings world wide. The

  most notable, due to its media coverage by CNN, was the Phoenix sighting, but this was not the only dramatic

  sighting. The others suffered the usual media suppression, but the local populace talked among themselves

  nonetheless. The Roswell coverage was considered safe by the suppression advocates, as various stories countering the

  truth had been concocted and issued. Thus, the public will have, as usual, a blitz of information to sort through. For

  those willing to allow themselves to consider the truth about Roswell, there will be a breathtaking array of fresh

  evidence that the alien presence exists to give the truth a boost. This was, as you say, not an accident.

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  ZetaTalk: Demand for Proof

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  ZetaTalk: Demand for Proof

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  You will find, as the awakening to galactic consciousness proceeds over the next few years, that the demand for proof

  of our existence will increase rather than decrease. You will also find, in line with what you have already experienced,

  that there will be no amount of proof that will satisfy these demands. Proof stands before the world today. Crop circles

  and their residual impact on soil and vegetation, mass sightings, disappearing pregnancies. When one gets into the

  game of proof, one is speaking to the wrong people. Do you have any doubts about the extent that people in denial will

  go to? Speak to people accused of horrific crimes against their loved ones. It didn’t happen. It most certainly wasn’t

  them. Homo Sapiens, as with most intelligent species, has the capacity to argue against unpleasant facts. As the

  unpleasant nature of these facts increases, so do the arguments.

  Have you heard the argument that the majority of a teacher, or parent, or manager’s time is spent on the troublesome?

  This is certainly true of the efforts of the police, who are a corps only because of the troublesome. The troublesome are

  few, but receive almost all the attention. We take a different approach in our contacts with humans. We ignore the

  troublesome, as they make their own bed, spiritually speaking, and must lie in it. In addition, the troublesome don’t

  hinder our efforts. We are beyond their reach. We communicate with those who will make a difference, who are either

  currently dedicating their lives to worthwhile efforts or will presently do so. We direct our efforts to those who share

  our goals.

  Of course, if we were to give humanity absolute proof, there would be repercussions. It is rather deliberate that the

  press of information that you are not alone as intelligent creatures in God's universe is very gradual. It is not by

  accident that toys, TV shows, and everyday conversation in the workplace talk about aliens and have alien figures, and

  that this is casually accepted without fear. This is because this has been slowly interjected. Were there to be aliens

  marching down the street or appearing on TV next to the President of the United States, there would be heart attacks,

  there would be savage attacks most certainly against those individuals who are contactees. They would be torched,

  shot, or stoned as Pat Robertson has suggested, and it would not be a good scene.

  Be advised that the rules in place guiding our contact do not allow us to dance in the skies at your command. They do

  not allow us to manipulate your reality so that you can claim confirmation of our existence. You need not look far for

  proof of these statements. It is common knowledge that photos and videos that would be too staunch in their veracity

  simply do not develop. Likewise, the only physical evidence of alien biological existence or technology is in the hands

  of your government and other governments in alliance with your government on the alien issue. If this seems to you to

  be a double standard, it is. How the Transformation and the Awakening is happening on your Earth has been very

  carefully thought through, and there are definite rules to abide by.

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  ZetaTalk: Discord

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  ZetaTalk: Discord

  Note: written on Apr 15, 1996

  Human society, like all societies, has microcosms within microcosms - different groups with different viewpoints.

  Christians may belong to any one of a dozen or more churches, each of which may have liberal or conservative

  sections, and a liberal group in one such sector may not be the same as another liberal group just across town. During

  the Transformation, with increasing polarization of groups, these differences will only accentuate. How does the

  diversity within a society affect its Awakening? Surprisingly, diversity speeds an Awakening along, as there is less

  possibility of a single viewpoint becoming dominant. However, diversity creates discord, and in this respect differing

or stances on becoming a galactic citizen result in just as much discord as differing religious views or

  differing political affiliation or the gulf know as the generation gap.

  Attitudes toward the Awakening, today, range from total denial to joyous embracing. Denial ranges from refusal to

  admit the possibility to educated skepticism. Those embracing the Awakening range from unquestioning acceptance,

  come what may, to selective affection and a hesitant handshake. Diversity will only increase, and concurrently discord

  will increase, as the Awakening proceeds.

  Note: below written during the Jan 11, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  EuroSETI recently announced that it will be publicly screening some extraordinary satellite images

  gleaned by a Spanish-based team using two space-based satellites, images that are distinctly 'craft-like' in

  appearance, and which defy explanation. EuroSETI reports that NASA initially tried to explain the images

  away as pixel faults, passing meteors or asteroids, etc., but when a European-led consortium presented

  them with images that clearly were none of the aforementioned, they 'clamped up'.

  Shift2003 Chat

  As with the Clonaid attention in major media, far outside the usual attention that alien hugging groups get, this is

  another example of various parts of the establishment hoping to open up the Transformation to get more assistance

  from aliens. There have been several competing and conflicting forces during the past few decades, since Roswell.

  The Hug-Humans thrust

  which states that aliens are evil, cannot be trusted, are out to colonize the Earth and eat or enslave

  mankind, and that only by resisting visitations and hugging your governing bodies, your military,

  your church, will you be safe.

  The Hug-Aliens thrust

  which states that the visitors are benign space brothers, here to help us during hard times, and if the

  Earth gets in a crunch such as a pole shift will lift all away to safety and some magical life on

  another planet or on a space ship.

  The Hug-Reality thrust

  which points to past pole shifts or current problems such as starvation and disease that mankind


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