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Spring Fling

Page 5

by Sean Ashcroft

  “Yeah, I guess. I don’t know, I’ve always just seen her as one of Cassie’s students.” Spencer shrugged.

  “You’re really gay, aren’t you?” Jesse smiled wryly at him.

  Spencer blushed. “Well, I think you know that,” he mumbled, pretending to be extremely interested in his keyboard.

  “You might have been bi. I am.”

  “Oh.” Spencer looked up again. He’d gotten that impression, but he hadn’t been sure. Cassie was bi, too. He seemed to attract bisexual friends.

  “Problem?” Jesse asked.

  “Uh, no.” Spencer shook his head. “No problem. I was just thinking that all my friends are bi.”

  “We’re definitely still friends, then?” Jesse sounded unsure. It was strange to hear him not confident about something.

  “I’d like us to be. I know it’s weird, but…” Spencer sighed. “I’d be upset if we couldn’t still be friends. Maybe hang out sometimes, outside of work.”

  Jesse’s whole face lit up. “I’m glad you said that. I haven’t really got anyone in town, so I keep having to go places by myself. I mean, I know it’s only been a little over a week since I got here, but it was boring and lonely. I’d like to have someone to hang out with.”

  “Well, I’m not sure how exciting I’ll be, but I’m up for it,” Spencer said. Maybe he was inflicting unnecessary pain on himself, but he did want to be Jesse’s friend. He just also wanted to kiss him. They hadn’t kissed nearly enough.

  “Cool,” Jesse said. “I’ll organize something, maybe, and let you know.”

  Another knock on the door stopped Spencer from responding. This time, it was really one of Jesse’s students—a nervous-looking kid with bright green hair down to their shoulders who Spencer remembered seeing in the lecture.

  He did want to hang out with Jesse. He could do it without pining too much. Probably.

  Chapter Eight

  Every time Jesse looked over at the little potted plant Spencer had given him, he smiled. It was such a strangely thoughtful gift, one that meant a lot to him and made him feel at home here.

  Spencer, he was learning, was a strangely thoughtful man. Quiet, considerate, and a little bit of a daydreamer.

  Sometimes, Jesse caught himself watching Spencer stare out the window. There was an odd kind of innocence to it, seeing him miles away and lost in his own world.

  Jesse had always had a weakness for people like that. Dreamers, philosophers, and outright weirdos. People who marched to their own beat.

  Of course, he wasn’t supposed to have a weakness for Spencer anymore. Spencer had made his wishes clear, and Jesse didn’t begrudge him the ability to pick and choose his sexual partners for any reason he liked.

  He did get the impression that neither of them liked it, though. He felt Spencer’s eyes on him sometimes, too.

  That was the hardest part. Rejection, he could deal with. Thanks, but no thanks, was a really easy thing to get over and move on from. But it wasn’t that Spencer wasn’t interested. He knew it wasn’t every time Spencer smiled a little too shyly at him, every time they met each other’s eyes by accident.

  In principle, he even understood why fraternization policies were a thing. They were an ass-covering measure for sexual harassment cases. Probably cheaper and easier than protecting the staff from being harassed in the first place.

  But it wasn’t inherently wrong to have a thing for someone you happened to work with. Especially if the thing started before you even knew you’d be working together.

  What were the odds, really? There were three colleges within sensible commuting distance of the bar they’d met at. Jesse couldn’t have known Spencer would be teaching at the one he’d been hired by.

  He definitely couldn’t have known they were going to end up sharing an office. If he had, he probably wouldn’t have made a move on Spencer in the first place.


  Well, he almost certainly would have, as long as he hadn’t known it might get Spencer in trouble. If not for that, this had the potential to be a really hot secret relationship. Not if it was going to hurt Spencer, though. Not if it wasn’t a risk he was willing to take.

  The sound of something hitting the ground brought Jesse back to the present. He glanced over at Spencer’s desk to see him bent down under it.

  From where he was sitting, he had a great view of Spencer’s ass. The pants he wore were always closely-fitted, which meant that when he bent over, they didn’t leave a whole lot to the imagination.

  Not that Jesse had to imagine. He’d seen it in person.

  “Dammit,” Spencer swore, moving to stand up but hitting his head on the underside of the desk. He didn’t yell or wail in pain. He just sat down in the middle of the floor between their desks, blinking dazedly.

  Jesse got up to help him, offering his hand and waiting patiently for Spencer to take it. He pulled Spencer up, but overestimated his weight and ended up pulling too hard, overbalancing both of them. Jesse stumbled back, pulling Spencer with him to stabilize them. When he stopped moving, Spencer crashed against his chest, pressed up against him from shoulder to hip.

  Jesse swallowed. He could feel the heat of Spencer’s body against him, seeping into his chest even through the half-dozen layers of fabric between them. The same, familiar scent he associated with Spencer filled his nostrils, sense memory flaring up and making his skin tingle.

  He hadn’t been this close to Spencer since they’d been having sex. The memory of it was a long way from gone, especially because it was easily in Jesse’s top ten. Top five, even.

  Spencer probably didn’t think of himself as good in bed, but he was. Responsive, generous, quick to experiment when the moment called for it. Jesse had known immediately if something was working for him every time, which was what he wanted most from a partner. Feedback.

  It helped that he was surprisingly flexible, too.

  “Uh,” Jesse cleared his throat, putting a few inches of space between them by backing away. He was blushing, his face hot with the sudden flash of memory. “You okay?”

  “There was a mouse,” Spencer said by way of explanation. “A white one. Probably an escapee from the bio labs.”

  “You’re scared of mice?” Jesse raised an eyebrow. He was still reeling from the jolt of arousal he’d felt when Spencer was pressed up against him, but he was also worried that the other man might have hurt himself.

  “What?” Spencer frowned. “No, of course not. I was trying to catch it and bring it back. What if it’s a plague carrier or something?”

  “Probably better not to catch it, then,” Jesse pointed out. “Lemme see your head.”

  Spencer huffed, but turned around obediently. Jesse reached out to feel his scalp, running his fingers over a lump there. Spencer hissed the second he made contact with it.

  “Sore?” Jesse asked. He tried to keep his touch gentle, feeling out the shape of the bump Spencer had given himself. It didn’t seem too bad, but that didn’t stop Jesse from worrying. He’d seen bigger guys than Spencer take softer hits than he just had and still end up crying.

  Spencer was tougher than he looked, though. Jesse already knew that about him.

  “I’m fine,” Spencer responded. “Honestly. I’ve had worse.”

  “Yeah, well.” Jesse sighed, taking his hand away. He was still worried, but it wasn’t his place to push. “If you start feeling dizzy or nauseous or whatever, tell me so I can take you down to the medical center.”

  Spencer snorted. “Thanks, mom,” he said.

  “I’m just trying to help,” Jesse defended, rubbing the back of his neck. He didn’t want to seem overbearing, but he also didn’t want Spencer to slip into a coma because he had a concussion or something.

  Jesse was pretty sure that was possible. Maybe it wasn’t. He wasn’t a medical doctor.

  “I appreciate the sentiment, but I really am okay. The mouse is gone, though.”

  “Free from a life of literally being a lab rat.” Jesse shru
gged. “Let him have his freedom.”

  “I guess.” Spencer rolled his shoulders, pushing his glasses up his nose. “I need coffee. You want anything while I’m gone?”

  Jesse shook his head. “I’m okay. Thanks, though.”

  He watched Spencer grab his phone and go, and went back to his desk feeling just a tiny bit too hot under the collar.

  Now that he was reasonably sure Spencer hadn’t done himself any permanent damage, Jesse found himself dwelling on the way his breath had felt against the sensitive base of his throat, the way he’d gasped when he found himself pressed up against Jesse. The way his body had felt, fitting against Jesse’s perfectly again like it had the first time.

  He tried to brush the thought aside and go back to work, but it was hard to concentrate with memories of Spencer sighing and moaning under him occupying a portion of his brain. Jesse shifted uncomfortably in his chair, knowing that if he kept thinking along those lines, he wouldn’t be able to stand up in front of Spencer for a while.

  He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths, forcing himself to think of something else—anything else. Anything other than how much he wanted Spencer.

  Outright rejection would have been way, way easier.

  Chapter Nine

  Jesse had a bad habit of sucking on a pen while he worked. Spencer couldn’t figure out why, because he’d never actually seen Jesse use one—if he took a note, he did it with his phone, not with a paper notebook.

  Presumably he sometimes had to sign paper forms, but not in the office.

  It just seemed to be a habit. Normally, Spencer wouldn’t care. But it felt as though every time he’d looked up at Jesse during the day, he’d been sucking on the pen. Sometimes really going at it, cheeks hollowed and tongue making wet sounds. He chewed on it, too, the scrape of teeth audible across the room.

  Although, that part might have been Spencer’s imagination. He’d ended up spending a lot of the day thinking about Jesse’s mouth. Now, he was lying in bed, trying not to think about it.

  That particular plan wasn’t going well. His mind, traitorous as ever, wanted to show him what Jesse looked like with his eyes half-lidded, sucking eagerly on something else entirely.

  No matter how many times be tried to push the image aside, it came back. The harder he tried to forget it, the more vivid it became, until it was a surround-sound, full HD experience, and it was all about how gorgeous Jesse had looked between his legs.

  Spencer’s cock twitched. A low heat spread through his stomach, and his thighs were tense with anticipation. Need was building inside him, a deep, low heat that made him restless.

  He wasn’t going to get away with trying not to think about it, or he’d never get any sleep. With a nine o’clock lecture in the morning, that wasn’t really an option. He was too old to operate on four hours of sleep a night.

  Spencer licked his lips. Fine. Fine. It wasn’t as if fantasizing was against any rules. He was still allowed to have that.

  He closed his eyes, bringing Jesse back to mind. It wasn’t difficult—he’d never really left, just been shoved into a corner Spencer was trying not to poke at. The memory of being pressed up against him earlier, his solid chest keeping Spencer from falling, came back immediately.

  Suddenly, Jesse was naked in his mind. That was good. Naked was way better than fully clothed.

  Spencer hadn’t had the opportunity to examine all of Jesse’s tattoos as much as he wanted to the first time, so he couldn’t exactly remember where all of them were. He remembered the swirling patterns on his arms, the way it expanded out over his chest. Almost everything in black, but a few spots of color here and there.

  He’d wondered whether they were special in some way, or if they just happened to be in color. Now, he wondered how Jesse had ever gotten a teaching job looking the way he did.

  Although, under a shirt with the collar buttoned up and the sleeves rolled down, they were invisible. Spencer liked that. He liked the idea that he knew something secret about Jesse, something he didn’t show to everyone.

  Spencer trailed his hand down his stomach, tickling sensitive skin as he went, but barely pausing until he had his fingers wrapped around his half-hard cock. Jesse was naked, in front of him, ready to do anything Spencer could imagine.

  There was so much to want. Spencer leaned in to kiss him, remembering the way his lips had felt, the way he liked to nip and tease at Spencer’s mouth. Jesse’s cock was already hard against his belly, waiting for Spencer to do whatever he wanted with him.

  A moment later, their positions changed, Jesse between Spencer’s legs, kissing and biting at his thighs, leaving a bruise the same way Spencer had on him. He wanted Jesse to do that. He needed to know that Jesse wanted him as much as he wanted Jesse, that he wasn’t alone in his need.

  He dug the fingers of his free hand deep into his thigh to mimic the feeling, telling himself it was Jesse’s mouth there, that Jesse would want everything Spencer wanted if they could be together.

  “All mine,” Jesse murmured, smirking up at him. Even in his own mind, Spencer couldn’t reply before Jesse slid his lips down the length of his cock, sucking expertly, making Spencer spread his legs further, open himself up. He shuddered, a wave of arousal rolling through him at the image.

  He wanted more, though. He tugged on Jesse’s shoulder to get his attention, and Jesse just knew what he wanted, because he didn’t have to force himself to speak in his own fantasy. Letting go of Spencer’s cock, Jesse moved up the bed, covering Spencer’s body with his own.

  Prep work was practically instant, because it could be. It wasn’t that Spencer didn’t enjoy it, but he wanted the main event. He wanted to feel Jesse inside him again, filling him completely. It had been so good after so long that Spencer had barely been able to stop thinking about it. As soon as his mind wasn’t occupied with something else, the feeling had come back to him as if he really was experiencing it all over again.

  Spencer bit his lip as Jesse eased his way inside him, a tiny, desperate Jesse breaking free from his lips. It felt so good, so real that Spencer could almost feel himself being stretched and filled, a tight, heavy feeling settling in his belly.

  In the real world, he spat on his hand and teased his hole with a fingertip, too engrossed in the fantasy to look for lube so he could go further. This was enough. He had a very active imagination.

  He moaned out loud as Jesse stopped in his mind, in as far as he could go. Spencer’s chest was heaving, his stomach tight with arousal as he remembered the feeling. Jesse’s cock was in proportion to the rest of him—a little bigger than average, but not too big. Just big enough to make Spencer bite his lip, wriggle down onto him to get a tiny bit closer.

  Spencer was close to coming now, his cock leaking precome and making his fingers slick. Just a little more, and he could sleep. He imagined wrapping his legs around Jesse’s waist, pressing their bodies as close together as he could, trapping his cock between their stomachs as Jesse moved inside him. Slow, at first, but then faster, harder.

  In his mind, Spencer could hear the bedsprings creaking, the wood of the bed frame groaning with every thrust. His breath was coming in short gasps, pressure building inside him so fast that he felt like he was in danger of bursting.

  “You feel amazing,” Jesse murmured, an echo of something he’d said during the course of their night together. Spencer had held that close to his heart, thrilling at the idea that someone found him so attractive. It was still a huge turn-on now, making his cock twitch in his hand.

  When Jesse had come home with him, he’d promised he hadn’t forgotten how to have sex. That was true, but he had almost forgotten how good it could feel. Now, he couldn’t drag his mind away from the intense, toe-curling pleasure of being so full, so absolutely satisfied by a partner.

  By Jesse. Jesse specifically. He was pretty sure sex had never been quite this good when he was younger, when he’d been having it with different people. He was older now, and fucking someone much m
ore experienced.

  Spencer arched off the mattress as he came, allowing himself a shout as he spilled all over his hand and stomach. He groaned as he sank back into the mattress, then sighed. Normally he’d want to clean up before he slept, but he was already exhausted, and didn’t want to risk waking himself up.

  Orgasms were better than any sleeping pill. Especially the fantastic ones he’d had with Jesse, the ones that had left him sensitive all over and completely worn out when they were finished. He’d curled up against Jesse without complaint, letting himself soak in the warmth of Jesse’s body, listened to his heartbeat, and been lulled to sleep by his slow, rhythmic breathing.

  Fantasizing wasn’t breaking any rules. No one ever needed to know that he’d had to masturbate to the thought of Jesse fucking him to get to sleep. Tomorrow, he’d go into work, and he’d be able to look Jesse in the eye and get on with it.

  At least, that was what he was telling himself. This didn’t have to mean anything. Jesse was just his latest sexual partner. Of course he was fantasizing about him in the absence of another one.

  Even as he closed his eyes and let his mind shut off, Spencer knew that was a lie. He hadn’t forgotten about Jesse, and he wasn’t sure he was going to anytime soon.

  This was only going to make it worse, but at least he’d get a good night’s sleep out of it.

  Chapter Ten

  The couch Spencer had put in a request for turned up much faster than Jesse had expected. He found out it had been approved—and delivered—by walking into their office and finding Spencer napping on it.

  He’d wanted to talk to him about how to deal with a student who was already putting him in an awkward position, but he didn’t have the heart to wake him. His glasses were hanging halfway off his face and his hair was more of a mess than usual, which made him look exhausted.

  Not wanting him to hurt himself, Jesse took Spencer’s glasses off carefully and set them on the edge of his desk. Spencer rolled over in his sleep, making a soft, sleepy noise. The sound, combined with the way Spencer looked, left Jesse breathless for a half-second.


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