Chasing Pan: Tales from Neverland (Dark Fairy Tales Book 3)

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Chasing Pan: Tales from Neverland (Dark Fairy Tales Book 3) Page 4

by S Cinders

  “But you do not believe this to be true?” I questioned.

  He shook his head, “There is too much goodness and light in Ebony. She is no more a ruthless pirate than my adoptive father was.”

  “Then why does she captain the Jolly Roger?”Iit was as if I had too many pieces to a puzzle and couldn’t make them fit.

  “I don’t know,” Alex ran a hand through his black curls. “All I know is that Hook is dying. He has grown thin and weak. His dying wish was that I take her away so that she won’t be there to see him pass.”

  “That doesn’t make any sense,” I tried to reconcile this loving father with the ruthless man I knew as Hook.

  Alex shrugged.

  “I can answer that.”

  Alex whipped his head around, “How long have you been standing there?”

  Tiger Lilly stepped inside the room closing the door behind her.

  “I wondered when you would join our little party,” I stood and motioned for her to have a seat next to Alex.

  Tiger Lilly sat on the edge of her seat looking every inch of the princess that she was.

  “Peter, it’s good to see you,” her smile, didn’t reach her eyes.

  “The truth, Lilly, if you please,” I rubbed my forehead wearily.

  “Ebony is the only daughter of Long John Silver,” Lilly glanced at Alex apologetically. “I am sorry I lied to you. But things are much worse than you realize. Hook kidnapped Ebony from Captain Silver and tried to ransom her for dead man's chest. Something went wrong, and Silver and his crew were banished to Treasure Island forever.”

  “And that left Ebony with Hook?” I started to piece the mystery together. “She was valuable enough for Hook not to want any harm to come to her. Hence, he claimed the little girl as was his own, knowing that you keep your friends close and your enemies and their daughters even closer.”

  Lilly nodded, “As you say, Peter.”

  “So why did he send her away now?” Alex questioned.

  “Isn’t it obvious?” Lilly looked at him, “Long John Silver is coming to Neverland. And Hook is scrambling. It’s been years since he took her. I’d like to think that he might have some affection for Ebony, but it is more likely that he wants to save his skin.”

  Alex nodded grimly, “He told me he was dying, that I was to protect her with my life. Hook said, that there was no possible way that we would ever find you. I just don't understand what he could have been thinking.”

  It wasn’t lost on me that Hook was risking his son Alex’s life to save Ebony’s. I wasn’t sure if laughter was the appropriate response, but I chuckled just the same. The old bastard was just a wily as he always had been. Not only had he been certain they would find me, but undoubtedly he knew the day, the minute, and time they would arrive.

  I smiled, “Well played Hook.”

  “What in the hell is that supposed to mean?” Alex looked from Lilly to me and back again.

  She smiled kindly, at him, “That Peter will help us.”

  She turned to me with a knowing glance, and I sighed. That was the beauty of Hook's plan. He knew that I wouldn't be to resist rescuing a beautiful woman in distress. Or at least my former self wouldn't have been able to. I wanted to say that I had changed. I was colder, no doubt about it. Black and white had turned into a myriad of shades for me over the years. But it seemed Hook knew me better than I did myself.

  “It looks like we are returning to Neverland.”

  Alex fell off his chair.

  CHAPTER 8 – Ebony

  AFTER A LONG SOAK IN the bath, I could hardly drag myself out of the cooling water. My body felt like jello, and my eyes had weights glued to my eyelids that made it impossible to stay open.

  I wrapped myself in a large terry cloth towel and padded out of the bathroom and straight to Pan’s large bed. He hadn’t returned, and I figured that he decided to play the gentleman and sleep on the couch.

  At this point, I wouldn’t have cared if there were a dozen blaggards on the bed. I was tired and needed some rest. Slipping in between the satin sheets I moaned at how decadent they felt against my skin. I had borrowed a razor from Pan, and my body was silky smooth.

  I promised myself I would get up in five minutes to comb out my hair and find the clothes that he promised to leave out.

  I was fast asleep in two.

  Later in the night I felt strangled by the towel and wriggled out of it wondering why my bunk was so spacious. It didn’t occur to me that I could be anywhere but in the Captain’s quarters of the Jolly Roger.

  My dreams were filled with hard muscled bodies, and hot tropical nights. I felt myself yearning for something that I didn’t quite understand.

  Thrashing back and forth in my sleep, I couldn’t find peace. I wasn’t awake enough to reason, but not asleep enough to rest.

  A wall of iron clamped itself around me whispering soothing words into my ear. With a sigh of relief, I clutched the warmth like a lifeline. I would have climbed inside of it if I could.

  Finally, I slipped away into dreamland.

  I FELT SOMETHING HARD and insistent nestled at the juncture of my thighs. My breasts were smashed against a smooth muscular chest. And my legs were entwined with someone much larger than I was.


  I tried to shake the sleep from my mind. I was not in my berth. Memories of the club and finding Pan came flying back.

  A massive arm had me trapped on top of a perfect male specimen. I glanced up hoping that I was dreaming or perhaps that one of the lost boys had gotten lonely.

  I wasn’t afraid of them.


  Dark whiskers with a reddish tint coated the man’s jaw.


  I wriggled to try and get out from under his arm. But the instant that I did, my pussy came in closer contact with the monster between my thighs. I bit back a moan. That felt amazing.

  I glanced up again, and Pan seemed to be asleep.

  Pirates were meant to explore and plunder, I reasoned and slid my legs a bit further apart so that the length of his dick touched me right where I needed it.

  I shuddered in his arms.

  I had never really understood sex before. No one on Neverland would ever give me the time of day. Sure, I knew what my body was capable of. But I never had elicited feelings like this from my fingers before.

  I gently rocked, my eyes rolling back as the fabric of his pajama bottoms became soaked with my need.

  I looked up once again, just to be certain that Pan was still sleeping, but this time I met glitteringly hard green eyes.

  “By all means,” he rasped, “Do continue.”

  I squeaked and tried to scramble off of him, but he was stronger and faster than I was.

  I found our positions being flipped so that I was underneath his magnificent body.

  “Don’t be shy now,” his gravel tone sent shivers up my spine. “You have tortured me relentlessly all night.”

  I opened my mouth to argue, but his lips covered any protest that I might have made.

  It was a tender, exploratory kiss that I could have broken from at any moment. It was also my first kiss. I wasn’t going to miss a second of it, despite the other participant being someone I was slated to kill.

  He licked the seam of my lips urging me to open further, and the instant that I did a maelstrom of emotion overtook me. I was drowning in his dark taste. My stomach coiled into knots as my breasts peaked into hardened nubs.

  I had no idea that passion could be this enveloping, this drugging. I couldn’t help sinking my hands into his dark silky hair. The moans and groans I heard coming from my throat were nothing compared to the deep lust rising in my body.

  He kissed me like he had all day to study me, and I was his favorite subject. I wanted him to feel what I was feeling. The out of control wonder that was sweeping through my body. I met his tongue with my own, gently sweeping it into his mouth and then retreating.

  Pan growled, thrusting his hips forward into my op
en pussy.

  This racketed up things to an entirely new level.

  My hands slipped from his hair to his shoulders, feeling the breadth of their power. I felt his chest and the muscles that lined his flat stomach.

  His kiss had transitioned into a need for me. I never wanted it to stop, but I did want more of his dick rubbing against that tender spot, that was crying out for attention.

  I thrust my hips upward and was met with him biting my lower lip.

  I opened my eyes and saw that his had darkened to a terrifying degree. The next kiss was possessive. I clutched his back, my nails scraping into his skin.

  His massive cock began to rhythmically rock into my pussy. I couldn’t breathe. This was nothing like the mild orgasms that I knew of. I was climbing impossibly higher and higher.

  My hands slipped under the fabric of his pajama pants and clutched his bare ass, and I lifted and rubbed myself shamelessly against him.

  I felt his shock, but I couldn’t take even a moment to register what I had done because I was flying, soaring over the precipice of pleasure. My body shaking as he continued to thrust through the first orgasm I was ever given by another.

  “Fuck,” my eyes were closed, and I knew that my cum coated his pants.

  Pan held himself taut above me. I could still feel his length throbbing between my legs. I didn’t know what to do to help him. But I had seen Tink taking Charlie into her mouth.

  I went to slip down his body, but he stopped me.

  “Ebony,” his dark tone coating me.

  “What?” I whispered.

  “I can’t take advantage of you.”

  The words seemed to be wrenched from his lips.

  “Why not?” I demanded. Wasn’t I any good at this?

  Shame and embarrassment flooded my body. Pan had lived on earth for over a hundred years. There had to be countless women in his life. Why would he want to fuck an innocent who had threatened to kill him?

  I tried to roll out from under him, but he wouldn’t let me.

  “Tell me what you are thinking?” Pan demanded, searching my face.

  I knew that he would find the telling blush but prayed that he didn’t guess more.

  “This was a mistake,” I bit off.

  But my pussy throbbed in the most delightful way. It obviously didn’t agree.

  Pan’s eyes flashed dangerously, “Tell me what is wrong!”

  I closed my eyes so that I didn’t have to see those green eyes staring down at me.

  There was a knock at the door.

  “I hate fucking house guests,” Pan muttered.

  I almost smiled.

  “Yes?” he called out.

  Alex stood on the other side, “Eb, we need to talk.”

  CHAPTER 9 – Peter

  I HAD TO BEAT ONE OUT in the shower—twice. I can’t tell how long it has been since I lost control like that. I can only try and blame it on lack of sleep and sheer insanity.

  Because the moment I climbed into my bed and realized that Ebony was naked, the most carnal thoughts entered my brain. I would like to think that I am above such things. Hell, I have been an adult a whole lot longer than I was a kid.

  And that is saying something coming from the boy who would never grow up.

  Her skin seemed to glow in the moonlight. Even though I have a king-size bed, there was no way I would get any sleep with a gorgeous women inches away from me.

  I got up to leave, and that was when she started mumbling in her sleep. Concerned I waited to see if it would pass. But it only worsened. I told myself that I would wake Ebony and make her put some damn clothes on.

  But when I touched her shoulder she curled into me as if finally finding home. I gritted my teeth and figured that I would wait until she fell into a deeper sleep.

  That was when she crawled on top of my body, and I knew what real hell was like. Her large pillowy breasts smashed against my chest and her naked pussy straddling my cock.

  I laid awake all-night long. Every time I thought she might be asleep enough to move Ebony would latch onto me like a spider monkey. Resigning myself to my fate, I closed my eyes and waited for dawn.

  My cock was in pain. My head was pounding. And I had never spent a more erotic night without making love to the woman.

  Then she woke up.

  I feigned sleep so that she wouldn’t be embarrassed by finding herself sprawled naked over a stranger.

  Clearly, I underestimated her.

  Ebony’s tentative exploration of her body and my own was the purest form of torture. I tried to ignore it. Honestly, I did.

  But when her pussy began to soak my cock through the pajama pants, something snapped.

  In seconds I had her under me as I rutted at her like a teenager.

  I could tell by her untutored kiss that this wasn’t something she did often. It made it all the more difficult for me to stop myself from sinking between her thighs.

  Ebony had been lied to her entire life. We were on the cusp of a mission that directly involved her. The last thing she needed, was to be treated like a cheap one night stand.

  I grabbed a t-shirt for her, when Alex came knocking on the door, and practically shoved the both of them out after yanking it over her head. I know that I should have made sure she had underwear. But my shirt hung almost to her knees and covered a hell of a lot more than her club attire had.

  Leaning my head against the shower stall, I wondered how in the hell I had fallen into my current situation.

  I had no desire to fight Hook, Long John Silver, or Ebony for that matter. I had responsibilities. Hell, I owned nightclubs throughout the city of New York, Chicago, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles. I worked almost non stop.

  I couldn’t just walk away.

  But I couldn’t let her face it all alone either.

  Turning off the water, I knew that we had to move quickly.

  In ten minutes I had dressed, brushed, and started down the stairs, not bothering to shave.

  I walked in to see Ebony curled up into a corner of my couch. Her knees were tucked inside of her shirt, and if it weren't for her just fucked hair, I would think she looked like a child.

  Tink, was holding court with the lost boys. I wanted to warn them that she would chew them up and spit them out. They were no match for her sexual appetite. Well, maybe the three of them together might have a chance at keeping up.

  Alex sat across from Ebony, holding his head in his hands.

  Lilly was the only one that looked fresh as a daisy, sipping tea at the table.

  “Good morning,” my voice was still gruff from sleep.

  The assorted crew wished me a lukewarm greeting, except for Ebony.

  Her cheeks pinked, and I felt myself begin to grow.


  Alex stood up, “I was just explaining to Ebony that I think her father is in trouble. And that we need you to come with us back to Neverland.”

  Ebony narrowed her gaze, “That doesn’t make any sense. Why would my father send me away if he were in trouble? Wouldn’t he want me to help him?”

  This is where things were going to get dicey. I wanted to tell Ebony the truth. But Alex insisted that she needed time, before we ruined everything she thought that she knew about her life.

  Part of me understood what he was asking. But I had found that the truth had served me better than what was more simple at the time. However, Lilly pulled rank, stating that she and Alex knew Ebony longer than I did.

  Considering I had met her a few hours earlier, I had a hard time refuting their claim.

  So, for now, we were doing things their way. But if at any time I felt Ebony needed to know the whole of it. I would tell her.

  Their friendship be damned.

  Lilly set her cup back into her saucer, “Ebony, your father, was merely trying to protect you. Alex is right. We need Peter to come with us to Neverland. If once we get there, we are wrong, you can just run him through.”

  I scowled, that hadn’t been part of
the plan.

  Ebony wrinkled her brow, “I suppose. But why would Peter want to return to Neverland to greet his demise?”

  It was a damn good question.

  One that I had been asking myself repeatedly.

  How could I answer that I have a savior complex that involved tiny pirate captains that seduced me in their sleep? I was in more danger living in New York City, than I was on a boat to Neverland.

  Ebony wasn’t from earth. She didn’t have the same concepts and sense of realism that I did.

  “Insanity,” I offered with a quirked brow.

  Tink smirked, “I couldn’t have said that better myself.”

  Ebony eyed me. It was the first time our eyes had met and held since I shoved her out of my bedroom.

  “You will return to Neverland with us?” she asked, quietly.

  I nodded.

  “I need your word that you will not harm myself or any member of my crew.”

  I grit my jaw. If one of my business associates questioned my integrity, they would be lying flat on the floor with a black eye.

  I walked over to her holding out my hand, “I, Peter Gallagher, swear to bring no harm to Captain Ebony Hook or her crew on the Jolly Roger.”

  “Who in the hell is Peter Gallagher?” Alex flew up from his seat.

  This was going to take a while.

  CHAPTER 10 – Ebony

  PETER PAN HAD BEEN living on earth as Peter Gallagher. My father was in trouble and hadn’t told me. And here is the real kicker, somehow, I had been convinced that bringing Peter back to Neverland was the way to save my father.

  He claimed insanity. I think I have the corner share of that one locked up right and tight.

  I still felt like I was walking about in a daze as we loaded up Peter’s things, and Tinkerbell sprinkled us with pixie dust to return to the ship.


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